Constitution and By-Laws Men of God Article I Section 1: Name of the organization The name of the organization shall be Men of God. Section 2: Purpose of the organization Men of God is a Christ-centered ministry for the men of the Grove City College campus. Its mission is to challenge males to be Godly men of integrity who will influence and serve the Grove City community and beyond through service projects. As an equipping ministry the organization hosts frequent small group meetings and amiable fellowship. Men of God aims to foster deep Christian character and spiritual leadership in its members by providing accountability and mentoring of Christian brotherhood. This is in accordance with the mission of the college to foster spiritual and social development. Article II MISSION OF THE COLLEGE Section 1: Men of God will promote the mission of Grove City College by providing the men of the Grove City College campus with fellowship, accountability, and growth supporting their faith. Article III STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Section 1: Men of God shall abide by the standards of conduct set forth in the Crimson, the College handbook. Article IV MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Any current male Grove City College student shall be eligible to be a member of this organization. Section 2: Male Grove City College students who request to become members will be placed in small groups, thereby becoming members. Section 3: There are no requirements for members to be able to attend any of the organization’s group activities. Article V LEADERSHIP Section 1: Leadership Structure A subset of the members of Men of God shall be selected to serve as small group leaders. Of these small group leaders, several shall be elected to officer positions and serve as President, Vice President, and in any other officer positions. Officer elections shall follow the process described in Article IV of the Bylaws. Section 2: Small Group Leader Small group leaders must be members who have participated in a Men of God small group for at least one semester and have demonstrated leadership skills and spiritual maturity. Anyone who displays these qualities and so desires may become a leader based on selection by his small group’s leader(s) in the spring semester. Every small group leader is expected to come to periodic leadership meetings. Small group leaders are responsible for holding weekly small group meetings. Some small groups may be led jointly by two small group leaders. Small group leaders are not necessarily officers, although from among them some will be elected as officers. Section 3: President The president of this organization shall be a current small group leader. He shall have general oversight of the organization and shall also represent the organization to the Grove City College administration. He is responsible for overseeing and organizing the activities of the organization. He shall also manage the group’s finances in the absence of a group treasurer. Section 4: Vice President The vice president of this organization shall be a current small group leader. He shall assist the president in his duties. This includes moderating leadership meetings when the president is not present. Section 5: Other Officer positions Other officer positions may be created based upon the availability of small group leaders qualified to help with the administration of the organization. The creation of such officer positions shall be decided upon by the president and vice president of the organization. Section 6: Leaders’ Covenant All members who join the leadership team (whether as small group leaders or as small group leaders and officers) are expected to sign the Men of God Leadership Commitment Statement. This is a document not part of this constitution but a consensual and periodically revisable statement of core priorities that all leaders are asked to support and follow. Article VI Executive Committee Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be comprised of a president, vice president, and any other positions they choose to create for the current year. Section 2: The duties of the Executive Committee are as described in Article V Sections 2 & 3. Article VII ADVISOR Section 1: How the advisor shall be determined. The advisor shall be a male Grove City College faculty or staff member selected by a simple majority of the voting small group leaders. Section 2: The Administrative Council must approve the advisor for the group. Section 3: The advisor to the organization should provide counsel to the group with regard to all of its activities. The advisor should take an active role in all the organization’s activities. The advisor is expected to attend the weekly leadership meetings. Section 4: The advisor shall verify the constitution by his signature before submission to the Administrative Council for review. The advisor shall also approve any amendments to the constitution before they are submitted to the Administrative Council for approval. Article VIII AMENDMENTS Section 1: Any amendment to this constitution shall be drafted by a small group leader and approved by the advisor before coming to a vote. Any vote must take place at a regularly scheduled small group leaders meeting. Amendments to the constitution must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the small group leaders of the organization. Section 2: All amendments to the constitution must be approved by the Administrative Council. Article IX IMPEACHMENT AND REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND LEADERS Section 1: Any leader (small group leader or small group leader/officer) in the organization may be removed from office for offenses including, but not necessarily limited to, gross neglect of duty, misuse of official position, or failure to abide by the Grove City Standards of Conduct as defined in the Crimson. Section 2: In the event that a member has charges to bring against a leader, the organization shall follow the impeachment process described in Section 3 of Article IX, below, to determine whether the officer is guilty of the charges. The matter shall be resolved internally between the leadership and the faculty advisor. Upon a 2/3 majority vote the leader shall be removed from the organization. If this removes the only small group leader that a particular small group has, its members shall be asked to choose another small group to join, or another small group leader will be transferred from a group with two leaders. Section 3: The impeachment process contains three distinct steps: declaration of charges, hearing/review of charges, and judgment. Declaration of Charges The member of the club who has a charge to bring against a leader and therefore wishes to initiate the impeachment process shall make his intentions known to the person charged before submitting in writing a charge to the president, or if he is the one being charged, to the vice president. The officer receiving the charge shall acknowledge receipt in writing. The faculty advisor shall be notified and shall function in an advisory capacity to the president (or vice president, if applicable). Officer Review of Charges The president(or vice president, if applicable) and the member bringing forth the charge shall then speak to the charged leader. If this leader refuses to step down from his position and the problem is not resolved at this stage, the process shall move on to the hearing of charges. The president (or vice president, if applicable) shall have the authority to dismiss charges if he thinks they are not legitimate. General Leadership Hearing/Review of Charges The president (or vice president, if applicable) shall then call a meeting of the leadership to hear and review the matter. The member bringing the charge against the officer shall be invited to present his case to this group, and the officer being charged shall be invited to respond to the charges. Judgment Upon conclusion of the hearing, the leaders not being charged shall review the matter and vote as to whether removal from office occurs; a twothirds majority of these leaders is required to remove the accused from office. If this majority is not reached, or if the leaders are able to resolve the matter at this hearing, the impeachment process shall be considered “resolved” and shall conclude at this step. Officers removed from their positions as officers are not thereby removed from their positions as small group leaders. If an officer is removed from his position as an officer, an additional two-thirds majority vote of the leaders not being charged is required to remove him from his position as a small group leader as well. If any officer is to be relieved of his position, elections shall be held as soon as possible to fill the vacancy. No attorneys will be present during any of the impeachment proceedings. BY-LAWS Article I MEETINGS Section 1: The frequency and time of small group meetings will be determined by each individual group. Meetings for all small group leaders will occur approximately monthly on a day and time determined at the beginning of each year by the leadership team. This day and time may be changed by the leadership team throughout the year as they see necessary. Based on the Men of God Leadership Commitment Statement, small group leaders may be expected to meet with a smaller number of other small group leaders, as well. Section 2: The locations of small group meetings shall be determined by the members of each group at the beginning of each semester and may also be subject to change during the school year. Article II SUSPENSION OF ACTIVE MEMBERS Section 1: There are no regulations with regard to suspending regular members who are not small group leaders or small group leaders and officers due to absence or lack of participation. Regulations for the suspension of leaders are stated in Article IX of the Constitution. Article III FINANCES Section 1: There are no dues associated with participation in Men of God. Section 2: Funds to be used on campus for the organization’s events shall be provided for through the Men of God budget. Funds may also be received from private donors. Section 3: The funds in the treasury are to be used for the organization’s events only. Section 4: Money allotted from the Religious Activities Committee must be spent on campus or on activities open to and advertised to the whole campus, in accordance with Religious Activities Committee guidelines. Other money may be spent at Men of God’s discretion. Section 5: The budget will be prepared by the president or a treasurer, if one is selected, for the following academic year each spring semester. It shall be approved by officers after discussion and approval by the president, vice president, and faculty advisor. Article IV ELECTIONS Section 1: A person running for any of the offices of the Executive Committee must be a current small group leader. Section 2: Candidates for the positions of president and vice president will be nominated by other small group leaders prior to the all-leaders’ meeting when elections will be held. If the new president has decided to have other officer position(s) for the coming year, these position(s) shall be elected at the next regular leadership meeting after the president announces these position(s). The nomination process is not necessary for these position(s). Section 3: Election of the president and vice president shall take place at an all-leaders’ meeting in March each year. This process shall be announced at least one week beforehand. Section 4: The new president and vice president shall assume duties at the beginning of April. Any other officers shall assume duties upon election. Officer elections shall be held each year regardless of whether the officers will be returning or not. Should any new officers be elected, the previous ones will be expected to give encouragement and advice as needed by the new officers. Section 5: All officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote. Revised April 2009