Title: Design a Solar Hot Water Heater System, Part I Activity: This is a worksheet to size the collector for a Solar Hot Water Heater System. I have used various parts in Solar Thermal Processes Class and Energy Management classes. It can be a 1-2 session in-class exercise or a longer term project where students research background information. Instructor name: Matt Bullwinkel, SUNY Canton (Adapted from Florida Solar Energy Center1 and “Solar Hot Water Installers Course”2) Discipline: Alternative and Renewable Energy Objective: Students size a collector and tank for a solar hot water heater and estimate the savings by replacing an electric how water heater by a solar hot water heater. They employ concepts such as Costs of Electricity, Unit Conversion and Energy Calculations, Energy Terminology, Solar Energy Systems, Design Trade-offs. Grade Level: High School/Community College AET Solar Example Solar Installation in Colorado (http://www.aetsolar.com/solar_photo_album/) Florida Solar Energy Center: “Simplified Sizing Procedure for Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems” FSEC-GP-10-83 (http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/consumer/solar_hot_water/homes/index.htm) 2 summer 2007, Sullivan County Comm. College, Loch Sheldrake, NY. Dr. Gay Canough, Master Trainer, ETM Solar Works, Endicott, NY www.etmsolar.com) 1 1. Introduction: Solar hot water heaters can be used to provide domestic hot water (DHW) and heat for home heating. DHW is used for things such as showers, laundry and dishwashing. DHW is one of the major uses of energy in a home. Often DHW heaters use electric power to heat the water which is very expensive-however they are very convenient to install since they do not require the venting of combustion products that natural gas, oil or propane heaters do. Solar Energy is FREE and does not have the environmental effects that burning fossil fuels has. In this worksheet you will design a system and estimate the energy savings that are possible by installing a solar hot water heater on your home assuming you have an electric DHW heater. You should complete underlined sections in bold italic print*. HAVE FUN! To start: How many gallons of hot water do you think you use per day? ________gallons/day How much do think it costs you per year for the hot water you use? $ __________/year Sun’s Radiation Collector Aux. Electric Heater Tank Figure 1 Solar Hot System Florida Solar Energy Center www.fsec.ucf.edu A diagram of one type of solar hot water system is shown in Figure 1 below. You can imagine that to do a complete design of a solar DHW system is fairly involved. But we can get a good idea of the savings by making a few approximations. Find the Collector and Hot Water Tank on the diagram: we will be determining how big to make them. A collector or Panel is usually made of tubes welded to a metal plate covered by a piece of glass. The plate absorbs the sun’s radiation and heats up. Water with antifreeze is pumped from the tank through the absorber tubes, absorbing the heat. The hot water then flows back to the tank, heating the water in the tank. Notice there is an auxiliary electric heater. It is usually only economical rely on solar to provide from 60-90% of the energy needed and to use a conventional auxiliary heater such as an electric heater to provide backup when the sun is not shining. We will see that this still represents a very significant savings! * Sample data and calculations are shown to illustrate what students would do The main steps are: Establish your Energy Costs: Estimate the hot water storage needed (tank size) Calculate the amount of Energy needed to heat the water Estimate the Annual Cost of Electricity needed to heat the water Estimate the amount of Solar Energy that is available at your location Calculate the area of solar collector needed Determine the savings by installing a solar hot water system 2. Establish your Energy Costs: Collect the electric bills at your house for the past year1. Tabulate the Month, usage and bill amount in the table below Month Usage (kWh) January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1 Total Bill ($) 2,065 1,783 1,771 1,474 1,009 679 640 1,080 1,026 1,215 1,579 1,443 15,764 $297.66 $280.33 $259.06 $226.74 $154.80 $121.65 $105.27 $175.05 $166.70 $188.85 $233.28 $217.26 $2,426.65 Your instructor can supply you with some sample bills if you don’t have any! Calculate price of Electricity: Annual Total Cost / Annual Total Usage = $2,426.65/15,764 kWh= $ 0.15 /kWh 3. Estimate the hot water storage size needed per day Select the number of people in the family: ____3___ Calculate the amount of water storage needed: __60_____ gal/day (Assume 20 gallons per day for first two people, 15 gallons per day for each additional person. Round to nearest 10 gallons or commonly available tank size) (Was your beginning guess close? ) 4. Calculate the amount of Energy needed to heat water Cold Water at temperature TSupply (typically 50oF) is supplied to your house from a well or city supply. Whatever amount you use from part 3 has to be heated to the temperature of hot water tank TTank (usually should be set to about 120oF). The formula for the amount of heat Q required to raise the temperature of water is Q mC p TTank Tsup ply m is the mass of water in the tank in lbs. The mass can be calculated by multiplying the volume of water in gallons times the density of water which is about 8.34 lbs/gallon m = Volume in tank x Density of water = ___60____gallons x 8.34 lbs/gallon= 501_lbs Cp – It takes 1 BTU (British Thermal Unit) to raise 1 lb of water by 1o F Calculate the amount energy needed: Q= _500_____ lbs x _ BTU/(lb-oF) x (__120__ - __50__) oF =____32,070_ BTU’s/day How many BTU’s are required annually? Q= ____32,070_______BTU’s/day x 365 days/year =__11,700,000 BTU’s/year It is usually only economical to rely on solar to provide from 60-90% of the energy needed and to use a conventional auxiliary heater such as an electric heater to provide backup when the sun is not shining. Typically we design for 70% (see extension #4 at end though!). Qdesign=Q __11,700,000 BTU’s/day x 0.7 =__8,190,000 BTUs/year supplied by Solar 5. Calculate the Annual Cost needed to heat the water using Electricity First we have to make a conversion between energy units in kWh and BTU’s 3,412 BTU = 1 kWh So from part our electricity cost is: ___ BTUs/year (part 4) x 1 kWh/ 3,412 BTU x $/kWh (part 2) 11,700,000_ BTU’s/year x 1 kWh/ 3,412 BTU x _0.15 $/kWh= $ 515 /yr ! (Was your beginning guess close? Since Solar Energy is FREE we now save the cost of heating the portion that is heated by solar: 8,190,000_ BTU’s/year x 1 kWh/ 3,412 BTU x _0.15 $/kWh= $ 360 /yr savings! 6. Estimate the amount of Solar Energy that is available at your location The amount of solar energy that falls on a collector is called the insolation. One disadvantage of solar energy is that it is very predict insolation at any given time. You can imagine that it would depend on the angle of the sun in the sky, the tilt of collector and the hardest to predict: how cloudy the sky is. A way around this is to use an average number that is based on many years of collected data for locations around the U.S. This is shown in the Table 1 on page 8. Find how much average insolation falls on your location: Find the city that is closest to your location in Table 1 : __Syracuse NY___ From Table 1, how much insolation falls on per day : __1000_BTU/ft^2-day___ (Use a 45o tilt ) 7. Calculate the area of solar collector needed There are three steps to determine the area needed for the collector of energy that the solar hot water heater can supply. Solar Collectors have been tested by the SRCC (Solar Rating and Certification Corporation) to see how much heat they can capture from the available solar radiation. Choose a make and model of collector: There are many manufacturers of solar thermal collectors. You can find one the web. The SRCC website (http://www.solar-rating.org/ratings/ratings.htm) lists manufacturers. Or you can use the information from Table 2 below. Make ___HELIODYNE________ Model ____Gobi 410_______ Find how much solar energy we get for a given area of a selected collector: Solar Collectors are only able to collect a portion of the available solar radiation that falls on them at any given time. Many collectors have been tested. The results are reported in tables like the one below a listing at the SRCC website This amount depends on the “Category (Ti-Ta)” (the difference between the inlet water temperature to the collector and the air temperature) and whether the insolation conditions are “CLEAR DAY”, “MILDLY CLOUDY” or “CLOUDY DAY” Table 2 Ratings of Sample Collector a)Choose category C or D ___D________(Syracuse) (If you live in a warm climate then choose C, if a cold climate use D.) b) Choose an insolation category Your results from step 6, say that on average 1000_BTU/ft^2-day falls on your location Now Choose an insolation category that is less than or equal to this number: “CLEAR DAY” (2000 BTU/ft^2-d) “MILDLY CLOUDY” (1500 BTU/ft^2-d) ___________ ___________ “CLOUDY DAY” (1000 BTU/ft^2-d) ______X____ c) Find the performance rating for these conditions in Table 2: For category __D_ and ___“CLOUDY DAY” insolation conditions the collector provides 4 x 1000 BTU/panel per day = 4,000 BTU/panel per day (Example : If we have Milwaukee WI Table 1 on page 7 gives us an insolation level of about 1200 BTU/ft2-d. Milwaukee WI is considered a cold climate so we can use D. Since 1200 is between the mildly cloudy and cloudy conditions we would use an insolation category of “CLOUDY DAY” (1000 BTU/ft^2-d). Basically we are saying that on average the collector will experience an insolation level equivalent to a cloudy day conditions) d) Find the number of panels required: __8,190,000 BTUs/year supp by Solar x 1 year/365 days = 22,438 BTU/panel per day 22,438 BTU/panel per day /4,000 BTU/panel per day = 5.6 panels = 6 panels (Round up to nearest integer: can’t install a fraction of a panel!) e) Find the area of panels required: From table the gross area of this collector is 32.35 (4x8 ft) ft2 per panel 32.35 ft2 per panel x 6 panels = 194 ft2 8. Extensions Congratulations! You have come up with a preliminary design for a solar hot water system. Here are some ideas for further investigation: 1) What are there other equipment would you need to design for a complete system? 2) Find the cost of the collector you selected on the web. How long will it take for your electricity savings to pay for the collector? 3) What adjustments can you make to your calculations to reduce the system cost? (Hint: Are there any things you can do to reduce your hot water energy cost WITHOUT installing a Solar system?) 4) If you used Category D and CLOUDY DAY conditions in part 7, your design would result in a large number of panels which may not be economical. Notice in Table 1 that the BTU/ft2-day rating triples in moving to MILDLY CLOUDY=1500 BTU/ft2-day. Table 3 on page 8, shows this is true for about 6-8 months of the year for northern locations. We could design based on this and live with whatever we get in the winter. How many panels would be required then? Table 3 Daily Average Insolation by Month Massena, NY Month January February March April May June July August September October November December BTU/ft^2day 530 826.8 1177.66 1479.76 1753.24 1921.78 1928.14 1612.26 1242.32 822.56 490.78 416.58 (http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/1961-1990/redbook/mon2/state.html)