Use These Scoring Codes for Perkins Action Plan Expenditure

Use These Scoring Codes for Perkins Action Plan Expenditure Requests
Codes for Required Perkins Activities
R-1: Integration of academics and career and technical education
R-2: Linkage of secondary and postsecondary career and technical programs
R-3: All aspects of an industry
R-4: Use of technology
R-5: Professional development
R-6: Evaluation of career and technical education program(s)
R-7: Initiate, improve, expand and modernize career and technical education
R-8: Sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective
R-9: Activities to prepare special populations
Codes for Permissive Perkins Activities:
P-1: Involvement of parents, businesses, and labor organizations
P-2: Provide career guidance and academic counseling
P-3: Education and business partnerships
Examples of Uses of Perkins Funds for Various Activity Categories
Curric Materials/Resources that encourage dev. of Content area Literacy skills
Materials illustrating cte-embedded math instruction
Professional Development to integrate Math-in-CTE
Curriculum work to crosswalk math & CTE standards
Curriculum development & teacher prep for offering dual credit and articulated
courses within CTE areas.
Purchase of graphics software aligned with KCC equipment
Career Education Program funding (ex. Career Cruising)
Review & resign CTE course articulation agreements
Develop Pathway Planners which lead into multiple postsecondary programs
Business Simulation software/resources to enhance entrepreneurship concepts
The Workplace Learning Connection shadow/internship fees
Review & integrate All Aspects into the CTE curriculum
Digital cameras for graphic arts photography course
PLTW simulation software
Teacher attendance @ IACTE, IBEA, AAFCS, IFCSEP, ITEC etc. prof. conference
Teacher participation in tech-tool workshop
Teacher participating in Area X Perkins Consortium Professional Development
Stipends for businesses to assess CTE program alignment with industry standards
Staff time to prepare CTE program materials for accreditation visit
Work with Department of Education regarding third party assessment strategies
Install LCD data-video projectors to enhance instruction
Upgrade computers to handle software used in CTE industry
Curriculum development and writing
Purchase Baby Simulator for new Child Development class
Modernize computer lab to enable more students to access AutoCad software
Funds for TWLC to set up shadows & work experiences for students with disabilities
Collaborate with Special Need faculty regarding CTE Programs
Supplies for parent/business CTE open house reception
Purchase Kuder Academic/Career assessment software license
Funds for CTE students to take Work Keys assessment
Develop Pathway Planners to enhance 4-year student plans
Career Fair
Develop a business partnership for a CTE program such as Project Lead The Way
Workplace Learning Connection student or teacher tours of industry.
P-4: Provide programs for special populations
P-5: Assist career and technical student organizations
P-6: Mentoring and support services
P-7: Leasing, purchasing, upgrading or adapting instructional equipment
P-8: Teacher preparation
P-9: Develop and expand accessible postsecondary program offerings
P-10: Facilitate the transition of students to baccalaureate degree programs
P-11: Entrepreneurship education and training
P-12: Improvement or developing new career and technical education courses
P-13: Develop and support small, personalized career-learning communities
P-14: Support for family and consumer sciences programs
P-15: Programs for adults and school dropouts
P-16: Assistance in continuing educ. or training or finding an appropriate job
P-17: Support training in non-traditional fields
P-18: Support for training programs in automotive technologies
P-19: Pool funds with other eligible recipients for innovative initiatives
P-20: Support other career-tech education activities consistent w/Perkins Act
Fund students with disabilities to participate in Career Connections transition progrm
Specialized CTE programs/activities for minority youth
Pay travel expenses for instructor to attend BPA fall leadership conference
Establish a CTE student organization such as HOSA, BPA, etc.
Funds for business mentoring program
Utensils for FCS foods classes
Replace outdated band saw
Tuition reimbursement for completion of CTE licensure coursework
Establish new Career Edge program in partnership with Kirkwood
Curriculum development, teacher preparation for offering dual credit and
articulated courses within CTE areas
Dual credit and articulated course development
Career pathway development for students within the CTE areas
Honorarium for entrepreneur to co-teach CTE class
Curriculum Writing or Re-writing
Supplementary Textbook &/or software purchase????
Attend PD for Career Academy faculty to improve course outcomes
Stipend teachers to write curriculum to improve existing cte courses or new courses
Purchase equipment for the AEA to be shared by all FCS teachers
Career Fair
Career Fair
Posters illustrating underrepresented groups in certain industries
Curriculum materials/software/fieldtrips
3-district consortium funds for PLTW instructor
Collaborate with other school districts to establish a Career Academy program