
Date: March 2011, AGM report, Charlie Gorham
This report contains details of initiatives being undertaken by;
The Keg & Cask Committee and Keg & Cask Working Committee (including SIBA)
The Returnable Assets Management Panel (RAMP) and Spa Trak user group forum
These details have been communicated to all members throughout the year via the website, forum, Bulletin and
regional meetings.
The SIBA Bulletin also contains warnings, links to relevant documents and databases, Keg Watch figures and
messages on how to improve container repatriation.
The Wales & West region and the South West region have been repatriating containers from the Coors yard in
Burton by regularly communicating the Coors inventory to its members via email.
SIBA Container Management
The SIBA container repatriation scheme was handed over to the Commercial arm of SIBA before the
last National AGM. Projects are still ongoing regarding reviving and improvement of the SIBA Cask
repatriation scheme.
Keg & Cask Committee
Rescoping UK standard container specifications, including best practice guidelines on pressure
testing of new and old containers
The Committee is looking at establishing a minimum performance specification, against which containers could
be benchmarked.
The 50 litre container spec has now been completed. 20 litre, 30 litre and 100 litre are being drawn up following
the same template.
Our next meeting will start work on the specs for casks. All cask suppliers have been invited on to the
committee to ensure full supply chain involvement.
There will be four documents, available in pdf format for use as one document or seperately, as required, these
will be held on BFBi, BBPA and SIBA websites
Guidelines for purchasing containers
The guidelines have been available on the SIBA and BFBi websites since the last National AGM. The only
amendments have been regarding aluminium containers and the recommendation that containers purchased
outside of the EU should be independently tested to EU standards
As a member of SIBA you are responsible for adhering to Technical Circular Keg & Casks - Technical
Circular 418. The main areas covered are;
Order processing
Outlet delivery
Return to depot
Container sorting
Container repatriation
Creating & managing container database
Spa Trak
Spa Trak allows you to see where your containers are in other yards and let other brewers
know that you have theirs ready for collection
Spa Trak had a system clear down on 1st August 2010. This helps to keep the data clean.
Please remember to remove containers that have been collected from the system. The next
clear down is scheduled for April 2011
For your password contact
Repairers of kegs & casks should register with Spa-Trak in order to repatriate “foreign”
containers received, noting what they can and cannot accommodate – i.e. palletising, shrink
wrapping of containers.
Container Master Database
 . The BBPA were supposed to move to a shared site, and the new
SIBA logo incorporated. Neither has happened yet.
Improvements were made throughout the year to improve functionality
Database is useful to;
New brewers when choosing container colours
Sorting yards
Brewer yards in general for inventory and repatriation
Heineken & Coors have introduced deposits onto their export containers. The deposit scheme for the UK is still
under review.
There is now a loss calculator available from the BBPA for anyone to use.
Keg Watch
Organisational changes were made to the board in 2010, Stuart Chapman has now been elected as Chairman
Operational Activity:
From April 2010 to September 2010
From 471 closed premises Kegwatch recovered:
13,367 containers
2875 gas cylinders
These represent a replacement value of £1,218,150 and an avoidable cost to the industry of £97,452.
Keg Watch completed a number of raids and prosecutions in 2010. Some of which you may have seen on the
It appears that it is getting harder to scrap containers without the correct documentation and proof of ownership
at scrap yards. This is great news as it means that the message is getting through. If you need to scrap your
containers, please make sure that you check the keg and cask disposal and scrapping accreditation below on
the SIBA website.
o EBAY—reminder
Please try to avoid selling your containers on ebay. It undermines the work being done by Keg Watch in
protecting our containers and also costs a lot for the wasted investigation.
You can sell them on the SIBA website if you wish. They will be snapped up very quickly. Just make sure that
you have proof of ownership.
Keg Aware
Keg Aware communications and merchandise are available from
When it comes to the safe and secure management of kegs and casks, everyone, from brewers to wholesalers
and pubs, has a key role to play. That’s why the trade has been working together to ensure we all do our bit to
encourage best practice in container management – at every stage in the supply chain.
1 - KEEP THEM SAFE: Store them safely – store all containers in a safe place, preferably inside,
from delivery to collection.
2 - SECURE THEM! If containers are left outside – secure them and don’t use them for any other purpose.
3 - PROMPT RETURN - Always return empty containers on each delivery and request the collection of surplus
empties promptly to ensure containers always move efficiently through the system.
4 CHECK YOUR PAPERWORK - Check your delivery note – when your empties are collected, always check
that the right numbers are entered on the delivery note.
5 - ALWAYS SIGN - Sign it! – always sign your delivery note for both fulls and empties.
6 - ASK FOR ID - If in doubt, ask for identification – only authorised staff will collect your empties
Send written and photographic evidence through to
6 complaints in 12 months
o 5 misuse
o 1 conversion