1 2 Appendix S1. Dispersal modes and habitat affinities of 228 plant species, with references. This table contains the 228 plant species included in analyses of community composition in 128 wetland sites in the Gault 3 Nature Reserve on Mont St. Hilaire, in southern Québec, Canada. We surveyed all vascular plants and excluded genera that could not 4 be identified to species in vegetative condition (e.g., Impatiens, Viola) and species present at only one site. Nomenclature follows the 5 PLANTS database (United States Department of Agriculture 2008). 6 Dispersal mode designations were based on direct observations of dispersal, if available (e.g., Handel 1978; Boedeltje et al. 7 2003; Myers et al. 2004), or on direct observations of seed or fruit morphology. References to personal observations, Britton and 8 Brown (1913), and Montgomery (1977) indicate that dispersal modes were inferred from seed or fruit morphology. In some cases 9 these inferences were corroborated by other compilations of dispersal modes (e.g., Matlack 1994; Cain et al. 1998; Aubin et al. 2007). 10 The table specifies where inferences were made from references to congeners. Many additional references, both to observations of 11 dispersal and to inferences based on morphology, are accessible through the Seed Information Database (Liu et al. 2008). The Birds 12 of North America database (Poole 2005) also contains many references to observations of seed dispersal by birds. For our analyses, 13 we grouped species with evidence or apparent adaptations for only short-distance dispersal (by ants, explosion, splash, or gravity; 14 Vittoz & Engler 2007). Species with evidence or apparent adaptations for both long- and short-distance dispersal (e.g., Trillium 15 erectum and T. grandiflorum) were included with species with the potential for long-distance dispersal. 16 17 We classified species’ habitat affinities based on their National Wetlands Inventory indicator status (United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1998). The National Wetlands Inventory categories represent species’ likelihood of occurrence in wetlands versus 1 uplands. They have been developed and revised by regional panels based on field experience and botanical literature and used in the 2 identification and classification of wetlands since 1977 (United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1988). Here, they provide a 3 qualitative ranking of species’ affinity for wetland habitats. We combined species into three groups: wetland, facultative, and upland 4 species. The facultative group includes all of the facultative categories of the National Wetlands Inventory classification. 5 6 Species Habitat Dispersal mode(s) References(s) 7 Abies balsamea Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 8 Acer pensylvanicum Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 9 Acer rubrum Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 10 Acer saccharum Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 11 Acer spicatum Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 12 Adiantum pedatum Facultative Wind Personal observation 13 Agrostis perennans Facultative Vertebrate (ingested), Wind Ridley 1930 (congeners) 14 Alisma triviale Wetland Water Liu et al. 2008 15 Alnus incana Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 16 Amaranthus retroflexus Facultative Vertebrate (ingested), Water, Wind Beal 1898; Myers et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2008 17 Amelanchier arborea Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 1 Amphicarpaea bracteata Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 2 Anemone virginiana Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 3 Aralia nudicaulis Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 4 Aralia racemosa Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 5 Arctium minus Upland Vertebrate (adhesive) Personal observation 6 Arisaema triphyllum Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 7 Asarum canadense Facultative Ant Handel et al. 1981 8 Asclepias syriaca Upland Wind Personal observation 9 Athyrium filix-femina Facultative Wind Personal observation 10 Betula alleghaniensis Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 11 Betula papyrifera Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 12 Bidens cernua Wetland Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 13 Bidens frondosa Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 14 Botrychium virginianum Facultative Wind Personal observation 15 Brachyelytrum erectum Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 16 Caltha palustris Wetland Splash, Water Liu et al. 2008 17 Calystegia sepium Facultative Water Boedeltje et al. 2003 1 Cardamine diphylla Facultative Gravity Handel et al. 1981; Matlack 1994; Aubin et al. 2007 2 Cardamine pensylvanica Wetland Gravity Handel et al. 1981; Matlack 1994; Aubin et al. 3 2007; Liu et al. 2008 (congeners) 4 Carex appalachica Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 5 Carex arctata Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 6 Carex bromoides Facultative Gravity Personal observation 7 Carex brunnescens Facultative Gravity Personal observation 8 Carex canescens Wetland Water Skoglund 1990; Personal observation 9 Carex communis Upland Ant Handel 1978; Personal observation 10 Carex comosa Wetland Vertebrate (adhesive); Water Plourde 2007; Personal observation 11 Carex crinita Wetland Water Plourde 2007; Personal observation 12 Carex deweyana Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 13 Carex gracillima Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 14 Carex gynandra Wetland Water Personal observation 15 Carex intumescens Facultative Water Plourde 2007; Personal observation 16 Carex leptalea Wetland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 17 Carex leptonervia Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 1 Carex pedunculata Upland Ant Handel et al. 1981; Personal observation 2 Carex pensylvanica Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 3 Carex plantaginea Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 4 Carex platyphylla Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 5 Carex prasina Wetland Water Personal observation 6 Carex projecta Facultative Wind Personal observation 7 Carex pseudocyperus Wetland Vertebrate (adhesive); Water Leck & Schutz 2005; Plourde 2007; Personal 8 observation 9 Carex radiata Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 10 Carex retrorsa Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive); Water Plourde 2007; Personal observation 11 Carex rosea Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 12 Carex scabrata Wetland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 13 Carex stipata Wetland Vertebrate (ingested) Poole 2005 (congeners); Personal observation 14 Carex trisperma Wetland Gravity Personal observation 15 Carya ovata Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 16 Caulophyllum thalictroides Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 17 Chelone glabra Wetland Wind Montgomery 1977 1 Chrysosplenium americanum Wetland Splash, Water Savile 1953; Liu et al. 2008 (congeners) 2 Cicuta bulbifera Wetland Vertebrate (ingested), Water Beal 1898; Hewitt & Miiyanishi 1997 3 Cinna latifolia Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 4 Circaea alpina Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 5 Circaea lutetiana Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 6 Cirsium vulgare Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 7 Clintonia borealis Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 8 Coptis groenlandica Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 9 Cornus alternifolia Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 10 Cornus rugosa Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 11 Cornus sericea Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 12 Corylus cornuta Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 13 Cystopteris bulbifera Facultative Wind Personal observation 14 Dennstaedtia punctilobula Facultative Wind Personal observation 15 Deparia acrostichoides Facultative Wind Personal observation 16 Diplazium pycnocarpon Facultative Wind Personal observation 17 Dryopteris carthusiana Facultative Wind Personal observation 1 Dryopteris cristata Facultative Wind Personal observation 2 Dryopteris goldiana Facultative Wind Personal observation 3 Dryopteris intermedia Facultative Wind Personal observation 4 Dryopteris marginalis Facultative Wind Personal observation 5 Dulichium arundinaceum Wetland Vertebrate (ingested) Ridley 1930 6 Eleocharis acicularis Wetland Water Cellot et al. 1998 7 Eleocharis ovata Wetland Water Britton & Brown 1913 8 Epifagus virginiana Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 9 Epilobium glandulosum Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 10 Epipactis helleborine Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 11 Equisetum arvense Facultative Wind Personal observation 12 Equisetum hyemale Facultative Wind Personal observation 13 Equisetum pratense Facultative Wind Personal observation 14 Equisetum sylvaticum Facultative Wind Personal observation 15 Erigeron annuus Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 16 Erigeron philadelphicus Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 17 Erythronium americanum Upland Ant Handel et al. 1981 1 Eupatorium perfoliatum Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 2 Eupatorium rugosum Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 3 Eurybia divaricata Upland Wind Britton & Brown 1913 4 Eurybia macrophylla Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 5 Euthamia graminifolia Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 6 Fagus grandifolia Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 7 Fragaria virginiana Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 8 Fraxinus americana Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 9 Galium asprellum Wetland Gravity Britton & Brown 1913 10 Galium obtusum Facultative Gravity Britton & Brown 1913 11 Galium triflorum Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive) Britton & Brown 1913 12 Geranium robertianum Facultative Explosion, Vertebrate (adhesive) Britton & Brown 1913; Ridley 1930; Liu et al. 13 2008 (congeners) 14 Geum rivale Wetland Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 15 Glyceria canadensis Wetland Water, Wind Liu et al. 2008 16 Glyceria striata Wetland Vertebrate (ingested), Water, Wind Myers et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2008 (congeners) 17 Gymnocarpium dryopteris Upland Wind Personal observation 1 Hepatica acutiloba Upland Ant Handel et al. 1981 2 Hydrocotyle americana Wetland Vertebrate (ingested), Water Ridley 1930 (congeners) 3 Ilex verticillata Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 4 Impatiens pallida Facultative Explosion Personal observation 5 Iris versicolor Wetland Water Boedeltje et al. 2003 (congeners) 6 Juncus effusus Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive and ingested), Pakeman et al. 2002; Boedeltje et al. 2003; 7 Water, Wind Couvreur et al. 2004; Neff & Baldwin 2005 8 Laportea canadensis Facultative Gravity Montgomery 1977; Aubin et al. 2007 9 Leersia oryzoides Wetland Water Liu et al. 2008 10 Leersia virginica Facultative Water Liu et al. 2008 (congeners) 11 Lemna minor Wetland Vertebrate (adhesive), Water Liu et al. 2008 12 Lobelia inflata Facultative Vertebrate (ingested), Wind Myers et al. 2004; Webster et al. 2003 13 Lonicera canadensis Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Myers et al. 2004 14 Ludwigia palustris Wetland Water Neff & Baldwin 2005 15 Lycopodium clavatum Facultative Wind Personal observation 16 Lycopodium lucidulum Facultative Wind Personal observation 17 Lycopodium obscurum Facultative Wind Personal observation 1 Lycopus americanus Wetland Water 2 3 Boedeltje et al. 2003; Couvreur et al. 2004 (congeners) Lysimachia ciliata Facultative Water 4 Beal 1898; Andersson et al. 2001; Boedeltje et al. 2003 (congeners) 5 Lysimachia terrestris Wetland Water Beal 1898 6 Lysimachia thyrsiflora Wetland Water Andersson et al. 2001 7 Lythrum salicaria Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive and ingested), Myers et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2008 8 Water, Wind 9 Maianthemum canadense Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 10 Matteuccia struthiopteris Facultative Wind Personal observation 11 Medeola virginiana Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 12 Mentha arvensis Facultative Water Andersson et al. 2001 13 Mimulus ringens Wetland Gravity Montgomery 1977 14 Mitchella repens Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 15 Mitella diphylla Facultative Splash Savile 1953 16 Monarda didyma Facultative Gravity Montgomery 1977 1 Monotropa uniflora Facultative Gravity 2 Montgomery 1977; Handel et al. 1981; Aubin et al. 2007 3 Myrica gale Wetland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 4 Oclemena acuminata Upland Wind Britton & Brown 1913; Liu et al. 2008 5 Onoclea sensibilis Facultative Wind Personal observation 6 Osmorhiza claytonii Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 7 Osmorhiza longistylis Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 8 Osmunda cinnamomea Facultative Wind Personal observation 9 Osmunda claytoniana Facultative Wind Personal observation 10 Osmunda regalis Wetland Wind Personal observation 11 Ostrya virginiana Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 12 Oxalis acetosella Facultative Explosion Liu et al. 2008 13 Oxalis stricta Upland Explosion Liu et al. 2008 14 Oxypolis rigidor Wetland Wind Britton & Brown 1913 15 Panax quinquefolius Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 16 Panax trifolius Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 17 Parthenocissus quinquefolia Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 1 Penthorum sedoides Wetland Gravity Montgomery 1977 2 Phegopteris connectilis Facultative Wind Personal observation 3 Phegopteris hexagonoptera Facultative Wind Personal observation 4 Phragmites australis Facultative Water, Wind Liu et al. 2008 5 Pilea pumila Facultative Water Neff & Baldwin 2005 6 Pinus strobus Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 7 Plantago major Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive and ingested), Andersson et al. 2001; Couvreur et al. 2004 8 9 Water Polygonatum biflorum Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 10 Polygonatum pubescens Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 11 Polygonum amphibium Wetland Water Partridge 2001 12 Polygonum cilinode Upland Vertebrate (ingested) McAtee 1926; Aubin et al. 2007 13 Polygonum convolvulus Facultative Water Liu et al. 2008 14 Polygonum persicaria Facultative Vertebrate (ingested), Water Staniforth & Cavers 1977; Myers et al. 2004; 15 Liu et al. 2008 16 Polypodium virginianum Upland 17 Polystichum acrostichoides Facultative Wind Personal observation Wind Personal observation 1 Prunus serotina Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 2 Prunus virginiana Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 3 Pteridium aquilinum Facultative Wind Personal observation 4 Pyrola elliptica Upland Wind Ridley 1930 (congeners); Montgomery 1977; 5 Stover & Marks 1998; Aubin et al. 2007 6 Quercus rubra Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 7 Ranunculus abortivus Facultative Gravity Montgomery 1977; Matlack 1994; Aubin et al. 8 9 2007 Ranunculus recurvatus Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive and ingested) Montgomery 1977; Myers et al. 2004 10 Rubus allegheniensis Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 11 Rubus idaeus Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 12 Rubus odoratus Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 13 Rubus pubescens Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 14 Rumex obtusifolius Facultative Vertebrate (adhesive), Water, Wind Cain et al. 1998; Boedeltje et al. 2003; Couvreur et 15 al. 2004; Liu et al. 2008 16 Sagittaria latifolia Wetland Water Liu et al. 2008 (congeners) 17 Salix rigida Wetland Water, Wind Liu et al. 2008 1 Sanguisorba canadensis Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 2 Sanicula marilandica Upland Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 3 Sanicula trifoliata Upland Vertebrate (adhesive) Montgomery 1977 4 Schoenoplectus Wetland Water Ridley 1930; Cappers 1993 5 tabernaemontani 6 Scirpus atrovirens Wetland Water Ridley 1930 (congeners); Aubin et al. 2007 7 Scutellaria galericulata Wetland Water Liu et al. 2008 8 Scutellaria lateriflora Facultative Water Andersson et al. 2001; Boedeltje et al. 2003 9 Sium suave Wetland Water Montgomery 1977 10 Smilacina racemosa Upland Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 11 Solanum dulcamara Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 12 Solidago caesia Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 13 Solidago flexicaulis Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 14 Solidago rugosa Facultative Wind Britton & Brown 1913 15 Solidago squarrosa Upland Wind Britton & Brown 1913 16 Sonchus arvensis Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 17 Sorbus americana Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 1 Sparganium androcladum Wetland Water 2 3 Britton & Brown 1913; Boedeltje et al. 2003 (congeners) Sparganium chlorocarpum Wetland Water 4 Britton & Brown 1913; Boedeltje et al. 2003 (congeners) 5 Spiraea latifolia Facultative Water, Wind Ridley 1930 (congeners); Hall et al. 1974 6 Spiraea tomentosa Facultative Water, Wind Ridley 1930; Hall et al. 1974 (congeners); Aubin et 7 al. 2007 8 Streptopus roseus 9 Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation Symphyotrichum cordifolium Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 10 Symphyotrichum Upland Wind Montgomery 1977 11 novae-angliae 12 Symphyotrichum puniceum Wetland Wind Montgomery 1977 13 Taraxacum officinale Facultative Wind Personal observation 14 Thalictrum dioicum Facultative Gravity Montgomery 1977; Cain et al. 1998 15 Thelypteris noveboracensis Facultative Wind Personal observation 16 Thelypteris palustris Wetland Wind Personal observation 17 Thuja occidentalis Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 1 Tiarella cordifolia Facultative Gravity Montgomery 1977; Handel et al. 1981 2 Tilia americana Facultative Wind Personal observation 3 Toxicodendron radicans Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 4 Triadenum virginicum Wetland Gravity Britton & Brown 1913 5 Trientalis borealis Facultative Gravity Montgomery 1977; Aubin et al. 2007 6 Trillium erectum Facultative Ant, Vertebrate (ingested) Handel et al. 1981 7 Trillium grandiflorum Upland Ant, Vertebrate (ingested) Handel et al. 1981; Myers et al. 2004 8 Tsuga canadensis Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 9 Tussilago farfara Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 10 Ulmus americana Facultative Wind Montgomery 1977 11 Uvularia perfoliata Facultative Ant Handel et al. 1981 12 Uvularia sessilifolia Facultative Ant Britton and Brown 1913 13 Vaccinium angustifolium Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 14 Veronica officinalis Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Myers et al. 2004 15 Viburnum alnifolium Facultative Vertebrate (ingested) Personal observation 16 17 References 1 2 3 4 Andersson, E., Nilsson, C. & Johansson, M.E. 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