Minutes: PeaceWalk Meeting Nov. 14, 2010 The following met at Dina’s home: Dina, Sat Bir, Shafir, Carol, Richard, Linda Cato. The meeting began with a prayer offered by Richard. “Weaving Peace” Linda Cato, an artist, arts specialist and arts educator met with us. She suggested that this year PeaceWalk focus on an art activity that would bring people together and produce a product that could possibly travel before and after our walk. Linda proposed building a loom on which people would weave with ribbons and similar materials, with a card or some form of tag (made from recycled material) attached to each weaving strip with a personal wish/hope/prayer/thought about peace. These notes might also be reproduced separately in a more readable form since they would be largely hidden in the weaving. We would solicit donations of ribbon, ask people to bring personal materials if they wish, and ask any group that works on the project to refill the supply basket they receive. Linda will work on designing the frame/loom depending on our further idea development about size, travel plans, etc. She will also check on possibilities for a Tucson Pima Arts Council Grant and other funding sources. Sat Bir suggested that she and Fran talk about this idea when they meet with Al Huda and THA, with the possibility of the piece starting with a visit to each school in January and February. There was also a suggestion that students might want to research weaving traditions in their own cultures and present something about these in some form at PeaceWalk. Sat Bir will explore this as well. Richard suggested that we talk with Ted about including Pete Seeger’s song “Rainbow Design” in some way since it is about weaving a future world of peace and beauty. Dina suggested that this might be a good year to once again approach Darwin about singing. Linda and Sat Bir agreed to work on developing “the nuts and bolts” for this project and its presentation. The group agreed that we would adopt the theme “Weaving Peace” for this year’s walk. Organizational Purpose Statement After considerable discussion, we set a meeting on Sunday, Nov. 28, at 3PM at Dina’s to develop an Organizational Purpose Statement. All planners are invited to attend. Contact Letter We postponed discussion of the contact letter until the December 19 meeting since none of the people preparing it were present. Covering Tarp/Canopy and Heaters This was also postponed until the December 19 meeting when we will hopefully have more information. Sat Bir will check with Al Huda about what they already have in the way of a canopy. We are asking Fran to continue her research. We set a budget of $400 for heaters and covering. Financial Report/Budget PeaceWalk currently has $1064 in the bank. We set a total budge for this year of $1200. Tucson Human Relations Council Request Carol presented a draft of our request to the Tucson Human Relations Council which was accepted with the addition of our theme and the setting of the budget. Carol agreed to complete and mail it early in the week. (It went out on Tuesday). PeaceWalk 2011 Route We agreed that we would start the walk at Or Chadash, and finish it at Al Huda. Further details about the route, times, and stops will be discussed at the December 19 meeting. We postponed preparing a “Save the Date” flier until these decisions are made. Website Shafir agreed to act as Webmaster if a committee is formed to decide on content for the site. Linda suggested we develop a Facebook page and offered to assist with this. Carol suggested that the following information be posted on the Website immediately: 8th Annual PeaceWalk Sunday, March 8, Early afternoon through early evening. Jewish-Muslim PeaceWalk from Congregation Or Chadash to Al Huda Islamic School Shafir agreed to review what is currently on the site and make what she considered appropriate updates. Calendars Carol announced that she had put the PeaceWalk on the Tucson Jewish Federation Community calendar, and will add specific information once more detailed decisions are made. Dina will put us on the Tucson Peace Calendar. We are asking Fran and Art to let us know about other calendars at the December 19 meeting. Linda closed the meeting with a prayer. FUTURE DATES, TIMES 8th Annual PeaceWalk: March 6! Planning Committee Meeting December 19 at Senobar’s Mosque, 3-5 PM. Richard will facilitate. Location: 5010 E. Bellevue. This is east of Swan and just west of Rosemont. It is across from a church and has a small sign saying ICS. PeaceWalk Open House for organizations and groups. Sunday, January 23, 3-5 PM at the Lodge.