8. news releases

Media Policy
Incorporating Guidelines for Working with the Media
Policy/Procedure Number
Policy Author
Date Ratified
Review Date
Helen Clay
Corporate Services
Media Policy
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Change Control Sheet:
This is a controlled Document. The definitive version is on the intranet. Printed versions should be
verified as valid with the intranet version.
Distribution list / Location of Document: Trust Headquarters
Directorate Managers / Heads of Service (for circulation to departments)
Trust Intranet
Amendment History:
Date of Issue
Page / Section
Chief Executive
Description of Change
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This policy sets out guidelines for working with the media and gives a broad
corporate framework to outline ways to develop a positive two-way
relationship with the media.
This Policy applies to all employees of North Lancashire Primary Care Trust.
The NHS is a public funded and publicly accountable service. North
Lancashire PCT is regularly the subject of media interest – both positive and
negative. The media are important to the Trust in assisting to convey news
and information to the population we serve and it is in both the Trust’s and the
media’s interests to establish good channels of communication.
It is important to note that many people, including employees, base their
perception of the Trust and the NHS on what they read in the paper, hear on
the radio and watch on the television. Our general policy is to be as open,
honest and co-operative with the media as possible, ensuring that patients
and staff’s rights to confidentiality and privacy are respected and upheld.
The Trust employs a Communications Manager to lead the Trust’s
communications activity and this policy / guidelines forms part of the wider
Communications Strategy.
3.1 Overall aims & principles
 To build, develop and maintain a good relationship between the Trust
and the media
 Promote a positive image of the Trust and the NHS as a whole
 Promote health and well-being and tackling health inequalities
 Build public confidence in local / national NHS services
 To build and maintain a positive reputation for North Lancashire
Primary Care Trust in the eyes of the public, employees, key partners
and other stakeholders
 Boost staff morale by encouraging and acknowledging best practice
3.2 Objectives
 to generate media material from actions within the Trust’s services
and operations and issue appropriate and timely news releases
 to respond to all media enquiries quickly, efficiently and within
realistic deadlines
 to initiate research and feedback responses in consultation with
appropriate personnel
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to rebut false or inaccurate information as soon as possible
to have at least 75% of news releases used by the press
to monitor and record news release coverage on a database
to present a positive and open image of the Trust
The Trust is in frequent contact with reporters from our local media in addition
national and international media are able to pick up on local stories and some
local issues, e.g. major incidents and local responses to national campaigns.
The Trust will make contact with other national titles when necessary e.g.
Health Service Journal, BMA News, GP newsletters and other professional
journals e.g. Therapy Weekly etc.
Local Print media:
The Gazette
Lancashire Evening Post
Fleetwood Weekly News
Garstang Courier
Lytham St Annes Express
Morecambe Visitor
Lancaster Guardian
Regional Television Stations:
BBC North West
Granada Television
Local Radio stations:
Radio Wave
The Bay
BBC Radio Lancashire
Rock FM / Magic 999
The Communications Team, based in Trust Headquarters, acts as the initial
point of contact and co-ordinates all media enquiries concerning the delivery
of services and the PCT as a whole. Enquiries can result from a variety of
sources including; in response to a news release the Trust has issued, a
national story looking for a local angle or a patient complaint.
Any employee contacted by the media or about any other matter relating
to the press is requested to refer all such enquiries to the
Communications Team on extension 6321 / 6431 and inform their line
manager. This is particularly important when new members of the media
inadvertently by-pass these guidelines and speak to members of staff
not authorised to respond to them.
The Communications Team logs all media enquiries, responses issued and
the source of information. This enables co-ordinated responses to be issued
to enquiries on similar subjects, and facilitates media monitoring.
Once the enquiries are logged the appropriate personnel / Board Member(s)
are contacted and a response prepared. When the information has been
agreed the Communications Team will respond to the enquiry directly or
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arrange for the relevant Director, Assistant Director or Head of Service to
respond. (There may be occasions, on matters of a minor nature, where the
Communications Manager responds directly to the media without further
consultation.) In all cases where someone is not available the next most
appropriate person will be asked to co-ordinate/agree any press statement or
perform an interview bearing in mind the given media deadline.
Responses to media enquiries will be cleared by the appropriate
Director prior to issue.
5.1 Interviews
PCT employees should not agree to give radio or TV interviews without
consultation with the appropriate Director. The Communications Team
will co-ordinate arrangements and help with preparations and briefing.
As a general rule only Directors will undertake radio or television
interviews regarding Trust services. This will, however, depend on
the subject matter and the decision of the relevant Director.
Wherever possible the most appropriate person will undertake the
interview and appropriate training/ support offered.
5.2 Out-of-Hours
The senior manager on-call rota can be accessed through the Blackpool
Victoria Hospital and the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay
switchboards. The Communications Manager’s contact details are
available in the on-call pack.
If any member of staff is approached by a journalist out of office
hours they should note down contact details for the journalist and
the nature of the enquiry, no response should be made. Simply tell
the reporter that you will get back to them as soon as possible.
Contact the Director on call via the senior manager on call rota
who will make necessary arrangements for a response to be made.
The work of the Trust involves complex and often confidential matters that
can have a direct impact on residents’ lives. Understandably such issues are
often in the public interest and as such attract considerable media scrutiny,
both negative and positive.
When and if mistakes are made, or controversial decisions taken, these will
be communicated to the media in a frank, factual and open way. Where
necessary an apology will be given and an explanation provided of how
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things will be put right. A well-managed response to the media not only
reduces tension it can also promote a positive image to the outside world.
The Trust will aim to respond to all enquiries and only in exceptional
circumstances will a ‘no-comment’ response be given. If the media
cannot get information from a credible source they may go elsewhere.
This can lead to facts being misconstrued and could be more damaging
to the Trust’s reputation.
Comment will not be made in response to media enquiries on individual
cases that may breach the individual’s statutory rights to confidentiality or the
Trust’s statutory rights to maintain it. Advice will be sought from the Trust’s
Caldicott Guardian on all matters where patient information is in the public
domain e.g. when an individual case may be named in the enquiry or
reported by the media.
Directors should ensure that the Communications Team is informed at the
earliest opportunity that may attract controversy. The Communications Team
needs to respond quickly to requests for information from the press and
provide an accurate and full briefing in order to put the Trust’s view forward.
The Communications Team scans all local press for both misinformation and
attacks on the Trust, which could be damaging to its reputation. Where these
are felt to be unjustified, where untruths have been printed or facts interpreted
wrongly, appropriate Directors will be consulted and a rebuttal statement
issued when deemed necessary.
Personal contact, briefing notes and letters to the editor are rebuttal tools that
can be used. Again time is of the essence and a speedy response is essential
at all times. Whilst the Trust is careful not to enter into debate on negative
issues through the press the rebuttal tools available can be used to add to
debate or discussion on any issue currently in the publics’ interest.
News Releases are probably the most commonly used tool in securing media
coverage. The Trust is encouraged to make use of news releases to publicise
matters of interest, decisions that have been made/taken, events,
achievements etc.
All Directorates should encourage and adopt a proactive approach to
providing information about their services and how to access them. Staff
should be encouraged to submit ideas for positive media coverage to
their line manager.
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All news releases are issued through the Communications Team, up-to-date
media contacts lists are kept and releases can be targeted to specific
journalists and media.
The Communications Team will liaise with other personnel prior to any
release being issued to clarify/check facts. Information should be forwarded
as soon as possible. Media deadlines need to be borne in mind especially
weekly / monthly publications.
A record of all News Releases issued by the PCT is kept on a database. The
Communications Team are able to refer to any past news release on request.
Searches by subject, date and directorate can also be made.
8.1 Approval Procedure
Once information for the release has been gathered and the
Communications Team has written copy, the draft news release is
forwarded to relevant Directorate for amendments / approval.
Once amendments have been made a final draft release is forwarded to
the Director for final approval. Once approved it is then issued by the
Communications Team.
All releases are copied to Non-Executive Directors and Directors when
issued. MPs and other interested bodies e.g. PPI Fora are also sent a
copy of the release.
Approval for issuing a news release must be given by the
appropriate Director
8.2 Monitoring Coverage
The Communications Team monitors news coverage in order to keep a
record of where news releases have been used by the press. This only
tells us if the message has been placed but not if it has been read,
digested or acted upon.
The Communications Team can inform you of whether a particular news
release has been used by the media on request.
8.3 Board Reports
The media tend to pick up items from papers and agendas and report on
them before the meeting or by attending meetings. Wherever possible
Directors should forewarn the Communications Manager about possible
reports that might attract media interest at the draft report stage.
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The Communications Manager scans the agendas and highlights
potential areas of interest and if appropriate, news releases will
prepared in advance of a meeting or forewarning given when a
statement will be needed the day after. This speeds up response times
to enquiries and also helps the reporter by providing a more convenient
and readable source of information.
8.5 What information should the News Release contain?
The Communications Team will approach staff for information for news
releases and require information in draft form. The Communications
Team will maintain overall editorial control and will be responsible for the
style and editing of the news release. Tips on content include:
Ask ‘who, what, why, when and where’ as a basis for what must be
Write concise, simple English in short sentences and paragraphs.
Get the meat of the story at the top. A release could be cut after any
Combine ‘what the media want to know’ with ‘what we need to tell
Try to keep to two sides of A4 (1.5 spacing). The shorter the better.
Quotes are important and can liven up a news release.
Technical and other data - if essential - can be given in a separate
‘Note to Editors’ / ‘Further Information’. Photo opportunities should
also be advertised here.
The supply of background information may also be required by the
Communications Team to respond to any enquiries received as a result
of the news release.
Generally speaking quotes in news releases will be only be given by the
relevant Director. Representatives from partner organisations may also
be quoted. All quotes will be agreed with the appropriate Director prior to
issue. Where the quoted person is not available an alternative Director
will be asked to approve the quote so as not to delay the issue of
8.7 Joint News Releases
When a news release is issued jointly with any of our partners e.g. other
NHS Trusts or local councils the same approval procedure must be
followed. When a comment is requested by a partner agency for
inclusion in a news release to be issued by them this request MUST be
co-ordinated by the Communications Team.
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8.8 Distribution
Most news releases are sent by e-mail to a standard distribution list.
Others are faxed where preferred. The distribution list includes all local
press, radio and TV contacts, Board Members Directors and North
Lancashire MPs. Releases can also be sent to targeted
magazines/journals as requested and as appropriate e.g. corporate
releases giving news of major events or developments. Where a news
release is locality specific the distribution will be targeted to the most
appropriate media. All news releases are available on the Trust’s
8.9 Photography
A photograph can greatly enhance publicity by drawing the reader’s eye
and increasing the amount of space given to a story. It is possible to add
a ‘Photo Opportunity’ on the news release inviting the press to send
along their own photographer. However, newspaper photographers are
booked up in advance so any requests for photographers must be
received in good time. It is often useful to stage a photograph prior to an
event to ensure the press can use the photo. The Trust has a digital
camera and the Communications Team will attend events and take
photographs whenever possible.
Action photographs showing no more than three people often work
better than large groups – and are more likely to be used by the press.
Even if a photograph is sent along with a news release there is no
guarantee that the papers will use it.
Patients and staff must give their explicit consent to their photograph
being taken and used – please contact the Communications Team prior
to taking or using photographs of the public or staff to obtain the relevant
Publicity Consent Forms.
8.10 Embargo
An embargo is a request to the media to delay publishing or
broadcasting information provided until after a specified date and time.
However, it is not binding and should be avoided whenever possible. An
embargo request should be clearly marked e.g. Embargo - please do
not use before 00.00hours on Tuesday 2 January 2007.
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Press cuttings are kept of Trust and general health news reported in local
newspapers. Cuttings are available for viewing, please contact the
Communications Team to make arrangements.
Back copies of newspapers are also kept for a short period of time, (approx.
two weeks for daily newspapers and two months for weeklies) and are
available on request.
A licence is needed to photocopy articles from national and some local
papers and journals. Photocopying articles from the press is not
permitted with the exception of public notices and paid for
Press conferences will only be used for major events, ‘firsts’ or when a news
release will not suffice, e.g. launching a major facility or initiative, updating
during a major incident, or explaining a complex issue such as major budget
The Communications Team can advise and assist in the preparation and
organisation of a press conference/launch etc. At least three weeks notice of
any event or initiative for which advance publicity is required is preferable in
order to meet the deadlines of the weekly papers, send out invitations etc.
Handling the media in the event of a major disaster or emergency situation is
covered in the Trust’s Emergency Plan.
All staff are expected to bring issues or concerns to the attention of the Trust,
through Departmental structures and processes, before approaching the
media. Staff should refer to the Trust’s Whistle-blowing Policy for further
Journalists and photographers must seek permission from the
Communications Team before they enter non-public areas of any Trust site,
The Communications Team must be informed of journalists being invited onto
any Trust site and alert the Communications Team of media arrival if not
agreed beforehand.
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Trust employees are sometimes involved in producing articles for publication
in professional or health related journals / publications. In these cases, staff
are requested to ensure that they have informed their line manager of the
article and where it will be published. In the event of the article including
information regarding the Trust, staff are requested to liaise with the
Communications Team prior to publication.
Journalists are required to adhere to a code of practice, which is available at
www.pcc.org.uk. Trust staff are asked to refer any issues that warrant
exploring the use of this code to the Communications Team.
It is essential that the Trust develops and maintains good working
relationships with the media in order to present a positive and open image of
the Trust and the services it delivers. These guidelines clarify the way in
which this is being and should be done. Copies of these guidelines are
available on the Intranet.
It is the responsibility of each Line Manager to communicate these
guidelines clearly to ALL staff.
Copies of the guidelines are available by request from the Communications
Manager on extension 6321 in either hard or electronic copy.
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