Herein are endited the precepts of this , the
Order of the White Lotus , founded in wisdom , humility , and meekness .
I offer my plea to the gods that ye be good and never fail of honor .
Thou art to honor and uphold the laws and commands of thy liege lord , the Monarch of
Braelin : and never to sanction wickedness , nor to commit murder : and always to flee treason , and to die before betraying thy liege , thy principles , or thy protected charge . Thou shouldst obey all orders from thy superiors without hesitation so long as they be just and not to thy shame , and hold ever fast to the White Lotus and thy fellow
knights who are forevermore to be as brothers and sisters to ye . Thou shouldst speak with esteem of the White Lotus and the Kingdom of
Braelin in general , for it is they which thou represent and thus it should be they who ye honor .
Under no circumstances shall ye show cruelty .
Thou shall be for all the weak and the defenseless their Champion , and fight on their behalf , and grant them succor in their need . If they should require of ye thy time , be generous and offer to help and assist them in whatsoever they ask so long as it be not to thy shame . Thou shouldst treat all people with justness and candor no matter what their station in life be .
Thou shouldst not fail in these things : charity , valor , and truth .
Be ever courteous , for a knight who is courteous and kind and gentle has favor in every place .
Thou must have the courage to defend , by blade and blood if necessary , those principles which thou believest right and honorable , especially in the presence of those who would druther cast down the precepts of Knighthood .
Ever it is the honorable
knight ’ s duty to help another honorable knight when she seeth her a great danger , for ever an honorable Human should loath to see another honorable Human shamed : for it is only she who is of no honor and who faireth with cowardice that shall show no gentleness nor manner of goodness where she seeth another in any danger : but always a good person shall do another person as she would have done to herself .
War is a noble enterprise and combat offers the opportunity to glorify thy liege .
In battle thou shouldst attack resolutely and without hesitation , and never draw back until such time as thy foe yields himself or is defeated .
Be certain to choose thou only those who are formidable and worthy among thy opponents : accept all challenges to combat given by those of comparable status , power , and honor : and privilege not those which are inferior or dishonorable .
Take no battles in wrongful quarrel for no law nor for the world ’ s riches .
Thou art exhorted to conduct thyself with integrity
regardless of circumstance , no matter if thou art alone and no one else will come to know of thy actions .
Gladly share thy funds and possessions with those in need : give freely thy last mouthful of provisions to the hungry , even if it mean thou goest without : be generous of spirit , ever ready to harken to a troubled companion or to acknowledge a friend ’ s accomplishments with right good praise .
It behooves the knight always to display those courtesies which every person is entitled to , with the understanding that familiarity does not except him from this obligation , so that all others who encounter ye shall be made to feel welcome and appreciated .
Thou shouldst exercise patience and tolerance when working with others ; respect their opinions , never requiring them to adopt thine own .
It ought never to be said that a knight has injured or slain another knight , for they are as brothers and sisters , and to harm thy brother or sister is among one of the worst crimes thou ever couldst commit .
Too , an envious knight shall never win favor , for an envious person who wishes to win favor shall be dishonored twofold therefore without any , and for this cause all persons of honor hate an envious person and will show her no favor .
Thou must keep thy plighted word to all and not be feeble of good faith : knowing that a
person whose word is as good as his bond will by all be held in highest esteem .
Thou art always to speak the truth as thou knowst it , and never intentionally mislead anyone : but thou ought also to take care and vigilantly maintain those confidences reposed in ye , lest ye lose the trust of thy friends .
Unless it be in private and tempered by the love ye bear , speak neither harshly nor disparagingly of thy fellow knight , but rather speak to her with the purpose of aiding her to improve herself in becoming a better knight .
If ever ye shall be asked to mediate a dispute between two knights , judge fairly , honestly , and without malice .
Should anyone require ye of any quest so that it is not to thy shame , thou shouldst fulfil the desire : and in the course of which thou shouldst demonstrate unyielding courage in the face of adversity .
No danger shall prove too great to forestall ye in the fulfillment of thy promise or the completion of thy quest ; for thy commitment shouldst be stronger even than thy fear of pain , hardship , or death .
Further commit thyself to excellence in all thy qualities and pursuits , seeking ever to attain the highest level of merit possible , especially in thy education .
Likewise thou art to excel in mien , thereby ensuring thy attitude and conduct be
always above reproach : for it is through thy mien that the White Lotus be judged .
Do not , nor slay not , anything that will in any way dishonor the fair name of thy knighthood , for only by a stainless and honorable life and not by prowess or courage shall ye secure a place among the stars .
Thou art always to respect the gods and the power which they wield over the lives of mortals ; make thy offerings and offer up thy pleas in due course , asking only for that which thou have rightly earned : and never grow so arrogant nor confident in thy skill that ye forget thy true condition , which is that thou shall in good time die , as all Humans must .
Thou shouldst never fear this fact , but rather accept it , and be ready to face it with grace whensoever ye shall be called to do so .
Right must be defended against might .
Thou must know good from evil and the vain glory of the world , for great pride and boasting maketh great sorrow .
Thou shouldst place thy trust in thy intuition and in those lessons which have been taught ye throughout the course of thy
career when called upon to judge so .
Never engage in vulgarity , nor value thyself above others , nor feel as though thou ought to be singled out for reward : rather speak gracefully and humbly , and demonstrate thy generosity anonymously , placing the needs of others always above thine own .
In this way only shall thou be truly recompensed .
Thou art to present thyself honorably , to carry thyself with due pride , to maintain control of thyself , and to accept ill mannered behavior with grace .
Keepst thou thy person and fittings well looked after , being sure to bathe and groom regularly ; but refrain from judging others based on naught but their outward countenance .
Thou shouldst strive to honor social customs as best ye can : and to be rightly polite and deferential to friends and strangers both .
If it must be so that thou holdst another against his will , then treat him humanely and with generosity .
Upon considering the feelings of those around ye , take thou care not to offend them , acquitting thyself with those manners befitting of a knight and speaking always with tact and kindness .
Never shouldst thou knowingly insult or slander another person , even if it be thy greatest foe .
Should others knowingly engage in insult or slander , the knight walks away rather than look
on whilst the conversation demeans another .
Thou art to keep close those things which are seen but which if carelessly revealed may cause harm to another , whether it be material , physical , or emotional .
Likewise keepst close thine relationships with others , lest ye involuntarily expose them to public scrutiny .
In all things behave thou with dignity : refrain from untoward outbursts , excessive eating and drinking which may render ye ridiculous or useless or both , foul language , and other such boorishness .
Never refuse mercy to him that asketh mercy : for no knight shall win others ’ favor but if he be gracious of favor himself and of good living : and remember thou always that though it be an admirable act to succor a dying friend , it is an act of honor to succor a dying enemy .
Thou art to show mercy to the repentant and must refuse to inflict undue suffering , even unto the vilest evildoer .
Therefore be a good knight and so I offer my plea to the gods so ye may be , and if ye be of prowess and of worthiness , then ye shall be a true Knight of the White Lotus .