Memorandum on Metropolitan Economic Development Strategies 1. Background 1.1 In November 2002 the SA Cities Network (SACN) hosted a City Economic Development Strategy Think-tank to re-conceptualise metropolitan economic development strategy. Councillors and senior officials from member municipalities attended the meeting, together with representatives from national departments of Trade and Industry, Provincial and Local Government and Foreign Affairs, the Western Cape Provincial Government, SALGA, as well as economic development academics and an international expert. 2. Role of cities in national economy 2.1 Overall, only 20% of places (towns and cities) produces 82% of South Africa’s GDP. In particular, the 6 major metropolitan areas are key economic actors in the South African economy contributing 55.6% of GDP in 2000 (up from 54.5% in 1990), and 80% of the economy’s manufacturing. Cities play a strategic role in the national economy and in South Africa’s strategy to become more globally competitive. The economic prosperity of cities impacts on surrounding towns and rural hinterlands. There are also strong economic inter-dependencies between the major cities themselves. 2.2 There is a growing awareness of the critical national economic role of major cities. However, more data and understanding of this role is required. In particular, the inter-relationship between the cities and surrounding towns and rural hinterlands needs investigation. 2.3 There is also recognition that poverty is becoming increasingly urbanised and that the access of poor people to the urban economy, housing and other urban amenities has declined. This is exacerbated by the lack of efficient, affordable and accessible transport. The three major reasons for the growing urbanisation of poverty are: Natural growth of poor population within the cities; Poor people moving to the cities; 1 Cities exposure the competitive global economy. 3. Strategy support and development 3.1 The workshop highlighted varied approaches to economic development strategy. A number of good practice examples that could be replicated by other cities were demonstrated. 3.2 It was recognised that a strategy is more than just a collection of projects and reflects overarching priorities. While well-developed strategies should ideally include projects, the over-emphasis on the rolling out of projects often takes precedence over a strategic programmatic approach. Many South African cities can cite examples of this. 3.3 Key features for successful economic development that were identified included: Inclusive processes Strong leadership Leveraging international and national networks Flexible framework facilitating crisis response 3.4 Cities need to have detailed economic data on the role and impact of different sectors and stakeholders. Data collection and management should form part of strategy development. The need for conducting impact assessments was highlighted as a necessary part of the strategy process to inform and assist in planning development. 3.5 The absence of a commonly shared and understood framework for metropolitan economic development pointed to the need for a common approach and policy guidelines. 3.6 There was recognition of the need to build economic development capacity at city level and to explore ways of sharing learning and expertise in order to maximise resource use. 4. Need for a holistic, broad-based approach 4.1 The challenge that most cities are grappling with is how to ensure inclusive economic development that provides both growth and poverty reduction, based on the dynamic relationship between the two. To date, many municipalities had parallel and even competing strategies in place, i.e. a market-led approach of business development and/ or a marketcritical approach of community development. The workshop concluded that a city would either have growth and poverty reduction, or it would 2 have neither. To achieve this requires more than well-developed strategies. It requires a fundamental paradigm shift and the mainstreaming of economic development. 4.2 A related challenge was grappling with the divide between the formal and informal economies, while recognising that there is only one economy. Major debate was held on the regulation of the informal economy and the implications of this. 5. Need for co-ordinated sector support 5.1 Cities highlighted the importance of differentiated sectoral support strategies. At city level, there is also a need for a differentiated business support strategy based on their potential to impact on jobs, the type of business and national priorities. The need for co-ordination and alignment between national departments for sector support was highlighted. For example, support for the ICT sector involves co-ordination between DTI, DACST, provinces and cities. 5.2 Currently South Africa uses a very limited range of tools and mechanisms to support its sector strategies. Cities have much to learn from other experiences. Integration and alignment of sector strategies with local strategies is key. 6. Need for inter-governmental and inter-city co-operation and alignment 6.1 These challenges are national challenges and cannot be addressed at the city level alone, pointing to the need for a collaborative approach between cities, and between cities and different spheres of government. National and provincial governments need to be seen as active stakeholders in local government processes if meaningful collaboration is to take place. 6.2 The lack of co-ordination and alignment between government departments, nationally, provincially and locally is particularly challenging. This has a negative impact on strategy and implementation. There was agreement on the need for alignment of policies, strategies and budgets and co-operative relationships between spheres also needs to be addressed. A particular challenge is to `localise’ national government’s microeconomic reform strategy, and trade and industrial policies. For example, DTI needs to play a more pro-active role in supporting local government economic development initiatives, while cities need to become more involved. 3 6.3 Numerous examples pointed to the need for inter-government relationships and relationships with parastatals to be redefined and developed. For example, Pretoria’s economic development strategy will be negatively impacted by the current toll road plans, as the bypasses planned do not coincide with the economic nodes. The need for coordination with parastatals was particularly apparent. This coordination assumes a more regional approach on the economy rather than merely a local one. 6.4 Cape Town’s Joint Marketing Initiative was highlighted as an example of an innovative development strategy that aims to focus and align the marketing efforts of a variety of provincial and local agencies in order to attract more trade and investment to the province and city. Through this initiative, inefficient duplicate marketing has largely been eliminated. 6.5 An exciting component of the Think Tank is the current cooperation between cities, and the recognition for the need for increased cooperation. Cooperation is not limited to the governmental sphere but also includes building alliances and partnerships with the private sector and civil society groupings. 6.6 Skills development of the workforce was identified as a key challenge for city competitiveness where a strong national partnership between relevant departments, business, SETAs, educational institutions and the cities is required. 6.7 A full report on the outcomes of the Think Tank will be made available to the forthcoming SA Cities Network Planning workshop, to be held on 2628 January 2003, and to other stakeholders. Copies of the presentations made to the Think Tank are available at under the Economic Development Programme. 4 Recommendations The Think-Tank concluded that the SACN needed to undertake a series of projects focused on: Mainstreaming city economic development within municipalities, at an intergovernmental level and across major sectors by demonstrating the importance of broad-based urban economic development strategies; Promoting a holistic approach to economic development that addresses both urban competitiveness as well as question of inclusion and poverty reduction; Supporting implementation by providing general guidance on how to develop and implement city development strategies; Building relationships, networks and partnerships for economic development across spheres of government, across departments and across sectors. Project 1: Urban economic development impact research That a research project be designed and commissioned to collect the primary data required for a better understanding of the impact of urban economic development on the country as a whole. This will include an exploration of the following issues: National and local spatial economies (location of production in space); The nature of metropolitan-city-town-rural linkages and how these can be strengthened; Other factors aiding and hindering economic development in the country. Project 2: Co-operative training and support That a project of capacity building and support to city municipalities regarding economic development be designed and implemented. The programme should be designed to maximise the use of municipal resources and expertise and should cover at least the following components: Training and executive education; Information and knowledge sharing; Peer-to-peer learning and mentoring; Sharing of high-level technical expertise. Project 3: Policy, practice and implementation guidelines That a project to develop a set of guidelines regarding policy, good practice and, implementation for metropolitan economic development be established. These guidelines should include a clear outline of the roles and responsibilities of the 5 major stakeholders in the process. The project should also establish a coordinated process for piloting new approaches to economic development in cities/ metropolitan regions with necessary capacity. Project 4: Informal sector workshop That a workshop be arranged to explore how the informal sector should be addressed as part of the city development strategies. Project 5: Sector support workshop That a workshop on targeted sectoral/industry cluster support be convened with a view to: Sharing different approaches to identifying key sectors; Deepening understanding of how to support key sectors/clusters and to promote their growth; Identifying key sectors where a co-operative approach between cities would be advised. Project 6: National key sector support programmes That a process be initiated, in partnership with DTI, to identify key economic sectors where a cooperative approach between cities and other spheres of government would optimise the overall national and provincial economic benefit with a view to developing a concerted coordinated programme to support such sectors, particularly in the context of national government’s microeconomic reform strategy, which has identified and targeted a number of specific sectors. Project 7: Inter-governmental and multi-sectoral working That a process be initiated to ensure a common understanding and approach as well as on-going communication mechanism across all three spheres of government (inter-governmental) and across all government departments (multisectoral) for supporting city economic development strategies. Examples include transport and safety and security. Project 8: Engagement with parastatals That a process be initiated to develop a common approach to the major parastatals in order to ensure that their policies and decision-making supports city development strategies and to ensure that cities respond proactively to changes in the parastatal policy environment. Key areas would include ports, airports, roads and telecommunications. 6 Project 9: Workforce skills partnership That a process be initiated to develop a partnership between the cities and the relevant national departments to support initiatives for improving workforce skills for economic development. 7