S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 RNA Extraction – Evaluating the Quality of Tissue Samples Abstract Tissue samples can be evaluated by analyzing their RNA. To obtain RNA, a process known as RNA extraction is done to evaluate tissue samples. RNA extraction is an extensive process that first involves setting up solvents for the RNA. After preparing the solvent, the solvent is used for the RNA Purification process, which isolates the RNA so that the quality of the sample can be evaluated. The purified RNA is then run through a gel and by the use of a bioanalyzer to assess the integrity of the sample extracted. Introduction RNA extraction is the first step of analyzing tissue samples by separating different components of cells to evaluate expression of specific genes that we are looking for. Hence the name, RNA extraction seeks to find specific messenger ribonucleotides within the tissue for analysis. To be able to analyze the specific ribonucleotides, we use polymerase chain reactions (PCR) to duplicate the genes to create thousands of copies so that we have the RNA sample in a higher concentration for better analysis. When running an RNA Extraction we do not know the concentration of RNA within the tissues we are evaluating. Following the written protocol for RNA extraction approximate will help approximate how much RNA content we have in our sample after it is purified. RNA purification aims to give us pure RNA content without any other nucleotides, but unfortunately if too much solvent or wash is applied to the RNA we will get futile results because our RNA will become diluted. For this reason the amounts of solvents applied to the RNA when it is isolated must be done with as little solvent as needed to produce the greatest concentration of RNA possible. If the concentration of RNA is not enough, it is very difficult to differentiate between specific genes when the RNA gel is run to identify genes. Our aim in this experiment is to generate the high quality RNA samples. The purpose of an RNA extraction is to prepare genes with a high level of integrity, which means of high quality so that we can depict specific genes that are affected on the tissue samples. When the integrity of the genes is high, we will be able to easily interpret the genetic material extracted from the RNA extraction process. By properly executing an RNA extraction, we will be able to assess the sample by running the sample through a RNA gel via electrophoresis and spectrometer. If the RNA samples are well purified, then we will receive high quality data that is easily interpretable. We can identify individual genes that are collected from the sample. Methods Buffer Preparation Buffer must be prepared to create an environment where RNA can be extracted from tissue samples. The buffer is prepared by adding 10 mL and 40 mL of ethanol (95-100%) to the 40 mL and 160 mL Direct-zol RNA PreWash concentrate. An RNA Wash Buffer must also be prepared in order to purify the RNA sample extracted. This is prepared by adding 48 mL of 100% ethanol (52 mL 95% ethanol) to 12 mL RNA Wash Buffer S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 concentrate or 192 mL of 100% ethanol (208 mL 95% ethanol) to 48 mL RNA Wash Buffer concentrate. Sample Preparation The samples of RNA must be prepared by setting up cell suspensions. The cell suspensions are prepared by pelleting cells by centrifugation. Then a supernatant will form, and the cell must be lysed directly in TRI Reagent. Doing so will create a separated layer on the top of the solution, which is the RNA sample that we desire to analyze. Taking this top layer we isolate it into a tube to centrifuge and lyse multiple times prior to RNA Purification. We let these tubes sit to create an environment suited for RNA purification by allowing time for incubation, and then transferring supernatants into RNase-free tubes. Biological Liquids The samples must be prepared as liquids before being RNA purified. To do this, three volumes of TRI Reagent are added to each volume of liquid sample. Then the mixture is emulsified by vortex and incubating for five minutes at room temperature. Then after, contents must be centrifuged at 12,00 x g for 1 minute and then the supernatant must be transferred into an RNase-free tube. Tissue Homogenization The RNA samples that are going to be analyzed need to be homogenized before putting them into the prepared solutions. This is done by combining 500 ug of TRI Reagent with 50 mg tissue in a homogenizer. Then after the homogenized sample is centrifuged resulting with particles forming on the surface. To remove these particles, the homogenate must be centrifuged at 12,000 x g for 1 minute. Then the supernatant must be carefully transferred into an RNase-free tube. RNA Purification With the prepared homogenate and buffers, the RNA samples are purified using a collection tube to separate out other nucleotides and excess that will not be analyzed. The solvent is first prepared by adding one volume of ethanol directly to one volume sample of homogenate estimating a 1:1 ratio between the contents. This will be mixed with TRI Reagent by vortex. The first major step to RNA Purification involves spinning the tubes to separate out unwanted liquid content. This is done with a spin column with the sample inside a collection tube. The collection tubes will be centrifuged for 1 minute, and excess liquid will run through to the bottom of the tube. This excess liquid must be discarded. Then after the solvent has run through the RNA sample, the first PreWash step must occur in order to rinse the RNA prior to extraction. In this process, 400 ug of Direct-zol RNA PreWash tat was previously prepared is added to the column and centrifuged for 1 minute. The flow-through is then disgarded. This step is repeated one time. After rinsing the RNA sample, the RNA must be washed to isolate the RNA from other contents within the sample. To do so, 500 uL of RNA Wash Buffer from previous preparation are added to the column and centrifuged for 1 minute. The flow-through is then thrown away. Although we must ensure that the wash buffer is completely removed, and therefore the centrifuge will be done for 2 minutes. Lastly, DNA must be broken down to give us a pure RNA sample. To do this, 50 uL of DNase is put directly in the column matrix and centrifuged for 1 minute. S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 RNA Sample Analysis After extraction, RNA concentration must be evaluated using nano drops. Nano drops are based off nucleic acid absorbance and concentration, which will reflect concentration of the RNA collected after purification. Nano drops are used in RNA Analysis to assess the content of the RNA extracted. Using a spectrometer, a nano drop portion of an RNA sample is put onto the lens of a spectrometer to read the concentration by putting intense light on our sample. Putting intense light on the sample will produce an absorbance value and ratios so that we can interpret the content purity of the RNA sample. The purpose of this experiment is to extract high quality RNA samples. In order to check the RNA quality, an RNA gel must be run using a special microgel dye based system known as bioanalyzer. The intensity of the color will give the quality of the RNA purified after the purification process. The bioanalyzer is read by a systematic system called RNA Integrity Number (RIN). The RIN is a standardized way to determine the quality of RNA samples acquired. Using the electrophoresis done for the RNA, a florescent light is used to evaluate the integrity of our RNA sample using ribosomal ratio. The graph of a bioanalysis will show peaks portraying intensity of these ratios, showing us that we have a quality sample of RNA. The scale is evaluated from 110, 1 being degraded RNA and 10 being an exceptionally high quality sample of a certain gene. Using the RIN system we can evaluate RNA samples in a standardized way so that we have confidence in our sample of RNA after purification. Results In our methods we described two different methods of evaluating the RNA extracted from our tissue samples. The first method is by using a nano drop to assess the protein and molecular make-up of our data using absorbance and concentration. The second method of analyzing our tissue is using gel electrophoresis, which helps us to identify which RNA messenger genes have been extracted by band indications from reading the distance traveled by the gene from the source that it was displaced in. Interpreting RNA Content using Spectrophotometry The first method of RNA extraction analysis is using a nanodrop. Using a nanodrop, we use a device called a spectrometer to analyze our RNA sample by measuring absorbance values using light intensity onto our sample. As little as 2 ng is needed for spectrophotometric analysis. The 2 ng sample is placed in concentration onto a small lens that is put into a spectrometer, and will give us graphic data to show the content inside our RNA. In order to interpret our absorbance values, we must first identify the specific peak absorbance that we desire from our data. About 260 nm is the peak absorbance of nucleic acids, and knowing this we can use Beer-Lambert’s law [A = ᵋcl] to determine the concentration of our data. Using 260 nm as our reference point to evaluate molecular content in our data, absorbance ratios must be used to assess how pure the ribonucleic acids are in the sample. Generally, proteins and phenolic compounds reflect 280 nm as their absorbance value and other organic S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 compounds reflect 230 nm as an absorbance value. Using these numbers, we develop two ratios to help us determine the purity of the nucleic acid content. The first ratio is a 260/280 ratio. This is the ratio between nucleic acid and other proteins or phenolic compounds. This evaluates the amount of impurity referring to the protein content within the RNA sample. A respectable ratio is between 1.8 and 2.1. If the ratio is lower than 1.8, then this indicates that our sample is contaminated by protein. The second ratio is a 260/230 ratio. It isn’t as prevalent as the 260/280, but is also important. 230 nm reflects organic compounds in general, which includes phenol, TriZol, and peptide bonds. This ratio is relevant because it can indicate that our isolating solvents may still be contaminating our data, meaning that we need to wash out the solvent to better purify the sample. Generally above a 1.5 is acceptable for the ratio for the 260/230 ratio. Below is a set of 30 samples of tissue that went through the RNA Extraction process. After going through a spectrometer, concentration values were collected as well as the 260/280 and 260/230 ratios. Animal ID 883 002 905 020 905 050 888 040 891 050 889 002 909 030 864 020 906 003 891 001 888 002 906 001 882 013 880 022 883 050 908 022 889 003 888 003 890 001 882 002 909 040 879 012 898 010 902 010 888 020 906 010 898 030 Extraction Tube Conce date number 1912.02 10/15/2014 585.87 10/15/2014 667.53 10/15/2014 2840.22 10/15/2014 2699.46 10/15/2014 541.5 10/15/2014 230.463 10/15/2014 2974.83 10/15/2014 312.6 10/15/2014 1503.09 10/15/2014 4192 10/15/2014 117.72 10/15/2014 3255 10/15/2014 1863.66 10/15/2014 603.42 10/15/2014 134.31 10/15/2014 2004.12 10/15/2014 399.45 10/15/2014 174.11 10/15/2014 589.29 10/16/2014 3607.56 10/16/2014 982.8 10/16/2014 301.86 10/16/2014 710.67 10/16/2014 2020.68 10/16/2014 122.391 10/16/2014 653.34 10/16/2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 260/230 260/280 Gel result 1.13 1.3 repeat 1.41 1.68 good 1.67 1.75 good 1.5 1.4 repeat 2.16 1.79 repeat 2.14 1.73 repeat 1.37 1.75 good 2.2 1.77 repeat 1.29 1.7 good 1.69 1.55 repeat 2.15 1.77 repeat 1.35 2.02 repeat 2.21 1.8 repeat 2.17 1.8 repeat 2.04 1.81 good 0.86 1.43 repeat 2.18 1.81 repeat 1.44 1.8 good 1.28 1.44 good 1.55 1.71 good 2.18 1.78 repeat 2.19 1.82 good 1.29 1.7 good 1.56 1.74 good 1.83 1.8 repeat 0.71 1.72 good 1.69 1.78 good S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 878 010 2015.31 10/16/2014 9 0.96 0.96 repeat On the table we can see various tissue samples and their absorbance values based of a spectrophotometric reading. The ranges generally fall between 0 and 2 based off the 260/280 and 260/230 ratios. If we look at sample 883 050, we can see that the sample is a high quality RNA sample, because the 260/230 ratio is 2.1 and the 260/280 ratio is 1.81. Both of these values satisfy the minimum cut-off of what are considered high quality RNA extraction samples. On the other hand, sample 908 022 is not a good sample because neither ratios fit the minimum needed factor to even be considered for interpretation. The 260/230 ratio is 0.86 and the 260/280 ratio is 1.41. With these low numbers, the RNA sample will need be extracted and purified again to produce better quality data in order analyze the specific RNA messenger genes. Confirmation of RNA Quality with Gel The other method of analyzing RNA samples is by using gel electrophoresis. The gel electrophoresis provides a way for us to differentiate which nucleotide bands were collected during the extraction process. The various messenger RNAs can be identified by the distance the bands travel from the sink of concentrated RNA sample. To prepare the RNA samples for gel electrophoresis, we must prepare the solution by dyeing the RNA samples with micro-dye so that we can differentiate between the bands and the gel after a current is used on the samples. While preparing the RNA samples for the gel, the concentration must also be taken into account. Putting too much or too little RNA will make the sample hard to decipher after running the genes under a current. The optimal range of RNA concentration is 200 to 500 ug of total mass for RNA. This is enough to adequately identify gene bands in the gel. After running the genes through a current, there will be separate bands that we can distinguish to identify the specific RNA messenger that we are looking for. S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 Above is a set of samples of RNAs that have been run through an electrophoresis gel. Green checks indicate that we have a quality read RNA, red X’s indicate we have bad data, and blue H’s indicate we have put in too high of a concentration of RNA into the gel. Looking at the data, we can see that some samples have definitive lines that show specific coded genes. These are marked with green check marks because we are able to identify the gene specifically. Meanwhile other samples in the above picture show very faint lines that are harder to distinguish. This means we either have bad data, or must run the gel again with an adequate concentration to better read the RNA extraction data. And lastly, there are larger black globs on some of the gel runs. This results when we exceed 500 ug of RNA sample, which makes the identity of the gene very hard to interpret because there is no separation between the bands to tell them apart. Conclusion To obtain RNA samples for interpretation, we go through a process called RNA extraction. The RNA extraction isolates RNA from our tissue sample through PreWash and Wash Buffer methods in order to rinse out any extra unwanted content. We also break down the DNA within our sample by using DNase and discard the flow-through from the collection tube. After acquiring our data, we must evaluate our RNA sample by assessing its quality. We did this by performing a RNA gel using a bioanalyzer to determine the genetic material within our RNA sample. S.J. Kanchanavaleerat 5/7/2015 References 1. "The Basics: RNA Extraction." Thermo Fisher Scientific. 2015. (7 May 2015). https://www.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home/references/ambion-tech-support/rnaisolation/general-articles/the-basics-rna-isolation.html 2. "RNA Isolation for Frozen Mouse liVers and Reverse Transcription." https://www.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home/references/ambion-tech-support/rnaisolation/general-articles/the-basics-rna-isolation.html 3. Direct-zol RNA MiniPrep. Instruction Manual. Zymo Research, 1-10. 4. “Interpreting Nanodrop (Spectrophotometric) Results. (13 May 2015). http://www.u.arizona.edu/~gwatts/azcc/InterpretingSpec.pdf