1 A genetic risk score for hypertension associates with the risk of ischemic stroke in a Swedish case-control study. Short title: GRS and stroke Cristiano Favaa,b, Marketa Sjögrena, Sandra Olssonc, Håkan Lövkvistd, Katarina Joodc, Gunnar Engströma, Bo Hedblada, Bo Norrvingd, Christina Jernc, Arne Lindgrend and Olle Melandera SUPPLEMENTARY METHODS Equation used for the calculation of the count and weighted GRS All risk alleles, as detected in previous studies, were assigned as coded alleles. For each genotype subjects: two non coded alleles were computed as 0, heterozygous subjects as 1 and homozygotes for the coded “risk” allele as 2. The beta coefficient was obtained by previous studies.1-4 wGRS for hypertension: + 0.103 * MTHFR_rs173675043 + 0.049 * MOV10_rs29325383 + 0.017 * ULK4_rs37743723 + 0.035 * SLC4A7_rs130827113+ 0.031 * MDS1_rs4190763 + 0.100 * FGF5_rs169980732 + 0.105 * SLC39A8_rs131073253 + 0.042 * GUCY1A3_rs131395713 + 0.062 * C5orf174/NPR3_rs1173771 3 + 0.052 * EBF1_rs119536303 + 0.095 * HFE_rs17999453 + 0.054 * BAT3_rs8053033 + 0.046 * CACNB2_rs43738143 + 0.05 * C10orf107_rs15304402 + 0.055 * PLCE1_rs9327643 + 0.097 * CYP17A1_rs111915483 + 0.045 * ADM_rs71292203 + 0.062 * PLEKHA7_rs3818153 + 0.07 * TMEM_rs6331853 + 0.13 * ATP2B1_ rs172497543 + 0.07 * ATXN2SH2B3_rs6531782 + 0.045 * TBX3_rs108504113 + 0.073 * CYP1A1_rs13789423 + 0.059 * FES_rs25215013 + 0.07 * PLCD3_rs129464542 + 0.025 * GOSR2_rs176087663 + 0.06 * ZNF652_rs169480482 + 0.034 * JAG1_rs13272353 + 0.110 * GNAS_EDN3_rs60154503 2 Please note that the reference assigned to the SNP indicate from which article the beta coefficient was derived. Standardization process After computation of the weighted sum, the score was divided by the number of effectively genotyped SNP to produce an average measure, which takes into account the amount of effectively genotyped SNPs. This ratio was the standardized by subtracting the population mean from an individual raw score and then dividing the difference by the population standard deviation. POWER analysis In the combined sample a power analysis estimated that we have 80% power (with an alpha error set at 0.05) to reject the null hypothesis if the true odds ratio is outside the range 0,830- 1,201 between subjects in the 2nd tertile vs 1st tertile as well as between subjects in the 3rd tertile vs 1st tertile. In the LSR we have a power of 80% (with an alpha error set at 0.05) to reject the null hypothesis if the true odds ratio is outside the range 0,739- 1,332 between subjects in the 2nd tertile vs 1st tertile and outside 0,734- 1,341 between subjects in the 3rd tertile vs 1st tertile. In the MDC with the same power and alpha, if the true odds ratio is outside the range 0,711- 1,401 between subjects in the 2nd tertile vs 1st tertile and outside 0,720- 1,385 between subjects in the 3rd tertile vs 1st tertile. In the SAHLSIS, if the true odds ratio is outside the range 0,685- 1,446 between subjects in the 2nd tertile vs. 1st tertile and outside 0,684- 1,447 between subjects in the 3rd tertile vs 1st tertile. It should be noted that these ranges have been estimated without considering that the association of GRS tertiles with stroke is modified also by the other covariates entered in the logistic regression model. 3 Category-less Net Reclassification Improvement (NRI) and Integrated Discrimination Improvement (IDI) indexes. The net reclassification improvement (NRI) index was computed using pold and pnew where pold is the predicted probability using the beta coefficients as computed in the logistic regression model without the GRS and pnes is the predicted probability using the beta coefficients as computed in the logistic regression model with the GRS. In the category-less NRI(>0) subjects are categorized as up and down according to the differences in the predicted probabilities with the two models and calculated as: NRI=P(up|event) - P(down|event) + P(down|non-event) - P(up|non-event) NRI= event(NRI)=P(up|event) - P(down|event)= non-event(NRI)=P(down|non-event) - P(up|nonevent)= As stated by Pencina et al.5, 6 using the category-less NRI(>0), since the same constant is added to the logits of models without and with the new marker, and for each subject only the ordering of predicted probabilities matters, it is easy to show that this ordering remains unchanged after the adjustment and can be applied directly and remains meaningful for case–control data. Frequently, in case–control data the ratio of events to non-events is higher than in the true population. This means that the precision of estimation for events relative to non-events is higher in this type of case–control data. Thus, in case–control studies the asymptotic standard errors can be estimated as: SE(eventNRI)= 4 SE(eventNRI)= SE(NRI)= where the respective p’s are estimated based on sample data as discussed by Pencina and colleagues. = ; = = . ; = The IDI was estimated as follows: =( new,events - where new,events is the mean of the new model-based predicted probabilities of an event for those old,events who develop events, )-( old,events new,nonevents - old,nonevents) is the corresponding quantity based on the old model, new,nonevents is the mean of the new model-based predicted probabilities of an event for those who do not develop events and old,nonevents is the corresponding quantity based on the old model.5 5 SUPPLEMENTARY RESULTS Supplementary Table S1: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for all the SNPs in the stroke case-control project. Gene SNP Chr MTHFR-NPPB3 rs17367504 1 MOV103 rs2932538 1 SLC4A73 rs13082711 3 ULK43 rs3774372 3 MECOM3 rs419076 3 FGF52 rs16998073 4 SLC39A83 rs13107325 4 GUCY1A3-GUCY1B33 rs13139571 4 NPR3-C5orf233 rs1173771 5 EBF13 rs11953630 5 HFE3 rs1799945 6 BAT2-BAT53 rs805303 6 CACNB2(5’)3 rs4373814 10 c10orf1072 rs1530440 10 PLCE13 rs932764 10 CYP17A1-NT5C23 rs11191548 10 Genomic reference (GRCh38) NC_000001.11:g.11 802721A>G NC_000001.11:g.11 2673921A>G NC_000003.12:g.27 496418T>C NC_000003.12:g.41 835922T>C NC_000003.12:g.16 9383098T>C NC_000004.12:g.80 263187A>T NC_000004.12:g.10 2267552C>T NC_000004.12:g.15 5724361C>A NC_000005.10:g.32 814922A>G NC_000005.10:g.15 8418394C>T NC_000006.12:g.26 090951C>G NC_000006.12:g.31 648589G>A NC_000010.11:g.18 131043G>C NC_000010.11:g.61 764833C>T NC_000010.11:g.94 136183A>G NC_000010.11:g.10 3086421T>C % of valid genotypes 97.7 C.A. A.A. CAF Expected heteroz. 0.251 HWE p-value 0.8096 Kappa 0.853 Observed heteroz. 0.251 A G 97.4 G A 0.738 0.390 0.386 0.3822 0.986 98.2 C T 0.225 0.349 0.349 0.9577 0.970 97.7 C T 0.150 0.251 0.255 0.2590 0.986 98.0 T C 0.463 0.500 0.497 0.6140 0.970 98.4 T A 0.351 0.456 0.455 0.9531 0.985 97.6 C T 0.956 0.084 0.085 0.5256 0.988 98.0 C A 0.784 0.338 0.338 0.9758 0.982 98.2 G A 0.593 0.484 0.483 0.7867 1.000 97.7 C T 0.657 0.450 0.451 0.8512 0.968 98.3 G C 0.123 0.213 0.215 0.4954 0.957 98.2 G A 0.614 0.471 0.474 0.6263 0.978 98.0 C G 0.432 0.487 0.491 0.5856 0.952 97.4 C T 0.820 0.294 0.296 0.5977 0.973 97.5 G A 0.447 0.499 0.494 0.4423 0.982 97.6 T C 0.896 0.188 0.186 0.4642 0.970 0.996 6 ADM3 rs7129220 11 PLEKHA73 rs381815 11 FLJ32810-TMEM1333 rs633185 11 ATP2B11 rs17249754 12 ATXN-SH2B32 rs653178 12 TBX5-TBX33 rs10850411 12 CYP1A1-ULK33 rs1378942 15 FES3 rs2521501 15 PLCD32 rs12946454 17 GOSR23 rs17608766 17 ZNF6522 rs16948048 17 JAG13 rs1327235 20 GNAS-EDN33 rs6015450 20 NC_000011.10:g.10 328991G>A NC_000011.10:g.16 880721C>T NC_000011.10:g.10 0722807G>C NC_000012.12:g.89 666809G>A NC_000012.12:g.11 1569952C>T NC_000012.12:g.11 4949991T>C NC_000015.10:g.74 785026C>A NC_000015.10:g.90 894158A>T NC_000017.11:g.45 130754A>T NC_000017.11:g.46 935905T>C NC_000017.11:g.49 363104A>G NC_000020.11:g.10 988382A>G NC_000020.11:g.59 176062A>G 97.5 A G 0.108 0.194 0.193 0.6417 0.994 97.8 T C 0.282 0.408 0.404 0.4985 0.990 97.5 C G 0.699 0.418 0.421 0.5908 0.970 97.2 G A 0.862 0.238 0.238 0.9007 0.977 98.1 G A 0.488 0.491 0.500 0.1562 0.988 97.8 T C 0.709 0.412 0.413 0.9301 0.961 97.6 C A 0.320 0.437 0.436 0.7676 0.968 97.3 T A 0.328 0.453 0.441 0.0344 0.974 98.5 T A 0.247 0.370 0.372 0.6983 0.980 98.0 C T 0.140 0.233 0.241 0.0124 0.963 97.3 G A 0.385 0.467 0.473 0.3107 0.969 97.9 G A 0.454 0.480 0.496 0.0126 0.986 98.0 G A 0.133 0.235 0.231 0.1437 0.989 SNP, Single-nucleotide polymorphism; Chr., chromosome; C.A., coded allele; A.A., Alternate allele; CAF, Coded Allele Frequency; HWE, Hardy Weinberg equilibrium 7 Supplementary Table S2. Summary association statistics based on all data for 29 independent SNPs in the different samples (MDC, LSR, SAHLSIS) and combined, after full adjustment (model C). Combined Gene MTHFRNPPB MOV10 SLC4A7 ULK4 MECOM FGF5 SLC39A8 GUCY1A3GUCY1B3 NPR3C5orf23 EBF1 HFE BAT2-BAT5 CACNB2(5') C10ORF107 PLCE1 CYP17A1NT5C2 ADM Index SNP and C.A. rs17367504 A rs2932538 G rs13082711 C rs3774372 C rs419076 T rs16998073 T rs13107325 C rs13139571 C rs1173771 G rs11953630 C rs1799945 G rs805303 G rs4373814 C rs1530440 C rs932764 G rs11191548 T rs7129220 A Beta (SEM) 1.112 (1.003-1.233) 1.080 (0.988-1.181) 0.945 (0.862-1.036) 0.986 (0.885-1.098) 0.977 (0.903-1.056) 1.087 (1.001-1.180) 0.961 (0.823-1.122) 1.052 (0.957-1.155) 1.078 (0.996-1.167) 1.037 (0.957-1.123) 1.041 (0.925-1.172) 1.003 (0.927-1.086) 1.018 (0.942-1.100) 0.991 (0.901-1.091) 1.012 (0.935-1.094) 0.952 (0.837-1.083) 0.993 (0.877-1.125) LSR p-value 0.044 0.090 0.225 0.794 0.552 0.046 0.613 0.293 0.062 0.375 0.504 0.936 0.650 0.855 0.773 0.454 0.913 Beta (SEM) 1.078 (0.919-1.265) 1.058 (0.926-1.209) 0.909 (0.789-1.046) 1.013 (0.860-1.193) 0.969 (0.862-1.089) 1.122 (0.990-1.272) 1.022 (0.810-1.290) 1.099 (0.956-1.265) 0.994 (0.881-1.121) 1.013 (0.896-1.145) 1.029 (0.863-1.228) 1.033 (0.918-1.162) 0.951 (0.845-1.071) 1.043 (0.906-1.199) 0.925 (0.822-1.042) 0.829 (0.680-1.010) 0.921 (0.764-1.109) MDC p-value 0.354 0.407 0.181 0.876 0.600 0.071 0.853 0.185 0.922 0.840 0.747 0.593 0.407 0.559 0.199 0.062 0.383 Beta (SEM) 1.038 (0.860-1.253) 1.128 (0.951-1.337) 1.037 (0.880-1.222) 0.947 (0.777-1.155) 1.030 (0.888-1.193) 1.065 (0.914-1.240) 0.864 (0.657-1.137) 1.049 (0.878-1.255) 1.145 (0.987-1.327) 0.999 (0.866-1.152) 1.070 (0.859-1.333) 1.071 (0.916-1.251) 1.010 (0.878-1.162) 0.933 (0.7781.118) 1.162 (1.001-1.350) 1.115 (0.878-1.415) 1.208 (0.963-1.515) SAHLSIS p-value Beta (SEM) p-value 0.694 1.278 (1.038-1.575) 1.130 (0.935-1.365) 0.919 (0.760-1.112) 0.966 (0.774-1.205) 0.947 (0.802-1.118) 1.056 (0.892-1.252) 0.991 (0.712-1.380) 0.997 (0.819-1.215) 1.149 (0.973-1.357) 1.083 (0.918-1.278) 1.064 (0.814-1.389) 0.942 (0.800-1.108) 1.097 (0.937-1.285) 1.010 (0.826-1.236) 1.092 (0.928-1.285) 1.006 (0.761-1.330) 0.871 (0.670-1.132) 0.021 0.166 0.666 0.592 0.698 0.421 0.297 0.597 0.073 0.985 0.547 0.392 0.889 0.451 0.049 0.371 0.103 0.208 0.385 0.757 0.520 0.525 0.957 0.979 0.101 0.344 0.651 0.469 0.239 0.920 0.292 0.968 0.301 8 PLEKHA7 FLJ32810TMEM133 ATP2B1 SH2B3 TBX5-TBX3 CYP1A2ULK3 FES PLCD3 GOSR2 ZNF652 JAG1 Dovr + GNAS-EDN3 rs381815 T rs633185 C rs2681492 G rs653178 G rs10850411 T rs1378942 C rs2521501 T rs12946454 T rs17608766 C rs16948048 G rs1327235 G rs6015450 G 1.080 (0.990-1.179) 1.078 (0.994-1.170) 1.011 (0.912-1.121) 0.974 (0.901-1.053) 1.005 (0.922-1.094) 1.097 (1.008-1.192) 1.067 (0.981-1.161) 1.061 (0.971-1.160) 1.057 (0.948-1.180) 1.041 (0.961-1.128) 0.937 (0.868-1.012) 0.947 (0.829-1.083) 0.084 0.070 0.836 0.506 0.914 0.031 0.129 0.192 0.318 0.321 0.096 0.428 1.122 (0.981-1.282) 1.061 (0.936-1.203) 1.035 (0.894-1.198) 1.005 (0.895-1.129) 0.983 (0.863-1.120) 1.099 (0.967-1.250) 1.076 (0.949-1.221) 1.072 (0.936-1.228) 0.961 (0.812-1.137) 1.037 (0.920-1.169) 1.007 (0.897-1.130) 0.984 (0.825-1.175) 0.093 0.353 0.648 0.934 0.799 0.149 0.251 0.316 0.643 0.547 0.906 0.860 1.048 (0.890-1.235) 1.212 (1.050-1.400) 1.174 (0.964-1.430) 0.915 (0.790-1.060) 1.090 (0.932-1.276) 1.124 (0.957-1.321) 1.013 (0.8631-1.19) 1.068 (0.903-1.263) 1.207 (0.993-1.468) 1.031 (0.886-1.201) 0.844 (0.729-0.978) 0.932 (0.754-1.153) 0.574 0.009 0.111 0.236 0.280 0.154 0.878 0.443 0.059 0.693 0.024 0.518 1.017 (0.849-1.219) 0.965 (0.812-1.148) 0.889 (0.705-1.120) 1.025 (0.870-1.208) 0.980 (0.815-1.177) 1.118 (0.945-1.322) 1.180 (0.986-1.413) 1.132 (0.943-1.359) 1.041 (0.832-1.302) 1.041 (0.880-1.232) 0.920 (0.785-1.080) 1.011 (0.798-1.280) 0.851 0.862 0.318 0.766 0.980 0.194 0.071 0.182 0.728 0.636 0.309 0.928 SEM, standard error of the mean. After full adjustment [regression model C= age, sex, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking habit]; C.A. coded allele 9 Supplementary Table S3. Subjects with number of missing genotypes: Number of missing genotypes Number of subjects No missing genotypes 4,685 1 missing genotype 1,148 2 missing genotypes 259 3 or more missing genotypes 602 Subjects with 3 or more missing genotypes were excluded from the analysis 10 Supplementary table S4. Reclassification (NRI>0) among people who experience an ischemic stroke and those who do not experience an ischemic stroke. N. of subjects changing categories Participants who experience a IS Event Number of events moving up Number of events moving down Participants who do not experience a IS Event Number of events moving up Number of events moving down 1809 1694 3503 1155 1234 2389 Probability P(up|IS=1) P(down|IS=1) NRI events 0,516415 0,483585 0,032829 P(up|IS=0) 0,483466 P(down|IS=0) 0,516534 0,033068 NRI non events 0,065897 NRI total n.b 174 cases and 26 controls not included in the analysis due to lack of covariates specified in model C. P(up|IS=1)= Predicted Probability augmented, given that IS occurred. P(down|IS=1)= Predicted Probability diminished, even if IS occurred. P(up|IS=0)= Predicted Probability augmented, even if IS did not occur. P(down|IS=0)= Predicted Probability diminished, given that IS occurred. 11 Supplementary Table S5. Different O.R. (95% C.I.) derived by the association analysis between GRS and different subtypes of stroke according to the TOAST classification in the SALSHIS and LSR samples. TOAST subtype SHALSIS LSR SHALSIS+LSR Large-artery atherosclerosis 1.319 (0.725-2.400) 1.037 (0.615-1.747) 1.085 (0.738-1.595) Cardioembolic stroke 1.004 (0.610-1.652) 1.187 (0.870-1.619) 1.130 (0.870-1.468) Small-vessel occlusion 1.763 (1.074-2.895)* 0.992 (0.746-1.319) 1.124 (0.881-1.435) Cryptogenic stroke 2.008 (1.304-3.090)** 1.502 (0.782-2.884) 1.809 (1.266-2.585)** 1.176 (0.901-1.535) 1.286 (1.011-1.635)* All the remaining causes including other determined 2.009 (1.124-3.588)* cause of stroke and undetermined stroke *<0,05; **<0,01 12 Supplementary Figure S1. Histogram showing the distribution of subjects with different GRS and according to valid genotypes before standardization. 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