Humble ISD High School Counselor Management Agreement School year _________ Campus ____________________________Date________________ GOALS Targeted Goals: (tangible and measurable) 1. Counselors will use data to provide guidance for students so that every student will have a rigorous academic program that is aligned with and leads to college and career readiness by the end of 12th grade. 2. Counselors will ensure that every student will have a career pathway that will make their learning more relevant and a four year plan for the pathway that will guide their course planning. This plan will be reviewed and updated annually. 3. Counselors will provide college awareness activities so that every student and his/her family will understand the pathway to and the importance of post secondary education. 4. Counselors will provide and monitor the district guidance lessons scope and sequence of four guidance lessons per grade level. 5. Counselors will provide and monitor district interventions to reduce drug and alcohol incidents. 6. Counselors will provide campus interventions that target bullying, sexual abuse, harassment, and dating violence behaviors. 7. Counselors will provide and monitor district interventions for students who have been sent to the discipline placement center. Targeted Goals Will Be Addressed by the Following Actions: Attach Counselor Work Plan document Evaluation Method for Targeted Goals: Attach Counselor Work Plan document SCHOOL COUNSELOR AVAILIBILITY The school counselor will be available for student/parent/teacher access from _________ to __________ The school counselor will return non-emergency parent phone calls from __________ to _____________ All emails will be answered within ________________ hours. COUNSELOR CASE LOADS are determined by_______________________________________ . PROGRAMMATIC DELIVERY The school counselor/counselors will spend approximately the following time in each component area to ensure the delivery of the school counseling program. _____% of my time delivering guidance curriculum 15-25% Recommended _____% of my time with individual student planning 25-35% Recommended _____% of my time with responsive services 25-35% Recommended _____% of my time with system support 15-20% Recommended Programs and services presented and available to staff include: Programs and services presented and available to parents include: Master Calendar Planned: ____Yes ____No Classroom Guidance Curriculum Planned: ____Yes Group Counseling Planned: ____Yes ____No ____No PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The school counselor will participate in one or more of the following professional development: _____District meetings for counselors _____Yearly national conference _____Yearly state conference _____Classes and/or workshops _____Other. Explain______________________________________ PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION The school counseling department will meet weekly/monthly: ___ As a counseling department team ___ With administration ___ With the school staff (faculty) ___ With subject area departments ___ With the advisory council ___________________________ Lead Counselor signature ______________________________ Principal signature ___________________________ Student Support Services ___________________________ Counselor signature ______________________________ Counselor signature ___________________________ Counselor signature ___________________________ Counselor signature ______________________________ Counselor signature ___________________________ Counselor signature ___________________________ Counselor signature ______________________________ Counselor signature ___________________________ Date