Reverend Roger A

Reverend Roger A. Soley
MD 20772-7995
PHONE: 301-856-3880
FAX: 301-856-3944
Lewis Smith
Grand Knight/Knights of Columbus
Deacon John Montgomery
Permanent Deacon
Joseph M. Nappi
Jill Primrose
Administrative Assistant
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
Saint Joseph Center
Holy Rosary Church
Daily (M-F): 8:00 a.m.
Saint Joseph Center
Sunday: -
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Holy Rosary Church
St. Joseph Center
8:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
St. Joseph Center
St. Joseph Center
Holy Days:
Sacrament Information:
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday, 4:00 - 4:45 PM in the
Infant Baptism:
Kindly call the priest or secretary
at the rectory to make
Marriage: Please call the priest
or secretary 6 months prior to a
Parish Council Members
Eileen Ford
Celia Culbert
Rosario Dickerson
Betty Elliott
John Ferguson
David Julian
Susan Marciniak
Ron Nosalik
Juanita Pointer
Jeanette Zak
Parish Finance Council Members
Steve Proctor (Chair)
Nancy Brazerol
Raymond Ford
Chester Gryskewicz
Juanita Pointer
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In John’s gospel today we hear about the continuation of Jesus’ conversation with the Jews
concerning the statement that He is the bread of life and all must come to Him in order not to
hunger or thirst. Knowing Jesus’ background---where He came from and who were His parents,
the Jews found this concept hard to accept. Jesus was a human being to them, no more special
than they and certainly not the “Son of Man”. To accept this, the Jews of Christ’s time as well as
anyone today, has to have faith. We receive faith through grace which is a gift from God. It is a
gift we were given when we were first baptized as members of the Catholic Church. This gift is
developed in our lives through prayer, good works, receiving the sacraments, and ultimately
having a relationship with God.
The Jews had seen Jesus work many miracles and they had just witnessed him feed 5,000 people.
For some, their following of Him was more related to temporal rather than spiritual needs. When
we follow and believe in Jesus and eternal life which we strive for, we must have faith. The
Jews needed to put their confidence, their faith, in Jesus not for their material needs but their
spiritual. So too with us and that is something we need to work on every day of our lives. This
quote says it all. “As Christ is the root by which a saint grows, so is He the rule by which a saint
walks.” (Anonymous) ~~~~~~Jeanette Zak
Parish Registration
Everyone is encouraged to register in the Parish. Take and fill out a registration form at the rear of the Church or Center and
place it in one of the collection baskets or drop it off or mail it to the rectory.
Parish Web Site: Washington Archdiocese:
Share Web Site:
MD Catholic Conference:
August 9, 2015
19th Sunday
August 9, 2015
Mass Schedule / Intentions for the Week
This Weekend, August 8-9
Saturday, 5:00pm
Sunday, 9am
Sunday, 11am
Pearl & Valette Proctor (D)
Pro Populo
John & Toni O’Connor (D)
This Week, August 10-15
Monday, 8am
Tuesday, 8am
Wednesday, 8am
Thursday, 8am
Friday, 8am
Saturday, 8:30am
Fr. Edward Frazer (L)
John Doran (D)
Gertrude Duckett (D)
Fr. Walter Mitchell (D)
Fr. Thomas Gradilone (D)
Carole E. McKenzie (D)
Next Weekend, August 15-16
Saturday, 5:00pm
Sunday, 9am
Sunday, 11am
Pro Populo
Andrew Parks (D)
Quinten Isom (D)
Next Sunday’s Readings
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading
Second Reading
Ephesians 5:15-20
John 6:51-58
This Week’s Lectors
Saturday, 5pm
Connie Banford
Sunday, 9am
Sunday, 11am
Calvin Bell
Isarah Pierre-Louis
This Week’s Extraordinary Ministers
Saturday, 5pm
Sunday, 9am
Sunday, 11am
Lorraine Retzlaff
Mary Farrimond
Lydia Anderson, Roberta
Roper, Lewis Smith, Jr.
This Week’s Acolyte
Sunday, 11am
Kaitlyn Parks
Most Holy Rosary Council No. 11511
Grand Knight Al Camp
Mary Lou Abald, Sister Agnes
Clare, Sister Brauna McFarlane,
Judy Anderson, John Anderson,
Monica Anderson, Dominic
Arman, Margaret Beaver, Terry
Bechtold, Frank Bello, Frederick
Bello, Gladys Benton, George
Berry, Veronica Best, Ruth
Block, Faith Britt, John Bugg, John Burns, Paul Cahill,
Lilian Caplins, Bob & Barbara Carroll, Mary Cave,
Patrice Chandler-Smith, Jackie Chancio, Marco Clark,
Angel Colbert, Theresa Colbert, Joshua Colbert,
Sterling Colbert, Sr., Elizabeth Cook, Bob Coughlan,
Cliff Daus, Sister Brona Donohoe, Ed Donovan, Carl
Edgell, Jerome Eppler, Mary Farrimond, Richard
Farrell, Jr., Ricky Farrell, III, Kuniko Fluck, Eileen Ford,
Jacqueline Ford, Ernestine Fredette, Frederick Fricker,
Joshua Gardener, Joyce Green, Denise Griffin, Donald
Griffith, Joseph & Fernande Haran, Monica Harley,
Frances Hawkins, Ethel Herring, Andy Hoffman, Joe
Holley, Joe Hooks, Msgr. Richard Hughes, Mary
Hurlock, Jessie Hutchison, Robert & Liz Isom, Rose
Jackson, Theresa Jackson, John Jako, Marianne
Julian, Chuck Kidwell, Christine Kidwell, Tim Kiley,
Marion Kneas, Michael Langway, Nancy LaVine,
Nancy Lingerfelt, Miriam Love, Juanita Lowe, Fr. John
Lynch, Rosalie Lynn, Paul Martin, Barbara Mattis,
James McFadden, Betty McFarlane, Noah McLaughlin,
Peggy McLaughlin, , Gary McLean, Joan McMurrer,
Rachel McMurrer, Deborah McNeill, T.J. Mauck,
Richard Mizak, Charles Moroney, Damiana Murphy,
Michael Nappi, Paul Nappi, Ralph Nasatka, Agnes
O’Malley, Jessica O’Neill, Margaret Penn, Donald
Point, Sally Presti, Barbara Proctor, John A. Proctor,
Marvin Proctor, Nellie Proctor, Bob Richards, Connie
Richards, Roxanne Riker, Patty Robinson, Joe
Rodgers, Beverly Sadler, Leisl Shreader, Chuck
Shilling, Audrey Smith, Candace Smith, Fr. John
Smolko, Jeni Stepanek, Bernie & Melissa Spicer,
Maurie Stevens, Frances Stokes, Barb Sullivan, Mary
H. Swann, Austin Swann, Virgil Teti, Joanna
Thompson, Jackie Vanacore, Eric Van Tassel, Wayne
Van Tassel, Fred Voss, Bessie Walger, Eloise Wells,
Robyn White, Antonio White.
Please pray that those whose names appear
here – and others we know who are ill – will
experience health, healing and peace of mind.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
God offers us abundant life,
but we can miss it. What is
the bread of life which Jesus
offers? It is first of all the life
of God himself -- life which
sustains us not only now in
this age but also in the age to come. The Rabbis said
that the generation in the wilderness have no part in
the life to come. In the Book of Numbers it is recorded
that the people who refused to brave the dangers of
the promised land were condemned to wander in the
wilderness until they died. The Rabbis believed that
the father who missed the promised land also missed
the life to come. When Jesus offers us real life he
brings us into a new relationship with God, a
relationship of trust, love, and obedience. And he
offers us real life which last forever, a life of love,
fellowship, communion, and union with the One who
made us in love to be him forever. To refuse Jesus is
to refuse eternal life, unending life with the Heavenly
Father. To accept Jesus as the bread of heaven is not
only life and spiritual nourishment for this world but
glory in the world to come. Do you accept Jesus as the
bread of life?
"Lord Jesus, you are the living bread which
sustains me in this life. May I always hunger for
the bread which comes from heaven and find in it
the nourishment and strength I need to love and
serve you wholeheartedly. May I always live in
the joy, peace, and unity of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, both now and in the age to come.”
August is the Month of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and tender Mother of
all people, I consecrate myself to your Immaculate
Heart, and recommend to you my family, my country,
and the whole human race. Please accept my
consecration, and use me as you wish to accomplish
your designs upon the world. O Immaculate Heart of
Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, teach me how to
allow the Heart of Jesus to triumph in me and around
me, as it has ruled and triumphed in you. Amen.
Exploring Catholic
Stewardship: Part II
A Summary of the U.S.
Bishops' Pastoral Letter
on Stewardship
Stewards safeguard
material and human
resources and use them responsibly, and are
generous in giving time, talent, and treasure. Christian
stewards receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them
responsibly, share them lovingly in justice, and return
them with increase to the Lord
Disciples as Stewards: Jesus calls us to be
disciples, to commit our very selves to him.
Stewardship shapes and molds our understanding of
our lives and the way we live. We are grateful for our
gifts and use them to show our love for God and one
Stewards of Creation: God created the world, but
entrusts it to human beings. Caring for and cultivating
the world involves joyful appreciation for the God-given
beauty and wonder of nature; protection and
preservation of the environment; respect for human
life; and development of this world through noble
human effort—physical labor, the trades and
professions, the arts and sciences. Work is a fulfilling
human vocation, a partnership with God—our share in
a divine human collaboration in creation.
Stewards of Vocation: Jesus calls us to the
Christian way of life—of which stewardship is part. He
calls us individually, by name. Each of us has a
vocation to play, a unique role in carrying out the
divine plan. The challenge is to understand our role
and to respond generously to this call from God. In
addition, Christ calls each of us to be stewards of our
personal vocations, which we receive from God.
Stewards of the Church: Stewards of God's gifts
are not passive beneficiaries. We are obliged to be
stewards of the Church—collaborators and
cooperators in continuing the redemptive work of
Jesus Christ, the Church's essential mission. This
mission—proclaiming and teaching, serving and
sanctifying—is our task. It is the personal responsibility
of each one of us as stewards of the Church. All
members of the Church have their own roles to play in
carrying out its mission.
Bread of Life Recipe
6 c. whole wheat flour
2 (.25 oz.) packages active dry yeast
½ cup sugar 2 tsp. baking soda
1 tbsp. baking powder 1-1/2 cups water
½ cup anise seed 2 egg whites
Combine flour and yeast in a large bowl. Stir in sugar,
baking soda, baking powder, and water. Stir in anise
seeds. Let dough stand in warm area for 1 hour, letting
bread rise. Knead bread and put in 2 regular loaf pans.
Brush tops with beaten egg whites. Bake at 400
degrees for 50 minutes. Enjoy!