middle haddam historic district commission

Thursday, October 23, 2014 @ 6:30 pm
Location: Town Hall – East Hampton
1. Call to Order – Presiding as Chairman, Commissioner Charles Roberts called the
meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call / Seating of Alternates – Roll call was taken. Present were Commissioners
Charles Roberts, Demian Battit and Alternates Christopher Dart and Regina Starolis.
Chairman Roberts seated Mr. Dart and Ms. Starolis.
3. Public remarks - Items not on Agenda - None
4. Public Hearings
a. Application #494, filed by Second Congregational Church applicant Fred Hansen,
trustee regarding 52 Middle Haddam Road, to replace front sign.
Chairman Roberts started the discussion with a recommended correction. The
agenda states that the application was filed by “Christ Church” but it should state
“The Second Congregational Church”.
Mr. Hansen indicated that the current sign in front of the church is deteriorating
and provided photos of the proposed replacement sign. He stated that the proposed
sign will be the same size as the current sign and will be in the same location. It
will have 2 PVC posts with caps on each side with the UCC logo in color at the top
center of the sign and an area for messages that will consist of black and white
replaceable letters that slide in and out. Tom Wright, trustee of the church stated
the proposed sign will be made up of ¼” thick composition board with aluminum
outside and will be one-sided facing the road as it is now. Commissioner Battit
made a motion to accept Application #494 as presented, seconded by Alternate
Dart. Vote: 4-Yes; 0-No Motion approved.
5. Approval of minutes & motions
b. October 2014 special meeting- The minutes for the October 2014 special meeting
were approved as written. The vote was unanimous in favor. 4-Yes; 0-No Motion
6. Correspondence
c. Other –None
7. Reports
d. Expenditures- None.
e. Other – Commissioner Starolis confirmed that she received the archeology report
for Application #490.
8. New business:
f. Other- Chairman Roberts stated that Richard Walsh, Jr., emailed his letter of
resignation last night and that Chairman Roberts will submit a copy of the letter to the
members. Commissioner Starolis asked about the process of electing a new Chair. Chairman
Roberts stated that he would check with Rick Walsh and the town to find out the
9. Unfinished business
g. Other – Chairman Roberts stated that he will follow up with the permit status of the
paved driveway across the street from the Congregational Church as discussed at the August 28
meeting and the correspondence from Mr. Carey in the building department to Mr. McCutcheon
about the condition of 76 Middle Haddam Rd which was also discussed at the August 28th
meeting. Chairman Roberts stated that he will have a report on both issues by the December
10. Public remarks – None
11. Adjournment – Commissioner Dart made a motion to adjourn at 6:42 p.m., seconded by
Commissioner Battit. Motion unanimous in favor. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Castonguay
Recording Secretary