FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS – Updated 29th April 2008
Your committee is made up of volunteers who try to do the best they can for you. Sometimes
we are asked questions about the numerous and varied trips we organise so here are some
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their answers.
Q01. Can I book a particular seat on the coach trips?
Usually, on the longer trips, the committee will allocate seat numbers and will try to
accommodate those of our members with a particular requirement. However, on
normal day trips, seats are not allocated, except for the front seats, which are used by
the organiser. To try to do this would be a logistical nightmare.
Normal protocol, however, is to keep the same seat for both legs of the trip as some
folks leave bags/newspapers/clothing on the coach. See also Q02
Q02. Why can’t I change my seat on the return journey?
Some folks don’t travel well in coaches and prefer to be nearer the front to the coach
and most folks leave belongings on the seats, which they expect to find there upon
their return to the coach.
On the longer trips, we supply a seating plan to the coach company identifying where
we are seated.
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Q01. Why does the hotel sometimes vary from that on the poster?
The committee goes to great lengths to ensure that details on the posters are correct.
However, sometimes the booking company makes last minute changes, which are
often beyond their control. The committee will always try to advise members if this
happens and if we are advised in time.
Q02. I asked for a double room but I was placed in a twin room. Why?
Hotels only have a limited number of doubles available, then they will start allocating
twins. This is beyond the committee’s – and the booking company’s – control.
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Q01. Why are some comfort stops of such short duration?
On our longer trips we are at the mercy of traffic, roadworks, weather etc. Also, coach
drivers can only drive for a certain amount of hours.
If we are booked in a particular ferry or EuroTunnel slot, the driver may have to keep
breaks to a minimum to allow us to get to the terminal on time.
Q02. Why are we only allowed 2 boxes per person at ‘booze’ stops when returning
from continental coach trips?
The coach has a weight limit that must be observed.
Q03. We were told that there would be a booze stop on the way home and this didn’t
happen. Why?
Q04. A) Why can’t the coach drop us off where we want?
B) Why don’t you have more pick-up and drop-off points?
A) We always designate one drop-off and one pick-up point with clearly advertised
times. This serves to ensure that the organisers can easily count heads and identify
missing members.
B) We have two main points – RAF Wyton bus stop and Riverside car park,
Huntingdon. If we had more it would take up too much stop/start time and we’d have
to start the trips too early!
Q05. If, on continental or UK mini breaks, I want to make my own way to and from
the hotel, is that OK?
Absolutely. As long as you let the coach organiser know in advance so that we don’t
wait for you to show up at the pre-designated drop-off or pick-up points.
Q06. How long will the coach wait if I don't make it to the pick up point on time?
The coach organiser should have provided you with his/her mobile number in the
event of a problem. If you let us know, we’ll try to arrange something.
Parking and waiting times can be severely restrictive so the coach will allow around 5
minutes leeway then, unless we’ve heard from you, will leave.
Q07. Will I have time to have a meal in the West End before the start of a show?
It is advisable to take a 'picnic' to eat on the coach as due to the unpredictability of the
traffic into London we may have to go straight into the theatre.
On theatre trips will I have time to have a drink after the show?
No. You may use the theatre toilet facilities after the show, but apart from that you
must return to the coach pick up point straight away. Waiting time, especially in
London, is limited and if you are late you may find the coach has been 'moved on'. It
is also a courtesy to your fellow travellers to return promptly.
Q09. Are we insured on coach trips?
For all UK trips of single day duration you are insured against accidents whilst on the
coach, but not for cancellation, illness etc.
However, for UK or continental mini-breaks, you must have your own travel
insurance. You have two options:
Buy your own insurance. If you do this, the organisers will require:
The name of your Insurance Company
The number of your Policy
Your Insurance Company’s emergency telephone number.
Pay extra for, and use, the insurance offered by the coach company.
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Q01. If I have to drop out of a trip, can I get a refund.
The committee will do everything in their power to give you a refund, however
sometimes it’s not possible:
 If the coach company / box office has already been paid and we cannot backfill your
place from the reserve list.
 If by dropping out – and we cannot backfill your place from the reserve list – we fall
below the number required for the group price.
 If you tell us less than 48 hours before the event it’s unlikely we’ll be able to give you a
refund. The more time you give us, the better.
 If we have already procured the tickets for a trip or event and have no one on the reserve
Q02. Do I get a refund if we don't make it to an event on time?
We will, of course, have already paid for the seats at the event.
To keep the cost of the events down, we do not have insurance cover for traffic
delays, etc. If you feel you need that cover, you need to arrange it yourself.
Note: In the past 4 years we have not missed the start of any performance.
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Q01. Why, when I ring to book a seat on a trip, is the trip already full?
All our event posters are sent out to contact areas at the same time. Unfortunately, due
to pressure of work, leave, sickness, courses, etc., some areas can’t manage to get the
posters on the board as quickly as others.
To get a heads-up when the poster is released, contact Richard Ashcroft with your
email address and he will send the poster directly to you.
Q02. Why do you impose a cut-off point for booking seats?
There are two main reasons:
We may have to book places at the venue in advance of the trip.
Some members request places and then, just before the trip, decide not to go.
The cut-off point gives us a window of opportunity to offer the places to any
members on the reserve list who otherwise would miss out.
Q03. Why do I have to pay a Single Supplement on some trips and not others?
Good question! Your committee always endeavour to book coach companies who will
allow us some free singles places. However, this is not always possible so we’re stuck
with it, I’m afraid.
We always try to get the best deal and, sometimes, even the best deals include Single
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Q01. Why are there so many prices on some event posters? It can be confusing.
We try to keep the prices as simple as possible. We pass on all price concession and
normally the difference is the cost of transport less any subsidy agreed by the
Q02. Sometimes there is too much information on the posters!
Sorry about that. We try to give you as much info as possible about an event or trip
and sometimes it can make the posters look a bit busy.
We’ll try to do better.
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Q01. Why can’t I take a friend on a trip at the price I’m paying?
Individual CSSC membership shares are not transferable. We keep the prices as low
as possible by passing on the group discounts and further subsidising the event for
It would not be fair to other CSSC members if you bought additional places at the
CSSC members’ rate.
Of course, if your friend became a member…………..!
Q02. I have a Membership Plus and, therefore, 2 shares; can I take a friend at the
CSSC member’s rate?
Yes. Normally it is only the CSSC member that goes at the CSSC rate but, as you
have 2 shares, we have agreed that this allows you to transfer 1 share to a friend or
Membership – 1 share
1 Member (not transferable)
Membership Plus – 2 shares
1 Member (not transferable) + 1 Guest
Note: Membership numbers should always be quoted when applying for trips.
Note: Membership cards should always be carried on trips.
Q03. Why do you charge non-members prices for a child? A child is cheaper to take
than an adult.
We pass on child prices but some venues don’t offer price concessions. On some
events we agree to subsidise the child prices to make it more affordable to take a
family. However, we have to limit how many children each member can take at the
lower price and can only reduce the first child price or it becomes unfair to other
CSSC members.
See also MEMBERS A01 and A02.
Q04. I’m a CSSC member but not in Huntingdon Area Association catchment area,
can I still go on your organised events?
We must, of course, look after own Huntingdon members first, but if there are places
available then you are most welcome to come on the event.
However, as we subsidise the events from Huntingdon Area Association funds, we
must be careful not to fill too many places from outside of our own area.
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