
Appendix S1. Examples of previous research that have investigated the effect that
different environmental variables, both physical and biological, have on patterns of fish
distribution, assemblage composition, and relative abundance.
Environmental Variable
Substrate type
Carr, 1991; Jenkins & Wheatley, 1998; Dean et al.,
2000; Williams & Bax, 2001; Harman et al., 2003
Structure and complexity
Choat & Ayling, 1987; Roberts & Ormond, 1987; Jones,
1988; Hixon & Beets, 1993; Tolimieri, 1995; Caley &
St. John, 1996; Friedlander & Parrish, 1998; Steele,
1999; Holbrook et al., 2000; McClanahan & Arthur,
2001; Harman et al., 2003; Willis & Anderson, 2003;
Pittman et al., 2007
Water depth
Meekan & Choat, 1997; Friedlander & Parrish, 1998;
Connell & Lincoln-Smith, 1999; Hyndes et al., 1999;
Williams & Bax, 2001; Williams et al., 2001; Brook,
2002; Curley et al., 2002
Vegetation and algal cover
Leum & Choat, 1980; Choat & Ayling, 1987; Holbrook
et al., 1990; Levin & Hay, 1996; Dean et al., 2000;
Anderson & Millar, 2004
Oceanographic parameters,
Choat & Ayling, 1987; Ysebaert et al., 2002; Lecchini et
temperature and exposure
al., 2003; Fulton & Bellwood, 2004; Schick et al., 2004
and current velocity
References for Appendix S1
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Carr, M.H. (1991) Habitat selection and recruitment of an assemblage of temperate zone
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