YEAR 2 KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER INVOLVING HQP Project 01 Optimization of Nanoscale Interfaces in Organic PV Active Layers Journal Publications (Published) “An air stable hybrid Inverted tandem solar cell design”, F. Liu, J.M. Nunzi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 063301 (2011) (top 20 downloaded paper) Charge separation in semicrystalline polymeric semiconductors by photoexcitation: Is the mechanism intrinsic or extrinsic? F. Paquin, G. Latini, M. Sakowicz, P.-L. Karsenti, L. Wang, D. Beljonne, N. Stingelin, C. Silva. Physical Review Letters 106, 197401 (2011). “Organic solar cells' materials and active layer designs, improvements with carbon nanotubes: a review”, B. Ratier, J.M. Nunzi, M. Aldissi, T.M. Kraft, E. Buncel, Polym. Int. 61, 342–354 (2012) Presentations (Oral) “Metal plasmon enhanced luminescence of rhodamine B”, F. Liu, B.S. Rao, G. Aldea, J.M. Nunzi, Proc SPIE 8113, 81130C (2011) Project 02 Improving Organic Solar Cell Efficiency Using Low Band Gap Polymers and Tandem Devices Journal Publications (Published) P. Berrouard, A. Najari, A. Pron, D. Gendron, P.-O. Morin, J. Veilleux, M. Leclerc, ''Synthesis of a 5alkyl[3,4-c]thienopyrrole-4,6-dione-based copolymer via direct heteroarylation'', Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 2068 Journals Publications (Submitted) D. Gendron, S. Lévesque, N. Bérubé, F. Grenier, M. Côté, M. Leclerc, J. Phys. Chem. C., 2012, to be submitted. Presentations (Invited) CSC 2011 Conference, Montréal, June 5 to 9, 2011: Michel Côté, (Includes work done by HQP Jonathan Laflamme) “Efficient evaluation of screened exchange without explicit calculation of conduction states’’ (invited speaker) CAP Congress, St-John’s, Newfoundland, June 13 to 17, 2011: Michel Côté, (Includes work done by HQP Jonathan Laflamme) “Electronic properties of polymers for photovoltaic applications’’ (invited speaker) Presentations (Posters) ABINIT Workshop, Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, April 11 to 14, 2011: Jonathan Laflamme, “Faster G0W0 implementation” (poster) ( MRS – Boston- December 2011: P. Berrouard, M. Leclerc, ‘’ Synthesis of 5-alkyl[3,4c]thienopyrrole-4,6-dione-based polymers via direct heteroarylation ‘’ (poster) MRS – Boston- December 2011: F. Grenier, M. Leclerc, ‘’ Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfur Derivatives of Isoindigo and Diketopyrrolopyrrole for Application in Small Molecule Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells’’ (poster) Conference: APS March Meeting, Boston Convention Center, February 26 to March 2, 2012: J. Laflamme Janssen, N. Bérubé, G. Antonius, M. Côté, “G0W0 implementation using Lanczos algorithm. ’’ Project 03 Highly Efficient Low-Cost Polymeric Solar Cells Journal Publications (Published) B. Worfolk, S. Beaupré, M. Leclerc and J. Buriak, ‘’Work Function Control of Interfacial Buffer Layers for efficient and Air-stable Inverted Low Band Gap Organic Photovoltaics’’, Adv. Energy Mater., 2, 361-368 (2012). Journal Publications (Submitted) B.-R. Aïch, S. Beaupré, J.-R. Pouliot, Y. Tao, M. Leclerc, ‘’ Control of the active layer nanomorphology by using additives toward high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells’’, Org. Electron. 2012, submitted (March 2012). Presentations (Invited) Conference: SPIE, 2011 Optics+Photonics, San Diego, 21-25 August, 2011: M. Côté, H. Antaya, M. Sakowicz, C. Silva, “Calculations of interface states between two polymers: polythiophene and polyselenophene“, (invited, presentation 8098-05) Presentations (Oral) Conference : Photonics North, Ottawa Convention Center, May 17, 2011 : H. Antaya, M.Côté, M. Sakowicz, C. Silva, "Calculations of interface states between two polymers: polythiophene and polyselenophene", (non-invited, contributed talk) Conference : Photonics North, Ottawa Convention Center, May 17, 2011 : N. Bérubé, H. Antaya, M. Côté, "Organic solar cells: a theoretical study of the effects of polymer side-chains", (non-invited, contributed talk. Conference: T.C. Hauger, B.J. Worfolk, K.D. Harris, M. Leclerc, J.M. Buriak. “Tailored Bulk Heterojunction Morphology for Low Band Gap Inverted Organic Solar Cells”. Accepted Presentation at 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, June 2011. Conference: M. Thomas, B.J. Worfolk, D.A. Rider, M.T. Taschuk, J.M. Buriak, M.J. Brett. “Engineered Morphologies for Inverted Organic Photovoltaic Cells: Glancing Angle Deposited C60 Fullerene Nanocolumns”. Presentation at 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, June, 2011. Conference: B.J. Worfolk, D.A. Rider, A.L. Elias, M. Thomas, K.D. Harris, J.M. Buriak. “Carboxylated Polythiophenes and PCBM Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaics on Glass and Plastic Substrates”. Presentation at 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, June 2011. Conference: B.J. Worfolk, K.D. Harris, S. Beaupré, M. Leclerc, J.M. Buriak. “Next-Generation Organic Photovoltaics”. Presented at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2011. Conference: U. Al-Atar, B. Worfolk, J. Buriak A Novel PEDOT:DNA Hybrid Layer Increases Stability of Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cell, CSC Meeting 2011, Abstract number 698, EG3. Conference: APS March Meeting, Boston Convention Center, February 26 to March 2, 2012: H. Antaya, M. Sakowicz, C. Silva, M. Côté, “Analysis of interface states in blend of polythiophene and polyselenophene: experiments and theory“, (non-invited, contributed talk, presentation P49.5). Conference: APS March Meeting, Boston Convention Center, February 26 to March 2, 2012: N. Bérubé, V. Gosselin, H. Lepage, M. Côté, “Organic solar cells: How can the theory guide the experience?“, (non-invited, contributed talk, presentation P49.12) Presentations (Poster) Conference: M. Thomas, B.J. Worfolk, D.A. Rider, M.T. Taschuk, J.M. Buriak, M.J. Brett. “Engineered Morphologies for Inverted Organic Photovoltaic Cells: Glancing Angle Deposited C60 Fullerene Nanocolumns”. Accepted Poster Presentation at 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, September, 2011. Conference: B.J. Worfolk, T.C. Hauger, K.D. Harris, D.A. Rider, J.A.M. Fordyce, S.Beaupré, M. Leclerc, J.M. Buriak. “Polymeric Cathodic Buffer Layers for Efficient and Stable Organic Photovoltaics". Visual Presentation at 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany, September, 2011. Network In The Media (Broadcast Radio or TV) Network In The Media: Prof. Leclerc's team on the Television show ‘’Découverte’’ broadcasted by Société Radio-Canada Sunday, April 3, 2011, 6:30 PM. (In French Only) Project 04 Metal Oxide/Organic Hybrid Solar Cells Journal Publications (Published) “Fluorinated alkyl phosphonic acid SAMs replace PEDOT:PSS in polymer semiconductor devices”, Mingqing Wang, Ian G. Hill, Organic Electronics, vol 13, pg 498 Presentations (Oral) “Sol-gel Prepared Ca Doped ZnO and Its Application in Polymer–Oxide Bilayer Hybrid Solar Cells”, Mingqing Wang (presenter) and Ian G Hill, AVS International Symposium, Nashville TN, Oct. 2011. Project 05 Tandem Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanowire Based Solar Cell None Project 06 Optimization of Nanoscale Interfaces in Organic PV Active Layers Presentations (Oral) A. Amos-Binks, B. Nemeth, S. Demtchenko, S.P. McGarry and N.G. Tarr, “RF Sputtered aSi:H Solar Cells with Conductive Polymer Emitters”, oral presentation at Photonics North 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 16-18, 2011. M. Thomas, B.J. Worfolk, D.A. Rider, M.T. Taschuk, J.M. Buriak, M.J. Brett, "Engineered morphologies for inverted organic photovoltaic cells: Glancing Angle Deposited C60 fullerene nanocolumns", oral presentation at Photonics North 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 16-18, 2011. J.G. Van Dijken, M.D. Fleischauer, M.J. Brett, "Nanostructured metal phthalocyanines for organic solar cells", oral presentation at Photonics North 2011, Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 16-18, 2011. J.G. Van Dijken, M.D. Fleischauer, M.J. Brett. "Advanced Nanostructuring of MetalPhthalocyanines for Organic Photovoltaic Devices," Proc. 37th IEEE Photov. Spec. Conf.(2011)., Oral presentation at Seattle, June 20, 2011 Presentations (Poster) M. Thomas, B.J. Worfolk, D.A. Rider, M.T. Taschuk, J.M. Buriak, and M.J. Brett, "Inverted organic photovoltaic cellsbased on Glancing Angle Deposited C60 fullerene nanocolumns", poster presentation at the 37th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, June 19-24, 2011. Best Poster Award. Network in the Media (Events) Two PhD students from the Brett group (van Dijken, Thomas) and one from the Buriak group (Worfolk) entered a business planning competition based on long-lived organic solar cells. They were awarded “runners-up” in the final TEC Edmonton Venture Prize Competition on April 27, 2011. Project 07 Enhanced Efficiency Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Journal Publications P. Mirtcheve, E. Henderson, N. Soheilnia, C. M. Yip, G. A. Ozin, Solution phase synthesis of carbon quantum dots as sensitizers for nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 1265, 2012. N. Tetreault, E. Arsenault, L. Heiniger, N. Soheilnia, J. Brillet, S. Zakeeruddin, G. A. Ozin, M. Gratzel, High-Efficiency Dye Sensitized Solar cell with three-dimensionalphotoanode, Nano lett., 11(11), 4579, 2011. Presentations (Oral) Inorganic Discussion Weekend, Navid Soheilnia, A step toward high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells, August 19-22, Niagara Falls. Project 08 Third Generation Spectral Engineering for Increased Solar Cell Efficiencies Presentations (Poster) Optimization of Down-Converters for Photovoltaics Applications, A. M. Gabr, A. Walker, R. Beal, J. F. Wheeldon, J. Sacks, R. Savidge, T. J. Hall, R. N. Kleiman and K. Hinzer, Nano Ontario Conference and Workshop 2011, Hamilton, ON, October 14, 2011 (poster presentation) Project 09 Nanowire Photovoltaics Journal Publications (Published) J.P. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, Polytype formation in GaAs/GaP axial nanowire heterostructures, J. Cryst. Growth 332 (2011) 21. A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, “Contact planarization of ensemble nanowires”, Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 245304. H. P. T. Nguyen, Y.-L Chang, I. Shih and Z. Mi, “InN p-i-n nanowire solar cells on Si”, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. 17 17 (2011) 1062. O. Salehzadeh, M. X. Chen, K. L. Kavanagh, S. P. Watkins, “Rectifying characteristics of Te-doped GaAs nanowires”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 182102, (2011) O. Salehzadeh, S.P. Watkins, “Control of GaAs nanowire morphology by group III precursor chemistry”, J. Cryst. Growth, 325, 5, (2011) O. Salehzadeh, S.P. Watkins, “Effect of carbon dopant on the morphology of GaAs Nanowires”, Nanotechnology. 22, 165603 , (2011). O. Salehzadeh and S P Watkins , “Effect of carbon tetrabromide on the morphology of GaAs nanowires”, Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 165603. J.P. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, Patterned gold-assisted growth of GaP nanowires on Si, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2012) 035002. Journal Publications (Submitted) O. Salehzadeh, K.L. Kavanagh, S.P. Watkins, "Electrical properties of carbon doped GaAs nanowires" to be submitted to J. Appl. Phys. O. Salehzadeh, K.L. Kavanagh, S.P. Watkins "Electrical properties of Te-doped GaAs nanowires" to be submitted to J. Appl. Phys. Presentations (Invited) Oral Presentation (Invited), Omid Salehzadeh and Simon Watkins, "Control of nanowire heterostructures and doping via precursor chemistry", CMOSET Conference (Whistler BC, June 15, 2011). Presentations (Oral) Oral Presentation, J.P. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, Transient Supersaturation Effects of Au VLS Catalysts on the Growth of Low-Dimensional Axial GaAs/GaP Heterostructure Nanowires for Optoelectronic Applications, 2011 MRS Spring Meeting (Apr 25 – 29, 2011, San Francisco, California). Oral Presentation, A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, Surface Passivation of GaAs Nanowires, 2011 MRS Spring Meeting (Apr 25 – 29, 2011, San Francisco, California). Oral Presentation, Omid Salehzadeh and Simon Watkins, "Control of Nanowire Morphology by Choice of Precursor Chemistry", Spring Materials Research Society Meeting (San Francisco, April 27, 2011). Oral Presentation, Z. Mi, H. P. T. Nguyen, K. Cui, Md. G. Kibria, D. Wang and I. Shih, “Harvesting solar energy using group III-nitride nanowires,” Photonics North and Photovoltaics 2nd National Scientific Conference (Ottawa, ON, May 16-18, 2011) Oral presentation, O. Salehzadeh and S P Watkins, “Effect of Carbon Doping on Morphology and Structure of GaAs Nanowires”, 15th Int. Conf. Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy XV, Lake Tahoe, May 25, 2011. Oral Presentation, Omid Salehzadeh and Simon Watkins "Control of III-V Nanowire Epitaxy by Precursor Chemistry" (Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, June 2011). Oral Presentation, Omid Salehzadeh, Christoph Herrmann, Xin Zhang, Byron Gates, Karen Kavanagh and Simon Watkins, "Electrical Properties of Tellurium- and Carbon-Doped GaAs Nanowires", Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (November 28, 2011). Presentations (Poster) Poster Presentation, J.P. Boulanger and R.R. LaPierre, Patterned Au-assisted VLS growth of III-V nanowires on Si (111) by MBE: challenges and obstacles, Nano Ontario Conference and Workshop 2011 (Oct 14-15, 2011, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario). Poster Presentation, A.C.E. Chia and R.R. LaPierre, Surface passivation of gallium arsenide nanowires for photovoltaic applications, Nano Ontario Conference and Workshop 2011 (Oct 14-15, 2011, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario). Poster Presentation, A. Ahktari-Zavareh, O. Salehzadeh, S. Alagha, S.P. Watkins,K.L. Kavanagh, "BEEM and in situ SEM nanoprobe measurements of Au-GaAs Nanowires", Annual Meeting of the Pacific Center for Advanced Materials and Microstructures (University of Victoria, BC, 10 December, 2011). Poster Presentation, O. Salehzadeh, K.L. Kavanagh and S.P. Watkins, "Te-doping of GaAs nanowires", Annual Meeting of the Pacific Center for Advanced Materials and Microstructures (University of Victoria, BC, 10 December, 2011). Project 10 Advanced Thin Silicon High Efficiency Device Integrations Journal Publications (Published) Paul G. O'Brien, Yang Yang, Alongkarn Chutinan, Pratish Mahtani, Keith Leong, Daniel P. Puzzo, Leonardo D. Bonifacio, Chen-Wei Lin, Geoffrey A. Ozin, Nazir P. Kherani, “Selectively transparent and conducting photonic crystal solar spectrum splitters made of alternating sputtered indium-tin oxide and spin-coated silica nanoparticle layers for enhanced photovoltaics”, Journal of Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 4-APR-2012 DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2012.03.005. Presentations (Oral) Dmitri S. Stepanov, Zahidur R. Chowdhury and Nazir P. Kherani, "Lowest surface recombination velocity on n-type crystalline silicon using PECVD a-Si:H/SiNx bi-layer passivation", Proc. SPIE 8007, 800720 (2011); doi:10.1117/12.905624 Presentation (Poster) K. Kumar, K.C. Lee, J. Nogami, P.R. Herman, N.P. Kherani, “Anti-Reflection Monocrystalline Silicon Using a Laser Written Mask and Chemical Etching”, 2nd International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics, Belgium (Apr 2012), poster presentation. Education and Outreach (School Involvement) Engagement of several undergraduate students in 4th year thesis/design projects as well as summer research work in collaboration with senior graduate students. Project 11 Novel III-V and I-III-VI Based Multi-Junction Solar Cells Journal Publications J. F. Wheeldon, C. E. Valdivia, A. Walker, G. Kolhatkar, D. Masson, B. Riel, S. Fafard, A. Jaouad, A. Turula, R. Arès, V. Aimez, T. J. Hall, K. Hinzer, “Performance comparison of AlGaAs, GaAs and InGaP tunnel junctions for concentrated multijunction solar cells,”(10 pages), Prog. Photovoltaics: Res. Appl., 19, 442–452 (2011). Presentations (Invited) J. F. Wheeldon, R. Beal, A. Walker, O. Thériault, M. Yandt, F. Proulx, J. Hayson, K. Hinzer, "Calibrated High Efficiency Testing and Modelling Methodologies for Concentrated Multi-Junction Solar Cells ", IEEE VTS'11, 29th VLSI Test Symposium, Dana Point, USA, May 1-5, 2011. Invited. J. F. Wheeldon, R. Beal, A. Walker, O. Theriault, M. Yandt, F. Proulx, J. Hayson, K. Hinzer, "Quantum Dot Enhanced Multi-Junction Solar Cells, the Next Generation of High Efficiency Solar Cells", Canadian Association of Physicists Congress 2011, St. John's, Canada, 2011 Invited Presentations (Oral) S. Park, C. H. Champness, Z. Mi, and I. Shih “Metal contacts to p-type crystalline CuInSe2,” Photonics North 2011 Ottawa, Canada, May 16-18, 2011. Published in Proceedings of the SPIE. J. Qiu, A. Shih, Y. F. Qi, S. Park, Z. Mi, and I. Shih, “Growth of large crystalline CuInSe 2 ingots,” Photonics North and Photovoltaics 2nd National Scientific Conference, SPIE 8007-3 (4 pages), Ottawa, ON, May 16-18, 2011. J. F. Wheeldon, A. W. Walker, O. Thériault, M. Yandt, and K. Hinzer, “Numerical Simulations of Temperature Dependence of High-Efficiency Multi-Junction Solar Cells, Under Concentrated Sunlight,” Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics, Toronto Canada, June 12-16, 2011. S. Park, C. H. Champness, Z. Mi. and I. Shih, “Metal contacts to p-type crystalline copper indium diselenide,” 37th IEEE Photovoltaic specialist conference, Seattle, Washington, June 19-24, 2011. W. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, O. Thériault, M. Yandt, and K. Hinzer, “Temperature Dependent External Quantum Efficiency Simulations and Experimental Measurement of GaInP/GaAs/Ge Solar Cells,” 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, Seattle, USA, June 19-24, 2011. W. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon, O Thériault, M. D. Yandt and K. Hinzer. “Temperature dependant external quantum efficiency simulations and experimental measurement of lattice matched quantum dot enhanced multi-junction solar cells,” (6 pages) 37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference June 19-24, 2011, Seattle, USA. Paper downloadable from IEEE Xplore digital library. O. Thériault, J. F. Wheeldon, A. Walker, P. Bitar, M. Yandt, C. E. Valdivia, and K. Hinzer, "Temperature-dependent quantum efficiency of quantum dot enhanced multi-junction solar cells," (4 pages) 7th International Conference on Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems, 33651, Las Vegas, USA, 2011. Proc. published by the American Institute of Physics, available online. O. Thériault, A. W. Walker, J. F. Wheeldon and K. Hinzer. “Effect of Quantum Dot Layers on the Behaviour of Multi-junction Solar Cells Under Concentration,” (4 pages) 8 th International Conference on Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems, Toledo, Spain, April 16-18, 2012. Project 12 Cell Design for Window and Skylight Applications Journal Publications (Published) Allard, N., Beaupré, S., Aïch, B.R., Najari, A., Leclerc, M., ''Synthesis and characterization of new poly(thieno[3,4-d]thiazole) derivatives for photovoltaic applications'', Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 7184. Presentations (Oral) Kapsis, K., Athienitis, A.K., “Building integrated semi-transparent photovoltaics: Daylighting and energy performance”, 2nd Photonics North Conference proceedings, May 2011, Ottawa, ON. Allard, N., Beaupré, S., Aïch, B.R., Najari, A., Leclerc, M., ''Synthesis and characterization of new poly(thieno[3,4-d]thiazole) derivatives for photovoltaic applications’’, MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, November 2011, Boston, MA. Presentations (Poster) Esfandiarpour, B., Sivoththaman, S., “Embedment of Quantum Dots in Sol-gel Derived Zinc-Oxide Films for photovoltaic and photonic applications” Photonics North (poster presentation), May 2011, Ottawa. Knowledge Generalization and Mobilization (Technology Transfer) Kapsis, K., Athienitis, A.K., Design of the façade and the BIPV/T roof of Varennes public library, a net-zero energy institutional building, Project 13 Photovoltaics and the Transition to a Carbon-Neutral Energy System in Canada Presentations (Oral) Rosenbloom, Daniel, J. Meadowcroft (2012). Transitioning to a low carbon electricity system: a socio-technical, evolutionary, multi-level analysis of wind and solar deployment and incentive policy development in Ontario. Paper accepted for presentation at the upcoming Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy Annual Workshop. Network in the Media (Online) Fast, S., C. Hoicka, J. Knott & D. Rosenbloom (2011). Grappling with green energy evidence. Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy - A collaborative media article was developed by the lead research associate along with PhD candidates working on sustainable energy policy in Ontario. The media piece was posted to the Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy website and distributed via their LinkedIn network just prior to the Ontario election.