May 18 – 21, 2009
The annual BIO 2009 International Convention, the largest global biotechnology event,
was held in Atlanta from May 18 to 21, 2009. It provided excellent opportunities to meet
with senior government officials and representatives of national and global companies.
There were 15,000 representatives from 70 different countries in attendance. Alberta
stands to benefit greatly from these meetings as they often lead to new and enhanced
corporate partnerships, an international reputation as a place for commercially relevant
research, and increased funding to Alberta research teams. The convention also provided
opportunities to promote Alberta’s Pharmaceutical Strategy and to participate in a
National Roundtable on the Bio-Based Economy.
Mission Objectives:
 Announce Government of Alberta support through Genome Alberta to a research
project that will examine Alberta’s potential to reduce the use of water and natural
gas in oilsands extraction and improve the management of tailings ponds through
natural processes.
 Announce Government of Alberta support through Genome Alberta to evaluate
valuable compounds in plant DNA that may help human health.
 Promote Alberta’s Action Plan: Bringing Technology to Market, Alberta’s new
research and innovation system and the Alberta Pharmaceutical Strategy.
 Meet with various multinational companies to advance existing and new strategic
 Promote Alberta’s areas of strength in life sciences research, including:
cardiovascular, oncology, diabetes, bioenergy, and more.
May 19 – BIO 2009 Atlanta
Meeting with DSM N.V.
 Provided updates on the current collaboration with Dutch corporation DSM and
explored areas for future collaboration with Alberta researchers and organizations.
 Invited DSM to visit Alberta to tour key research centres and meet with potential
research collaborators.
Canadian Pavilion ribbon cutting ceremony and the BIOTECanada National
Roundtable on the BioBased Economy
 Spoke at the Canada Pavilion opening, networked with federal representatives, other
Canadian provincial leaders, and Alberta exhibitors and convention delegates.
Provided updates to the Canadian biotech industry roundtable attendees on Alberta’s
initiatives to support a bio-based economy, including Alberta’s Action Plan:
Bringing Technology to Market, Alberta’s new research and innovation system and
investment in biotechnology research.
Discussed biotechnology competitiveness in Alberta and how it is contributing to
overall Canadian global competitiveness.
Meeting with Minister Pinkwart, Minister of Innovation, Science, Research and
Technology of the State of North Rhine Westphalia, Germany
 Promoted Alberta research capability to the state of North Rhine Westphalia, updated
the current collaboration between the two jurisdictions and explored future
collaborations in the areas of research and development.
 Shared information on the research and innovation system and Alberta’s Action Plan:
Bringing Technology to Market.
 Witnessed the signing of a Memorandum Of Understanding between the City of
Drayton Valley and Cluster Industrial Biotechnology (CLIB 2021) to further the
collaboration between Alberta and the State of North Rhine Westphalia in the area of
Meeting with Chemaphor
 Discussed the development of partnerships between the company and Alberta’s
researchers and life sciences industries.
Meeting with executives from AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Merck-Frosst, GlaxoSmithKline
and Rx&D (Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies)
 Promoted the Alberta Pharmaceutical Strategy and new research and innovation
system in Alberta.
 Discussed the role of pharmaceutical policy with investment and economic impact,
potential synergies between corporate product research needs, and Alberta
pre-clinical product development capabilities. Encouraged these companies to invest
more into Alberta
 Discussed the pharmaceutical product listing agreements and solicited feedback from
the companies.
Attended Hong Kong SAR, Rx&D and Alberta Reception
 Networked with companies and delegates at receptions to promote Alberta’s research
capabilities and attract investment into Alberta.
 Announced Government of Alberta support through Genome Alberta to a research
project that would reduce the use of water and natural gas in oil sands extraction and
improve the management of tailings ponds through natural processes.
 Announced Government of Alberta support through Genome Alberta to evaluate
valuable compounds in plant DNA that may help human health.
May 20 – BIO 2009 Atlanta
Meeting with Ontario Minister of Research and Innovation
 Exchanged information on research and innovation systems in both provinces and key
learnings on growing and fostering the biotechnology sectors.
 Discussed collaborations on future biotechnology initiatives.
Meeting with Teva Innovative Ventures
 Discussed Alberta’s new research and innovation system and Alberta’s Action Plan:
Bringing Technology to Market, as well as potential investment by the company in
 Invited Teva Innovative Ventures to visit Alberta to tour key research centres and
meet with potential collaborators in areas of interest.
Meeting with Syngenta
 Provided updates on the current collaboration with Syngenta and explored areas for
future collaboration with Alberta researchers and organizations.
 Invited Syngenta to visit Alberta to tour key research centres and meet with potential
collaborators in areas of interest.
Meeting with Amgen and attended Keynote Luncheon at BIO with Amgen
 Discussed Alberta Pharmaceutical Strategy and Alberta’s new research and
innovation system with Amgen. Challenged the company to invest more into Alberta.
 Attended the Luncheon on American Health Care reform to gain insight into potential
policy changes in US.
Korea-Canada BIO Reception
 Spoke to and networked with delegates at the Korea-Canada BIO reception to
strengthen the relationship between Alberta and Korean partners.