Chapter 1 Systems Biology of the Beta-cell - Revisited Flemming Pociot ‘Nature is fond of hiding herself’, Heracleitus. Abstract The insulin secreting beta-cell is one of the most specialized cell types. Almost the entire intracellular machinery is directed towards maintaining glucose homeostasis. It has been a focus of intensive research for several decades, which has culminated in the characterization of processes involved in synthesis and secretion of the hormone in considerable details. The stage of knowledge of this cell is reflected in a substantial variety of mathematical models and numerical simulations that aim to explain major aspects of the beta-cell function (see other chapters). These models, though answering many questions about the beta-cell function, remain to be only isolated attempts and have not yet been integrated into a single more unified model. Thus, there is a need to apply a holistic approach. Keywords Beta cell, Diabetes, Genetics, Networks, Systems Biology, Flemming Pociot, Hagedorn Research Institute, Niels Steensensvej 1, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark. E-mail: 1.1. Introduction Cells are complex biological systems that consist of components that interact with each other, under regulatory strategies, in response to internal and environmental signals. A biological system can be viewed as a set of diverse and multi-functional components (genes, gene products and metabolites), which population level change over time in response to internal interactions and external signals. The interactions among the system components reflect the value one component has on values of other components. These interactions are usually governed by a set of biophysical laws, most of which are only partially known. Modeling involves inference of both the interaction map (structural inference) of the system and the mathematical formalisms that approximate the dynamic biophysical laws the system follows (dynamic inference) (1). Both of these approaches aim at characterizing the system at different levels of abstraction and neither of them are trivial. System biology requires exact knowledge of magnitudes of kinetics parameters that characterize the components involved. This knowledge has so far been incomplete, thus limiting the use of all models suggested. Further, development of such models into the direction of systems biology requires that the model in effort be closely tight to innovative and exact experimentation. Understanding how cellular components interact in time and space is crucial for deciphering the functions inside a living cell. Technological advances make simultaneous detection of thousands of biological variables possible. Microarrays 2 are used to measure expression of thousands of genes simultaneously, yeasttwo-hybrid (Y2H) and affinity-purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS) assays are used to map protein interactions, and ChIP-chip methods are used to identify interaction between proteins and DNA, just to name a few. The challenge will be to integrate such existing data with data such as the role of ion channels in creating the electric activity in the beta-cell membrane, the traffic infusion of insulin granules with plasma membrane, the role of glycometabolism and mitochondria, to obtain precise data from living cells, and to include the dynamic nature of these processes (see other chapters), Figure 1.1. That will allow us to formulate a comprehensive and robust model of the main networks of biochemical and physical processes involved in insulin secretion. Such a model is expected to be a valuable tool in understanding beta-cell function and the development of disease – i.e. diabetes – related to beta-cell dysfunction. It may also open avenues to finding novel ways of treatment modalities. Additionally, the models may be of use for testing effects of various pharmacological agents. (FIGURE 1.1; to be placed in 30 pages color insert. Consider black and white version here) 1.2 The Beta Cell and Diabetes Diabetes is common and getting more common and is now one of the most common non-communicable diseases globally. Diabetes is a life-threatening condition. More than 250 million people live with diabetes and the disease is associated with enormous health costs for virtually 3 every society. It is estimated that 3.8 million men and women died from diabetes in 2007, more than 6% of the total world mortality. It is further estimated that the number of people with diabetes will reach 380 million in 2025 (2). This means that 1 out of 14 adults world-wide will have diabetes in year 2025. It is estimated that the world spent at least USD 232 billion in 2007 to treat and prevent diabetes and its complications (3; 4). Diabetes is certain to be one of the most challenging health problems in the 21st century. Diabetes mellitus is classified on the basis of etiology and clinical presentation of the disorder into 4 types: 1) type 1 diabetes, 2) type 2 diabetes, 3) gestational diabetes mellitus, and 4) other specific types (5; 6). In type 1 diabetes the beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed by the immune system for reasons not fully understood and little or no insulin is produced. The disease can affect people of any age, but usually occurs in children and young adults. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. The specific reasons for developing these abnormalities are not yet known. In type 2 diabetes, beta-cell deterioration occurs due to a combination of genetics, low-grade inflammation, and glucose- and lipo-toxicity (7; 8). The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes usually occurs after the age of 40 years, but could occur earlier especially in populations with high diabetes prevalence. Gestational diabetes mellitus is a carbohydrate intolerance of varying degrees of severity, which starts or is first recognized during pregnancy. Women who have had gestational diabetes mellitus have increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in later years (9). 4 Other specific types of diabetes includes monogenic forms with most of these affecting beta-cell functions (i.e. maturity-onset of diabetes in the young (MODY)) (10). The insulin producing tissue is known as the islets of Langerhans. There are approximately 1 million islets in a normal human pancreas. They are named after the German pathologist Paul Langerhans (1847-1888) who discovered them in 1869 (11). There are five types of cells in an islet where the most abundant (6080%) cell type is the beta cell that produce insulin (12). The glucose metabolism is under strict control. Despite intake of large amounts of carbohydrates or several days of starvation, plasma glucose levels are maintained within a very narrow window. Insulin is a key regulator of the glucose homeostasis and has several important metabolic effects to assist this function, Figure 1.2. (FIGURE 1.2; Insert black and white version here) The cell can be considered an open system exchanging material with its environment. In this sense, a living entity has a dynamic relationship with its surroundings, and to fully understand beta-cell function, it might be critical to study simultaneously the other cell types of the islet of Langerhans. This has not been addressed thoroughly, i.e. few studies have evaluated beta-cell function as part of a biological system comprising all islet-cell types, despite the fact that often islets are used for experimental studies as opposed to isolated beta cells. The cell provides spatial organization through its membranes and other structures and much of this is not encoded in DNA. It could be argued that 5 various interactions between molecules are defined by the laws of chemistries, and that if one can determine which biomolecules are supplied by the information given in DNA, then one can deduce the behavior of the cell. 1.3 Genetics of Diabetes – From GWA to NWA Studies Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are polygenic, multifactorial diseases, i.e. several genes contribute to disease risk, which in combination with environmental factors may cause clinical disease, whereas MODY forms are monogenic. Recently, very large genetic studies, so called genome-wide association (GWA) studies, have revealed a large number of susceptibility genes in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes (13; 14). Interestingly, several of the potential candidate genes might be implicated in beta-cell function. In MODY forms all known disease genes are directly involved in beta-cell function (10). Other chapters deal with this in details. Here it suffice to say that the fundamental aim of genetics is to understand how an organism’s phenotype is determined by genotype and implicit in this is predicting how changes in DNA sequence are affecting phenotypes, Figure 1.3. (FIGURE 1.3; Insert black and white version here) GWA studies encompass a number of challenges, which include 1) statistical power; 2) biological interpretation, e.g. which gene is the ‘right’ one; 3) in complex traits there may be many marker interactions (15). The latter has not 6 been thoroughly addressed in current GWA scans. Nevertheless, GWA studies provide a rapid and high coverage method to map genetic interaction networks at large scale, although this is often not recognized. For detailed discussion of GWA studies data, see chapter by Lyssenko and Groop. Additionally, a simple linear interpretation of DNA information may no longer be sufficient. For example much of the genome is transcribed producing many functional non-coding transcripts (16; 17); and higher-level structures and processes in the cell, such as nuclear organization, the structure of DNA, and chromatin remodeling, are intrinsic to transcription regulations (18). So although DNA is vital and central to heritable information, this information has limited meaning except in the context of the cell and the additional rules and codes that it provides. A new approach to classify human disease that both appreciate the uses and limits of reductionism and incorporate the tenets of the none-reductionist approach of complex system analyses is therefore essential. Obviously, all disease phenotypes reflect consequences of variation in complex genetic networks operating within a dynamic environmental framework. Cellular networks are modular, consisting of groups of highly interconnected proteins responsible for specific cellular functions. Disease represents the perturbation or breakdown of a specific functional module caused by variation in one or more of the components producing recognizable developmental and/or physiological dynamic instability. Such a model offers a simple hypothesis for the emergence of complex or polygenic disorders: A phenotype often correlates with inability of a particular functional module to carry out its basic function. For extended modules, many different expression combinations of perturbed genes might 7 incapacitate the module, as a result of which variations in expression of different genes may to lead to the same clinical phenotype. This correlation between disease and functional modules, i.e. moving from GWA to NWA (network-wide (pathway) association) studies can also help understanding cellular networks by helping us to identify which genes are involved in the same cellular function or network module (19; 20). Importantly, this association of disease with functional modules may also influence our choice of rational therapeutic targets. It may also tell us which perturbations are deleterious and which are not. 1.4 Why Systems Biology? A system biology approach aims to devise models based on the comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analyses of diverse constituents of a cell or tissue, with the ultimate goal of explaining biological phenomena through the interaction of all its cellular and molecular components. This is based on the analysis of large-scale datasets, such as those generated by DNA microarrays and proteomics. The model is subsequently refined through introduction of perturbations in the system and a new round of large-scale gene/protein analysis. System biology is thus an interactive process in which researchers propose models based on large datasets, make predictions departing from the model, and then conduct additional large-scale experiments to test the prediction and refine the model. 8 As system biology progresses, multifactorial diseases, such as diabetes may be understood in terms of failure of molecular components to cooperative properly. Consequently, multifactorial diseases may be approached and treated in a much more rational and effective way (21). The starting point for this is the notion that any biological property is the result of the interaction in time and space of a large set of different molecules, cells, organs and/or organisms. The iterative cycle of model-driven experimentation with experimental data-driven modeling, in combination with novel systems analysis tools, constitute the very heart of system biology. Biological systems are endowed with two features of great interest: function as an emergent property and robustness (22). A function derives as an emergent property when it is not present in the individual components of the systems, but emerges when the various parts interact following an appropriate organizational design. Robustness is the ability to maintain stable functioning despite internal and external perturbation. Robustness is not absolute and cells are, in general, robust in the face of frequently occurring perturbations but fragile when dealing with rare events. Moreover, robustness has a cost in terms of allocation of resources, e.g. to glucose sensing, insulin synthesis and secretion. The evolutive acquisition of robustness appears to be one main source of complexity for biological systems. 1.5 Systems Biology – How? To identify the structure and function of intracellular networks, it is important to keep in mind that the beta cell is a well-organized system having its own 9 components strategically positioned and regulated in a functionally independent modular manner. This form of internal organization has been selected throughout evolution and further by differentiation to successfully carry out the increasing complexity of maintaining glucose homeostasis - but also as a ‘safety switch’ where diverse reactions can take place without being deleterious to the cell. Connectivity among such functional modules is the key feature that makes the cell operate as an integrated system, allowing internal functions to influence one another. Identifying functional modules is thus crucial for understanding intracellular functions. In systems biology, basically two main approaches are considered for this, the bottom-up and the top-down approaches (23; 24). The bottom-up approach (from modules to networks) is basically a reductionist method and strongly promoted by the concepts and technology of biochemistry and molecular biology. The concept of this approach is the idea of initially aggregating detailed biological knowledge about individual components and quantitative information about the molecular interaction into appropriate molecules and then to interconnect these into architectures suitable for holistic analysis of the system of interest. Depending on any frame work of choice, e.g. deterministic or stochastic, continuum or discrete modeling approaches, the first step involves verbal level modeling, where necessary information about the system is collected. This is followed by the model setup and subsequent solution of equations, performing parameter sensitivity analysis. This process yields sufficient information about new experimental designs, which can then be used for the quantification of 10 individual components and their dynamic behavior. Parameter estimation can then be followed which paves the way for the testing and validation of the model. The final result is cycled until a satisfactory result is obtained. This modeling cycle is the key to the success of bottom-up or reductionist model building. One example of the bottom-up approach to systems biology is the silicon cell program (see chapter 25 and (25). Here are e.g. metabolic pathways like glycolysis models built from kinetics rate laws in vitro. In vitro measurements of enzyme kinetics allow for an exact characterization and manipulation of quantitative parameters and will yield a reasonably steady-state depiction of glycolysis. Although, the reductionist approach is powerful in building logically simple hypothesis and devising ways to test them, it is very difficult to reconstitute a model for a whole biological system by combining the pieces of information it generates. Using a reductionist approach, the entire system model must be reconstituted by combing information about every molecular step in the system. Any missing pieces of information may block the reconstitution of the system. Therefore, the bottom-up approach requires essentially complete information including the dynamic behavior of each step, to build a system model. Also, reductionism by definition focuses on information essential to a simplify question and intentionally discards extra information. The major difficulty in applying this strategy, however, is the definition of criteria for the demarcation of these modules to guarantee a certain level of autonomy. For the time being these modules are most often defined from an empirical, text book driven decomposition of the network into subsystems performing particular physiological functions. Because of the absence of a rigorous definition of these subunits the question remains whether the fundamental organization of the 11 biological networks or multiorgan systems is modular at all or distributed, or whether it is probably best described as being a little bit of both. The top-down approach is basically linked to a high throughput reductionisms (e.g. assigning biological function to the genome of an organism). Another aspect, however, is characterized by exhaustive, simultaneous descriptions of biological systems such as global profiling (transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, interactome, fluxome etc.). Such broad and detailed information about a biological system provide us with a view different from reductionism – a view of how the system behaves as a whole. In a top-down approach, the primary focus is planning an execution of large-scale experiments to generate a lot of information about the genome, proteome, metabolome etc. The experimental design is therefore a crucial part that determines whether this strategy will be successful or not. Perturbation experiments are performed and followed by the design of further experiments, new time theories etc. Next step involves the large-scale data generation of “omics” data and following data analysis new networks are inferred, which give an idea about the structure and interaction between the players in the system and a general impression of its performance. There is also a possibility of studying the modularity in such reconstructed networks by studying the interaction of sub-networks within the networks and pinning down their autonomous nature or lack of it. The approach is useful but only if its pitfalls are appreciated. One example is the use of Bayesian networks (which assumes the absence of feedback) for those biological regulatory networks that are known to abound in feedback. A second example is the 12 common description of cellular regulation only in terms of gene networks, although it is clear that proteins, signal transduction and metabolism are involved in this regulation in addition to mRNA. An example of a top-down approach is the study of the gut microbial-mammalian interactions on the metabolic profiles of the host organism (26). Here, the application of metabonomics has revealed specific metabolic phenotypes associated with different microflora (24). This illustrates that an important source of metabolomic variability in the host will be missed if only the host genome is studied. However, there should be no controversy about the need of a mixed complimentary approach, but only about the relative importance in context with the existing knowledge related to a given problem. The two models pursue different goals: A bottom-up model is constructed to be locally correct (describing individual reactions by correct rate laws and parameters), while a top-down model, on the other hand, is optimized for a good global fit to in vivo behaviour. In a model of limited size, it is unlikely that both requirements will be fulfilled at the same time. Once the problem has been formulated, the purpose and the scope of the model and the related known information about the different aspects of structure, and regulation of the system can be studied. If the known outweigh the unknown then the bottom-up approach can be taken with confidence. But in the case where there are a large number of unknowns the topdown approach is the logical way to bridge the gap between the knowns and the unknowns. The ultimate goal of such a hybrid approach is that the characterization of the behavior of parts of the system should be consistent with the expected and/or observed behavior of the system as a whole. The top-down 13 approach is to deconstruct the system into smaller parts. The bottom-up approach is to reconstitute elemental steps into larger parts. If the result of these approaches meets in the middle, and if they are consistent in terms of links between modules, multiple functions of elements etc., we can be confident that we are on the right track. In other words, we can use information from the reductionist approach as constraints in large-scale model building and vise versa. This endeavor is possible only with strong coordination between experimental and modeling efforts. It is important that both areas are tightly linked and function in tandem as one single effort. Biological networks that have been studied extensively usually consist of many intermediate steps between the initial response (to a signal) and the outcome. We do not know all these steps and components for any complex system, but a simplifying assumption can be made by recognizing that different parts of the network operate at a different speech. For example, kinases operate on a much faster time scale than gene regulation. Then when interpreting gene regulation data one can assume that the cell signaling network has already responded to the condition (is at steady stage) and that one is assaying the events relevant to gene regulation. Also there might be events taking place at the same time scale that are not being measured, for example chromatin modification during a transcriptomic experiments. 1.6 Challenges of Methodological Advances 14 A further problem is that the controls put in place are specific to the lab and even the series of experiments that a scientist may conduct. This creates a problem for reusing knowledge of how systems behave from experiment to experiment. Examples of data standardizations relevant to systems biology include Gene Ontology (GO) for describing gene function (27), Minimal Information About Microarray Experiments (MIAME), Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) (28) and Cell Markup Language (CellML) for describing biomolecular simulations (29), and MIBBI (28; 30). A prerequisite to system biology is the integration of heterogeneous experimental data, which are stored in numerous life-science databases. The most important tool for reaching and understanding of biology at the level of systems is the analysis of biological models. The basis building blocks for these models are existing experimental data, which are stored in literally thousands of databases. It might be a common misconception that the main problems of database integration are related to the technology that is used for these purposes, but it has been argued that although the mastering of such technology can be challenging, the main problems are actually related to the databases themselves (31). These problems include technical problems as web-access problems, problems with data extraction and lack of software interfaces, problems with data preprocessing, in appropriate conceptualizations, and problems with the content of databases. However, also social issues and political obstacles may be responsible for some problems with life sciences databases (31). 15 The dynamics of the system can be mathematically modeled, allowing prediction of the response of the system to genetic and environmental perturbations. Data can be used to construct co-expression networks in which the notes are transcript levels and the edges represent correlations between transcripts. Such model is based on the assumption that genes with correlated expression are likely to be functionally associated (although other explanation such as linkage and/or linkage disequilibrium or the impact of the clinically treated cell could also result in correlations). It is also clear that many functionally associated genes would not be correlated given that much regulation is post-transcriptional. Thus, such networks are clearly approximations of the underlying biology, and integration with other datasets and approaches are important. Nevertheless, groups of genes or modules identified by co-expression modeling are significantly enriched for functionally related genes (32). 1.7 Summary We believe that considerable effort now should be devoted to examine the regulated exocytosis in pancreatic beta-cells by a broad perspective rather than focusing narrowly on individual pathways or components. This will require the application of interdisciplinary approaches including genetics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, physiology and mathematical modeling. This should eventually enable the development of a holistic picture of the beta-cell, integrating information from multiple scales, including genes, a transcript, proteins, organelles, cell and tissue communications. 16 1.8 Understanding Pancreatic Beta-Cell Death in Type 1 Diabetes – A Systems Biology Approach Clinically, type 1 diabetes is diagnosed when 70-80% of beta-cells have been lost due to immune-mediated destruction (33). The slow destruction of beta-cells, coupled with the autoimmune nature of the disease suggests that type 1 diabetes is potentially preventable (34). How well do we understand how beta-cells are progressively killed by the immune systems in type 1 diabetes to allow a targeted intervention to prevent beta-cell loss? And is current research approaches focusing on individual pathways adequate to inform our understanding of this? Currently, the answer to both questions is unfortunately “no”. When beta cells are exposed in vitro to cytokines they present functional changes which are comparable to those observed in pre-diabetic individuals, i.e. a preferential loss of the first phase insulin release in response to glycose, probably caused by decrease in the docking and fusion of insulin granules to the beta-cell membrane (35) and a disproportionate increase in the proinsulin/insulin ratio (36). Cytokines induce stress-response genes that either protect or contribute to beta-cell death. They also down-regulate genes related to beta-cell function and regeneration, and trigger the expression of chemokines and cytokines that will contribute to the attraction and activation of immune cells. In a top-down approach gene expression studies have identified nearly 700 genes that are up- and down-regulated in purified rat beta-cells or insulin 17 producing INS-1E cells after exposure to cytokines and nearly 2,000 genes modified by cytokines or viral infection in human pancreatic islets (37; 38) ( Two transcription factors play key roles for cytokine-induced apoptosis, namely NFκB (induced by IL-1β, TNFα) and STAT1 induced by IFNγ (39). Prevention of NFκB activation protects beta cells in vitro against cytokines-induced apoptosis, whereas in vivo NFκB blocking protects beta cells from diabetogenic agents (40). Intriguingly, NFκB has mostly anti-apoptotic effect in other cell types (41), and recent observations in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice indicate that inhibition of NFκB activation in beta cells accelerates the development of diabetes (42). Comparison between IL-1 induced NFκB in beta-cells (where the transcription factor has pro-apoptotic effect) and fibroblast (where it has anti-apoptotic effect) show that cytokine-induced NFκB activation in insulin producing cells is more rapid, intense and sustained than in fibroblast, leading to a more pronounced activitation of the downstream genes (43). These findings suggest that the NFκB mediated anti- or pro-apoptotic effect in vitro are cell and context dependent. Activation of NFκB in beta-cells in vivo will play a pro- or anti-apoptotic role depending on the animal model of diabetes studied and possibly on the time window utilized for the NFκB inhibition. Systemic STAT1 depletion protects against diabetogenic agents (44) and spontaneous development of diabetes in NOD mice (45). This suggests an imbalance between deleterious and protective mechanisms leads to progressive beta-cell loss in type 1 diabetes and that this, to a large extend, take place inside the beta cells and affect the interaction with the invading cells from the immune system. Thus, it can be speculated that prevention of human type 1 diabetes will 18 require hitting multiple targets, i.e. preventing activation of pro-apoptotic betacell gene networks, supporting beta-cell defense/regeneration and arresting/regulating the autoimmune assaults. Furthermore, the mathematical language has been applied to describe the dynamics of the early pathogenetic events where interaction between the immune system and the beta cell leads to beta-cell dysfunction and development of type 1 diabetes (46). Still, these attempts are very simple, but seem promising in describing the multifactorial nature of the disease. A mathematical formalism allows for a more comprehensive description of the biological problem and can reveal non-intuitive properties of the dynamics. Also animal models of human type 1 diabetes have served a prominent function in the development of current ideas of pathogenesis and approaches to therapy. Despite translational obstacles in going from observations in rodents to human studies, animal models may still be useful in a system biology approach in order to identify disease-relevant biological pathways and/or interactions between such. The following example serves to illustrate the complexity of spontaneous disease development in one such model, i.e. the BioBreeding (BB) rat, and how simple intervention (perturbation of disease network) may lead to extensive changes in beta-cell protein expression pattern. A transplantation model was used since destruction of islets in situ in the pancreas is not synchronized in time and space, and to enable proteomic studies of diabetes development and islet destruction in vivo. Extensive proteomics work has been performed using this model (47). Although clinical symptoms of (type 1) diabetes in are abrupt in both man and rodents, the clinical presentation is preceded by a period of variable length, during which the islets are inflamed individually and gradually destroyed. 19 In other words, the destruction of islets in situ in the pancreas is not synchronized in time and space. The spontaneous development of diabetes and destruction of islets in situ are mirrored in the transplanted islets, which can be excised for further studies. To provide minimal influence on the spontaneous diabetes development only 200 neonatal BB-diabetes prone (DP) rat islets were transplanted under the kidney capsule of BB-DP rats (syngeneic transplantation) (47). Proteome studies demonstrated that beta-cell destruction could be characterized by a limited number of highly significant modules of co-expressed proteins, see Figure 1.4a. Interestingly, these islet protein expression patterns were predictive also for diabetes development as they could identify and differentiate nondiabetic rats with ‘diabetic’ and ‘non-diabetic’ protein expression patterns, 1.5. (FIGURE 1.4; to be placed in 30 pages color insert.) In a separate study it was concluded that prophylactic insulin treatment administered in this transplantation model considerable decreased the incidence of diabetes and significantly reduced inflammation of the islets in situ and in the islet graft (48). Interestingly, prophylactic insulin treatment led to a substantial perturbation in protein expression patterns, Figure 1.4b. This illustrates the importance of analyzing modules and network interactions of genes and proteins in order to understand and characterize beta-cell function. (FIGURE 1.5; to be placed in 30 pages color insert.) 20 1.9 Conclusions Since complex intracellular systems are often composed of smaller, functionally independent sub-network structures, this chapter has discussed different approaches that partition a system into functional modules or reconstruct it based on the interaction between these entities. Different algorithms may result in different compartmentalization of the underlying structure as a whole, but when combined effectively, these approaches should provide a global view of the coordinated functionalities inside complex biological systems as the beta cell. However, even though a massive amount of experimental data is currently available and substantial biological knowledge has been gained, they remain insufficient for the inference of the missing knowledge, in order to simulate large scale systems at molecular resolution. There are compromises that, if properly applied, may improve the simulation speed and reduce the dimensionality problem and parameter space, while making only minor sacrifices in the description accuracy of the phenomenon. The partitioning of the system into functional or mathematical parts is not always a trivial task. Furthermore, when validation or optimization is needed for the sub-models, it should be kept in mind that the data are usually referred to the complete system and not to the parts, which are indeed not independent of the rest of the system. Alternative models, which simulate large scale systems as a whole by incorporating information and data from genes to proteins and enzymes, are possible when sacrificing dynamic description resolution. Constraint-based models are widely used as top-down models for the investigation of the metabolic capabilities under specific environmental conditions and perturbations, and dynamic phenomena can be approximated by changing 21 the constraints. Additionally, a better way to incorporate other interacting systems such as signal pathways, and gene regulatory networks to the complex metabolic network of the beta cell leaves room for improvement towards a multilevel integrated system. Currently, it is possible to simulate reaction networks occurring in intracellular processes by coupling databases of reaction kinetics to simulation packages for huge systems of non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs), e.g. programmes like Silicon Cell, Vertical Cell, E-cell or Cyber Cell. Answering the question of how beta-cell dysfunction is related to pathophysiology of diabetes requires an even more geometrical and comprehensive, thoroughly multilevel understanding of living processes based on distributed data over both temporal and spatial scales in combination with systematic extensive experimental measurement of key parameters. The scales range from the single nanometer (nm) to thousands of nm and from milliseconds to 5-30 minutes (see other chapters). Clearly, that requires a distinct type of mathematical modeling and new software for the mesoscale. Although routine in physics, it is not yet available in the biophysical simulation community (49). Acknowledgements I thank Dr. Thomas Sparre for access to protein expression data from the BB rat transplantation models, and Peter Hagedorn and Mogens Aalund for bioinformatics and data analysis. Financial support from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD)/Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation/Novo Nordisk is gratefully acknowledged. 22 Figure legends Figure 1.1 Large-scale molecular, clinical and imaging data provide the ability to capture the complexity interacting molecular networks both within and between tissues that underlies complex phenotypes. Reproduced from Pharmacogenomics (2009) 10(2), 203-212, with permission of Future Medicine Ltd. Figure 1.2 a. Insulin has several metabolic and cellular effects. b. Glucose-induced insulin production and secretion is a tightly controlled process, which is schematically outlined only in the figure. Figure 1.4 Perturbation of protein expression patterns. Prophylactic insulin prevents or delays diabetes onset and preserves islet transplants in the BioBreeding (BB) transplantation model. See text for details on experimental design. Heat plot of a cluster of protein expressions in transplanted islets excised at different time points post transplantation (p07: 7 days post transplantation; p23: 23 days, etc. pDM: at time of diabetes diagnosis). Color codes are shown to the right of each heat plot. Red indicates high expression and blue low expression. The Y-axis show the coordinates of the protein spots identified on a 2D-gel. Note that the order of proteins are not the same in a and b. a. Data for spontaneous diabetes 23 development. b. Data for transplanted BB rats receiving continuous insulin infusion. Figure 1.5 Islet protein expression differs between diabetes-prone (DP) and diabetesresistant (DR and WF) rat strains and a ‘diabetogenic’ pattern (left) and a ‘nondaibetogenic’ pattern (right) can be recognized. The hierarchical clustering, on top, clearly differentiates between the two groups. Red indicates high expression and yellow low expression. 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