File - Introduction

Introduction to Cultural Geography
Choose the best answer from the choices below and fill in the appropriate bubble on your answer sheet.
1. The word "geography" means
a. to describe the earth.
b. to discover the globe.
c. to map the world.
d. to travel the world.
2. Speaking a certain language and wearing a particular style of clothing are
a. genetic traits.
b. culture traits.
c. examples of inherited behavior.
d. examples of topological behavior.
e. culture regions.
3. In order to investigate the spatial pattern of ice hockey, a geographer would investigate
a. climate and weather characteristics.
b. available technologies.
c. cultural preferences and history.
d. government policies for or against sports.
e. all of the above.
4. Based on your knowledge of the sport (hockey), the spatial pattern found above (#3) might have very little overlap
with the spatial pattern of the following physical and climate regions
a. Cold Climate Regions
b. Desert Regions
c. Mountain Regions
d. Both B and C
e. None of the Above
5. A geographical unit based on human characteristics or functions is a ______________________.
a. landscape
b. culture region
c. spatial network
d. diffusionary process
e. None of the above.
6. The most important tool in describing and revealing regions is the
a. newspaper.
b. photograph.
c. map.
d. verbal description.
e. video.
7. An area inhabited by people who have one or more cultural traits in common is called a ____________ culture region.
a. functional
b. dynamic
c. nodal
d. vernacular
e. formal
8. Most formal cultural regions have a pattern; the _______________ is where all the defining traits are present; the
________________ is where their presence is not as common.
saturation area / weak area
core / periphery
heart / border
nucleus / edge
inside / outside
9. The Marquette Area Public School District is an example of a(an)
a. formal region.
b. relocation region.
c. functional region.
d. vernacular region.
e. integrated region.
10. Which of the following is a functional culture region?
a. a French-language region in Canada
b. a distribution area of the Detroit Free Press
c. a Chinese community in Northern California
d. the part of Russia called "Siberia"
e. Both A and D
11. City hall, a state capitol, or a factory office, are all examples of the ___________ of a functional region.
a. node
b. engine
c. periphery
d. important part
e. none of the above
12. A vernacular region
a. has well defined borders.
b. is perceived to exist.
c. is the same as a functional region.
d. is defined by the government.
e. exists only in rural areas.
13. Prior to the regions takeover by China in 1997, many of the Chinese in Hong Kong migrated to Vancouver, Canada,
bringing their cultural traits with them. This illustrates the concept of __________________ diffusion.
none of the above
14. Which of the following is an example of hierarchical diffusion?
a. A new idea is shared among “jet set” fashion models.
b. A country musician from the U.S. introduces guitars to a part of the world that never had them. Those people
use the guitar, but play their own style of music, not American country.
c. A new clothing style jumps from Paris, to NY, to Chicago and then to Detroit before spreading to the suburban areas surrounding each of the metropolitan cities.
d. Both A and C
e. None of the above.
15. International newspapers and magazines are not permitted in certain regions of the People's Republic of China. This is
an example of
a. time-distance decay.
b. an absorbing barrier to diffusion.
c. a permeable barrier to diffusion.
d. stimulus diffusion.
e. hierarchical diffusion.
16. Technologies (such as the cell phone, IM and the Internet) are now enabling people to get informed despite the
Chinese governments attempts to control the media there. This is an example of
a. time-distance decay.
b. an absorbing barrier to diffusion.
c. a permeable barrier to diffusion.
d. stimulus diffusion.
e. hierarchical diffusion.
17. The spatial spread of learned ideas, innovations, and attitudes is
a. cultural diffusion.
b. cultural integration.
c. permeable barriers.
d. independent invention.
e. formal region evolution.
18. After learning about chopsticks from China, Koreans adopted the basic idea, but designed their own flat version. This
is an example of ____________ diffusion.
a. contagious
b. stimulus
c. hierarchical
d. vernacular
e. relocation
19. The people that live in Traverse City often refer to their home as “Cherryland” due to the large amount of cherries
grown there. IE: Cherryland Mall, Cherryland Subaru, Cherryland chiropractic. This is an example of a
a. formal cultural region.
b. nodal cultural region.
c. farming region.
d. vernacular cultural region.
e. functional cultural region.
20. In his travels Anthony Bourdain discovered that horseback riding is very popular in Puerto Rico. This is a good
illustration of a
a. formal cultural region.
b. nodal cultural region.
c. farming region.
d. vernacular cultural region.
e. functional cultural region.
21. Most of Anthony Bourdain’s trip to Canada was spent in
province of Québec (map at right). This area would be
categorized by a geographer as a
a. formal cultural region.
b. nodal cultural region.
c. educational region.
d. vernacular cultural region.
e. functional cultural region.
The following questions refer to the 1890 map of the US Southwest below.
22. The map shows that the five Native American Tribes
a. formed one formal cultural region of residency.
b. have a vernacular region where they hunt.
c. all lived in Colorado.
d. Lived in a functional culture area set up by the US government
e. None of the above
23. The map shows that the five Native American Tribes
a. hunted exclusively in the region that they resided in.
b. resided in a formal region that was inside of a much larger formal region that was used for hunting.
c. resided in a functional culture region
d. lived in a vernacular cultural region.
e. lived in the node of the functional culture region.
24. Archeologists today would look for evidence of these residential cultural traits by looking in the
a. periphery as illustrated by an X on the map.
b. core as illustrated by an X on the map.
c. periphery as illustrated by a Y on the map.
d. core as illustrated by a Y on the map.
e. core as illustrated by a Z on the map.
25. This map shows that the following is true about cultural traits. They
a. they often overlap.
b. form formal cultural regions.
c. often coincide with functional regions (overlap and share boundaries).
d. Both A & B
e. All of the above.
= Residence
Native American Residence in 1890
= Hunting Area Border
= Residence Area Border
= State Border