Partial Bibliography and References to the Work of Dr

Partial Bibliography and References to the Work
of Dr. Clare W. Graves
and, later Memetics
Chronology of Publications and Articles by Dr. Clare W. Graves
Also see a ‘Further Reading’ collection at the end.
The next section contains later references and URL’s on Memetics.
This link goes to Ken Wilbers’ site and contains links to numerous electronic
"An Emergent Theory of Ethical Behavior Based Upon - An Epigenetic Model,"
Schenectady, New York, 1959
"Salient Points for Understanding Human Behavior per the Existential
Psychological Point of View, " early 1960s
"On the Theory of Ethical Behavior," presented at the First Unitarian Society of
Schenectady, New York, 1961
"The Implications to Management of Systems – Ethical Theory," November 11,
"Levels of Human Existence and Their Relation to Value Analysis and
Engineering," proceedings of the Fifth Annual Values Analysis Conference,
source of presentation unknown - (about 1964-1965)
"Value Systems and their relation to Managerial controls and organizational
viability," paper presented before the College of Management Philosophy, The
Institute of Management Sciences, Jack Tar Hotel, San Francisco, February 3,
"Personality Structure and Perceptual Readiness" (with B. Huntley and D.W.
LaBier) "An Investigation of Their Relationship to Hypothesized Levels of Human
Existence," (research carried out by Doug LaBier) at Union College,
Schenectady, N. Y. in May, 1965.
"Man: An Enlarged Conception of His Nature," paper presented before the
Second Annual Conference on the Cybercultural Revolution at the Hotel
Americana in New York City, New York on May 27, 1965.
Favorite case studies: "Blair Bischel" and "Glenn Spicer" Both of these papers
are listed as follows: Cases of John B. Miner, The Management of Ineffective
Performance, McGraw-Hill
"Deterioration of Work Standards," Harvard Business Review –
September/October – 1966, Vol.44, No. 5, pages 117-126)
"On the Theory of Value," (place and occasion of presentation is unknown) –
March, 1967.
"Motivation Wise, Executives Are Reluctant Dragons," keynote address for the
Institute on Motivation and Productivity of the Public Personnel Association, The
Hudson-Mohawk Training Directors Society, The Industrial Training Council and
The Capital District Personnel Association, In-Town Motel, Albany, New York,
March 25, 1969.
"A Systems View of Value Problems," IEEE Systems Science & Cybernetics
Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October, 1969. (revised in later work)
"Levels of Existence: An Open System Theory of Values," The Journal of
Humanistic Psychology, Fall 1970, Vol. 10. No. 2, pp. 131-154. (Reprint available
in Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence.)
"The Levels of Existence and their Relation to Welfare Problems," paper
presented at the Annual Conference Meeting, Virginia State Department of
Welfare and Distribution, Roanoke, Virginia, May 6, 1970. ( 30 pages)
"Personal Dimensions of Student Disaffection," paper read at the 175 th
anniversary celebration of the founding of Union College on May 7, 1970
"The Congruent Management Strategy," with Helen T. Madden & Lynn P.
Untitled Presentation by Dr. Clare W. Graves, Annual Meeting of The Association
of Humanistic Psychology, 1971
"Levels of Existence Related To Learning Systems," paper read at the Ninth
Annual Conference of the National Society for Programming Instruction,
Rochester, New York, March 31, 1971
"Seminar on Levels of Human Existence" at the Washington School of
Psychiatry, Washington, D.C., October 16, 1971, a transcription of the audio tape
made by William Lee. (Available in paperback with illustrations as Clare W.
Graves: Levels of Human Existence; includes a reprint of the 1970 J. of Hum.
Psy. article.)
"How Should Whom Lead Who to Do What?" paper delivered for the YMCA
Management Forum of 1971-1972, Downtown Branch YMCA, St. Louis,
Missouri, November 9, 1971
"Let Us Bring Humanistic and General Psychology Together: A Research Project
Needing to Become," paper presented at National Institutes of Mental Health in
Washington, D. C. on March 16, 1973
Seminar Notes, Quetico Centre, Canada, October, 1973
"Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap," The Futurist magazine, April
1974, pp. 72-87
View a table summarizing Dr. Graves' Theory from the article
Seminar at Quetico Centre, Canada, June, 1974
Seminar at Quetico Centre, Canada, August, 1974
Video Tape Interview with Cliff McIntosh, Quetico Centre
"What is Life All About? What is it Meant to Be?" (tentative title) previously
unpublished book manuscript to be released summer, 2001
"Up the Existential Staircase," seminar on the Development, Nature, Meaning
and Management of The Levels of Existence, Emergent, Cyclical, Double Helix
Model of Adult Human Psychosocial Coping Systems [1978 / same paper with
graphs added 1980]
Seminar in Dallas, December, 1980
"Summary Statement: The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model Of The Adult
Human Biopsychosocial Systems," handout for presentation to World Future
Society, Boston, Mass., May 20, 1981 (compiled for Dr. Graves by Chris Cowan)
Seminar Notes and Handout prepared for NVC-sponsored programs (compiled
for Dr. Graves by Chris Cowan)
Dr. Graves' Union College Biography and Obituary from the Concordy, 1/16/86
Conceptions of the Mature Adult Personality from the research as frequently
read aloud in seminars by Dr. Graves
Papers by William R. Lee on Dr. Graves' Work
Dr. Graves' Research Compared with Other Theories
Comparison with the Work of O. J. Harvey
Dr. Graves' nomenclature as related to Spiral Dynamics terminology with
Index of some academic studies exploring and applying Dr. Graves' point of
References to the work of Dr. Graves and other models derived from the
Gravesian point of view:
Armour, Michael C. and Don Browning, Systems-Sensitive Leadership:
Empowering Diversity Without Polarizing the Church, College Press, Joplin,
1995. Second edition, 2001
Bayer, Tom, "Management Pegged" and "Good Crisis Needed," Dallas Morning
News, May 14, 1978 (reprinted here with permission)
Beck, Arthur C. and Staff of Institute for Business and Community Development,
University of Richmond, "Clare W. Graves Theory of Levels of Human Existence
and Suggested Managerial Systems for Each Level," 1971, Revised 1976.
(reprinted in A Practical Approach to Organization Development Through MBO/
Selected Readings by Arthur C. Beck, Jr. and Ellis D. Hillmar, 1972, AddisonWesley, pp. 168-181.)
Beck, Don, _____, ASTD Journal, 1982
_____ papers on the SD website
_____ papers on the World of Ken Wilber website
_____ "Sports Values" columns, The Dallas Morning News, 1997-1998 (also
unpublished commentaries on the SD
Beck, Don and Graham Linscott, The Crucible: Forging South Africa's Future,
New Paradigm Press (the authors), Johannesburg, 1992
Beck, Don and Christopher Cowan, Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values,
Leadership, and Change , Blackwell, Oxford, 1996
Beck, Don and Christopher Cowan, assorted papers and assessment
instruments released through the National Values Center, Inc.
Cowan, Christopher, unpublished training manuals and papers, some of which
appear on the website, 1978-2001
_____ "A Psychological Map of the Fire Service," Fire Chief, 1982
Cowan, Christopher and Natasha Todorovic, "Spiral Dynamics: The Layers of
Human Values in Strategy," Strategy & Leadership (Jan/Feb, 2000, Vol 28, No.
1) Reprints are available from NVC Consulting and MCB Univ. Press
Flowers, Vincent S. and B. A. Coda, "A Human Resource Planning Model,"
Personnel, January - February, 1974.
Flowers Vincent S. and Charles L. Hughes , "Shaping Personnel Strategies to
Disparate Value Systems," Personnel, March-April, 1973.
_____ "Why Employees Stay," Harvard Business Review, July - August, 1973.
_____ "New Goals in Personnel," Management by Objectives, Surrey, England,
Vol. 3. No. 4, 1972. (Reprinted in Indian
Management, Summer, 1975).
_____ "Toward Existentialism in Management," The Conference Board Record,
September, 1975.
_____ "Values for Marriage," Dallas, Texas, 1975.
_____ "Ego: Stumbling Block to Sales Success," Marketing Times, Sales and
Marketing Executives International, January February, 1976.
_____ "Choosing A Leadership Style," Personnel, A.M.A., January - February,
Flowers, Vincent S., "Values for Working," 30 min. videotape program, Dallas
County Community College District, 1975.
_____ "Who Do You Think You're Talking To? A Values Approach to
Performance Reviews," Supervisory Management,
AMACOM, March, 1977.
Flowers, Vincent S., Debra L. Heflich, and Charles L. Hughes, Value Systems
Analysis: An Introduction, Value Systems Applications, Pottsboro, Texas, 1991.
Flowers, Vincent S. and M. Scott Myers, "Dollarizing Attitudes," Atlantic
Economic Review, May - June, 1974. (Reprinted in ASCI Journal of
Management, Bella Vista Hydersbad, India, 1974).
_____ " A Framework for Developing Human Assets," California Management
Review, Summer, 1974.
Flowers, Hughes, Myers and Myers, Managerial Values for Working, A
Nationwide A.M.A. Survey Report, January, 1975.
Heflich, Debra L., "Matching People and Jobs: Value Systems and Employee
Selection," Personnel Administrator, March, 1981.
_____ "Those Who Lead, Follow: Employee Value Systems," Administrative
Radiology, November, 1985.
_____ "Value Systems and Employee Selection," EMA Journal, Fall 1990.
Heflich, Debra L., Vincent S. Flowers and Charles L. Hughes, Value Systems
Analysis: Management Applications, Value System Applications, Pottsboro,
Texas, 1991. [That's Life, Inc., That's Life is a three
dimensional model of how life works, which includes the Gravesian theory as one
of the three dimensions and expands Graves' work to include the levels of
existence that are yet to come.
Hughes, C. L. and Anderson, R. M., "Beyond Manipulative Dentistry," JASPD,
March-April, 1974.
James, Tad, and Wyatt Woodsmall, Timeline Therapy and the Basis of
LaBier, Douglas, "Developments in the Application of The Graves Theory to
Behavior Change and Psychotherapy," National Institute of Mental Health,
presented at the 9th annual convention of the National Society for Programmed
Instruction, Rochester, New York, March 31, 1971
Lee, William R., transcriptions of Dr. Graves' presentations and papers on
Gravesian theory (see Bill Lee section, above)
Lee, William, _____, doctoral dissertation,
Lynch, Dudley, "Making Employees' Perceptions Work," American Way
(American Airlines' Inflight Magazine), November, 1980, p. 96-99
_____ "Avoiding Collision: A New Way of Viewing People," Western's World,
September, 1980, p. 70-74
_____ Your High Performance Business Brain: An Operator's Manual, PrenticeHall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1984
Lynch, Dudley and Paul Kordis, Strategy of the Dolphin: Scoring a Win in a
Chaotic World, William Morrow and Co. Inc., New York, 1990 (Also by Fawcett
Columbine Books, Ballantine Books, 1988
Kinds, Egbert, The Heart Hunter: A Guide for Value Driven Leadership, Scriptum,
Holland, 2000
Available in Dutch through De Boer & Ritsema van Eck, Netherlands
Morningstar, Jim, Spiritual Psychology: A course for renewal in body, mind and
spirit, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Transformations Incorporated, rev. 3rd ed., 1988
_____ "Spiral Dynamics and Breathwork," paper delivered in Spain to be
published in conference proceedings summer,
_____ Therapy According to Levels of Consciousness, (unpublished paper),
_____ Family Awakening in Body, Mind, and Spirit, 1984
_____ Spiritual Psychology: A Course for Renewal in Body, Mind, and Spirit,
"Multiple Communication Channels for Better Motivation," What's Ahead in
Personnel, Newsletter, Industrial Relations News, Chicago, No. 148, June, 1975.
Myers, M. Scott and Susan S. Myers, "Adapting to the New Work Ethic," The
Business Quarterly, Canada, Winter, 1973.
_____ "Toward Understanding the Changing Work Ethic," California
Management Review, Spring, 1974.
_____ Newsday, " 1-2-3-4-5-6-7," Saturday, March 11, 1967
Payne, J. S., Miller, A. K., and Hazlett, R. L., "Approaching employers: Applying
Graves’ Theory," Journal of Rehabilitation, March, 1981.
Payne, James S., Dale C. Critz, Jr., Dale C. Critz, Edward D. Edwards,
Differential Selling, 1994
Payne, James S., Christopher Cowan, David W. Cox, V. Randolph Jordan,
Differential Management & Motivation, 1994 (Dr. Jim Payne also offers
assessment materials at Management and Motivation, Inc.)
Rohan, Thomas M., "Should a Worker's Personality Affect Your Managing,"
Industry Week, May 5,-1975, pp.28-38.
Rosado, Caleb, "What Is Spirituality? Memetics, Quantum Mechanics, and the
Spiral of Spirituality.". Proceedings from the 26th International Faith and Learning
Symposium, on Science and Religion. Geoscience Research Institute,c Loma
Linda, California, U.S.A. July 16-28, 2000. Available at
_____ "Memetics and the Multiple Futures of Racism: Beyond the Myth of Race
Toward a New Paradigm for Resolution for
the Third Millennium." Futures Research Quarterly, Spring 1999, Vol.
15:1; pp. 29-62.
_____ "When We Disagree: A Spiral Dynamics approach to dealing with
differences." Adventist Review, April 27, 2000,
pp. 8-12.
_____ "Memetics and Spiral Leadership: the New Direction for Management in
the 21st Century."
_____ "What's Wrong with Diversity Training? The Need for a New Model."
_____ "Memetics and Education."
_____ "The Multiple Futures of Racism."
_____ "Definitions for Training in Diversity."
_____ "Is There Such a Thing as 'Race'? A Dialogue."
_____ "Looking Below the Surface: Church Leadership for the 21st Century."
_____ "New Times Demand New Minds: Spiral Leadership and the New
Direction for Adventism in the 21st Century."
_____ "The Sabbath and Spirituality: Does the Information Have a 'Rest Area'?" _____ "The Demise of Ethnic Differences:
Cultural Identity and the Internet"
_____ "Beyond Color, Culture, and Other Superficial Differences: Toward a New
Theoretical Approach for a Successful
Multicultural Education Program for the 21st Century."
_____ "Looking Below the Surface: Church Leadership for the 21st Century."
Steed, Nicholas, "The Theory that Explains Everything," Maclean's Magazine,
October 1967 (Authorized reprints are available)
Todorovic, Natasha, "Kosovo: The Wrong War," web paper at
Wade, Jenny, Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of
Consciousness, SUNY, 1996
Wilber, Ken, Introductions to the Collected Works, Volume7 & Volume 8,
Shambhala, 1999, 2000
_____ Integral Psychology : Conciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy,
Shambhala, 2000
_____ A Theory of Everything, Shambhala, 2000
Woodsmall, Wyatt and Marilyne Woodsmall, People Pattern Power, Advanced
Behavioral Modeling, 1998
Taken with permission from:
Further Reading :
(from Marketing Magazine, November 1997)
Turnbull, Colin (1987). Mountain People. 320 pages. Published by Touchstone.
Available on
Dawkins, Richard (1989). The Selfish Gene (2nd ed.). London: Oxford University
Dennett, Daniel (1995). Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of
Life, London: Penguin Books.
Stephenson, Neil (1995). Snowcrash. London: Rock Books.
Lynch, Aaron (1995) Thought Contagion: how Belief Spreads through Society.
New York: Basic Books.
Brodie, Richard (1995), Visrus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme. New
York: Harper Collins.
Csikzentmihalyi, Mihalyi (1993) The Evolving self. New York: Harper Collins.
Reference Lists
LIST ONE (from 2001, updated 11/2004)
From Principia Cybernetica
F. Heylighen,
Nov 23, 2001 (modified)
Aug 1993 (created)
Aunger R. (ed.) (2000): Darwinizing Culture: The Status of Memetics as
a Science, Oxford University Press.
Best, M., L., 1997; Models for Interacting Populations of Memes:
Competition and Niche Behavior. Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary
Models of Information Transmission, 1.
Blackmore S. (2000): The Meme Machine, (Oxford Univ. Press).
Bonner J.T. (1980): The Evolution of Culture in Animals, (Princeton
University Press, Princeton).
Boyd R. & Richerson P.J. (1985): Culture and the Evolutionary Process,
(Chicago University Press, Chicago).
Cavalli-Sforza L.L. & Feldman M.W. (1981): Cultural Transmission and
Evolution: a quantitative approach, (Princeton University Press,
Csanyi V. (1991): Evolutionary Systems and Society: a general theory,
(Duke University Press, Durham, NC).
Cullen B. (1998): "Parasite Ecology and the Evolution of Religion", in:
Heylighen F., Bollen J. & Riegler A. (eds.) (1999): The Evolution of
Complexity (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht).
Dawkins R. (1976): The Selfish Gene, (Oxford University Press, New
Heylighen F. (1992) : " Selfish Memes and the Evolution of
Cooperation", Journal of Ideas , Vol. 2, #4, pp 77-84.
Heylighen F. (1998): "What makes a meme successful? Selection criteria
for cultural evolution", in: Proc. 16th Int. Congress on Cybernetics
(Association Internat. de Cybernetique, Namur), p. 423-418.
Lynch, Aaron (1997) " Units, Events, and Dynamics in Memetic
Evolution", Journal of Memetics
Lumsden, Charles, and Wilson, Edward (1981): Genes, Mind, and Culture:
the Coevolutionary Process, (Harvard University Press, Cambridge).
Moritz E. (1990): NOT FOUND: "Memetic Science: I - General
of Ideas 1, p. 1-23
Moritz E. (1995): Metasystems, Memes and Cybernetic Immortality, in:
Heylighen F., Joslyn C. & Turchin V. (eds.), The Quantum of Evolution.
Toward a theory of metasystem transitions, (Gordon and Breach Science
Publishers, New York) (special issue of "World Futures: the journal of
general evolution, vol. 45, p. 155-171).
LIST TWO (1997, links updated 11/2004)
MARKETING, November 1997
By Alex Burns
Recommended Reading
The Selfish Gene (2nd edition). Richard Dawkins, London: Oxford University Press,
Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. Daniel G. Dennett,
London: Penguin Books. 1995.
Snowcrash. Neil Stephenson, London: Rock Books. 1995.
Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society. Aaron Lynch, New
York: Basic Books. 1995.
Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme. Richard Brodie, Seattle, Integral
Press, 1995.
The Evolving Self. Mihalyi Csikzentmihalyi, New York, HarperCollins, 1993.
Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change. Don Edward Beck
Christopher G. Cowan, London: Blackwell Publishers. 1996.
On the World Wide Web (updated 11/2004)
Spiral Dynamics –,
Richard Brodie’s Meme Central –
Aaron Lynch’s Thought Contagion – site not available
Nedbank (South Africa) –
Daniel C. Dennett –
Douglas Hofstadter –
Journal of Memetics –
Principia Cybernetica –