Behavioral Support Process

When should a request for Behavioral Support be made?
When all of the following occur:
 A child exhibits problematic behavior that is interfering with classroom
 The child has attended the program for a minimum of 6-8 sessions
 Service Coordinator has discussed the behavioral concerns with the parent or
 Service Coordinator has implemented some strategies and collected data;
behavior continues to be problematic.
How should the request for Behavioral Support be made?
1. The Service Coordinator completes EI/ECSE Behavioral Support Request Form:
a. Behavior is described in observable terms
b. Prior strategies that have been tried are listed, along with results
Parent permission is NOT required to make an initial Behavioral Support request
2. Send form via email or fax to Carol Moore, EI/ECSE Coordinator: fax
Do not contact the School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist directly. Behavioral
support cannot be provided until the Coordinator receives the referral.
What to expect following initial referral for Behavior Support:
1. A School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist will be assigned and will contact
referring staff within 5 working days to arrange an observation.
2. Assigned specialist will conduct an observation in EI/ECSE setting
3. Within 3 working days of observation, specialist will consult with referring
provider. Recommendations may include:
O drive/Process Handbook/2008-2009
a) Modifications in class wide structure or classroom routines
If class wide interventions are recommended, service provider implements
suggestions/recommendations and monitors behavior.
 If behavior resolves within a reasonable time period, no further
consultation is required.
 If behavior does not resolve, Service Coordinator contacts
School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist directly to request
additional consultation.
b) Additional student-specific behavioral consultation (Functional Behavioral
Assessment, behavior plan, etc.)
c) Evaluation of student for consideration of a categorical eligibility (ED, OHI,
If further consultation or evaluation is recommended by the School
Psychologist/Behavior Specialist:
Signed parental consent is required for further consultation or evaluation.
Service Coordinator:
1. Contacts parent to discuss continuing concerns about the student’s behavior.
2. Completes a Prior Notice About Evaluation.
 Box should be checked for: this evaluation will include intelligence or
personality testing.
 Assessments to list include: Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA),
observations, interviews with staff and parents; and any other
measures the School Psychologist/Behavior Specialists has
recommended. Do not list specific measures without direction from
the School Psychologist.
3. Mails the Prior Notice to the parent for signature or holds a meeting to obtain
written consent.
4. Sends a copy of the signed Prior Notice About Evaluation to the School
Psychologist/Behavior Specialist.
School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist:
1. Conducts Functional Behavioral Assessment:
 Conducts 1-2 observations in educational and/or other settings.
 Collects other data listed on Prior Notice About Evaluation (parent &
staff interviews, behavior checklists, etc.).
2. Writes a summary report.
3. Notifies Service Coordinator of completion.
O drive/Process Handbook/2008-2009
Service Coordinator:
1. Schedules an IFSP meeting with the School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist
and parent/guardian to review results of the evaluation and:
a. If an evaluation for categorical eligibility was done, determine eligibility
and develop Behavior Plan.
b. If only a Functional Behavioral Assessment was done, develop Behavior
2. Sends Meeting Notice
1. Discusses results of FBA and/or evaluation and consider eligibility and/or
generates a behavior plan
2. Revises IFSP:
 Adds behavioral goals to the IFSP
 Behavior plan should be added to the Supplemental Page of the IFSP
as a “supplemental services, adaptations, and accommodations
Note: School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist and Service
Coordinator collaboratively write the Behavior Plan after the
meeting. Copy is given to parent/guardian by the Service
 Lists 1-2 consultation visits by the School Psychologist/Behavior
Specialist to support implementation of the behavior plan under
“modifications or support for program personnel.”
 Additional consultations from the School Psychologist/Behavior
Specialist may also be included under “modifications or support for
program personnel” ONLY at the recommendation of the School
Psychologist/Behavior Specialist.
School Psychologist/Behavior Specialist:
1. Schedules 1 or 2 visits to the classroom to assist Service Coordinator with
implementation of behavior plan.
Service Coordinator:
1. Implements behavior plan.
2. Collects data.
3. Regularly reviews plan.
4. If additional support is needed with implementation, or behaviors escalate,
please contact Carol Moore, EI/ECSE Coordinator at 503.614.1643
O drive/Process Handbook/2008-2009