Appendix 5.2 - Wickham Parish Council

Winchester District Adopted Plan July 2006 Policies
applicable to Wickham
travel patterns and car use and be
readily accessible by public
transport, cycle or on foot.
Town Centres, Shopping and Facilities
Policy SF.1
Retail, leisure or other development
which attracts large numbers of people
(Use classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, C1,
D1 and D2) will be permitted within the
town and village centres of Winchester,
Bishop’s Waltham, Denmead, New
Alresford, Whiteley and Wickham, as
defined on the Proposals and Inset
Where a need for the development is
demonstrated and no suitable sites are
allocated or available for such
development within a defined town or
village centre, proposals will be
permitted on edge-of-centre, district
centre or local centre sites.
Development of out-of-centre sites will
only be permitted where a need is
demonstrated and no suitable
alternative sites are available. All
proposals outside defined town and
village centres will be required
(individually and cumulatively) to:
(a) adopt a format, design and scale of
development appropriate to local
circumstances and the need identified;
(b) avoid adverse impacts on the vitality
and viability of existing defined
centres and to the development
plan strategy;
(c) avoid detrimental effects on overall
Policy SF.2
Proposals which would result in a net loss
of commercial or leisure floorspace (Use
Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, C1, D1 and
D2) at ground floor level will not be
permitted within the defined town and
village centres of Winchester, Bishop’s
Waltham, Denmead, New Alresford,
Whiteley and Wickham, as defined on the
Proposals and Inset Maps, unless:
(i) it is no longer practical or desirable to
re-use the site or premises for its existing
or another commercial/leisure use; or
(ii) the proposal is for relocation of an
existing use within the town/village
centre and there will be no net loss of
ground floor commercial units.
Policy SF.3
Development falling within Use Classes A3, A4
and A5 will be permitted within the defined
town and village centres of Winchester,
Bishop’s Waltham, Denmead, New Alresford,
Whiteley and Wickham, as defined on the
Proposals and Inset Maps, provided:
(i) the proposal would not cause undue
disturbance to nearby residential
properties or lead to disturbance away
from the premises;
(ii) the development would not harm the
character of the area and, if within a
Conservation Area, would preserve or
enhance its character;
(iii) adequate provision is made for the
disposal of litter, including recycling
facilities, where appropriate.
Policy SF.4
In town and village centres, the Local
Planning Authority will promote residential
development that brings into use upper
floors. Changes of use to residential will
be permitted in town and village centres.
The loss of residential uses will not be
permitted within the conservation areas of
the towns and villages listed in Policy SF.1.
Policy SF.5
Proposals which, either cumulatively or
individually, would result in a net loss of
retail floorspace within the Primary
Shopping Areas (as defined on the
Proposals and Inset Maps) will not be
permitted. Within the Primary Shopping
Areas permission will not therefore be
granted for the change of use of the
ground floor of a building from Use Class
A1 (Retail) to uses falling within Use Class
A2 (Financial and Professional Services), A3
(Restaurants and Cafés), A4 (Drinking
Establishments), or A5 (Hot Food
Takeaways) except:
(i) where the Local Planning Authority is
satisfied that the proposal will benefit,
or at least maintain, the vitality,
viability and retail attractiveness of the
Primary Shopping Area concerned, or;
(ii) where an A2, A3, A4 or A5 use is
already located within the Primary
Shopping Area and a grant of
permission for relocation to
alternative premises would not result
in a net loss of retail units.
Provided that:
(a) following the implementation of the
proposal, retail (A1) use would remain
the predominant use within the
immediate retail frontages;
(b) the design of any resulting
replacement frontage, including
fascias, signs and any ancillary
features (for example, cash
dispensers) satisfies the requirements
of other relevant policies of this Plan.
Recreation and Tourism
Policy RT.1
The development of buildings and hard
surfaced areas will not be permitted within the
open areas with an important amenity value,
defined on the Proposals and Inset Maps.
Where there are substantial existing
buildings or hard surfaced areas adjoining
and within the same curtilage as an
important open area, additional buildings
or extensions to the main building will only
be permitted where:
(i) the use is related and ancillary to the
function of the main building;
(ii) their location is well-related to the
main building;
(iii) the contribution of the open area to
the character of the wider area is
maintained or enhanced.
Policy RT.2
Development proposals or changes of use
will not be permitted where they would
result in the loss or reduction of the
recreational value of the important
recreational areas within settlements which
are subject to Policy H.3 of this Plan, as
identified on the Proposals and Inset Maps.
Within these areas, the development of
additional, ancillary buildings or hardsurfaced
areas will only be permitted
where the Local Planning Authority is
satisfied that the recreational value of the
site would be maintained or enhanced.
Any retained or replacement provision
would need to be of at least equal
community benefit, in terms of the
facilities provided, potential use, location,
suitability and availability.
Policy RT.5
Planning permission will be granted for
improvements in recreational land and
facilities and land is reserved for the
provision of new facilities within the areas
listed in paragraph 9.26 and defined on
the Proposals and Inset Maps. Schemes
should be designed to accommodate
shortfalls of children’s play and sports
facilities identified in the area, and have
regard to any relevant proposals in the
District Open Space Strategy.
Policy RT.9
In order to extend and improve the rights of
way network, development proposals
associated with the improvement of footpaths,
cycleways and bridleways will be permitted
where they are appropriate to the character of
the route and its setting, including the
provision of:
(i) more durable surfaces and improved
access for users;
(ii) car and cycle parking/unboxing areas;
(iii) opportunities for environmental
appreciation and education;
(iv) small-scale facilities for overnight
accommodation adjacent to the route.
Where a building is required, it should re-use a
small-scale suitable existing building.
9.37 Parts of the former Meon Valley railway
route are already well used by pedestrians,
cyclists and horse riders. It provides the ideal
opportunity for a long-distance bridleway
linking the settlements in the Meon Valley,
from West Meon to Wickham and Knowle.
Policy RT.10
A long-distance bridleway is proposed
along that part of the former Meon Valley
railway line within the District. Proposals
to develop the proposed route will need to
meet the requirements of Policy RT.9.
Policy H.3
Residential development or redevelopment
will be permitted within the defined policy
boundaries of:
Policy T.10
Measures will be implemented along the
B3354/B2177 corridor between Winchester
and Wickham (see Proposals Map) to:
(i) improve public transport services and
(ii) improve facilities for cyclists and
pedestrians; and
(iii) improve road safety.
JULY 2006
Bishop’s Waltham, Cheriton
Colden Common, Compton Down
Corhampton, Denmead
Droxford, Hambledon
Hursley, Itchen Abbas
Kings Worthy, Knowle
Micheldever Station
New Alresford ,Old Alresford
Otterbourne, South Wonston
Sparsholt, Sutton Scotney
Swanmore, Twyford
Waltham Chase, West Meon
Whiteley, Wickham
10.38 Within the Central Hampshire and Solent
Transport Strategy areas, a corridor
strategy has been identified along the
B3354/B2177 between Winchester and
Wickham. The objective of this strategy is
to reduce the rate of traffic growth by
improving alternatives to the car. This
includes improving public transport
services and associated infrastructure,
including providing better information.
Traffic management measures will be
implemented to improve safety and
security for pedestrians and cyclists,
particularly in the settlements along the