DRAFT The UNIVERSITY of GREENWICH SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES Minutes of the School Board, Wednesday 7 December 2005, 14.15, Room QM 063 Present: Jane Longmore (Chair) Christine Morgan Noel Campbell Peter Humm Maria Kaspersson Stefan Manz Gauti Sigthorsson Sid Jayakumar Louise Bell Edward Phillips Lucy Yeatman Amanda Kneller (Secretary) Alev Adil Harry Derbyshire Rebecca Harrison Stephen Kennedy Mairead McClean Silvia Stanton Sue Edwards Carolyn Brown Stephanie Polski Michael Zell Lorraine Lacey Alessandro Benati John Dunne Gareth Jenkins Michael Langan Craig Morris Douglas Stuart Suzanne Healey Fiona Devlin John Williams June Ernstzen Mick Bowles Sue Golding Peter Jones Denise Leggett Xose Rosales Ros Davies Dev Moodley Pippa Guard Paul Wingrove Apologies: Richard Wild Sasha Ricketts Selina Goulbourne Nandini Dasgupta Susan Rowland Sally Alsford Ian Thompson Caroline Smith Steve Peacock Andrew Dawson Alisa Corfield Corinne Palmer-Brown Angela Laycock Bob Tsukada Bright Simon Dye Thomas Acton June Balshaw Caroline Searchfield Terry Cannon Jim Urpeth Cecile Laval Sandra Clarke Bridget Leach Zoe Pettit Vicki Joyce Jenny Bavidge Zoe Pettit Mavis James 1. Chair’s Announcements: Welcome back to Sid Jayakumar and in absentia - Mavis James. Welcome to Stephanie Polski – Lecturer in Film Studies. Thanks to Noemi Almeida and Val Osborne for their assistance in the Admin Team. 2. Minutes of Meeting 26/10/05: Agreed as a correct record with one amendment: DL requested addition to paragraph 4 of the Vice Chancellor’s Visit: “The VC acknowledged good teaching is as essential to the work of the university as research.” 3. Matters Arising: None. 1 4. Approval of External Examiners: The Chair emphasized the role of External Examiners as vital to the work of the school and asked for negotiations with examiners to be given the highest priority. Colleagues must take responsibility for providing the Learning and Quality Office with the relevant documentation. Approval was granted for the following appointments: Dr Ian Waters - BA Hons Criminology BSC Criminal Justice Studies Mr Darren Royston - BA Hons Dance and Theatre Performance Professor Jonathan Ree - MA Philosophy Mr Stephen Parrott - MSc Criminal Justice Studies MA International Criminology Additional responsibilities for existing external examiners: Mr Anthony Corcoran - Foundation Degree Performing Arts WKC Foundation Degree Music Production WKC 5. Dr Edmund Cusick - MA by Research Dr John Rees-Smith - Chief Undergraduate External Minutes of UG Staff/Student Committee 30/11/05 University constitution encourages attendance of student reps at school boards. However, students are reluctant to attend. The Chair proposed to supply School Board minutes to subsequent Staff/Student Committees as a compromise. Debate ensued on the best way to proceed. ACTION: Chair to ask UG and PG senior tutors to arrange the attendance of student representatives at the next School Board. Student Conduct: The new students’ disciplinary procedure has had approval and is available from the intranet and at School Reception. A panel will meet weekly to address submissions. Changing Fees: The Chair requested board members to remain abreast of available information to ensure we pass on the most accurate information to students. Prof SG requested an increase in the amount of instalments available. SE clarified restrictions as due to credit licence legislation rather than university bureaucracy. The Chair confirmed a tougher line is being taken towards chronic debtors this year and while financial hardship cannot warrant submission of an extenuating circumstances claim, in genuine cases of need, support and help including financial advice and Access to Learning Fund are available. With overseas students, a requirement of their entry visas is agreement they have enough funds to complete their course of study. Self-service hand-in of coursework: Business and CMS have pilot schemes in place to test the validity of this process. 2 ACTION: The Chair to inform the next UG S/S meeting the situation is still under discussion. 6. Minutes of PG Staff/Student Committee 14/11/05 While students had difficulties with administrative areas of the university, they praised the quality of teaching and course content. EP acknowledged the huge task carried out by registry staff and queried whether the school could supply a person to welcome students during induction week rather than having security personnel standing guard. ACTION: JD and JW to draft a response to the Postgraduates Staff-Student Committee. ACTION: JL to convene a group to improve students’ induction experience. 7. Learning and Quality Committee 23/11/05 Last LQC requested discussion Of the first National Student Survey. As a public survey with the results widely available, this will be highly influential to the public’s perception of us. The board agreed action needs to be taken by departments in explaining the purpose and significance of the survey to students. 8. School Assessment Working Group The Code of Practice is being revised to align our assessment procedures with the university regulations. The Chair confirmed working groups will continue to develop the Code and the final draft will be considered by School Board before the ultimate version is published. The Board discussed the following: Advice to give students on late coursework: should students abandon the work or be encouraged to complete it for possible submission later in the year? Extenuating Circumstances: Where students do not submit an EC form, should staff still provide feedback? Plagiarism: The three points from the paper will be discussed further. PJ requested all items for next SAWG be delivered by Tuesday, 13 December. 9. Research Committee No matters for approval or further discussion. 10. Health and Safety To prevent users suffering frost bite, The Chair advised Prof. SG to contact Facilities Management to stop the air conditioning coming on in the performance space, each evening at 7.30. LY: Overcrowding continues to be a problem but is shifting from being an issue of H&S to one of retention. 3 SE: encouraged new, returning or relocating staff to have a DSE assessment of their work space. 11. AOB: The Chair paid tribute to everyone’s hard work this term. Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 8th February 2006 at 2.15 in QA063 4