RADIOBIOLOGY AND RAD PROTECTION CD #5 SOMATIC EFFECTS 2006 RT244 wk 7 2 – WHEN CELLS ARE MODIFIED BY BEING EXPOSED TO RADIATION - INCREASE PROBABILITY OF CARCINOGENESIS (CANCER FORMING) NO THRESHOLD When somatic or nonreproductive cells are exposed to ionizing radiation, there is an increase in carcinogenesis – the severity of cancer does not depend on the dose. 10 rads or 100 rad – the cancer is no more severe – but the probability that cancer will develop is increased. 3- Marie Curie and her daughter photo 4 – MARIE CURIES HISTORY OF XRAY DERMATITS ( RED DRY SKIN)TO HANDS - SEEM TO STOP AFTER A PERIOD OF TIME – THEN WOULD RECOVER – BUT CANCER IS SLOW TO DEVELOP AND MAY NOT APPEAR FOR MANY YEARS ( Mr. Hawk’s hand) 5 - CAUSES OF CANCER – uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells Cancer is the end results after a series of events that occur in a cell Exposure to carcinogens – increase the risk of getting cancer. 5% of cancers due to exposure to occupational CHEMICALS – SMOKING 2X HIGHER of dieing from cancer UV LIGHT – 600,000 SKIN CANCERS 6 – Cells undergoes mutation – daughter cells contain mutated genes – continue to replicate – Leukemia – grows and crowds out the good cells 9 – Shows how severed fragments of a chromosone combines with other chromosome – Some genetic information may be lost – a new gene may be formed that will develop into a cancer cell RADIOBIOLOGY AND RAD PROTECTION CD #5 SOMATIC EFFECTS 2006 RT244 wk 7 13 – How the cancer is produced mayu affect the type of cancer – but does not affect the quality of the cancer A cancer caused by a chemical agent is no different than a cancer caused by irradiation When the cancer is caused by ionization – it does not show immediately – there is a delay known as the latent period – this can last for many months or many years Different cancers have different latent periods. Leukemia has on the shortest latent periods CANCER HAS A LATENT PERIOD BEFORE IT SHOWS UP = LEUKEMIA HAS THE SHORTEST PERIOD BOMBING VICTIMS from Japan – cases of leukemia began to appear within a few years - peak period was 7-12 years (Although these cases appeared at about the same time (age) that they would normally appear) The exposure to radiation did not change the time when the leukemia appeared. # 16 - RISK OF DEATH FROM WORKING IN RADIATION Radiographers would not be exposed to these levels #20 – Chart Death from Various Causes CHART (RADIATION IS 1/100,000) TO 100MRAD/yr Technologist monitored and protected – doses under 50msv/yr SLIDE # 21 (LOOK AT THESE FOR PATHOLOGY CLASS) #21 SOLID TURMOR – 20 TO 50 YEARS BREAST – LUNG THYROID & BONE #22 – Leukemia are a group of cancers in the blood forming tissues About 3% of cancers – but most common type in children #27 – Breast Cancer (1/9 cancers) #28 – 3 groups studied of how radiation increases the risk of breast cancer -Female survivors of atomic bombing 12,000 women 10 rad or more risk of cancer 4 X higher chance) RADIOBIOLOGY AND RAD PROTECTION CD #5 SOMATIC EFFECTS 2006 RT244 wk 7 - TB Wards in Nova Scoita and Massachusetts – multiple radiographic exams = 4 – 20 rad) (some women had over 100 exams) 10 X higher chance of developing breast cancer - Second study of these women showed that when undergoing fluoro procedures for TB – the POSITIONING of the patient greatly reduced their risk # 29 Lung Cancer - leading cancer killer Smoking the leading cause of lung cancer – the chemicals in the smoke can cause an alteration in the DNA base Radon in mines another cause for lung cancer # 30 Uranium Miners Lungs Radioactive gas – RADON – a decay product 3000 rad 8:1 risk in cancer smokers 20:1 risk #31 Bone Cancer - radium dial watch painter – injested radium reacted with calcium and deposited in bones 122:1 risk (Pelvis, Femur and Mandible) Radium (alpha and beta particles) #32 Skin Cancer – overexposure to the sum (Latent period 5 – 10 years) Radiation induced – seen in early years #34 – Radiation Risk Chart Radiation induced cancers for a dose of 0.1 sV 10 rems