Pasadena City College Performing & Communication Arts Division Winter Intersession 2012 Music 4A - Keyboard Skills Credit: 2 Units Instructor: Joseph Klice Office: See Music Lab V – 203 Phone: 626 585 7589 Office Hours: TBA E-mail: Text: Alfred’s Group Piano for Adults, Book 1, Lancaster & Renfrow Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in, or completion of, Music 1. Recommended: Music 147 (Music Lab) for those who practice only on campus. Purpose: Realization at the keyboard of theoretical materials from Music 1. Fundamentals of arm, hand, and finger control oriented to the keyboard, using a first year piano instruction text. Music reading in treble and bass clefs. This class is intended for the Music Major or minor. Class Work: Lecture and demonstration of keyboard concepts and new material. Consistent in-class practice of new and review material with the instructor. Attention to individual keyboard problems of both physical technique and musical performance. Grading Is Based Upon: attendance. College policy requires that a student be dropped from the roll when absences total more than the number of hours the class meets in a two-week period. Individual problems of extended absence due to illness or other cause may be resolved by consultation with the instructor. successful preparation of weekly assignments weekly keyboard playing quizzes final exam minimum 18 accumulated hours of practice in the PCC Music Lab Requirements Of Students: Consistent daily practice!!! Each student has a different learning style; some students will need more daily practice than others. However, daily practice is the important goal. Daily practice yields better and more permanent results. Please note: fingernails must be kept at a reasonable length for keyboard playing. It is expected that assignments will be completed by the due date. Late performance will be downgraded unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Lab Hours: Minimum of three hours per week is required in the Music Lab (K-5). Students are expected to spend these hours practicing music assigned by the instructor. Music Lab provides assistance to help you with any questions. Just ask the lab instructor on duty. Course Outline Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Keyboard Basics. Reading from the grand staff with single line melodies and melodies accompanied by 5ths. Major five-finger patterns and tonic chords in C, G, F. Text: selected material through p. 52 Five-finger patterns and tonic chords in all keys studied. Syncopation. Relative minor keys. Sight reading and transposition. Text: Selected material p.45 - 82 Staccato and legato. Continued study of five-finger patterns and tonic chords in major and minor keys. Major and parallel minor chords. Augmented and diminished chords. Tetrachords. The Major scale. Sight reading and transposition. Text: Selected material through p.154. Five-finger patterns and tonic chords in Major and minor keys. Major scales. Triads and inversions. Five tone exercise. Introduction of dominant chord V6/5 and subdominant chord IV6/4.. Five-finger patterns using I and V6/5 in major key. Text: selected material to p. 155. Continue five-finger patterns with I and V6/5 in all major keys. Introduction of subdominant chord IV6/4. Chord progression I - IV6/4 - I - V6/5 - I in major keys. Major scales beginning on white keys. Text: selected material to p. 165 For the Final Exam: completion of chord patterns in all 12 major keys. Major scales in C, G, D, A, E, and B hands together (H.T.) Text: selected materials to p. 165. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to... Play the five-finger pattern in both hands with I chord and V6/5 chord in all 12 major keys. Play the chord progressions I - IV6/4 - I - V6/5 - I in all major keys. Play major scales in C, G, D, A, E, and B, one octave, hands together. Recognize musical symbols (staccato, legato, slurs, etc.) and perform them correctly. Play five-finger exercises demonstrating facility. Perform selected pieces with a variety of accompaniment patterns and different technical problems such as melody in the left hand, legato in one hand and staccato in the other hand, shifting of hand positions on the keyboard, independence of hands as required in imitation. Perform short pieces in major and minor keys in various meters. Transpose simple melodies with primary triad accompaniment in all keys. Student Learning Outcomes 1. Develop critical awareness of musical practice techniques through keyboard performance. 2. Play Major 5 finger patterns on the keyboard accompanied by I & V6/5 chords. 3. Play Major scales and chords on the keyboard with correct spelling and fingering. 4. Transpose on the keyboard melodies accompanied by I, IV6/4 and V6/5 chords. Disabilities If you are a student with a disability and you believe you may need an accommodation to successfully complete the course, be sure to contact Disabled Student Programs and Services in D-209. You should also discuss your needs with me during my office hours, or at another time by making an appointment. Weekly Assignments for Music 4A Winter Intersession 2010 HS = hands separately HT = hands together 1 oct. = one octave Week 1 CORRECT POSTURE & HAND POSITION; BASIC NOTATION, INTERVALS, WHOLE & HALF STEPS, CHROMATIC SCALE Mon., Jan. 9 pp. 1 - 26 Tues.,Jan. 10 EIGHTH NOTES, DOTTED QUARTER NOTES, 6/8, DYNAMICS, KEY SIGNATURES, HARMONIZATION, MAJOR 5-FINGER PATTERNS more letter recognition on keyboard and staff Play p. 26 p. 31 Play p. 33 Miniature Waltz p. 35 Rhythm Reading Sight-read p. 36 & 37 p. 38 - technique p. 38 -harmonize and play p. 38 No. 2 in F, G, & C Major positions. pp. 42 & 43 Playing Major 5-finger patterns & chords that start on a white key TEST: p. 26, No. 1, 2, 3 WRITTEN WORK: Have p. 38, No. 2 harmonization written out on staff paper in the keys of G, F, & C Major Weds,, Jan. 11 Thurs., Jan 12 TRIADS, REPEAT SIGNS, 38, TRANSPOSITION, HARMONIZING W/ TONIC & DOMINANT NOTES p. 43 Playing Major 5-finger patterns & chords that start on a white key p. 44 & 45 Playing Major 5-finger patterns that start on a black key p. 47 Bright Lights Boogie p. 48 - Rhythm Reading p. 49 - Technique p. 50 & 51 - Sight Reading p. 52 - harmonize and play No. 1 - be able to play in D, C, and E Major positions TEST: p. 33 Play Miniature Waltz TEST: Play p. 38, No. 2 in F, G & C Major positions WRITTEN WORK: Have p. 52 No. 1 written out on staff paper in G, D & C Major positions Week 2 No Class Mon., Jan 16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tues., Jan. 17 SIXTEENTH NOTES review p.45 Playing Major 5-finger positions & chords review p. 47 Boogie p. 59 Major 5-finger pattern groups p. 60 Playing Major Chords, Playing Major 5-finger patterns & broken chords p. 61 Rhythm Reading P. 61 Technique p. 62, No. 2 March p. 62, No. 1 Sight Reading p. 64 Little Scherzo p. 65 harmonize and play No. 1 - Play in F, G, & C Major TEST: Play Major 5-finger patterns and chords that start on a white key and that start on a black key by memory TEST: p. 47 Boogie TEST: play harmonization p. 52 No. 1 in D, C Major positions WRITTEN WORK: Have p. 65 No. 1 written out on staff paper in G & C Wed., Jan. 18 MINOR 5-FGR. PATTERNS & CHORDS, SYNCOPATION, TIED NOTES, RELATIVE MINOR KEYS review p. 60 Playing Major Chords, and Playing Major 5finger patterns & broken chords review p. 61 Rhythm Reading, p. 61 Technique p. 62 & 63 Sight Reading review p. 64 Little Scherzo play p. 65 No. 1 - be able to play in F, G, & C Major positions TEST: Play p. 62 March TEST: Play harmonization p.65 No. 1 in F, G & C positions TEST: Play p. 60, playing Major Chords, by memory Thurs., Jan. 19 MINOR 5-FGR. PATTERNS & CHORDS, SYNCOPATION, TIED NOTES, RELATIVE MINOR KEYS warm up on p. 60 Playing Major 5-finger Patterns & broken chords review p. 61, 63 & 64 p. 73 Playing Major & Minor 5-finger patterns that start on a white key p. 74 Playing Major & Minor 5-finger patterns that start on a black key p. 76 & 77, Nos. 1, 2 & 3 Sight Reading p. 78 No. 5 Reading & Transposition p. 81 Technique p. 82 No. 3 harmonize and play in a, g, & c minor TEST: p. 63, No. 4 in D & C Major WRITTEN WORK: Write out harmonization p. 82 No. 3 in g and c minor positions Week 3 MAJOR & PARALLEL MINOR CHORDS, REVIEW Mon., Jan. 23 & Tues., Jan. 24 warm up on p. 60 Playing Major 5-finger Patterns & broken chords review p. 64 Little Scherzo review p. 75 Playing Major & Minor white key 5-finger patterns review p. 76 Playing Major & Minor black key 5-finger patterns review p. 78 No. 5 review p. 81 Technique play p. 82 No. 3 Harmonization - Play in a, g, & c minor p. 85 Playing Major & Parallel Minor Chords TEST: p. 64 Little Scherzo TEST: p. 82 No. 3 Be able to play in the keys of a, g, & c minor WRITTEN WORK: Write out Reading p. 78 No. 5 in d minor Wed., Jan. 25 TRIPLETS, 2/2, D. C. al Fine p. 75 & 76 Playing Major & Minor 5-finger patterns p. 78 No. 5 in e & d minor p. 85 Playing Major & Parallel Minor Chords p. 86 Rhythm Reading p. 87 No. 1 play harmonization in e & f minor p. 88 Toccatina p. 90 & 91 Sight Reading TEST: p. 75 & 76 Play Minor 5-finger patterns (by memory) TEST: Play Reading p. 78 No. 5 in e and d minor WRITTEN WORK: write out p. 87 No. 1 harmonization in d minor Thurs., Jan 26 INCOMPLETE MEASURES, AUGMENTED & DIMINISHED CHORDS, DOTTED EIGHTH NOTE, TETRACHORDS, MAJOR SCALE warm up on p. 75 & 76 Playing Major & Minor 5-finger positions p. 85 Playing Major & Parallel Minor Chords p. 87 No. 1 Harmonization in e & f minor p. 88 Toccatina p. 91 No. 5 Reading in c & b minor p. 97 Playing Major & Augmented Chords p. 98 Playing Minor & Diminished Chords p. 99 Rhythm Reading p. 106 through p. 111 Tetrachords & the Major Scale p. 121 No. 1 & 2 Technique Handout on I-V6/5-I Chord Progression (or p. 150) p. 154 Du, du liegst mir im Herzen TEST: Toccatina p. 88 & 89 TEST: Play harmonization p. 87 No. 1 in e & f minor Week 4 Mon., Jan. 30 TRIADS OF THE KEY, I-V65-I CHORD PROGRESSION, MAJOR SCALES, HARMONIZING W/ TONIC & DOMINANT CHORDS warm up on p. 98 Playing Major, Augment, Minor & Diminished Chords p. 104 No. 2 Technique p. 108 through 111 Handout on Major Scales, one octave HS p. 160 Minuet in F Handout on I-V6/5-I Chord Progressions (or p. 150) p. 152 Nos. 1 & 2 Sight Reading p. 154 Du, du liegst mir im Herzen p. 155 Boola boola TEST: Play Du, du liegst mir im Herzen in D Major p. 154 TEST: Play handout on I - V6/5 - I Chord Progression - FRONT OF PAGE by memory WRITTEN WORK: Write out Boola boola in C Major, p. 155 Tues., Jan. 31 TRIADS & INVERSIONS, 5-TONE EXERCISE warm up on p. 104 No. 2 Technique Handout on I-V6/5-I Chord Progressions (or p. 150) Handout on Major scales, one octave HT p. 160 Minuet in F p. 138 & 139 Playing Triads & Inversions Handout on Five Tone Exercise in the keys of C, F & G Play Boola boola p. 155 TEST: Play handout on I - V6/5 - I Chord Progression - BACK OF PAGE by memory TEST: Play Boola boola p. 155 in B Flat & C Major Weds., Feb. 1 I-IV64-I CHORD PROGRESSION; HARMONIZING W/ TONIC, DOMINANT, & SUBDOMINANT CHORDS Thurs., Feb. 2 Warm up: Handout on Major scales HT p. 153 Nos. 3 & 4 Sight Reading p. 160 Minuet in F p. 138 & 139 Playing Triads & Inversions Handout on Five Tone Exercise in the Major keys of C, D, E, F, G, A & B Handout on I-IV6/4-I Chord Progressions (or p. 159) p. 165 Michael, Row the Boat Ashore in F, E, D & C Major TEST: Major Scales of C, D, E, G, A & B, HT, 1 oct. by memory WRITTEN WORK: p. 165 Michael, Row the Boat Ashore written out on staff paper in the Major keys of G, A & B Week 5 Mon., Feb. 6 Tues., Feb. 7 PREPARATION FOR FINAL Warm up: Handout on Major Scales of C, D, E, G, A, B one octave HT p. 129 German Dance p. 138 No. 1 & 2 Playing Triads & Inversions with the LH p. 139 No. 1 & 2 Playing Triads & Inversions with the RH Handout: I-IV6/4-I Chord Progressiop. 165 Michael Row... in keys of F, E, C, D, G, A, B Five Tone Exercise in the Major keys of C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C#, E b, F#, Ab, Bb Handout on I-IV6/4-I-V6/5-I Chord Progressions (or p. 159) TEST: Handout on I-IV6/4-I Chord Progressions - FRONT OF PAGE by memory TEST: 5-TONE EXERCISE IN C, D, E, F, G, A & B WRITTEN WORK: p. 165 Michael Row the Boat Ashore written out on staff paper in the Major keys of G, A & B Weds., Feb. 8 CONTINUED PREPARATION FOR FINAL Thurs., Feb. 9 Warm up: Handout on Five Tone Exercise in all 12 Major Keys p. 160 Minuet in F pp. 138 & 139 Handout: I-IV6/4-I Chord Progressions Handout on I-IV6/4-I-V6/5-I Chord Progressions p. 162 No. 1 Sight Reading p. 165 Michael Row... in Major keys of C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C Sharp, E Flat TEST: Handout on I-IV6/4-I Chord Progressions - BACK OF PAGE ONLY by memory WRITTEN WORK: p.165 Michael Row the Boat Ashore written out on staff paper in the Major keys of Db, Eb, F#, Ab, Bb Week 6 CONTINUED PREPARATION FOR FINAL p. 160 Minuet in F p. 165 Michael Row... in all Major keys Review Major scales of C, D, E, F, G, A, B one octave HT Five Tone Exercise in all Major keys FINAL EXAM - DATE & TIME TBA (CHECK EXAM SCHEDULE) 1. Major scales of C, D, E, F, G, A, B one octave HT MEMORIZED 2. p. 160 Minuet in F Major 3. Five Tone Exercise in ALL major keys MEMORIZED 4. p. 165 Michael Row the Boat Ashore in ALL major keys 5. Sight Reading