Polly Fung's Curriculum Vitae - Oral Medicine & Research


Curriculum Vitae Dr Polly Pok-Lam FUNG


Dr Polly Pok-Lam FUNG

Oral Medicine Unit, Eastman Dental Institute, 256 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK

pok.fung.10@ucl.ac.uk www.phossyjaw.wordpress.com/

Skype polly.fung1

Sex Female | Date of birth 16/11/1985 | Nationality Chinese (Hong Kong)


- Qualified Dental Surgeon, Hong Kong Dental Council Registration No. D03800

- Second-year PhD Scholar at University College London (UCL) Eastman Dental



Sep 2011 – Sep 2015

Aug 2009 – Aug 2010

Grand Challenge PhD Student

UCL Eastman Dental Institute

Project: Genetic variants as biomarkers of jaw osteonecrosis associated with bisphosphonates

Supervisors: Dr Stefano Fedele, Prof Stephen Porter

Junior Hospital Dental Officer

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Prince Philip Dental Hospital; Queen Mary Hospital; Tung Wah Eastern

Hospital Diabetes Dental Clinic, Hong Kong


Sep 2010 – Sep 2011

Sep 2004

– Sep 2009

MSc in Oral Medicine with Distinction

UCL Eastman Dental Institute

Project: Long-term behaviour of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONJ): a retrospective study

Supervisors: Dr Stefano Fedele, Prof Stephen Porter

Bachelor in Dental Surgery with Honours

University of Hong Kong (HKU)

Elective Study: Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka


Mother tongue(s) Cantonese

Other language(s)








Spoken interaction Spoken production


C2 C2 C2

Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages






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Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)

Membership of Professional


British Society for Oral Medicine

European Academy of Oral Medicine

Hong Kong Dental Alumni Association

Hong Kong Dental Association

Hong Kong Forensic Odontology Group

Hong Kong Society of Medical Professionals


Fedele, S., Fung, P.P.L., Bamashnous, N., Petrie, A., Porter, S. R. (2012). Long-term effectiveness of intralesional corticosteroid therapy in orofacial granulomatosis. (Under submission).

Leung, Y.Y., Fung, P.P.-L., Cheung, L.K. (2012). Treatment modalities of neurosensory deficit after lower third molar surgery: a systematic review. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 70, 768


Fung, P.P. L. (2010). Quality assurance in general dental practice. Hong Kong Dent J. 7, 50 –4.

Sole winner of the Hong Kong Society of Family Dentistry Prize 2009.

Presentations at Meetings

Oral Presentation

Fung PPL, Porter SR, Fedele S, GENVABO Study Group. Clinical Phenotype and Risk Factors for

Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BONJ). The British Society for Oral

Medicine (BSOM) Annual Scientific Meeting, Birmingham, UK, 2013.

One of five selected for oral presentation: basic science, translational research and clinical audit category

Fung PPL, Fedele S, Manfredi M, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Petrie A, Porter SR. Long-term behaviour of Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BONJ). European Association of Oral

Medicine (EAOM) 11 th Biennial Congress, Athens, Greece, 2012.

Oral Presentation Award (Second Prize)

Fung, P.P.L., Porter, S.R. Idiopathic dysgeusia: a case report, Juniors Meeting for BSOM and

British Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Sheffield, UK, 2011.

BSOM Scientific Meeting Bursaries

Fung, P.P.L., Lo, E.C.M., Li, T.K.L. Detection of tooth demineralisation by two recent advanced technologies, 2nd International Conference for Research Presentation by Dental Students, Beijing,

China, 2008.

5 th National Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award as one of three HK representatives

11 th Challenge Cup Bronze Award (reputed as the Chinese Olympics of science and technology among Chinese students)

Reported in China Youth Daily (Dec 2008), Sing Tao Daily (Jan 2009) and HKU Review


Poster Presentation

PPL Fung, S Porter, M Manfredi, P Vescovi, E Merigo , S Fedele. Bisphosphonate-associated

Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BONJ) among Osteoporosis Patients: Clinical Phenotype, Long-term

Behaviour and Potential Predictors. European Congress on Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis,

Rome, Italy, 2013.

Fung, P.P.L., Fedele, S., Petrie, A., Porter, S.R. Long-term behaviour of Bisphosphonateassociated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BONJ), 3 rd National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

Experimental Medicine Research Training Camp, Ashridge, UK, 2012.

Fung, P.P.L., Fedele, S., Petrie, A., Porter, S.R. Long-term behaviour of Bisphosphonateassociated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BONJ): a pilot study, (BSOM) Annual Meeting Liverpool, UK,


BSOM Scientific Meeting Bursaries

Teaching Qualifications and


Gave one lecture on BONJ to dental practitioners attending the London Deanery course, Eastman

Dental Institute's Continuing Professional Development department, London, UK, 2012.

Received training in teaching from UCL Graduate School, 2011-13

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Curriculum Vitae Dr Polly Pok-Lam FUNG

Academic Awards

UCL 2010-2014

UCL Grand Challenge Studentship in Biomedicine for PhD 2011-14

UCL Overseas Research Scholarship 2012-14

UCL Research Frontiers Prize 2012

UCL Graduate School Bursary for attending the Times Cheltenham Science Festival 2011

One of ten finalists for the London Student of the Year Award 2011

Full Sponsorship from Drs Richard Charles & Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation (HSBC

Trustee (HK) Limited) for MSc Oral Medicine 2010-11

HKU 2004-2009

HKU Exchange Scholarships

HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship

Kai Chong Tong Scholarships

Mary Sun Medical Scholarships (4 Renewals)

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship

The HKU Foundation Scholarship

▪ “Young Leaders of Tomorrow” Community Leaders Scholarship

Chan Kai Ming Prizes

David Atkins Memorial Prize

Dental 85 Prize in Elective Studies

Ho Fook Prize

Ho Ping Kwan Prize in Oral Rehabilitation

Hong Kong Dental Association Prize

Hong Kong Society of Family Dentistry Prize 2009

Hong Kong University Alumni Prizes

The Peter Whyte Award

The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) Prize

University of Hong Kong Dental Alumni Association Prize in General Dentistry

Consulate General of Sweden Book Prize

Management and Leadership

Skills/Extra-curricular Activities

Honorary Secretary, HKU Alumni Association UK Chapter

HKU Mentor in UK

London 2012 Olympic Games Research: Oral Health of Athletes Volunteers at Olympic Village

London 2012 Olympic Games Ceremonies Volunteer Performer

London 2012 Olympic Games Selection Event Volunteer

UCL Volunteer Award 2011-12

UCL Student Green Champion 2010

▪ University of London “20by2015” Student Leader

Postgraduate Social Convenor, International Hall Club Committee, University of London 2010

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