doc - Mars Climate Database

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Observatoire de Paris - IPSL
Vol. n° : 2
Title : Science Plan
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Observatoire de Paris - IPSL
Vol. n° : 2
Title : Science Plan
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Table of contents
SCIENCE INVESTIGATION PLAN .....................................................................................................................5
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Why study the Martian atmosphere ? ............................................................................................................5
2.1.2 MAMBO and the Martian atmosphere ..........................................................................................................5
OBJECTIVE #1: CHARACTERIZING THE 3D GENERAL CIRCULATION ....................................................................6
2.2.1 Scientific background ....................................................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Wind measurements ......................................................................................................................................7
Science objective and requirements ....................................................................................................................... 7
Retrieval of wind profile by MAMBO .................................................................................................................. 8
Temperature measurements ..........................................................................................................................9
Science objectives and requirements ..................................................................................................................... 9
Retrieval of temperature profiles by MAMBO .................................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Combining wind and temperature: a complete view of the general circulation of the Martian atmosphere
using data assimilation .............................................................................................................................................11
OBJECTIVE #2: CHARACTERIZING THE WATER CYCLE .....................................................................................12
2.3.1 Water Vapor 3D mapping ...........................................................................................................................12
Scientific background .......................................................................................................................................... 12
MAMBO objectives and science requirements ................................................................................................... 13
Retrieval of water vapor profiles by MAMBO .................................................................................................... 13
HDO 3D mapping .......................................................................................................................................14
Scientific Background and objectives.................................................................................................................. 14
Science requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Retrieval of D/H profiles by MAMBO ................................................................................................................ 15
2.4.1 Scientific background and objectives ..........................................................................................................15
Mars atmosphere photochemistry ........................................................................................................................ 15
Monitoring H2O2 ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Monitoring O3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Monitoring CO .................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4.2 Measurements Requirements .......................................................................................................................17
2.4.3 Retrieval of H2O2, O3 and CO ......................................................................................................................17
OBJECTIVE #4: SURFACE SCIENCE ....................................................................................................................17
2.5.1 Scientific background ..................................................................................................................................17
2.5.2 MAMBO surface observations ....................................................................................................................18
SCIENCE IMPLEMENTATION ..............................................................................................................................18
2.6.1 Observing Strategy ......................................................................................................................................18
2.6.2 Data Scientific Analysis ..............................................................................................................................19
2.6.3 Science team ................................................................................................................................................19
PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.7.1 Synergy with Netlander ...............................................................................................................................19
2.7.2 Synergy with the “Escape Mechanism Package” .......................................................................................19
UNIQUENESS OF MAMBO COMPARED TO PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE MISSIONS ...........................................20
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................21
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Vol. n° : 2
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2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Why study the Martian atmosphere ?
The Mars Atmosphere Microwave Brightness Observer (MAMBO) aims to characterize the
atmospheric dynamics, the water cycle and the photochemical processes of the Martian atmosphere
with unprecedented measurements. The motivations for such an investigation are numerous:
Understanding the present and past of planet Mars : More than ever, in the light of the current Mars
spacecraft mission, we realise that the Martian atmosphere has played a central role in the evolution of
the planet. Surface landforms tell us the story of a planet which has undergone climate change relatively
recently and on which liquid water once ran in a distant past, making scientist wonder about a possible
past life on Mars. However, complex photochemical processes seem to have now sterilized the near
surface. Mars continues even today to exhibit major seasonal and interannual variations. The current
Martian climate system is indeed a complex combination of atmospheric dynamics coupled with the
dust, CO2 and water cycles. The behaviour of this system is not well understood, but it is the key to the
history of the planet.
Comparative meteorology and aeronomy. The general circulation of the Martian atmosphere is very
similar to Earth, as both are rapidly rotating planets with relatively transparent atmospheres above a solid
surface. Similarly, the chemical processes controlling the Martian atmosphere resemble the Earth middle
atmosphere with, for instance, similar catalytic cycles controlling ozone in the middle atmosphere. The
similarities and differences can help us better understand our planet and our environment. MAMBO will
obtain a complete description of the time-varying properties of the atmospheric dynamics and
composition in a systematic way analogous to modern observation systems in Earth orbit. It will thus
enable us to perform comparative meteorology in an unprecedentedly detailed manner.
Preparation of future missions. Another purpose of Mars atmospheric science is to better define the
environmental conditions for future spacecraft missions: the goal is to facilitate spacecraft aerobraking
and aerocapture manoeuvres, re-entry and surface operations of landers, or even the design of future
balloons or planes. By measuring wind and temperature from the surface up to the altitude of
aerobraking (~120 km), MAMBO is ideally suited for building the reference database that will be used
by future mission designers.
2.1.2 MAMBO and the Martian atmosphere
To deal with the objectives mentioned above, we propose to analyse the thermal emission of the atmosphere
at microwave frequencies using heterodyne spectroscopy, for the first time from orbit around another planet.
In practice, MAMBO will perform measurements at the atmospheric limb and at nadir using a receiver
dedicated to the monitoring of selected lines around 320-350 GHz (Figure 2.1). From these data, vertical
profiles of key atmospheric constituents, of temperature and winds will be retrieved from the surface up to
120 km altitude with an unprecedented sensitivity and coverage, without being affected by dust or
condensate. MAMBO beam size will be of the order of 8 km in our baseline design with a 23-cm antenna
(possibly 6 km in our option with a larger 30-cm antenna). However, inversion techniques will allow us to a
achieve an effective vertical resolution of only 5 km (3.8 km with the larger antenna) for water vapour and
temperature retrieval.
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z = 10 km
Figure 2.1 Simulation of limb and
nadir spectra around 320-350 GHz
under typical martian conditions.
MAMBO will simultaneously acquire
complete spectra of the H2O, CO, 13CO,
HDO, O3 and H2O2 rotational lines.
2.2 Objective #1: Characterizing the 3D general circulation
MAMBO will combine measurements of 4-dimensional fields of temperature and wind from 0 to 120 km.
Scientific background
As mentioned above, the concept used to describe the Martian atmospheric dynamics are close to the
terrestrial case (see review in Leovy, 2001, Zurek et al. 1992). However, not much observational data are
available. The temperature field has been the only global measurement used to characterize the circulation.
In fact, only Mars Global Surveyor has really been able to provide more than sparse profiles measurements
(Conrath et al., 2000 ; Smith et al., 2001) althought the main instrument used for this purpose (Thermal
Emission Spectrometer, TES) was not especially designed for that goal. Within that context, our current
vision of the circulation is largely based on numerical simulations performed using General Circulation
Models (See Haberle et al., 1993, Hourdin et al., 1993, Wilson and Hamilton, 1996, Forget et al., 1999). In
summary, these studies have shown that the global circulation is characterized by an extended Hadley
circulation (a global cell with ascending branch in the summer hemisphere and descending branch in the
winter hemisphere) modulated and modified by several kind of waves propagating through the atmosphere.
Among these waves, of particular importance are the thermal tides of diurnal or semi-diurnal period which
are excited by the near-surface diurnal cycle and propagate through the
atmosphere with increasing amplitude as the atmospheric density
decreases with altitude (Zurek et al. 1992, Wilson and Hamilton, 1996).
The tidal waves are thought to be the primary phenomena controlling the
dynamics of the upper atmosphere above 50 km, although very few
observations are available. With regard to comparative meteorology, the
travelling planetary waves observed at high and mid latitudes in winter
are of primary interest since they are the counterparts of the mid-latitude
low- and high- pressure weather systems which control the weather in
Europe and in Northern America.
Figure 2.2 Mars
atmosphere General
circulation key
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Compared to the Earth, one key characteristic of the Mars atmosphere is the vertical extent of most
meteorological phenomena. On Earth, the stratosphere confines the Hadley cell and most planetary waves to
the troposphere, below 20 km. On Mars, there is no similar effect and many stuctures extend vertically up to
the thermosphere (120 km), as suggested by MGS aerobraking desnsity measurements (Keating et al. 1998).
Monitoring the global atmosphere from 0 to 120 km is thus of key importance.
Figure 2.3 A summary of the dynamical fields that will be observed by MAMBO, as simulated
by a General Circulation Model (Forget et al., 1999) during Northern winter: temperature T,
zonal wind U (eastward) and meridional wind V (northward). Mambo will mostly observe the
zonal wind U , except at high latitudes when the spacecraft will fly above the pole.U is
characterized by much larger velocities than V and is thus easier to measure. The middle and
right columns shows the expected RMS amplitude of key meteorological phenomena thought
to create day to day variability (transient waves) and diurnal oscillations (thermal tides).
These phenomena are especially interesting above 70 km, where no global measurements will
be obtained until MAMBO.
2.2.2 Wind measurements Science objective and requirements
Except for the surface measurements performed by the Viking landers and Pathfinder, winds have never
been observed on Mars by spacecraft. Until MAMBO, winds must mostly be derived from the temperature
field using the thermal gradient wind approximation or more sophisticated similar techniques that assume
zero velocity at the surface. However, such techniques may be far from accurate on Mars because of the
near-surface winds driven by the strong diurnal cycle, and because of the large amplitude of the waves above
40 km and the difficulty of accounting for complex wave-mean interactions (Figure 1). For instance, a very
limited number of Doppler shift measurements of the CO lines have been obtained using Earth-based
radiotelescopes and interferometers (Lellouch et al., 1991, 1993, Moreno et al., 1999, 2001). These
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measurements suggest that retrograde winds around 60 km dominate at almost all latitudes, even around
equinox (Jegou et al., 2000). This strongly disagrees with thermal wind estimates based on MGS TES data as
well as with theoretical GCM predictions. The enigma raised by these remote measurements suggest that
major findings in atmospheric dynamics relevant for both Earth and Mars science will be obtained by
MAMBO. To achieve a complete and accurate monitoring of the winds on Mars necessary to meet MAMBO
objectives, the requirements on wind measurements are summarized in the following table:
measurement Requirements
Latitudinal coverage
0° to |lat|  75°
Horizontal resolution
(in latitude: lat)
Vertical coverage
Local time coverage
Requirements rationale
lat 5°
Observation of winter jets
baroclinic waves (e.g. Figure 2.3)
Scale of free atmosphere structures
0 ≤ z ≤ 120 km
Extension of main systems in models
lat  3°
15 ≤ z ≤ 110 km
Coverage of diurnal Mapping of diurnal cycle (tides) every Only possible on a non sunMartian “months”
synchronous platform.
cycle in  50 sols
A few fixed localtime
Sampling of diurnal tides
Zonal or meridional wind ?
Weakness of meridional winds
Vertical resolution
U15 m/s
z = 8-10 km
Monitor mean flow + waves
1 scale height
and 0° to |lat| ~70°
4 local times monitored by
observing on both side of the
sun-synchronous orbit.
Zonal winds at low-mid latitude
Meridional winds at high lat.
U15 m/s at 20 ≤ z ≤ 100 km
z < 8 km
Table 2.1 Science requirements versus instrument performances for the wind measurements. Retrieval of wind profile by MAMBO
The high spectral resolution achieved by MAMBO using heterodyne spectroscopy allows accurate line
position and shape measurements. Winds can thus be measured remotely by observing the Doppler shifts of
the emission lines that are narrow enough, in practice 13CO (between 15 km and 65 km) and 12CO (between
40 and 110 km). For a component of wind toward the spacecraft of 10 m/s, a spectral line formed in the
region of the wind around 330 GHz will be blue shifted by 11 kHz. However, there is no need for such a
high spectral resolution: the Doppler shift induces a change in the shape of the spectra which is easily
detectable with a much coarser resolution (Figure 2.4).
Doppler shift of a 13CO at 50 km
Actual difference between 10 m/s
shifted spectra at MAMBO resolution,
Figure 2.4 : Detection of a 10 m/s wind Doppler shift by Mambo
In order to measure zonal winds at low and mid latitudes, Mambo will observe cross-track on each side of
the near-polar satellite orbit. In such conditions, there are three source of errors that must be taken into
account to estimate the expected performance of the instrument:
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Error due to the noise level: Figure 1.5 shows an estimate of the error induced by the
instrument noise on the Doppler shift measurements performed with 13CO and 12CO . The use of
both CO-isotope lines allows us to retrieve winds with an RMS accuracy better than 10 m/s
between 20 km and 100 km.
Figure 2.5 Mambo wind retrieval
performance for an observation
time of 1s every 4 km(dashed line)
and 10 s every 4 km (solid line). In
practice longer integration time are
obtained by averaging spectra. This
estimation is based on MonteCarlo simulations of wind retrieval
performed by fitting model lines to
the observed spectra.
Error due to the spacecraft motion. The Doppler shift that results from the motion of the
spacecraft relative to the planet can be as large as 4 MHz. This shift is reduced when looking to
the side of the spacecraft, but the main error source is then related to the knowledge and stability
of the spacecraft orientation. If the orientation of the spacecraft and the pointing direction of the
telescope are in error by an angle , there will an unwanted Doppler velocity due to the
spacecraft velocity Vspc equal to Vspc. The expected “3” attitude knowledge for the Mars
Premier Spacecraft is 0.1° and the possible possible “3” error related to the stability of the
MAMBO antenna pointing vector in the spacecraft reference can be estimated to be around
0.03°. For a spacecraft velocity Vspc = 3 km/s, the corresponding RMS error that must be
quadratically added to the error due to noise is below 3 m/s.
Error due to the absolute frequency calibration. The stability of MAMBO Ultra Stable
Oscillator (USO) will be better than 10-8 and will allow a control of the reference frequency to 3
kHz, leading to systematic errors below 3 m/s. If needed, calibration of the frequency reference
could be peformed by using Nadir spectra which should observe negligible wind velocities in the
2.2.3 Temperature measurements Science objectives and requirements
An accurate measurement of the thermal structures of the atmosphere remains of primary interest in the
study of planetary atmospheres and climates because: 1) Temperature is the main environmental parameter
controlling the atmospheric density as well as physical processes (e.g. condensation) and chemical processes;
2) the signature of most meteorological phenomena can be analysed in the temperature structure; 3) the
general circulation can be constrained from temperature measurements; 4) the knowledge of temperature is
necessary to retrieve minor species. To achieve these objectives, the measurement requirements on
temperature measurements are summarized in the following table:
measurement specification
Latitudinal coverage
Horizontal resolution
(in latitude: lat)
Vertical coverage
lat 5°
Observation of polar warming and Limb: 0° to |lat| ~70°
baroclinic waves (e.g. Figure 2.3)
Nadir: 0° to 90°
Scale of free atmosphere structures
lat  3°
0 ≤ z ≤ 120 km
Extension of main systems in models
0° to |lat|  80°
Requirements rationale
0 ≤ z ≤ 120 km
Observatoire de Paris - IPSL
Local time coverage
Accuracy & vert. resolution:
- Vertical structure retrieval
- General circulation :
- Horizontal wave mapping:
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As for the winds
(see Table 2.1)
Monitoring of the strong diurnal As for the winds
cycle; sampling of diurnal tides
(see Table 2.1)
T  3 K ; z=5 km
T  2 K ; z=10 km
T  5 K ; z=10 km
Wave, clouds (see Figure 2.3
Haberle and Casting (1993), MEPAG
Models (e.g. Figure 2.3)
See Figure 2.7
See Figure 2.7
See Figure 2.7
Table 2.2 Science requirements versus instrument performances for the temperature
measurements. Retrieval of temperature profiles by MAMBO
Figure 2.6 Impact of the vertical
resolution on the restitution of a
temperature profile showing a
strong thermal inversion. (original
data from the MGS radio
occultation experiment, Hinson et
al., 1999). Oscillations with similar
scale, resulting from gravity waves,
thermal tides or clouds are often
observed on Mars. To capture such
phenomenon, a vertical resolution
of 5 km or better is necessary.
MAMBO temperature retrievals
will achieve 5 km (baseline design)
and possibly 3.5 km with the
optional (30 cm antenna).
MAMBO will retrieve temperature profiles from the 12CO and 13CO lines, the latter known to be 89 times
less abundant. Compared to other techniques such as thermal infrared remote sensing, microwave
temperature retrievals have the following advantages (Muhleman and Clancy, 1995):
o The observations are independent of the state of the atmosphere: Unlike in the IR, accurate profiles
can be obtained for warm or very cold atmospheric conditions, during intense formations of
atmospheric condensates or during intense dust storm conditions. These are, of course, conditions for
which accurate temperature knowledge is most interesting.
o The inversion is simplified because of the good knowledge of the spectroscopic parameters, and
because of the linearity with temperature of the thermal emission.
o The Local Thermal Equilibrium (LTE) assumption remains valid for rotational lines up to above
120 km (Non LTE processes are a major problem in the IR above 60 km).
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Altitude [km]
(50 spectra)
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Δz = 13km
Δz = 10 km
130 -
120 -
110 -
Δz = 5km
100 90
NADIR (5s)
Δz=5km Δz=10km
Figure 2.7 : Left : Simulated performance (RMS retrieval accuracy, K) of Mambo in a
typical martian case, for different vertical resolutions used in the retrieval .Right: Because
temperature sensitivity decrease with altitude, the MAMBO standard product for each limb
scan (every 3° latitude) will typically include one temperature profile from 0 to 120 km with
vertical resolution of 5 km below 40 km and coarser above (Simulation performed with the
MOLIERE optimal inversion scheme, Bordeaux Observatory).
The temperature will be retrieved simultaneously with the CO mixing ratio. In the lower part of the
atmosphere, this dual retrieval will be facilitated by combining information from the weak line 13CO (more
sensitive to mixing ratio) and the strong line 12CO (more sensitive to temperature). In any case, because of its
long lifetime (>5years), CO is well mixed and its variations are expected to be small (these variations are
nevertheless interesting as explained in section 2.4). The error on the temperature induced by these variations
should be small compared to the error directly due to the instrument noise, which are shown on Figure 2.7.
Although the beam size of MAMBO will typically be 8 km, a better vertical resolution will be achieved by
“oversampling” (e.g. acquisition of a spectra every 4 km). For each limb profile, the set of spectra
transmitted by MAMBO will be inverted with various vertical resolutions, the coarser vertical resolution
allowing a better accuracy (Figure 2.7).
2.2.4 Combining wind and temperature: a complete view of the general circulation of the
Martian atmosphere using data assimilation
Temperature and wind provide complementary information about the general circulation of the atmosphere.
Their combination will offer an unprecedented, complete view of Martian atmospheric dynamics. To make
the most of these measurements, and to accurately interpolate them in space and time and build a detailed 4D
climatology of the observed atmosphere, we plan to use a state-of-the-art data assimilation technique by
which atmospheric observations that are non-uniformly distributed in space and time can be combined with
simulations by numerical circulation models to provide optimal estimates of atmospheric transport. Such
techniques are now systematically used on Earth to define the state of the atmosphere before performing
weather forecasting or building reference climate databases (“analysis” or “re-analysis”). Since models of the
circulation of the Martian atmosphere are analogous in their capability to their Earth atmosphere
counterparts, data assimilation is readily applicable to Mars if enough observations are available (Lewis et al.
1996, Houben et al., 2001). Among the available techniques, we plan to use variational assimilation, a
powerful technique initiated and developed by MAMBO co-investigator O. Talagrand at LMD (Talagrand
and Courtier, 1990). Although our primary objective is to assimilate MAMBO’s temperature and winds, one
advantage of variational assimilation is that it will be possible to take into account the information contained
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in the other observations (water vapour, CO mixing ratio) or even to directly assimilate the spectra rather
than the retrieved quantities. Observations obtained by other instruments or missions (in particular,
Netlander surface measurements) will also be taken into account.
2.3 Objective #2: Characterizing the Water cycle
Water Vapor 3D mapping
MAMBO will obtain four-dimensional fields of water vapour from 0 to 60 km in all seasons and dust
opacities. Scientific background
Almost no profiles of water vapour have ever been measured on Mars. Nevertheless, the column abundance
of water vapour in the Martian atmosphere has been monitored from orbiting spacecraft and Earth-based
telescopes. The latest measurements from the MGS TES experiment have confirmed earlier Viking results
and showed that Mars has an active hydrological cycle in which water is exchanged between the surface and
atmosphere on seasonal and possibly diurnal time scales. With these observations, the only known surface
reservoir for water is the residual north polar ice cap. To first order, every summer, water vapor is released
into the atmosphere in the north polar region as the water-ice-covered northern permanent polar cap is
exposed (Farmer et al., 1976; 1977; Smith et al. 2002). Water vapor is then transported southward by the
atmosphere where it becomes available to form clouds and ice frost. No reservoir analogous to the northern
ice cap has been detected at the south pole even though a high latitude summertime maximum also can be
seen in the southern hemisphere. In this case, the source is likely to be water ice incorporated into the
seasonal CO2 cap, or water desorbed from the regolith as the cap retreats and the surface warms. Both
hemispheres are likely to have seasonal ice deposits and/or regolith water (Jakosky and Farmer, 1982).
However, aside from the north residual cap, the distribution of exchangeable surface reservoirs for water is
unknown. In fact, we do not understand the asymmetry of the water cycle and why water ice is currently
stable at the north pole rather than at the south pole. This may result from the global north-south global
elevation difference and its impact on the transport by the general circulation (Richardson and Wilson,
2002), or to the climate asymmetries induced by the variations in solar heating associated with orbital
eccentricity. For instance, colder atmospheric temperatures during northern summer tend to lower the
condensation level, and thus impede cross-equatorial transport (Clancy et al., 1996).
2.8 :
changes in water vapor
column abundance as a
(precipitable micrometers)
as observed by TES aboard
MGS (Smith et al., 2002) .Ls
is the solar longitude with
Ls=0 at Northern spring
Mambo will be able to not
only observe water vapour
for column abundance
lower than 0.1 pr-m , but
to retrieve vertical profiles
as well in such dry
Understanding the water cycle is of key importance on Mars. The planet is
replete with evidence suggesting variations in the nature of the water cycle
over the planet’s history, including gullies formed by flowing water in the recent past (Malin an Edgett,
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2000, Costard et al. 2002). To understand the processes at work now and in the past, these processes must be
observed in detail. In addition, recent observations suggest that water vapor and water ice may have a direct
impact on the thermal structure of the atmosphere that is much larger than expected (e.g. Colaprete et al.,
2000). It may also be an important process controlling the dust cycle and the global climate through dust
scavenging. MAMBO objectives and science requirements
MAMBO will measure profiles of water vapour over the planet with unprecedented sensitivity, and will
allow these observations to be combined with 1) the local temperature profile at the same location and 2) the
gobal determination of the atmospheric transport using temperature and wind measurements.
In addition to providing a most detailed climatology of the daily evolution of water vapour on Mars,
MAMBO will thus allow the quantitative characterization of water vapour transport in the atmosphere, and
the potential identification of constant or time-variable source and sinks. By observing the dual variations of
temperature and water vapour, we will study in detail the numerous physical processes involving water-ice
thought to control the water cycle and the climate (condensation in the cross-equatorial cells, scavenging of
dust by water, etc…).
mea- Requirements
surement specification
Latitudinal coverage
0° to |lat|  85°
Horizontal resolution
(in latitude: lat)
Vertical coverage
Local time coverage
Vertical resolution
Acuracy and sensitivity
Requirements rationale
MAMBO expected
Observation of the northern (source) Limb: 0° to |lat| ~70°
and southern (sink) residual polar caps Nadir: 0° to 90°
Scale of observed structures (clouds)
lat  3°
lat 5°
0 ≤ z ≤ 60 km
As for the winds and T
(see Table 2.1)
Δz ≤ 5 km
0 – 40 km with
sensitivity 3%-30%
Extension of main systems in models
Monitoring of the strong diurnal cycle
of water vapour proceses
Resolution at condensation level
See MEPAG report
0 ≤ z ≤ 120 km
As for the winds and T (see
Table 2.1)
Δz ≤ 5 km
See Figure 2.9
Table 2.3 Science requirements versus instrument performances for the water vapor measurements Retrieval of water vapor profiles by MAMBO
Water vapour profiles will be observed with greatest accuracy at the limb. The H2O line near 325 GHz will
be inverted to retrieve the water vapour mixing ratio using the temperature profile deduced from the CO and
CO lines.
Altitude [km]
70 -
65 -
60 - (1s/4km)
55 -
50 -
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
? z = 5km
? z = 10 km
Figure 2.9 : Water vapour profile RMS retrieval
accuracy for a typical atmospheric profile observed by
Mambo : 17 pr-μm column abundance, well mixed
below 10 km and saturated above. As for temperature,
“over-sampling” the limb scanning allow to reach an
effective resolution near 5 km, or better with the
optional 30 cm antenna. However, the accuracy is
better with a coarser resolution. Simulations have also
been performed with an extremely wet (120
precipitable μm) and dry (<0.1 pr-μm) atmosphere. In
the wet case, at low altitude, the line is completely
saturated near its center, but the wideband
spectrometers used by MAMBO permit the retrieval of
water down to the surface by using the wings of the
main line.”Oversampling” allows the achievement of a
vertical resolution of 5 km,
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HDO 3D mapping
MAMBO will map the water vapour D/H ratio from 0 to about 40 km Scientific Background and objectives
By systematically mapping the profile of H2O vapor and its isotopic HDO species, MAMBO will map in 3D
the space and time variations of the D/H ratio on Mars. Until now, only Earth-based telescopic observations
have been used to detect HDO in the Martian atmosphere (Owen et al., 1988; Krasnopolsky et al., 1997;
Encrenaz et al., 2001), with poor spatial resolution and seasonal coverage, and limited accuracy.
Nevertheless, D/H ratios on Mars about six times that of Earth have been reported (Owen et al., 1988). This
figure has been used to suggest that Mars has lost a significant amount of water (~50 m) to space through
escape mechanism which tend to favour H escape compared to D. MAMBO will be able to set a reference
value for the D/H ratio in the Martian atmosphere. However, our main goal is to monitor the strong
variations of D/H that can be expected on Mars:
Vertical variations: As stated by Fouchet and Lellouch (2001) and Bertaux and Montmessin (2002),
the atmospheric condensation and thus the presence of water ice clouds creates a deuteropause; i.e. a
level above which HDO vapor is strongly depleted. These changes occur because of the strong
fractionation effect sustained by HDO during condensation process. Its lower vapor pressure forces
it to be more concentrated in its icy phase (Merlivat and Nief, 1967). The objective of monitoring
this process is twofold. First, model-data comparison will allow the determination of the separate
roles of processes governing cloud stability and characterizing cloud microphysics. Second, we will
be able to strongly improve our understanding of the D/H enrichment by escape processes and
thereby constrain the volatile history. To first order, the ratio of the escape rate of D to H atoms is
indeed proportional to the HDO/H2O ratio at the exobase level, which strongly depend on this poorly
known “deuteropause effect”
Seasonal and spatial variations: The seasonal condensation of approximately half the atmospheric
water reservoir is expected to induce significant changes in the HDO/H2O ratio with time. In
addition to the temporal signature of the seasonal cap formation, a horizontal gradient of the
HDO/H2O ratio should appear off the polar regions. Within this context, HDO can act as a powerful
tracer indicating the spatial origin of any air mass and the strength of dynamical processes governing
the geographical distribution of water, thus constraining the global water cycle. A full year of
tracking would also supply new information about the way isotopic equilibrium can be established
when a large amount of water condenses. This has a particular significance for the volatile history.
Local variations. It is possible that water originating from old reservoirs in the subsurface, or from
the old water ice on the northern ice cap, can exhibit a measurable difference in isotopic content
relative to that of the atmosphere and the seasonally recycled northern polar cap frost. With the
HDO/H2O ratio technique, we may be able to detect locations where such reservoirs are able to
communicate with the atmosphere. Science requirements
The primary requirement is to retrieve HDO below and above the condensation level (e.g. 10-20 km) with
sufficient accuracy to detect the expected [HDO]/[H2O] variations as shown in Figure 2.10 (right).
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Page : 15/ 22 Retrieval of D/H profiles by MAMBO
Altitude [km]
70 -
65 -
standard average
60 (50s)
55 -
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -
Δz = 5km
Δz = 10km
Figure 2.11 Left: HDO profile RMS retrieval accuracy for a typical atmospheric profile
observed by Mambo as in Figure 2.9, for vertical resolution 5 km and 10 km. Right: The red
solid line show expected variations of the [HDO]/[H2O] ratio at condensation level, as
simulated by Bertaux and Montmessin (2002). The error bar illustrate the typical accuracy of
MAMBO retrieval for 1 limb scan (thin error bars) and after averaging 50 profiles (thick
error bar). This error was roughly estimated assuming: δ([HDO]/[H 2O]) = [HDO]/[H2O])
(δ[HDO]/[HDO] + δ[H2O] /[H2O]).
2.4 Objective #3: Characterizing the photochemical state of the Martian
atmosphere and surface
MAMBO will measure 4-dimensional fields of key minor species: CO (0-120 km), H2O2 (0-30km), O3 (060km)
2.4.1 Scientific background and objectives Mars atmosphere photochemistry
The photochemistry of Mars is rich, complex, and still poorly determined. Because of the limited surface
pressure on Mars, photolysis of major (CO2: 95%, N2: 3%) and minor (H2O: 0.01%, O2: 0.1 %)
molecular constituents extends to the very surface of Mars. This induces several catalytic photochemical
cycles similar to the ones which control ozone in the terrestrial middle atmosphere, for instance.
However, in the case of Mars these catalytic trace reactants seem to play a much more fundamental role
related to the chemical stability of the bulk atmosphere. Without them, because three body
recombination of CO and O from CO2 photolysis is an exceedingly slow reaction, the equilibrium
composition of the CO2 Mars (and Venus) atmosphere should include much higher percentage levels of
CO and O2 than is observed (~10% versus ≤ 0.1%).(Parkinson and Hunten, 1971 and McElroy et al.,
1972). Other complex processes such as such as heterogeneous reactions on dust aerosols and surface
condensation/adsorption of species like H2O2 remain conjectural. In this context of inferred and
unknown behaviour, by observing the key lines characterizing all these photochemical processes
MAMBO will effectively define the global character of Mars atmospheric chemistry for the first time.
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Page : 16/ 22 Monitoring H2O2
H2O2 is among the most interesting species in Martian photochemistry. H2O2 has never been detected on
Mars, but MAMBO sensitivity at the limb is such that we can safely plan to profile it and map its
o A key reactant: To confirm and detail the CO2 reforming processes mentioned above, none of the
key HOx radicals has been measured within the lower Mars atmosphere. It appears today that these
hydroxyl radicals are mostly produced during the photolysis of H2O2. H2O2 is therefore the key trace
constituent for the chemical regulation of H2, O2, and CO2.Global measurements of H2O2 vertical
profiles in the context of simultaneous H2O, CO, and O3 observations constitute a major
observational goal for the MAMBO experiment.
o A sterilizing oxidant in the Martian soil: The Viking Lander GCMS failed to detect any organic
compounds in the near-surface, whereas other experiments revealed a reactive soil surface
containing oxidant. The most likely candidate for a martian soil oxidant is H 2O2 (Bullock et al.).
Ground H2O2 would be produced in the atmosphere and diffuse into the subsurface over several
meters. Understanding this process is of key importance for Martian exobiology. Monitoring O3
As on Earth, ozone is another active species which abundance is controlled by complex catalytic
photochemical cycles. Interestingly, three of the four major catalytic photochemical cycles which
control ozone in the terrestrial middle atmosphere (NOx, HOx, and Ox; excluding only ClOx) constitute
the primary photochemical families of the Mars atmosphere. The catalytic cycles of Ox (O, O2, and O3products of CO2 photolysis) and HOx (OH, HO2, H2O2, and H- products of H2O photolysis) determine
the distribution of Mars atmospheric ozone (O3), much as they do in the terrestrial upper stratosphere and
mesosphere. In particular, Ozone is expected to be anti-correlated with water vapour. The simultaneous
MAMBO will further explore the effects of saturation-induced (i.e., cloud formation) variations in
atmospheric water vapor on Mars atmospheric chemistry. Because water photolysis supports the primary
HOx cycle of Mars photochemistry, the extreme global-scale variations of Mars atmospheric
temperatures force order-of-magnitude variations in HOx, NOx, and Ox abundances. This behaviour has
long been appreciated with respect to factor-of-ten increases in ozone columns at winter high latitudes
(Barth et al., 1973). However, the entire Mars atmosphere above 10-15km altitudes also exhibits
comparable orbital variations associated with the 20K average atmospheric temperature variation forced
by the eccentric Mars orbit (Clancy et al., 1995, 1999). Monitoring CO
CO is a long-lived species. MAMBO will be able to characterize its source and sinks. However, an
important objective for MAMBO photochemical measurements is to use CO as a tracer for Mars
meridional transport: the weak meridional circulation of the terrestrial middle atmosphere is not directly
observable, but appears as the mean transport effect of time-averaged eddies. By contrast, meridional
circulation in the Mars atmosphere is reflected in a direct global wind field which has a fundamental but
poorly understood influence on Mars climate. This includes the large north-south asymmetries of Mars
polar caps and the formation of the polar layered terrains. Cross hemispheric transport of dust and water
(vapor and ice) must play the primary role in these climate features, but their relative influence is
difficult to constrain due to the complex character of coupled aerosol microphysics and transport. In
addition to accurate H2O and zonal wind profiles, MAMBO will map the global distribution of CO
mixing profiles. As shown by Joshi et al. (2001), the strong meridional circulation of Mars forces
diagnostic vertical, meridional, and seasonal variations in CO abundance, which serve as an ideal tracer
for Mars meridional transport.
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2.4.2 Measurements Requirements
H2O2, O3 : Measurement of the H2O, O3, and H2O2 abundances (20% accuracy) from the surface
to the orbitally varying altitude of the hygropause (10 km at aphelion, above 40 km at
perihelion) are required to define global CO + O2 recombination rates associated with HOx and
Ox catalytic cycles, as well as the saturation-induced variations of HOx and Ox chemistry.
o CO: Retrieval of the CO mixing ratio to altitudes above 70 km (with 20% accuracy) are required
to interpret meridional transport rates, based upon the preliminary GCM calculations of Joshi et
al. (2001)
Both these criteria are expected to be fulfilled by MAMBO performances.
2.4.3 Retrieval of H2O2, O3 and CO
Figure 2.12: Simulated retrieval accuracy of minor species mixing ratio for an observation
time of 1 s every 4 km (red dashed line) and 50 s (red solid line) relative to expected
concentration profiles (black lines). In practice long integration times are obtained by
averaging spectra. Comparison of the red and black line indicate that H 2O2 will be retrieved
up to 30 km on average, O3 up to 70 km, and that it will possible to monitor the source region
of CO above 100 km.
2.5 Objective #4: surface science
MAMBO will map the water ice content of the first millimetres of the soil, the surface roughness at a scale
of a few tens of meters, and the seasonal polar cap characteristic in an innovative manner.
2.5.1 Scientific background
MAMBO nadir measurements will include two cross-polarized continuum channel measurements in which
the atmospheric line absorption will be negligible. They will thus measure the thermal emission of the near
subsurface. The corresponding brightness temperature Tb is the product of two components, Tb = ε  Ts with :
Ts the vertically integrated physical temperature of the near subsurface (first millimetres). On
Mars such a temperature can considerably differ from the skin surface temperature measured in
the IR.
ε the emissivity. For a given observation geometry, ε strongly vary with the surface roughness
and the nature of the soil. When expressed in terms of brightness temperature, such variations
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are easy to detect.In the Martian case, the variations due to the nature of the soil should primarily
results from the presence of water ice in the first millimetres (outside the seasonal CO2 ice caps),
or from changes in the characteristics of the CO2 ice frost when observing within the seasonal
caps. ε is also dependent on the viewing angle and of the polarization (see Ulaby et al. 1990).
MAMBO surface observations
polarization differences (V-H) on
Earth at 85 GHz as observed by the
SSM/I imager(Prigent et al. 1997).
In the desert regions, this index is
used to map the surface roughness
MAMBO will obtain similar data,
for the entire planet. At 300 GHz,
it should be sensitive to surface
rugosity scale of the order of a few
tens of meters.
MAMBO will use Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) polarization, several viewing angles, and several local
time observations to separate the variations due to 1) subsurface ice contents 2) surface roughness 3) CO2 ice
cap characteristic variations, and 4) variation of the temperature sensing depth.
In practice, Mambo will swept across the surface from limb to limb and measure the surface emission of
about 20 points (see Figure 2.13) between the atmospheric limb observations (approximately every
6°latitude). Each point will be observed for 0.1s. The size of the corresponding field of view will be of the
order of 3 to 6 km. With a bandwidth of 200 MHz, the brightness temperature will be measured with an
accuracy better than 1 K.
2.6 Science Implementation
Observing Strategy
MAMBO baseline observation strategy is
described in Figure 2.14. In order to monitor the
Martian atmosphere during one Martian year or
more, Mambo is designed to operate during
almost all phases of the mission (phase 1, 2a, 2b,
In its baseline configuration, MAMBO will
 scan one atmospheric limb on one side of
the spacecraft orbit (off-track) between -10
Figure 2.14 MAMBO Observing modes
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and 130 km (0 to 120 km with margins) with a scan velocity of 4 km/s (total: 35 s). Spectra will be
acquired every seconds
 observe the atmosphere and the surface near Nadir (3 points during 5s for the atmosphere + 20 points for
the surface, 0.1 s each). The viewing angles will be chosen to optimize atmospheric and surface
 scan the limb on the other side of the spacecraft orbit like the first one.
 observe the “cold space” off the planet and an internal load for calibration purpose (see technical part).
 repeat the total sequence during a defined period.
Taking into account transfer time for the antenna, the total sequence will last about 110 s. On average, one
limb scan will be obtained every 55 s , thus about every 3° in latitude.
2.6.2 Data Scientific Analysis
The scientific analysis of the Data will be first based on the traditional production of level 1 data (calibrated
spectra), level 2 data (e.g. Wind, temperature, mixing ratio profiles), level 3 data (climatology, average,
maps) and level 4 (assimilated data). Two kind of tools will be specifically developed for the operational
data production:
o A 1D retrieval model. The employed retrieval method will be based on a state of the art "Optimal
Estimation" scheme (Rodgers, 1976). Several teams may develop their own version, with a primary
team based at Bordeaux Observatory using the MOLIERE (Microwave Observations LIne
Estimation and REtrieval) tool originally developed to analysed the ODIN satellite aeronomy limb
o A data assimilation scheme which will be use to determine the atmospheric circulation from the
wind and temperature measurements as explained in section 2.2.4.
On this basis, a large scientific team is gathered to address the numerous scientific objectives of MAMBO
and use and interprete data from level 0 to 4. In particular General circulation / water cycle / chemical
transports model are developed t o interpret the data.
2.6.3 Science team
The list of Co-Investigators is detailed in Volume 1.
2.7 Relationship of MAMBO investigation to the other components of the Mars
PREMIER 2007 program
Synergy with Netlander
MAMBO observations will be of high interest for the Netlander mission:
 MAMBO atmospheric retrieval and characterisation of the atmospheric dynamic and transport will give
a context to the ATMIS meteorological surface measurements (T, wind, wave signature in pressure,
water vapour variations). Conversely, ATMIS will provide a ground true for MAMBO
 Similarly, MAMBO global assimilated dynamic field will allow to take into account the atmospheric
somponent in the geodesic measurements of the NEIGE experiment.
 Synergy with other instrument can be mentionned: camera (clouds, ground true for the surface
roughness), near surface sensing experiment.
Synergy with the “Escape Mechanism Package”
MAMBO observation will provide a context (i.e. atmospheric dynamic at 120 km) for the in-situ
measurement performed in the thermosphere by the “escape mechanism package”. In addition, the D/H ratio
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measurements by MAMBO may contribute to our understanding of the escape mechanism above and
provide some clues to explain the observations obtained by the package.
2.8 Uniqueness of MAMBO compared to past, present and future missions
Radio Science
(most missions)
Radio occultation
IRIS (Mariner 9) IR spectrometer
IR spectrometer
IR spectro-mapper
(Mars Express)
(Mars Express
IR-NIR spectrometer
Solar occultation
Nadir sounding
(UV + NIR)
(MRO 2005)
Limb IR radiometer
(0-40 km)
(0-50 km)
(0-60 km)
Water vapour
(0-? km)
(0-50 km)
Water vapour
(20-150 km)
(10-50 km)
(0-80 km)
Water vapour
(0-40 km)
What MAMBO adds
< 2km
Only a few profiles
Good accuracy
> 10 km
Only 20,000 spectra
> 15 km
Designed for surface
Poor sensitivity at low
Design for surface science
Coverage, number of profiles,
vertical extension (0-120 km)
Number of profiles, vertical
extension (0-120 km)
Vertical extension and
resolution. Accuracy
Vertical Profile; low
temperature measurements,
sensitivity and accuracy
Coverage, vertical extension and
Vertical extension and
resolution. Accuracy
Vertical Profile; low
temperature measurements,
sensitivity and accuracy
Vertical profiling
Vertical profiling
Coverage, number of profiles,
lower atmosphere
~10 km
Poor sensitivity at low
temperature. Loss of
sensitivity in dust storms.
~ 1km
A few profiles
~1 km
A few profiles
Only day side
5 km
Sensitive to dust
5 km
Sensitive to dust
Coverage, number of profiles
Vertical profile
Vertical profile, accuracy
Vertical extension (up to 120 km)
insensitivity to dust, accuracy
Better Sensitivity, accuracy,
insensitivity to dust
Never measured
First measurement: MAMBO
Never observed
First measurement: MAMBO
Table 2.4: Comparison of MAMBO’s performance with past, present and planned Mars
atmosphere sounders
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2.9 References
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