6- Step Talent Analysis and Planning Process

Talent Planning Process
Seattle University Managers’ Toolkit
Talent planning is a proactive approach to assessing and aligning human resouces to
most effectily meet current and emerging demands.
This toolkit contains a 6-Step Planning Process and links to Talent Planning Tools and
Resources. Division and workgroup leaders can use this process to inform major human
resources decisions, including:
 Recruitment and Professional Development Planning
 Workforce Reduction, Expansion Planning
 Job Design and Organizational Planning
6-Step Talent Planning Process
While the focus is on outcomes rather than the process itself, taking the time to complete all six
steps will likely lead to better decision.
1. Clarify Objectives
Establish context and objectives for the planning process
2. Assess Demand
Identify and rank current/future workgroup functions based on priority.
Determine talent needs required to meet demands.
3. Assess Supply
Document how work is currently performed. How do current
capabilities align with current/future needs?
4. Identify Gaps
Where are the gaps between work demands and talent supply?
5. Generate Options
Generate options for addressing gaps. Assess feasibly and prioritize
based on objectives.
6. Develop Talent Plan
Determine best approach to near and long-term talent planning.
Work with HR and others on specific implementation steps.
Step 1: Clarify Objectives
Establish context and objectives for the planning process.
 What is the impetus for engaging in a talent planning process?
 What is the scope of the planning process, including: budget, timeframe,
workgroup(s), functions, strategic goals?
 What are the desired outcomes, objectives of the planning process?
 What is the context for the planning process – are there internal/external
considerations that have not yet been articulated?
Step 2: Assess Talent Demands
Identify and rank current/future workgroup functions based on priority.
Determine talent required to meet demands.
 What is the overarching purpose of the workgroup?
 What are the workgroup’s essential functions/ priorities – now & in 1-3 years?
 What knowledge, skills and abilities are needed to accomplish each function,
priority? Important note: Required capabilities are listed prior to connecting
them to a particular person or position.
 Are there crucial job roles, functions, and organizational structures that should be
considered with planning?
 What is currently done that is non-essential and/or outside primary functions.
 Can work be delayed, consolidated, outsourced, and/or reassigned?
Step 3: Assess Talent Supply
Document how work is currently performed. How do current capabilities align
with current/future needs?
 What are the current overarching strengths of the workgroup?
 How do current employees’ capabilities align with current/future needs?
 By task, list person(s) currently performing and/or capable of performing, the
Step 4: Gap Analysis
Where are the gaps between work demands and talent supply?
 What functions are working well?
 Where are there gaps? Which gaps are most significant?
 Examine instances of talent demand/supply misalignment?
o Individual’s Qualifications/Performance vs. Work Requirements (e.g., does
not meet qualifications- far exceeds qualifications).
o Staffing Level, Individual Workload vs. Time/Effort Requirements (e.g.,
overloaded - overstaffed).
Step 5: Generate Options
Generate options for addressing gaps. Assess feasibly and prioritize based on
 With all steps completed, revisit/ revise desired objectives outlined in Step 1.
 Keep in mind that objectives often contain competing priorities
o Be open to “out-of –the-box” thinking and some degree of risk.
o Be strategic - consider both short and long-term implications.
 Engage others – seek info and guidance from human resources and others.
o Ensure options comply with SU policy, budgeting practices, etc.
o Benefit from different perspectives and ensure appropriate support
Step 6: Develop a Talent Plan
Determine best approach to near and long-term talent planning.
 Summarize gap analysis and best options for achieving desired talent plan
objectives. Define timelines and assign accountability using S.M.A.R.T or similar
 Work with HR and others on specific implementation steps.
Talent Planning Tools and Resources
Find them online - SU HR website, Supervisor Toolkits
Capability Grid
Use in Steps 1-4 Tool used to examine essential workgroup functions
and compare talent needs with current capabilities.
R.A.C.I.O Matrix
Use in Steps 4-6 Tool used to examine various roles in
completing tasks. Useful with workload assessment, gap analysis and
job design.
Talent Planning
Use in Steps 5-6 Resource describes various options to meet
workforce objectives, address gaps.