A Fuzzy Neural Network Based on the TS Model with Dynamic Consequent Parameters and its Application to Steam Temperature Control System in Power Plants* Keming Xie T. Y. Lin Jianfeng Nan Department of Automation Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030024, P.R.China kmxie@tyut.edu.cn Department of Mathematics and Computer Science San Jose State University San Jose , CA 95192, USA tylin@cs.sjsu.edu Department of Automation Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030024, P.R.China ABSTRACT This paper presents a new fuzzy-neural network based on the Takagi-Sugeno(TS) model with dynamic consequent parameters. In the first step, this network adopts the least-square method for rough-tuning the consequent parameters; this is an off-line processing. It then in the second step employs the error back-propagation to fine-tune the consequent parameters, which is on-line. The fusion of fuzzy logic and neural network enabling us to captures the physical meaning in the model. In summary, the approach is a semantic oriented approximation of non-linear maps; the optimization of the parameters is fast and efficient. The network is applied to the cascade control system of superheated steam temperature in power plants. The approach is simulated in MATLAB. The simulation shows the method is effective; fast in response, minimal in overshoot, and robust. Key words Fuzzy neural-network, TS model, Cascade control, Superheated steam temperature 1. Introduction There are two characteristics in the fuzzy inference rule model [1] presented by Takagi and Sugeno (short for TS model). The first one is that all rules in the model are expressible by linear equations. This fact allows us to express the global output of the model in a succinct mathematical expression. So the classical linear control method can be easily employed to design the non-linear controller. The second one is that the partitioning of the antecedent of the inference rules depends on whether there is a local linear relation between the input and output. This makes it easy to use linear model of region step-down to describe complex global dynamic characteristics when there is a major change in operation. Inference methods of fuzzy systems are translated to neural networks. By using the learning capability of neural networks, auto-adjustments of antecedent and consequent parameters can be achieved. The major advantage of this method is that when the target information is not adequate, the information of past experience can be used to structure the neural network. Using the capability of learning by examples in neural networks, the fuzzy relationships between the input and the output can be captured, revised and summarized. Least square method is fundamental in the classical identification theory and is widely used. Both the one-time-completing algorithm and recursive algorithm can easily be realized in engineering. Its obvious advantage is strong robust. The back propagation (BP) learning algorithm can effectively revise the weights and thresholds of hidden nodes. The feed forward neural networks (FFNF) presented by the authors in reference [3] focused on studying the problems of the topological structure of a network. The present paper will stress the algorithms of training networks and will present a fuzzy TS neural network with a dynamic consequent parameters (DFNN). In this paper, the least square method combined with the BP is used to train the networks. The new method is effective; it not only overcomes the drawbacks but also takes the advantage of the merits of the two methods. First, this network employs the least square method for rough-tuning the consequent parameters, which is off-line. Then, it employs the back-propagation method for fine-tuning the consequent parameters, which is on-line. This method has captured physical meaning in models and achieved an excellent fusion between fuzzy logic and neural network. This method is a powerful semantic oriented approximation of non-linear maps; the optimization of parameters is fast and efficient 2. Topological structure of DFNN The rules of TS fuzzy model can be expressed as follows By combining fuzzy systems with neural networks and making full use of the complimentary nature of two approaches, fuzzy neural networks are applied to intelligent control. The essential idea is that the mechanisms of fuzzy systems are transformed to the corresponding structures of neural networks [2]. Ri: if x1(k) is A1, x2(k) is A2, x3(k) is A3 then yi a0i a1i x1 a2i x2 a3i x3 i =1, 2, …, R (1) where R is the number of rules in the TS fuzzy model, *Supported by the Visiting Scholar Foundation of Shanxi Province P. R. 1China x1(k), x2(k), and x3(k) are three input variables, y i is the output of the i-th rule. A1 , A2 and A3 are fuzzy subset of x1(k), x2(k), and x3(k) respectively, whose parameters of membership function are called antecedent parameters, the coefficients and the constants in equation (1) are called consequent parameters. The number of fuzzy granulations, x1(k), x2(k), and x3(k), is determined by jointly the complexity and precision of the model. Suppose a group of input vector (x1(k), x2(k), x3(k)) is given, then the global output y in the TS fuzzy model can be obtained by the weighted average of the output y i as follows R y i yi i 1 R i 1 (2) i where y i is determined by the conclusive equation of the i-th rule, i is the weight of the firing strength layer to the i-th rule of the input vector, which is calculated by the equation (3) ui Λ Aij x j (k) 3 (3) j 1 where Λ represents the fuzzy minimizing. uses the fuzzy logic inference based on the fuzzy granulation of the input space [3]. So the ability of describing nonlinear characteristics in the model depends mainly on the granulation method and the precision in the input space. The structure of DFNN network is shown in Fig.1 below, which consists of 5 layers. (a) Input layer: Input layer transforms the input vectors to the next layer, and the i-th neuron is relative to the i-th element of the vectors, i=1, 2,…, n, where n is the dimension of the input vectors. (b) Fuzzy layer: the function of the fuzzy layer is similar to the one of fuzzy logic controller (FLC). Because every node in the previous layer responds to N i nodes, the number of nodes in the fuzzy layer is n N i and every node has an action of membership function. In this paper, the Gaussian membership function is employed. There is a physical meaning to every node which represents a fuzzy subset that is a linguistic variable such as NL, NM, NS, NZ, PZ, PS, PM, PL and so on. The antecedent parameters consist of the mean value and deviation in the membership function. N i is the number of the fuzzy partition of the i-th input node in (a) layer. In order to realize the smooth connection of a local linear input-output relation in a fuzzy subspace, TS fuzzy model batch data dynamic inquiry library (least square method) of consequent parameters on-line data (error back-propagation) e u1 de/dt edt Fig.1 Fuzzy TS neural network with dynamic consequent parameters(DFNN) n (c) Firing strength layer: Every rule adaptation grade is calculated in this layer. The number of nodes is respondent to the total number N w of rules. A neuron node has a function of the fuzzy logic and computing. If i(t) represents the adaptation grade of the i-th rule, one has i(t) = min {mj(t), …kl(t)} (4) where i=1, 2, …,Nw ; m, k=1, 2,…, n, m k; j=1, 2,…,Nm; l=1, 2,…,Nk; Nw= N i . i 1 (d) Normalized layer: Normalizing calculation is carried out in this layer: Nw αi (t) α i (t) α l (t) l 1 (5) (e) Linear combination layer: ui(t) = aix1(t) + bix2(t) + cix1(t) is the consequence of every node, which is determined by the input vector and consequent parameters ai, bi, and ci *Supported by the Visiting Scholar Foundation of Shanxi Province P. R. 2China which are evaluated by the learning mechanism. The neuron in this layer has only one node which acts as a linear weighted sum. The output is control function: Nw u(t) u i (t)α(t) i 1 J (6) In this paper, the control tactics is as follows: data collected by the cascade control system is used to rough tune the parameters of a network off-line. A group of data ( x1 , x2 , x3 , y) is collected on line and learn to make the consequent parameters satisfy the demands on the index of the performance. 3.1 Rough tuning In simulating the cascade control system, Collect p group of data (e, ce, T×e, u), that are teacher signals to train network, where e, ce, T×e and u are the error, the change rate of the error, the error integral, and control action. The matrix equation is Ax=B, where x is the vector composed by all consequent parameters. Where the dimension of x is n ×1,the dimension of A and B are P×n and P×1 respectively. The least square method is employed to minimize ||Ax-B|| 2 , then the least square estimation : (7) x * (AT A)1 AT B 1 T where, AT A AT is the pseudo inverse of A ( A A must be non-singular). Because there is a large computation in the equation above and it becomes an ill-conditioned one when AT A is singular, a recurrence formulae is employed to calculate the least square solution of x . Suppose aiT represents the i-th row vector of the matrix A and biT represents the i-th element in the matrix B, one has [3] Si 1 Si Si ai 1aiT1Si (1 aiT1Si ai 1 ) i 0,1,..., p 1 (8) 1 (r (k ) y (k )) 2 2 (10) and 3. DFNN learning algorithm xi 1 xi Si 1ai 1 biT1 aiT1 xi The integral square-error criterion is adopted as follows: , , x1(k)= e(k), x2(k)= Te(k), x3(k)=(e(k)-e(k-1))/T (11) y(k) y(k 1) i J (r(k) y(k))sign μ (k)x1 (k) (12) a i (l) u(k) u(k 1) y(k)- y(k - 1) i J (r(k)- y(k))sign μ (k)x2 (k ) i b (l) u(k)- u(k - 1) (13) y(k ) y(k 1) i J (r (k ) y(k ))sign (k ) x3 (k ) c i (l ) u(k ) u(k 1) (14) where T is sampling period, k is the sampling moment l is the number of learning iteration x1(k), x2(k), and x3(k) are the error, the error integral and the error differential signals respectively ai(l), bi(l) and ci(l) are coefficients of the rule consequence. Particularly, the teacher signals here are different from that in rough tuning. The former are the mapping relation between the error, the change rate of error, the error integral and the expected output of the closed loop control system. One often cannot determine the expected control tactics to the given the deviation, the change rate of deviation, and the deviation integral, but he can presents the expected output response curve. So in the paper (x1, x2, x3, r) is selected as the teaching signal, where r is the expected output of the cascade control system in order to make the characteristics of the DFNN controller network better. In this process there is a error propagation from y to u. For the sake of simplification in simulation, one doesn’t consider any particular mathematical model instead of the approximate expression below y ( k ) y ( k 1) y (k ) sign (15) u( k ) u( k ) u(k 1) where S i is matrix covariance, the least square solution x* is xp. The initial values of the consequent parameters can be determined in advance according to experience values of the controllers. The initial values of the matrix of covariance S i can be determined as follows where yy k and (k ) are the consequence linear function value and rule grade. In order to prevent the denominator from being zero when u(k)=u(k-1) one take So = r I (9) where r is a larger positive number, I is a n×n unit matrix . After p group of data being trained, the rough tune values of the consequent parameters can be obtained and put its inquiry library The alternate is feasible because the equation (16) is equality. Evaluated criterion can be given as function (10). If J is less than 0.05 directly apply the model without any learning. Otherwise a learning is carried out. In general, the learning times are 3~5,which are related to the sampling period and the learning rate. Because the learning process is always controlled within one 3.2. Fine tuning i i y (k ) sign y (k ) y (k 1)(u (k ) u (k 1)) u (k ) *Supported by the Visiting Scholar Foundation of Shanxi Province P. R. 3China (16) sampling period, the time of the learning will have an upper value. That is, although the maximal time of the learning has been reached. J is still larger than 0.05. At this moment, the parameters are improved to some extent and the controller can satisfy the demand on the quickness of manufactory. The learning of the antecedent parameters in which the intransitive error algorithm was used is discussed in detail in reference [3]. controlled at 540+(5/-10). That is, 530~545 is suitable and reasonable. Because the superheated steam temperature object has a large inertia and a larger delay time, so how to control superheated steam temperature efficiently is a point for attention. At present the typical control system pattern of the superheated steam temperature is the cascade control system which employs the desuperheating water as the manipulated variable. 4. Superheater steam temperature cascade control system The cascade control system of the steam temperature is shown in Fig.2, where the main controller employs the DFNN algorithm and vice controller adopts the PI algorithm. The steam temperature object is separated into two fields. G p1 ( s ) is the prior field and G p 2 ( s ) The superheated steam temperature is an important index in operation of monoblock unit in the power plants. It has an important thing with the heat efficiency of a monoblock unit and it will heavily affect the safe and economic operation in the power plants. Generally, the superheated steam temperature is the inertia field [ 4 ] . And G p1 ( s ) 8 1 15 s 2 G p 2 ( s ) 1.125 1 25 s 3 DFNN u1 - - (18) d1 de/dt r (17) PI edt u2 d2 G p1 G p2 0.1 0.1 Fig: 2 Steam temperature cascade control system with DFNN 5. Simulation This cascade control system with DFNN algorithm is simulated in MATLAB. Fig.3 shows the comparison of two step responses, in which the response 1 and response 2 represent DFNN algorithm (as main controller) and PID algorithm (as main controller) respectively. It is seen from the Fig.3 that the control performance is improved obviously when DFNN instead of PID is employed. The former has a zero of overshoot and the later 0.0954. Fig.4 shows comparison of the abilities to reject disturbance. In simulation the disturbance d1 0.01r and Fig.3 The comparison of step responses for DFNN and PID d 2 0.1r when they are entered in 500 second. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that DFNN has a better ability to reject disturbance than the traditional PID algorithm. Fig.4 The comparison of abilities of reject disturbances for DFNN and PID *Supported by the Visiting Scholar Foundation of Shanxi Province P. R. 4China 6. Conclusion The DFNN algorithm presented in this paper combines the classical least square method with BP algorithm, not only employs the strong robust of least square and the clear conception and the precision of BP algorithm but also overcomes their drawbacks. The drawbacks existed in the network is a slower calculation. Although the DFNN can be employed to improve the control quality in the serial steam temperature cascade control system. The simulation shows the method is effective, fast in response, minimal overshoot, and robust. References [1].Takagi, M.Sugeno. Fuzzy Identification of Systems and Its Applications to Modeling and Control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol.SMC-15, No.1(1985): 116~132 [2] Xie Keming, Zhang Jianwei. A Linear Fuzzy Model Identification Method Based on Fuzzy Neural Networks. 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