Supporting Information Tables S1–S6, Figs S1–S3 Table S1 Background information on sample populations of Chromolaena odorata and native species from China and Mexico used in the two competition experiments Species Introduced C. odorata Native C. odorata Eupatorium ligustrinum E. stoechadosmum E. japonicum E. heterophyllum Site Used in China and / or Mexico Latitude Longitude Ho Chi Mins, DongNai,Vietnan Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan, China Dodangolla, Kandy district, Sri Lanka Sanya, Hainan, China Ha Tay, Vietnan Vientiane, Laos Simao,Yunnan, China Coahuayana, Michoacan, Mexico Sur de Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico Felicity, Trinidad Coyote, Chiapas, Mexico China China and Mexico 11º22' N 21º56' N 17º11' N 18º19' N 20º54' N 17º01' N 22º46' N 18º51' N 23º40' N 10º31' N 16º44' N 107º24' E 101º15' E 80º25' E 109º12' E 105º34' E 100º46' E 100º56' E 103º37' W 99º11' W 61º25' W 93º09' W 125 544 450.8 23 66 60 1380 950 600 1-5 640 Teocelo, Veracruz, Mexico Las Pitahayas, Quintana Roo, Mexico Teocelo, Veracruz, Mexico Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan, China Kunming, Yunnan, Chian Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan, China Mexico Mexico 19º23' N 18º38' N 19º23' N 21º56' N 25º05' N 21º56' N 96º58'W 88º47' W 96º58'W 101º15' E 102º49' E 101º15' E 1160 70 1160 544 2200 544 China Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico China and Mexico China and Mexico China China and Mexico China and Mexico China and Mexico China Mexico Elevation (m) Populations of C. odorata and the native species from China and Mexico are listed in the order as in figures from left to right. 1 Table S2 Results from three-way nested ANOVAs presenting the effect of each factor on variables of Chromolaena odorata plants from invasive and native populations measured in the common garden in China Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value Range 1514.088 1 1514.088 3.271 0.076 Population (Range) 2026.383 5 405.277 0.875 0.504 Nutrient 126715.155 1 126715.155 273.720 <0.000 Range × Nutrient 2903.431 1 2903.431 6.272 0.015 Population × Nutrient (Range) 2765.357 5 553.071 1.195 0.324 Error 25924.525 56 462.938 Total biomass Competitive response (percent change in total biomass) Range 3822.233 1 3822.233 4.451 0.036 Population (Range) 18041.301 5 3608.260 4.202 0.001 Nutrient 16235.511 1 16235.511 18.905 <0.000 Range × Nutrient 6967.094 1 6967.094 8.113 0.005 Population × Nutrient (Range) 9467.192 5 1893.438 2.205 0.055 Error 168319.771 196 858.774 2 Table S3 Results from two-way nested ANOVAs presenting the differences between Chromolaena odorata plants from invasive and native populations grown at each nutrient level in the common garden in China Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value Total biomass in high nutrient treatment Range 4305.435 1 4305.435 5.794 0.023 Population (Range) 4266.348 5 853.270 1.148 0.359 Error: MS (Error) 28 743.092 20806.574 Competitive response (percent change in total biomass) in high nutrient treatment Range 10555.076 1 10555.076 13.976 <0.000 Population (Range) 21514.445 5 4302.889 5.698 <0.000 Error: MS (Error) 98 755.213 74010.904 Total biomass in low nutrient treatment Range 112.084 1 112.084 0.613 0.440 Population (Range) 525.393 5 105.079 0.575 0.719 Error: MS (Error) 28 182.784 5117.951 Competitive response (percent change in total biomass) in low nutrient treatment Range 234.251 1 234.251 0.243 0.623 Population (Range) 5994.048 5 1198.810 1.246 0.294 Error: MS (Error) 98 962.335 94308.866 3 Table S4 Results from one-way ANOVAs presenting the differences among invasive and native populations of Chromolaena odorata, Eupatorium stoechadosmum (native to China), E. japonicum (native to China), and E. ligustrinum (native to Mexico) grown at each nutrient level in the common garden in China. For C. odorata, change in total biomass was caused only by natives to China Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value 3.613 0.012 Total biomass in high nutrient treatment Species 11685.492 4 2921.373 Error: MS (Error) 36380.961 45 808.466 Change in total biomass (competitive response or effect) in high nutrient treatment Species 52959.224 4 13239.806 Error: MS (Error) 79742.997 170 469.076 28.225 <0.000 1.076 0.380 Total biomass in low nutrient treatment Species 601.206 4 150.301 Error: MS (Error) 6288.043 45 139.734 Change in total biomass (competitive response or effect) in high nutrient treatment Species 5915.997 4 1478.999 Error: MS (Error) 141541.584 170 832.598 1.776 0.136 4 Table S5 Results from two-way nested ANOVAs presenting the differences between Chromolaena odorata plants from invasive and native populations grown in the common garden in Mexico Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value 4114.786 1 4114.786 0.782 0.379 Population (Range) 63068.409 8 7883.551 1.498 0.169 Error: MS (Error) 90 5263.371 Aboveground mass Range 473703.386 Competitive response (percent change in abvoeground biomass) Range 787.375 1 787.375 0.369 0.544 Population (Range) 82743.04 8 10342.88 4.847 <0.000 Error: MS (Error) 190 2133.707 405404.365 Damaged leaves per plant grown without competition (%) Range 0.236 1 0.236 40.143 <0.000 Population (Range) 0.114 8 0.014 2.411 0.032 Error: MS (Error) 40 0.006 0.235 Damaged leaf area per plant grown without competition (%) Range 0.014 1 0.014 53.881 <0.000 Population (Range) 0.002 8 0.000 1.028 0.432 Error: MS (Error) 40 0.000 0.01 5 Table S6 Results from one-way ANOVAs presenting the differences among invasive and native populations of Chromolaena odorata, Eupatorium stoechadosmum (native to China), E. japonicum (native to China), and E. ligustrinum (native to Mexico) grown in the common garden in Mexico. For C. odorata, change in aboveground biomass was caused only by natives to China Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value Species 427400.966 4 106850.241 22.346 <0.000 Error: MS (Error) 597698.202 125 4781.586 Aboveground mass Percent change in abvoveground biomass (competitive response or effect) Species 345697.834 4 86424.459 Error: MS (Error) 506408.909 295 1716.640 50.345 <0.000 6 Fig. S1 Percent change in biomass caused by competition (competitive response or effect) at high (a) and low (b) nutrient levels in the common garden in China, and in the common garden in Mexico (c) for native populations of C. odorata (black bars) and Eupatorium species native to China (vertical strip bars, E. stoechadosmum; horizontal strip bars, E. japonicum in panels a and b but E. heterophyllum in panel c). Different letters indicate significant differences among species at P < 0.05 according to ANOVAs (LSD test). 0 -30 b -60 a a -90 Species (c) 0 -30 b b -60 a -90 Species Change in aboveground mass in Mexico (%) (b) Change in total biomass at low nutrient in China (%) Change in total biomass at high nutrient in China (%) (a) 30 b 0 -30 -60 -90 a a Sepcies The results from one-way ANOVAs Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value 20.637 <0.000 7.108 0.001 47.023 <0.000 Percent change in total biomass at high nutrient in China Species 19167.511 2 9583.756 Error: MS (Error) 35758.754 77 464.399 Percent change in total biomass at low nutrient in China Species 8738.762 2 4369.381 Error: MS (Error) 47331.491 77 614.695 Percent change in aboveground mass in Mexico Species 164056.305 2 82028.153 Error: MS (Error) 169209.365 97 1744.426 7 Fig. S2 Percent change in aboveground biomass (competitive response or effect) caused by competition from species native to China (E. heterophyllum and E. stoechadosmum; a) or to Mexico (E. ligustrinum; b) for Chromolaena odorata plants from invasive (white bars) and native (black bars) populations grown in the common garden in Mexico. Narrow bars indicate means and SE for each population; two thicker bars in the center depict means and SE for each range using mean of each population as replicates. (b) 80 40 0 -40 -80 Invasive Native Chomolaena odorata Change in aboveground mass caused by species native to Mexico (%) Change in aboveground mass caused by species native to China (%) (a) 30 0 -30 -60 -90 Invasive Native Chomolaena odorata The results from two-way nested ANOVAs Source Type III SS df Mean Square F-value P-value Percent change in aboveground mass caused by native species from China Range 222.279 1 222.279 0.105 0.747 Population (Range) 82868.880 8 10358.610 4.875 <0.000 Error: MS (Error) 90 2124.953 191245.763 Percent change in aboveground mass caused by native species from Mexico Range 613.756 1 613.756 0.368 0.545 Population (Range) 22667.044 8 2833.381 1.701 0.109 Error: MS (Error) 90 1665.654 149908.837 8 Relative radicle length (%) Relative germination rate (%) Fig. S3 Relative germination rate (percent of control; a-c) and relative radicle length (d-f) in native species from China (white bars) and Mexico (black bars). Narrow bars indicate means and SE (n = 5) for each species; two thicker bars in the center depict means and SE for each range using mean of each population as replicate. *** indicates significant differences between species native to Mexico and China at P ≤ 0.001 according to ANOVAs (Table S7). 160 (a) 0.25% 160 *** 120 (b) 1.25% 120 120 80 80 40 40 40 0 0 0 160 160 (d) 0.25% 120 80 *** 40 *** (e) 1.25% 80 *** 160 120 120 80 80 40 0 (c) 2.5% 160 *** 0 Mexico China Native species The results from one-way ANOVAs Source Type III SS Relative germination rate (0.25%) Range 17490.962 Error: MS (Error) 113210.318 Relative germination rate (1.25%) Range 21528.829 Error: MS (Error) 76009.518 Relative germination rate (2.5%) Range 17192.749 Error: MS (Error) 65372.842 Relative radicle length (0.25%) Range 45651.185 Error: MS (Error) 88333.651 Relative radicle length (1.25%) Range 10707.247 Error: MS (Error) 22960.700 Relative radicle length (2.5%) Range 4116.420 Error: MS (Error) 25853.100 Mexico China Native species (f) 2.5% *** 40 0 Mexico China Native species df Mean Square F-value P-value 1 73 17490.962 1550.826 11.278 0.001 1 73 21528.829 1041.226 20.676 <0.000 1 73 17192.749 895.518 19.199 <0.000 1 73 45651.185 1210.050 37.727 <0.000 1 73 10707.247 314.530 34.042 <0.000 1 73 4116.420 354.152 11.623 0.001 9