Peak Everything


Peak Everything - Waking Up to the Century of Decline by

Richard Heinberg

Read the entire book attentively. Then provide careful responses to the following:

1. What does Heinberg mean by “peak everything”? Summarize his evidence.

2. Summarize Heinberg’s presentation concerning climate change.

3. What implications does he draw concerning economic growth?

4. State an additional main argument of the book. Illustrate how Heinberg supports this argument.

5. Where does he intend to leave the reader?

6. What are the major strengths of the book? Explain.

7. What are the major weaknesses of the book? Explain.

8. Summarize a specific and significant claim, argument, or piece of evidence that he presents. Then find two additional sources that address the same topic. Compare and contrast the information/perspectives of these three sources. (Do not set out to find support for Heinberg, or to disprove him.) Attach a bibliography.

 Number your answers and answer the prompts in order. However, craft your assignment as a whole and avoid repetition.

 Demonstrate that you have read the book. That is, draw information from throughout and document your answers with parenthetical page citations.

 Limit yourself to two direct quotes, and of course, provide page references for those.

 Devote five to seven pages to numbers 1-7.

 Devote an additional one to two pages to number 8.

 Double space and use Times 12 point font, which should match this font.

 Staple your pages together.

 Due Thursday, 1/31 in class at the beginning of class.

 Honor code for this assignment: You may discuss with others what you have read, but do not share page references or your additional references for addressing #8.

Also, write your answers independently of others.
