MODELLING OF COMBINED CASCADE CLASSIFIERS Eugene Barsky Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jerusalem College of Engineering, Jerusalem, Israel Michael Barsky The Institutes of Applied Research Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel Summary. Since the creation of cascade classifiers, the most prominent achievement in the technology of loose material separation is the development and application of combined cascade apparatuses. These apparatuses use simultaneously several identical or different separating cascades, which makes it possible to improve considerably the produced material quality. On the basis of generalized experience in the application of such apparatuses, a strict mathematical model of separation processes in these apparatuses has been developed. The adequacy of the model to experimental results is demonstrated. 1. INTRODUCTION Two stages of the separation process improvement can be singled out. At the first stage, the attention is mainly concentrated on the increase in the productivity of an apparatus with single-stage separation [1, 2]. This resulted in the development of various designs of separators with different operation principles. However, their efficiency is restricted. The attempts of increasing the efficiency led to the creation of multi-stage (cascade) apparatuses realizing multiple separation of powders within the same case. 2. CASCADE CLASSIFIERS The designs of elements assembling a cascade are presented in Fig. 1. The development of cascade classifiers represents the second stage in the development of powder separation technology. A separating cascade comprises two stages with a certain number of connections between them. The simplest version of such a cascade comprises identical separating elements (stages) operating in the same mode. Such a cascade can be called regular. Complicated cascades of the 1st order are characterized by various connections between the stages and different separating elements operating in different modes. The value characterizing the separation of a narrow size class in a separate element of the cascade in a steady-state mode can be presented as ri k (1) ri where ri is the initial content of narrow size class particles at the i-th stage; ri* is the number of particles of the same size class passing from the i-th stage to (i – 1)th one (the stages being counted top-down); k is the distribution coefficient. It is established that in case of a regular cascade, the extraction of a narrow size class into the fine product for the entire apparatus can be described by the following relationship [1, 2]: 1-120 1 z 1i 1 z 1 z 1 i F f ( x) z 1 0 k 0,5 k 0,5 (2) k 0 where z is the number of stages in a cascade, i* is the stage of the initial feeding (counting top-down); χ = (1 – k)/k. The magnitude k is determined by the separating flow structure using the following formula: (3) k 1 0,4B 2 where B = (gd/w )(ρ – ρ0)/ρ0, d is the size of narrow class particles, m; w is the air flow velocity, m/s; g is the gravity acceleration, m/s2; ρ is the density of the separated material, kg/m3, ρ0 is the density of the separated medium, kg/m3. For a complicated cascade, at arbitrary distribution coefficients, such dependence acquires the form [3]: 1 F f ( x) z l i 1 z l 1 l l 1 Experimental study of various types of separating cascades of the 1st order has shown that the effect of an increasing number of stages takes place and is rather significant, but it has a markedly exponential character. With 8-9 stages, the effect growth reaches a certain limit, and further addition of stages does not practically increase the separation effect. Therefore, further improvement of separation processes becomes possible at the creation of cascades of the 2nd order of the type z × n. In this case, a combined cascade consists of n separating elements (cascades of st the 1 order), each of them consisting of zi separating stages operating in different modes. 3. COMBINED CASCADES OF Z × N TYPE The simplest version of a combined cascade of z × n type comprises n identical separating cascades of the 1st order consisting of the same number of stages z, with a fixed place of the initial material inlet into one of the apparatuses and all the apparatuses operating in the same mode. Various combined apparatuses are shown by way of example in Fig. 2. Even in this extremely simplified case, such combined separator can comprise a large number of structural connection schemes between separate elements. As experimental studies have demonstrated, some of these schemes realize a higher order of the process organization in comparison with the separating cascade of the 1st order. 1-121 They are not equivalent to a mere increase in the number of elements in a cascade apparatus [3]. To avoid cumbersome repeated explanations, it seems expedient to define the following notions: - free outlet – a local free flow outflowing into a combined fine or coarse product from a separate column; - connection – a local restricted outlet from one column to another; - structural scheme – a scheme of outlets, inlets and connections between individual separating elements in a combined cascade; - isomorphic schemes – schemes with identical connecting functions; - transposed schemes – schemes obtained from the given ones by transposing some columns with a complete conservation of the previous outlets and connections; apparently, transposed schemes are isomorphic; - F0 – fractional extraction of fine product in a single column; - F – fractional extraction into fine product for the entire combined cascade; - F(F0) – connective function corresponding to each specific structural scheme; - inverted scheme – a scheme with all outlets and connections for the fine product become identical to the outlets and connections for the coarse one, and vice versa. The connective function for an inverted scheme is F-1(F0). Apparently, for an inverted scheme, the connective function for the coarse product is identical to F(F0) function with the argument F0 substituted with (1 - F0): Fc1 ( F0 ) F ( F0 1 F0 ); - working schemes – efficient schemes for the combined cascade (Fig. 2f); - defective schemes – schemes with either some elements excluded out of the process (Fig. 2a, b, c) or some elements devoid of active connections with other elements (Fig. 2d), or else some elements playing the part of carriers (Fig. 2e). Schemes with several of the mentioned defects also exist. 4. WORKING SCHEMES FOR COMBINED CASCADES OF Z × N TYPE It is necessary to examine all possible variants of working schemes, since only their complete analysis makes it possible to find the most advanced schemes. If a combined cascade comprises n elements, the total number of free outlets and connections equals 2n. The minimal number of free outlets is Pmin 2 Hence, the maximal possible number of connections between n elements amounts to S max 2n 2 The minimal number of connections is: S min n 1 Taking this into account, the maximal number of outlets is Pmax n 1 At a fixed number of free outlets in a combined scheme P, the number of connections between n elements amounts to (4) S 2n P In the general case, the number of schemes is equal to the number of ways allowing the organization of S connections. For any column, any connection with any of the 1-122 remaining (n – 1) columns can be organized. Since there are S connections, and each of them has (n – 1) directions, the total number of various schemes amounts to (5) N (n 1) S Taking (4) into account, we can write: (6) N (n 1) 2n P In the general case, we can obtain the total number of non-isomorphic schemes of all kinds including direct inverted, transposed and all kinds of defective schemes: n 1 P 1 (7) N (n 1) 2 n P (cnm cnP m ) P 2 m 1 where c nm = n!/m!(n – m)! is the binomial coefficient (m implies the number of free outlets into the fine product). It is noteworthy that the number of schemes determined using the expression (7) greatly exceeds the number of working schemes. Thus, at n = 2, according to (7) N 8, and the number of working schemes is only N d 4. At n = 3 we, respectively, obtain: N 348; N d 47 At n = 4, N 30348; N d 904 Structural schemes of all working variants for n = 2 are presented in Fig. 2f. 5. CONNECTIVE FUNCTIONS FOR COMBINED CASCADES A connective function for a combined separator represents an equation of the type F F ( F0 ) where F is fractional extraction for the entire apparatus; F0 is fractional extraction in a single element of a combined cascade. First we consider the simplest case of z × 2 apparatus under the condition that both elements are identical regular cascades of the 1st order. Fig. 2f shows all of the four possible schemes of this apparatus. It is noteworthy that the schemes I and II are inverted with respect to each other, as well as the schemes III and IV. For the scheme I, F2 (1 F0 ) F0 F1 F0 , In this case, the connective function is: F ( F0 ) F1 F2 F0 (1 F0 ) F0 1 (1 F0 ) 2 For the inverted scheme II, the connective function can be written as F ( F0 ) F02 For the scheme III, the total outlet of fine product can be written in the form of an infinite series: F ( F0 ) F0 F02 (1 F0 ) 2 F03 (1 F0 ) 2 F0n (1 F0 ) n 1 We obtain a geometric progression, and it is clear that 1-123 F0 1 F0 F02 For the inverted scheme IV, one can obtain from similar considerations: F02 F ( F0 ) 1 F0 F02 Here we present expressions for the simplest case. It is difficult to derive a general expression for more complicated schemes using this method. Therefore, we used another method of formalization of combined cascades. It has turned out that a combined cascade of any degree of complexity consisting of n independent elements can be represented by a square matrix with the dimensions n × n. Figure 3 shows a combined cascade separator comprising three elements. Its connective function determined by the previously used method was computed and amounted to F 3 F 2 F0 F ( F0 ) 0 3 0 F0 F0 1 We represent this scheme in the form of a connective matrix: _______________ j 1 2 3 i _______________ 1 F0 1 F0 0 _______________ 2 0 1 F0 F0 _______________ F0 1 F0 0 3 _______________ Matrix element aij at i j denotes feeding from the i-th apparatus to the inlet of the j-th one. Diagonal elements aii denote the outlet from the apparatus; j-column represents feeding from all the apparatuses; i-th line represents the outlet from the i-th apparatus to all other apparatuses. Such presentation of a combined cascade makes it possible to describe not only any combined facility, but also to rule out a great number of inoperable schemes, because such matrix should possess the following features: 1) matrix element aij should acquire one of the following four values: 0; F0; 1 – F0; 1; F ( F0 ) n 2) (a i 1 ij aii ) 0 j2 It means that something should be necessarily fed into each apparatus except the first one (the apparatus fed with initial material taken as a unit). n 3) a j 1 ij 1, Each apparatus has an outlet of both fine (F0) and coarse (1 - F0) products; 1-124 n 4) a i 1 ii 0, A combined facility should necessarily have an outlet. F0 and (1 - F0) or 1 should be necessarily simultaneously present among the elements aii (i = 1, 2, 3, … n), since the material is not accumulated in the apparatus. In should be noted that a matrix of such kind is functional, since F0 is a function of the size and velocity of particles, of the place of the material introduction into the apparatus, etc. For instance, if all the three elements of a combined cascade are different or have different modes (Fig. 3b), then such non-uniform cascade is also described by a similar matrix. In this case all i-th elements acquire a respective index: 1 F1 0 F1 (8) 1 F2 F2 A 0 F 1 F3 0 3 Such a form of presentation makes it possible to obtain the connective function F(Fi) and find simple algorithms for the enumeration and analysis of n-link cascades in a general case. Thus, if we denote the matrix representing a specific combined cascade by A, then its connective function can be written as r1 1 r2 0 T (9) A r3 0 r n 0 T where A * is a matrix obtained from A by transposition and replacement of all aii elements with (-1); r1; r2; r3… rn is the material flow through a respective element (initial content for each element). Thus, for the matrix (8) we can write: 0 F0 1 (10) AT 1 F0 1 1 F0 0 F0 1 It follows from (9) that the connective function is based on the balance of material flows. In compliance with (1) we can write rf F fi i (11) ri where Fi is the extraction of a narrow class into the fine product in the i-th element of the combined cascade; rfi is the quantity of a narrow class extracted into the fine product; ri is the initial quantity of this class in the i-th element. Taking this into account, we can write: r f1 F1 r1 r f 2 F2 r2 r f n Fn rn 1-125 It follows from the balance condition that r1 1 a r1 r2 a31r3 a n1 rn r2 a12 r1 a32 r3 a n 2 rn (12) rn a1n r1 a 2 n r2 a n 1 rn 1 In the general case, the connective equation is written as a 21 a31 a n1 r1 1 1 1 a32 a n 2 r2 0 a12 (13) a r 0 a a 1 2n 3n 1n n In a particular case, for an arbitrary three-element cascade we can write: r1 a 21r2 a31r3 1 a12 r1 r2 a32 r3 0 a13 r1 a 23 r2 1 0 Taking this into account, the matrix form of the connective equation will acquire the form: a 21 a31 r1 1 1 (14) 1 a32 r2 0 a12 a a 23 1 r3 0 13 The left-hand side of the equation (14) comprises a product of the matrix reflecting a specific scheme of a combined cascade by the vector of the material flow through separate elements of the apparatus. The right-hand side of the equation (14) comprises the vector of the material inlet into the apparatus. If the material enters each element of the combined cascade by portions a, b, c, then, assuming their sum to be a unity, the right-hand side of the equation (14) should be rewritten as: a b c Connective equation makes it possible to calculate material flows r1; r2; r3… rn through all the elements of the combined cascade, as well as to determine the connective function F(F0). Thus, for the scheme presented in Fig. 3, we can write: F ( F0 ) F0 r1 From the solution of the matrix equation: 1 F0 F02 r1 1 F0 F03 Hence, F F02 F03 F ( F0 ) , (15) 1 F0 F03 which corresponds to the connective function for this scheme of a combined cascade obtained by another, more complicated method. 1-126 In the general case of n-element combined cascade, the matrix equation is written as a 21 a31 a n1 r1 a 1 1 a32an 2 r2 b a12 (16) r3 c a a2n a3n 1 rn 0 n1 Thus, this method based only on the equations of balance of material quantity in each element of a combined cascade, makes it possible to calculate an apparatus of any level of complexity with arbitrary connections, modes and material feeding into its different elements. Figure 4 shows schemes of three-element combined cascades of the highest practical interest and connective functions for each of them determined according to the described method. 6. EXPERIMENTAL CHECK-UP OF THE ADEQUACY MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF COMBINED CASCADES OF To check the estimated dependencies, several sets of experiments were carried out under laboratory and industrial conditions. The appara- tuses of z × 2 type with consecutive refining of coarse and fine products were studied under laboratory conditions (Fig. 2f, I, II). Industrial tests were carried out on a combined cascade of z × 8 type with consecutive refining of coarse product. The following elements constituting the cascade were used in these apparatuses: 1) a polycascade classifier (Fig. 1c) with the number of stages z = 9 and feeding of the initial material into the stage i* = 3; 2) a classifier with radial grates; 3) a shelf classifier (Fig. 1a) with z = 6; i* = 6; n = 8. Under laboratory conditions, the experiments were carried out on grinded quartzite and foundry sand. Under industrial conditions, the expe- riments were carried out on potassium salt. The elements of the appa- ratuses in each set of experiments were identical, and equal air flow rates were specified in each of them. The material concentration in the flow was maintained constant or varies within the limits of self-similarity region from 1.1 to 2.5 kg/m3. In each set of experiments five different air flow rates were specified, namely 2.8, 3.07, 4.13, 4.98 and 6.14 m/s. From these experiments, fractional extraction of a narrow class by one element of the apparatus F0(l) and fractional extraction by the entire apparatus F(l) were determined. The same estimated parameters were determined using the connection functions: F = 1 – (1 – F0) – for the coarse product refinement; F = F02 – for the fine product refinement; F = 1 – (1 – F0)8 – for eight-fold fine product refinement. The magnitude of the parameter F0 was determined by the relationship (2). On the basis of experimental data, it was established that the magnitude F0(l) is constant for each element of the apparatus. 1-127 By way of example, Fig. 5 shows F0(l) magnitudes for each element of an eight-row apparatus with the productivity of 40 t/h fractionating fine-grain potassium chloride at the air flow rate w = 6.14 m/s. The relationship of estimated (F) and experimental [F(l)] magni- tudes for the given apparatus at different flow rates is presented in Fig. 6. As follows from the graph, the discrepancy between the estimated and experimental data does not exceed 5.0%, which is within the accu- racy of measurements under industrial conditions. A similar coincidence was observed in all laboratory studies. 7. CONCLUSION The present paper substantiates the progressive nature of combined cascade classifiers. A detailed strategy of their computation is developed, and the conducted studies confirmed the adequacy of the proposed model for computing parameters of combined cascade schemes of loose material separation. REFERENCES 1. Barsky, M.D. Powder Fractionating, “Nedra”,Moscow, 1980. 2. Barsky, E. and Barsky, M. Processes of Gravitational Classification. Urals State Technical University Press, Ekaterinburg, 2003. 3. Barsky, M. and Barsky, E. Criterion for Efficacy of Separation of a Pourable Material into N Components. In: “Computers Application in the Minerals Industries”, “A.A. Balkema Publishers” Zisse (Abington), Extom (Tokyo), 2001, p. 507-509. 4. Barsky, M.D., Govorov, A.V. and Shishkin, S.F. Degree of organization of combined separation schemes, Yekaterinburg, Russia,Collection of articles No. 1001x n-D80, Cherkassy, 1983, p. 199-207. 5. Barsky, M.D., Lar’kov, N.S. and Govorov, A.V. Analysis of the results of industrial dust removal from potassium chloride using a multi-row classifier. Proceedings of VNIIG, Leningrad, 1978, p. 21-35. FIGURES Figure 1. Stages of a cascade: a – shelves for pouring over; b – zigzag channel; c – polycascade stages; d – radial grates; e – polycascade stages with radial grates. 1-128 Figure 2. Examples of structural schemes of combined cascades: a, b, c, d – defective schemes; e – conveying scheme; f – four working versions of a two-element combined cascade; s – initial material; f – fine material; c – coarse material Figure 3. Connection scheme of a three-element combined cascade. 1-129 Figure 4. Connective function for 12 schemes of three-element combined cascades. Figure 5. F0(l) dependence for various size classes in the elements of a seven-row classifier. Ordinate axis: experimental F(l) magnitude; abscissa axis: No. of columns, n. Designation of the average particle size in microns: 1 – 82; 2 – 130; 3 – 180; 4 – 258; 5 – 358; 6 – 450; 7 – 565; 8 – 715. Figure 6. Relationship of estimated F and experimental F(l) magnitudes of fractional extraction for an eight-row classifier. Ordinate axis: estimated F magnitude; abscissa axis: experimental F(l) magnitude. 1-130