1 CREAVOLUTION BY KENTISH Creavolution (kree^ave^o^loo^shun),..A doctrine proposing a pre-existent spirit force that evolves a creative mind power, to facilitate the creation of the material physical energy configuration that manifests as our present universe reality.. SINCE THE BEGINNINGS OF MAN’S THINKING THERE HAS BEEN A UNIVERSAL CONCEPT OF AN UNSEEN OR INPERCEIVABLE POWER OR ENERGY THAT WAS BEYOND HUMAN EXPLANATION UNTIL NOW. UNTIL NOW, BECAUSE THE LANGUAGE AND SCIENTIFIC SEMANTICS ARE NOW MORE ABLE TO BE COMPREHENDED WITH A WIDER THAN USUAL FRAME OF REFERENCE. THERE IS AT THE BASIS OF ALL EXISTENCE A SELF CONTAINED AND SELF EXISTENT FORCE THAT IS SELF WILLED AND PURPOSEFUL, A FORCE THAT IS THUS OMNISCIENT SELF EXPANSIVE ETERNAL OMNIPRESENT THUS OMNIPOTENT AND SELF-DISTRIBUTING AND INFINITE TIME SPACE TRANCENDING AND ABSOLUTE A FORCE THAT ORIGINATES POTENTIAL FOR INFINITE EXPRESSION MATERIAL AND MINDAL. 2 SINCE WE ACCEPT INTELLECTUAL ENERGY ( MIND POWER) AS A COSMIC REALITY; AND ALSO RECOGNIZE THE EXISTENCE OF MATERIAL ENERGY AS NEAR IDENTICAL REALITIES, THE EXISTENCE OF A UNIVERSAL POWER SOURCE OF THESE ENERGIES MUST LIE IN AN UNKNOWN FORCE, THAT IS PRE-EXISTENT TO ALL OTHER ENERGY. SINCE ENERGY IS AN EXPRESSION OF POWER- AND FORCE IS THE SOURCE OF ALL POWER- THEN THERE MUST EXIST A SOURCE FOR MIND POWER. THIS FORCE IS THE SAME SOURCE OF ALL CREATION. THIS UNIVERSE CONCEPT OF SUPREME POWER HAS BEEN SYMBOLIZED IN LANGUAGE AS ‘DEITY’ {AN EVOLVED ENGLISH WORD}, A CONCEPT THAT IS REPRESENTED BY MANY REFERENCES IN MANY LANGUAGES. DEITY HAS FOUND WORSHIP IN NATURE AND IN THE HEAVENLY MANIFESTATIONS. ALL MANNER OF UNEXPLAINABLE PHENOMENA HAS BEEN ATTRIBUTED TO HITHER FOR CALLED ‘ ACTS OF GOD’. EARTHQUAKES, HURRICANES AND ESPECIALLY VOLCANOES HAVE BEEN MYTHOLOGIZED THROUGH HISTORY TO GLORIFY SOME GOD CONCEPT. THIS ORIGINAL FORCE MIGHT BE THOUGHT OF AS THE UNCAUSED CAUSE, THE POWER POTENTIAL OF THE EFFECT. THIS ORIGINAL GRAVITY CONSTRUCTED FORCE WILL RELEASE ITS POTENTIAL AS AN ANTI GRAVITY EFFECT. THAT ORIGINAL PULSE . THE THE FIRST ACT OF ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE EXPANSION INITIATES FIRST MOMENT AND THE DELINEATION OF THIS MOMENTUM WILL EVOLVE A PATTERN WHICH WILL BECOME TO BE KNOWN AS TIME. 3 We open our eyes and gaze at this indescribable universe experience. We awe at the force of nature and feel helpless in its power. Those of us, who are awake and aware wonder about the origin of our selves and the universe, can speculate on our purpose and destiny. The universal debate between the scientists and the religionists about the origin of the universe and stay polarized by their unshakeable conclusions. The creationists give all the credit to a personal and all powerful being who created the world for his own purpose. The evolutionists believe that through time and chance energies of the universe evolved into today’s reality. We are acknowledged creatures of our environment and as such our thoughts and beliefs are influenced by our individual cultures and environments. Every human culture has developed their own beliefs about their origin and purpose. We have learned all we know from information gleaned from the past, mainly hearsay. Past thoughts and primitive observations were very limited, and the farther back we go the more limited the vision; thus what history passes on to us is always obsolete and and thus tends to retard human. The fact of change is the only unchangeable reality and it ios the most resisted by the denials of a dysfunctional society. The difficulty in conveying to the human material mind mould, the idea of spirit concept, is compounded by many factors. The least of which being, the semantics of language, wherein one word can have several different meanings. Spirit, soul, love, success and happiness seem to mean different things to different people. Language also dictates culture and culture dictates our belief system. IT IS NOT WHAT WE KNOW THAT DETERMINES OUR CONDUCT AND SHAPES OUR PERFORMANCE, BUT IT IS WHAT WE BELIEVE. Imagination, the ability to mentally create intellectual blueprints for material manifestation, is the tool of the belief system and seems to have been endowed in varying degrees to varying individuals resulting in the fact that all human beings have individual personality; somewhat like snowflakes, all pretty similar but each unique. 4 All physical force , energy, and matter are one. Matter and energy are but diverse manifestations of the same cosmic reality. Every thing that we can possibly think of including , light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy and matter are in origin , nature and destiny one and the same thing. Material energy is the basis of the infinite universe and the foundation of eternal creation. There is throughout the infinite universes upon universes, a basic fabric forever unchanged. A cosmic glue, a magnetic bubble that radiates from a center and stretches for eternity – unseen and unperceived. ‘JUST BECAUSE YOU CANNOT SEE “ IT ” DOES NOT MEAN THAT “ IT ” DOES NOT EXIST.’ THIS ORIGINAL FORCE THOUGHT POTENTIAL POWER WORD ACTUAL ENERGY ACTION WILL MANIFEST ETERNAL POSSIBILITIES THE CENTRE AND SOURCE OF ALL UNIVERSE ENERGY REALITY IS THE NEVER-MOVING CENTRE OF SPACE 5 The reason why the human mind finds it so difficult to comprehend God and Evolution, is that the dual action of both realities cannot be explained simultaneously; also, the evolution of matter, mind and spirit have to be addressed individually. One cannot fit a square peg into a round hole. The use of analogy seems to be the best way to bridge the credibility gap that exists between the mind and the spirit. Anyone who would visualize a heaven to be some perfect version of earth has no imagination whatsoever. Psychological reaction is not influenced by logic; it is conditioned by environment. In order to fully grasp any understanding of the nature of things and of ourselves we must delve back into the recesses of time and thought. We must question the origin and the mechanics of thought. We must try to understand what was the first thought and how it came to manifest itself. Modern science has demonstrated the reality of thought wave energy action and has acknowledged the wave energy and particle energy configuration in their quantum theories. It has been scientifically demonstrated through brain wave technology that the activation of a thought of an imagined object or circumstance produces the exact same brain wave activity as it would if the objects or circumstances were really experienced. We know for a scientific fact that thoughts or brain waves as we can observe them although not physical in nature are tangible and real. Thoughts can’t be destroyed but can be created. As you read this paragraph, billions of radios, millions of televisions, countless global cellular phones, are either transmitting or receiving limitless phases of electromagnetic wave pulses continuously around the planet. Each separate pulse undeterred and unchanged by the other. Every single individual signal will always be recognizably separate from each other. The tone, pitch timbre and volume of the signal will leave the transmitter and arrive at the receiver exactly at the receiver unchanged. This undoubtedly proves that every electronic pulse has a definite unchangeable pattern. These patterns will be recognizable by every animal being which also proves the universality of the mind connection. 6 FIRST DIMENSION OF PURE ENERGY IS PRIMORDIAL FORCE THE ORIGINAL SOURCE AND DESTINY OF ALL ENERGY EMANATIONS. THE ORIGIN OF ENERGY AND THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS ARE CENTERED IN A STATIONARY CENTRAL POINT. EVERYTHING IS ENCIRCUITED FROM THE CENTRE AND WILL RETURN IN TIME. A CIRCULARITY OF ENDLESS EXISTENCE. THE FIRST MEASURABLE FORM (STRINGS-WAVE PHENOMENON) OF ENERGY HAS THIS AS A CENTRAL NUCLEUS; POWER EMERGES FROM POTENTIAL FORCE POWER IS ASSIGNED TO THE POST-GRAVITY STAGES OF ENERGY CREATIVE MIND POWER ACTS CO-JOINTLY WITH POTENTIAL FORCE TO CREATE ENERGY ACTION MOTION IS CAUSED BY ENERGY ACTION. WAVES ARE THE EFFECT OF MOTION WAVES ARE UNDULATING LINES WITH IDENTIFICATION POTENTIAL. GRAVITY AND PATTERN WILL CONFIGURE ENERGY WAVES 7 Energy pulse configuration will retain its identity for eternity as we can understand eternity. These waves are not perceptible by the human senses ordinarily but their can be no doubt that they exist; because we can track them mechanically and identify them individually. These waves also move thru space at the speed of light and can permeate and penetrate some material object. Every single individual sound, no matter how short or silent is perceptible, so we must agree that every flash of mind, i.e. thought- has its individual identity, meaning and value. The brain can transmit wave patterns to a machine, which can differentiate the patterns; wireless technology can transmit wave patterns by means of similar technology. Brain waves and light waves have definite patterns that are observable and identifiable. THOUGHT is a specific initiative of movement or motion in a specific unit or instant in time. THOUGHT is the force that gives power to energy WHAT WAS THE FIRST THOUGHT? I AM……..That might have been the first THOUGHT. The first action of existential energy creates a wave like movement... This THOUGHT might be understood as the first realization of the SELF; the ORIGINAL SELF, PRIMAL CONSCIOUSNESS about to evolve into ETERNAL REALITY. The first after thought might have been “but what good is perfect alone?” The SELF, even the GOD SELF is a lonely place to be, because it really is lonely at the top. This inevitable need for companionship and connection metamorphosed into the first WORD- LOVE. The first idea- concept of giving and sharing was that DIVINE GIFT of the original self; of SHARING its PERFECTION. This first Act of totality of sharing becomes the law of Love, a pattern that would be eternal and infinite.. .. LOVE IS THE UNCONDITIONAL DESIRE TO DO GOOD... .. Spirit energy gives birth to mind energy and the creative process is now started. Love would now be the creative power for eternity. 8 THOUGHT ALWAYS PRECEDES WORD THOUGHT + WORD CONDUCE TO ACTION ALL CREATIVE ACTION MUST BEGINWITH ATHOUGHT THE LEVELS OF GRAVITY RESPONSE FOR SPIRIT, MIND, AND MATTER,ARE INDEPENDENT OF TIME. LOVE DERIVES FROM ORIGINAL FORCE LOVE IS PURE ENERGY-LOVE IS POWER-LOVE IS FORCE “{LOVE IS THE DESIRE TO DO GOOD}” LOVE IS THE FIRST SOURCE AND CENTER OF POTENTIAL POWER TRANSMUTES TO UNIVERSAL ENERGY LOVE DISTRIBUTES ITS POWER INTO INFINITY FOR ETERNITY 9 UNITY is the defining law of the universe and evolves into the second law of the universe duality. DUALISM becomes dynamic in the operation of the cosmos. Techniques of co-operation and resistance as PATTERNS for universe progression are now revealed. We experience them in polar opposites (positive and negative), and the yin yang , malefemale states of reality. Dualism as a universe mechanism manifests as cause and effect and action and reaction, and the pulse of expansion and contraction; the interaction of space and time. The mechanics of dualism will now lead to a new phase as the thought combining with the word will result in the act; creation, the dynamics of motion. This creative action will manifest itself into one of the three universe realities, physical, mental, or spiritual. In the physical realm it will configure to move into an electronic phase of existence and then having paid all gravity debts will establish itself in the circular pattern of matter and contribute to the structure of the ATOM and will evolve to the cosmic pattern of matter as we know it. To really grasp this new reality, it must be accepted that the LAWS of THE COSMOS i.e.( unity, duality, gravity, motion, and pattern), act with equal and exact integrity within all phases and levels of reality. Every universe law and every universal concept will evolve in turn as they are thought and manifested by the original creative action . The pattern or the way of god is the way of the law. Spirit energy containing all potential was existential and all future transformations of this original energy would always contain itself. There is a three fold levels of realization and expression, physical, mental and spiritual. The three phases of the one spirit energy now represents the trinity concept. The three phases of energy as we perceive them; physical-material electronic state, mind created wave energy state and spiritual energy. 10 The trinity can now be understood as three parts of the whole and at the same time being the whole; unity containing duality and trinity. The whole of the part and the part of the whole state of existence will now be the status of the energies of the universe, the windows of the world so to speak. Diversity is achieved by the potential of seven possibilities of energy action; spirit, mind, physical, spirit-mind, material-mind, spirit-material, and finally spirit-mindmaterial, the trinity manifestation. Henceforth all creation will be subject to the mandates of these energy actions. Gravity control emanates from the original center and controls all the universal patterns to infinity. With the assurance of modern science, we will postulate and prove the existence of a seven dimensional universe. In this instance will not represent length, height, breadth or any other outward manifestation of reality. The dimensions we are revealing are multiple states of existence within the same fractal space. The SEVENTH and outermost dimension, i.e. the reality that is most present and obvious, is the physical material realm which we can perceive with our sense, animal, vegetable and matter. The electro-chemical human body with all its organic mechanical parts is the occupants of the seventh dimension. The SIXTH dimensional layer consists of a fully functioning system of cells that have their individual and symbiotic relationships, separate from the outer body itself and its auxiliary organs. Penetrating inward we discover the essence of the body’s vitality in the chemical mixtures that combine to create and maintain the cell structures, this region is where DNA is sovereign. This FIFTH dimension is the cosmic laboratory where pattern is the controlling concept. The FOURTH dimension will concern itself with molecular structure; the atomic component of molecules. This dimension provides the near infinite possibilities of chemical structural arrangements enabling the limitless supply of life variation. 11 The THIRD dimension represents the electronic configuration of the atom of which there are near one hundred so far discovered natural elements. This is the level where outer space meets inner space. The atomic process needs space in which to realize its motion to initiate the pattern to manifest matter. The space in the level is proportional to the space in solar systems that have a star or sun as their nuclear center and revolving bodies of matter; solid or gaseous. The SECOND dimension is the state of wave evolution, whereby wave energy evolves as electrons, protons, neutrons, ions and all subatomic particle variables. This level might be what our scientists theorize as the superstrings existence. It is within this dimension that the concept of space is shared by the micro-universe and the macro universe. This is where the unification theory becomes all too evident. The FIRST dimension is the ancestor of all matter. It is the original and everlasting state of being. It is the source of all energy in the universe, this original primordial force whose only option is to release its power to create motion or universal energy. The cycle of force, power and energy and their respective co joint act allow a seven fold potential of expression. Within the first dimension lies the three phase existence of the TRINITY, the potential for trinity expression. The triune expression of spirit-force, mind-power, and physical energy combine to evolve FOUR other actuals. SPIRIT –FORCE + MIND – POWER might be understood as universal consciousness, the cosmic mind bank. MIND- POWER + PYHSICAL –ENERGY may be seen as Life-force energy. PHYSICAL ENERGY+ SPIRIT FORCE can be visualized as the soul component. The total combination of spirit force, mind power, and physical energy are manifested in human beings; the zenith of the organic evolution. 12 WHAT IS GRAVITY? Gravity is one of the most real and eternally dependable things in the whole universe of universes. Gravity is not the source of energy nor the destiny of energy but gravity conditions and controls energy. Gravity is the pulse of the universe. Gravity is the active ancestor of all universe matter. The inescapable pull of gravity effectively grips all of the worlds of all of the universes. Gravity is the omnipotent strand on which are strung the gleaming stars, blazing suns, and whirling galaxies that whirl about the center and source of infinite energy. Action- motion, change, modification and co-ordination are the attributes of anti gravity. The action of anti gravity affects gravity and thus effects CREATION. The tension between gravity and anti gravity forces formulate the essence of the spark of life. The gravity resistant phenomenon of a gyroscope is a fair illustration of the effect of anti gravity but of no value to illustrate the cause of anti gravity. Gravity responds to pattern on the material, mindal and spirit level. Linear gravity response is a short range cohesive force of the macro cosmos (solar system); somewhat as the forces of intra-atomic cohesion are the short range forces of the micro cosmos (atomic matter). Linear gravity is an interactive phenomenon. All force energy is responsive to gravity. The gravity hold of the cosmic nuclear center expands and contracts to create the wave pulsations we realize as MOTION in the region of space. 13 FORCE IS PRE- GRAVITY UNITY = GRAVITY GRAVITY IS AN ENDLESS MAGNETIC RIPPLE GRAVITY IS THE SOLE CONTROL OF ENERGY GRAVITY IS THE ESSENCE OF PRIMORDIAL FORCE GRAVITY IS THE STATE TO WHICH ALL THINGS RETURN GRAVITY IS THE TECHNIQUE OF UNITY GRAVITY IS THE ACTIVE ANCESTOR OF ALL UNIVERSE MATTER LINEAR GRAVITY IS A QUANTITATIVE MEASURE OF ENERGY LINEAR GRAVITY IS THE SHORT RANGE COHESIVE FORCE OF THE MACROCOSMOS SIMILAR TO THE FORCES OF INTRA- ATOMIC COHESION THAT ARE THE SHORT RANGE FORCES OF THE MICROCOSMOS. ALL MASS (ORGANIZED ENERGY) IS SUBJECT TO THIS GRASP. Gravity is the fabric of the cosmos Strings are the thread that are part of that fabric. Just like lint tends to be magnetically pulled towards the main fabric, so do all strings in the universe eternally will be pulled towards a center, presumably the center of all cosmic reality. GRAVITY IS ALWAYS IN CONNECT MODE WITH EVERY STRING THAT WAS IN ITS BLANKET. THESE STRINGS ARE BEING RECYCLED FOR INFINITY. Gravity might be thought of as the first science although it is a complete mystery. It is the inherent force of the FIRST dimension. GRAVITY is inherent in SPACE. 14 WHAT IS SPACE ? Space is the womb of all material creation. Space is real. Space is in everything and everything is in space. Space conditions and contains MOTION. Space is non- responsive to gravity but it acts as an equilibrant on gravity. Without the space cushion explosive action would jerk surrounding space bodies. Physical materialized energy organized as so called matter cannot traverse space without effecting linear gravity response. Although such gravity response is directly proportional to mass it is so modified by intervening space that the final result is no more than roughly approximated when expressed as inversely according to the square of the distance. Space eventually conquers linear gravitation because of the presence therein of the anti gravity influences of numerous super material forces that operate to neutralize gravity action and all responses thereto, i.e. dark islands or black holes; these are literally energy recyclers. The SECOND dimension will realize PHYSICS as MOTION comes to be. WHAT IS MOTION ? All units of cosmic energy are in primary revolution; absolutely nothing is stationary in the universe. Motion in space is produced by the dual action of gravity and anti-gravity. As you read this paragraph, hundreds of millions of radios, televisions, and cellular phones are either receiving or transmitting some phase of electromagnetic wave pulse continuously around the planet, each separate signal undeterred by the others. This wave configuration will retain its identity for eternity as we can understand it. These waves are not perceptible by the human senses but there can be no doubt that they exist because we can track them mechanically and identify them individually. These waves also move thru space at the speed of light and can permeate and penetrate material objects. There are two main stages of MOTION; primary motion( the motion of space itself, space respiration) and secondary motion( the alternate directional swings of successive space levels. 15 The universal plan or the maintenance of equilibrium between matter and energy necessitates the everlasting making and unmaking of the lesser material units. Given a sufficient duration of retarding influence anti gravity would eventually convert all energy into matter. The THIRD dimension will evolve MATHEMATICS as the next science as pattern will now necessitate variables. Time and motion will combine to evolve electronic pattern; the difference in the measurement of motion is what defines motion. The Fourth dimension will recognize CHEMISTRY as the code . Atomic differentiation. DNA science BIO-CHEMISTRY, occupies the FIFTH DIMENSION wherein pattern and chemistry conjoin to produce a new metamorphic state. The SIXTH dimension will evolve as BIOLOGY; the laws of chemistry operating under the law of physics. The study of the organism would lead to PHYSIOLOGY, which would occupy the SEVENTH dimension. Here again the land of reality; the land of the physical material, this SEVENTH DIMENSION POROVIDES THE STIMULI FOR THE MIND. Thru the media of the senses, our sensual input systems i.e. seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling; outside stimuli is received in the electrical dimension of the SIXTH PHASE OF ENERGY METAMORPHOSIS. The FIFTH TRANSMUTATION occurs in the chemistry aspect of the brain’s electro-chemical factory; wherein the electrical charges of the senses are translated into chemical molecular formula template shadow. The DNA code has another capacity and this is also to store memory genes as well1 as physical hereditary traits. Here in this dimension the function of mind and body start to coincide. The FOURTH dimension again determines the pattern of the atomic structures of the individual molecules. 16 We pass once again thru the remaining THIRD; ATOM IC DIFFERENTIATION, the second dimension, WAVE ELECTRONIC EVOULUTION, again aware of the inner transition of matter to end up at the same beginning, which proves that MATTER and MIND BOTH REALIZE FROM THE SAME SOURCE; the original source of ENERGY, FORCE AND POWER. This is the original source of force, power, energy, space, time, gravity and mind itself. This is spawning ground of the micro atomic universe which ultimately will evolve into the macro cosmos. The ORIGINAL SOURCE will manifest itself in one of the three universe realities, physical, mental, and spiritual. In the physical realm it will configure to move into and electronic phase of existence and then having paid all gravity debts will establish itself in the circular pattern of matter and contribute to the structure of the ATOM; and will continue to evolve to the cosmic pattern of matter as we know it. Diversity is achieved by the potential of seven possibilities of energy action; spirit, mind, physical, spirit-mind, material-mind, spirit-material, and finally spirit-mindmaterial, the trinity manifestation. Henceforth all creation will be subject to the mandates of these energy actions. What might be mankind’s three most important questions? What am I? How did I get here? How did HERE get to be here? Geologists have theorized the WHEN: they guestimate the birth of the cosmos as some ten to 20 billions of years ago. Our geologists have designated the epoch before 600 million b.c. PRECAMBRIAN- 2.5billion –600 million years ago the Earth’s crust forms as the molten lavas of the earth start to cool. It is during this early period that the cooling nucleus of the newborn earth captures the meteorites, space dust, in its gravity grasp along with all the other organized matter and elements that are repercussions of that ancient explosion sometimes referred to as the big bang. 17 THE EARTH continues to gain in size until all the space materials within it’s gravity pull have been claimed. Geologic history begins with the cooling of the earth’s crust sufficiently to cause the formation of the first ocean. Water vapor condensation on the cooling surface of the earth continues until the entire planet is covered with water. BUT BEFORE WE CONTINUE FROM HERE we must pause to wonder where did this earth’s crust come from and how did this condensation come to form this water. We need to understand, how CREATION begins, how matter is created , organized and distributed throughout the cosmos. As we today gaze towards outer space we observe nebulae as a spiral, like the observers in distant galaxies might observe the birth of other galaxies and solar and star system for eons and eons and even might have witnessed the birth of our own solar system. All evolutionary material creations are born of circular and gaseous nebulae. The first stage of creation begins with the evolution of the first element. The tension conflict action between heat and cold ( lack of heat) initiates the wave motion that results in energy phenomenon. Heat and cold is secondary only to gravity in the realms of energy and matter evolution. Energy waves will evolve a pattern to produce electrons whose individual activity will be determined by its own law and pattern. WHAT IS AN ELECTRON ? The electronic stage of energy is the basis of all materialization; energy particles go to make up electrons to produce the first stage of material differentiation -protons, neutrons and electrons; the electrical stage of material differentiation. The transformation of energy particles into the circuits of the electron. The PROTON is a configuration of energy movement. A small cosmic generator that expresses itself in a positive electrical 18 charge. On the other hand an ELECTRON is a different configuration of energy movement that produces a negative electrical charge. Heat is the measurement of electronic activity. A NUETRON is an electronic particle having no electrical charge; and together with protons and electrons go to form the ATOM. WHAT IS AN ATOM ? An ATOM is the smallest part of an element that contain all the parts of that element. Atomic matter is the chemical stage of elemental organization. Matter in all universes is identical. Matter in its physical properties depends on the revolutionary rates of its component members, their distance from the nuclear body and the number and the number and size of the revolving members and the direction of their circuit. WHAT IS EVOLUTION ? Evolution is cosmic pattern. Evolution is the cosmic technique of growth. Evolution is the Law of Progression in all dimensions of reality, including mind-thought reality, physical-material reality and the bio-chemical phases of organic life. Evolution is the process, metamorphosis (matter transmutation) is the technique. Evolution does not wholly dictate a continuous progression of improvement; the early and basic forms of things have survived almost unchanged, others have been modified, some have perished and others have developed into a new and completely different form. The evolution of the embryonic zygote in the female womb demonstrates the drama of evolution in our every day lives. The Original cell divides, clones or reproduces itself and accumulates until a certain point, metamorphoses into a completely new form, retaining hereditary traits but nonetheless a unique entity, with no discernable missing link puzzle…note the phenomena of the metamorphic change of the tadpole to frog and the caterpillar to butterfly. The process of human birth from fertilization takes 280 days or approximately 17 million seconds and if you were to observe the phases of the process 19 you would identify the metamorphic graduations in the growth. Biology is the manifestation of chemistry operating under the laws of physics. The slowness of evolution testifies to the effectiveness of that brake, material inertia which so efficiently operates to retard dangerous velocities of progression. Evolution is purposeful and not accidental. Observe the formula and the mechanics of evolution ….In the process of any evolutionary progression, there will always be some decimal or prime factors in variance of adaptability: This means that in a state of existence, whether mind, material, cosmic or organic; there will be a gamut of potentials within each entity; measurable in some decimal calibration, whether it is a scale in tens, hundreds, or thousands. Some of these entities are able to survive or realize their complete actualization or integrity; while others in varying degrees will fail to survive, some will combine with others to create new and original entities and the differential process will begin all over again when this new entity has reached a certain number and that metamorphic point is reached. The Laws of Nature or science were only discovered by man and explained by man, men did not create them . As an aid to understanding our origins we can look to nature and natural laws. Natural law is also involved as its duality aspect provides for retro motive factors which would reveal opposing realities. These new entities might seem contrary; paradoxical or even counterproductive, but they are all part of the chaordic evolutional process. The myriads of shapes, sizes and colors that are perceptible in nature point to infinite combinations of possibilities of material reality. The variety of organic and animal life science accepts the facts that visible occupies just one octave of the energy spectrum which is theorized as one hundred octaves and with each of the seven degrees of color spectrum and within the octave there are probably many diverse shades of each color. Observe the energies at play in a thunderstorm; imagine these similar forces in empty unpervaded space. As the circuit lines of the lightning fill the space surrounding 20 them imagine that every sparkle in the ocean is a stroke of lightning emanating its dynamic energy waves in all possible directions in an infinite orbit. Energy is a reality that has the potential of motion; within this potential is also the force of motion, and the conjoined effort potential of the energy and the force, provides universal power possibilities. Energy is power potential and power is force potential and force is energy potential. These three differing states of primal reality are different in nature but identical in origin. The relationship between energy, power and force and their individual, dual or triune give dynamics to a seven dimensional universe. This is the trinity. This is the source of existence, all existence. Every quanta of energy has its place in universal existence. As small as it might seem it has its necessity to fit in the big picture. Every energy wave has its own signature, as with snowflakes and personalities, no two are alike. The unseen sound of a trumpet or a cricket will sound the same in China, South America or Africa. The zillions of word communication that go by satellite each day separately and whose messages arrive in tact also points to the individuality of wave identity. An astute music lover can tell the difference just by listening to different musicians play the same instrument; Which means that timbre and tone and pitch also have identity. A conversation carried on in a calm rational way sends a different vibe than the same conversation carried on in an angry conflicting manner. The timbre and vibe of that conversation are different and will be registered in the cosmos as such . Animals are known to be capable of sensing fear or detecting objects even under ice, under water or in places of concealment. There is obviously a phase of vibration transmission or wave transmission that we are not scientifically aware of and just like we accept electromagnetism this form of wave energy is just as important and real and essential to our psychic well-being. 21 In the evolution of the fetal embryo when the point if brain development has been reached we have an animal in its purest form. With pre programmed and predisposed reflex behaviors of reactions and impulses. Whatever vibrations are transmitted in the environment that this fetus is inhabiting will register in the recesses of that hungry mind. Energy has power potential and energy waves have real force. The unseen sound waves from a sonic jet blast can shatter glass at a far distance. Doctors use invisible sonar waves to shatter gall and kidney stones. Very high pitched sounds can destroy our ear drums. This proves that though unseen energy waves have the physicalmaterial ability to move or displace other physical objects. So therefore these must be accepted as a physical reality. Sound waves made visible by technology demonstrate the consistent configuration of respective sounds; all sounds have their individual modulations and specific pattern. Observing the physical universe follows definite mechanistic patterns that seem to repeat with time we can safely assume that energy and its out doings participate in an exact pattern throughout the entire universe. In scientific brain research it has been conclusively proven that the thought of an object or circumstance registers the exact same brain activity as the actual seeing or experiencing the object. We can assume that thought energy has the electronic ability to register brain waves just as the light from a seen object registers its presence in the brain. All forms of matter including light , heat ,chemical reactions , and sound are part of a wide spectrum of energy whose differences occur from the amplitude of the waves, and their frequencies. Every single energy wave in the universe will at some point in time find its place in that big jigsaw puzzle of the universe of trying to turn chaos into order; to return diversity into unity (chaordic). Energy is the building block of the universe. Now imagine that you are in the absolute center of an enormous balloon that stretches into infinity for eternity. You are in the center of this universal vibrating crystal ball. Soon your whole being will be consumed by the vibrations, you will become a part of the universe and the universe will become a part of you. You will become the universe and the universe will become you. 22 You are now the center of infinity and your mind penetrates the cosmos; every thought you activate vibrates throughout eternal space. Thought is your only tool and energy waves are your only materials. To create anything, you will first need a plan or a PATTERN. A perfect pattern would be one that could recreate itself . The circular pattern that can be observed occurring in natural phenomena such as hurricanes, cyclones and cloud and current movements and the mechanics of the solar system and galaxies and gaseous circular nebulae, is the template of an eternal configuration of motion.. Expansion and contraction is the pattern of the cosmic universal pulse, the cosmic heartbeat, the eternal wave. All forms of force and all phases of energy are encircuited; they circulate and return by definite routes. The most important part of any creation is the strength of its foundation and the foundation in this creation is GRAVITY. You are the sole controller of GRAVITY through your every heartbeat which pervades eternity every second. This is the pre-electronic level of energy matter in all its metamorphic states. Your job, should you accept it, will be to transform CHAOS into ORDER. Your first creative thought will pattern the organization of matter by initiating the energy whirl of nebular revolution phenomena, whirling ever faster and faster, contracting and condensing and when this gigantic space wheel attains maximum mass and density , the centrifugal stage is reached and this vast cyclone of electronic activity metamorphoses into clouds of hydrogen gases that breakout of the gravity grasp and as gigantic tongues of fire are launched into eternal and infinite orbits to create the suns and stars of the universe. All physical force, energy and matter are one. Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy and matter are in origin, nature and destiny one and the same. 23 All force energy originally proceeds from the center. You will always be the eternal source of all energy material to be used to create matter: Atomic matter being the chemical stage of elemental organization of matter, component units of molecular or visible matter. The pattern of matter is on the order of the solar system. There is at the center of every minute universe of energy a relatively stable comparatively stationary nuclear portion of material existence. Within atoms the revolving electron members swing in orbits comparative in size and distance to the sun and planets in our solar system. The interior of suns are vast X-ray generators that are supported from within by the incessant bombardment of these mighty emanations. The X-rays of a suns interior fires electrons and atoms spaceward to begin their universe adventure, either to warm some planet or to crash into a meteor or to participate in the birth of a new atom. Gaseous, liquid and solid states are matters of atomic-molecular relationships but density is a relationship of space and mass. . Thus cooling stars can be physically gaseous and tremendously dense at the same time. Density varies directly with the quantity of mass in space and inversely with the amount of space in mass, the space between the central cores of matter and the particles which whirl around these centers as well as the space within such material particles. Our solar system evolved a nuclear star centre, the sun around which evolved ten different bodies like electrons in different stages of planetary evolution from the shattered remnants of the planet that resulted in asteroid belts of the gaseous states of Jupiter and mercury to the semi gaseous state of Venus and the solid state of mars and Pluto to the multi state of our planet Earth. Suns or stars as sometimes we refer to them are the birthplace of material creation and all atom building and atomic disruption begin to occur in these cosmic chemical factories. Heat is the only force that is non-responsive to gravity; heat facilitates electronic-atomic breakup and low temperatures favor atomic construction. 24 The organization of evolving energy first entails the concentration of energy into discrete masses of definite dimensions and established weight and precise gravity action. The first atomic pattern will just use ONE orbiting electron to determine the structure of the first material creation. HYDROGEN; the foundation of the suns. and constitute the first evolved atom. The qualities of this atom to burn and combust freely allows for its participation in the forming of the other atoms who will gather more and more electrons to evolve into different and varied structures of atoms. Helium, the next step in elemental evolution follows with two electrons in orbit to create a balanced and stable gas atom and a source of sun companionship to aid HYDROGEN in the production of the other gaseous elements construction. Hydrogen will for all future chemical reactions provide the impetus and initial energy ; hydrogen we could say is the beginning of the cosmic creation. Lithium, Beryllium and Boron are the next three elements to evolve followed by the three most important and essential elements in organic life, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen. The evolution of Fluorine, Neon, sodium and magnesium brings the total to 12 elements, providing the HYDROGEN more material to add to its forever expanding supergas soup. On this planet there will evolve approximately one hundred atomic elements. Now that we understand how matter is created we must look at how it is manifested and distributed throughout the universe. Suns are perpetual explosions happening and waiting to happen. As we observe the solar flares of today we must remember that eons and eons ago these pulsations were millions of times larger and much more frequent. 25 One of the first established patterns of creation is cloning, that is, the capacity to reproduce itself physically. Just as the Big Bang sent forth blobs of fire millions of miles in diameter, into the eternal oblivion to begin their new life as suns in their own orbits, now some of these same suns will for billions of years pour fourth their substance out into their neighboring space. These smaller circular balls of fire will use GRAVITY the controller of Pattern to find its orbit around its mother nucleus center. The smaller hydrogen and helium fire balls will continue in their orbits for billions of years, cooling down to become matter and at the same time sweeping thru space and like a Hoover suction pulling in all the space debris within its gravity grasp to increase their respective sizes as planets and moons, thus to begin the process of cooling which will vary from sphere to sphere. CALCIUM evolved in the number 20 spot. Calcium is the chief element of the matter permeation of space. Stone is literally the basic building matter for planets and spheres of space. It not only endures solar ionization but persists in identity even after it has been battered by destructive X-rays. Calcium possesses an individuality and a longevity excelling the more common forms of matter. Calcium is the most expert solar prison escaper.