Forest Service File Code: Route To: Subject: To: Washington Office 5420 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250 Date: May 6, 2014 Fiscal Year 2016 Land and Water Conservation Fund Project "Core Project" Nominations Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Area Director, IITF Director, Deputy Chiefs and WO Directors OPTIONAL REPLY DUE SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 Please send project nominations for fiscal year (FY) 2016 Land and Water Conservation Funds (LWCF) “Core acquisition projects,” to the Washington Office (WO) by September 19, 2014. The LWCF Core program provides a vital opportunity for the Forest Service to acquire and protect important lands to support healthier forests, safer communities, and more vibrant local economies. Land acquisition should be viewed as part of the larger agency strategy to create a resilient and productive system of forests and grasslands that provide economic and environmental stability to communities across America. Seen through this lens, land acquisition is a key strategic tool for furthering agency and Administration initiatives, particularly recreational access, ecological restoration, and watershed protection. Central to agency success and that of LWCF is our work with partners and our neighbors. More than ever, the support of local partners and citizens is vital to ensure the success of any proposed land acquisition. The information requested in this reply due letter is for the Forest Service’s “Core” LWCF program as distinguished from the Collaborative Landscape Planning (CLP) initiative, which involves joint requests between the Forest Service and the Department of the Interior. The Core program is requesting proposed acquisition projects that primarily serve Forest Service management goals and objectives. Prioritization of the Agency’s FY 2016 LWCF Core projects is a two-stage process that is competitive and merit-based. Regions first evaluate projects using the Strategic Landscape Acquisition Ranking System (SLARS), and then send their top rated projects to the WO for review by a national panel comprised of an inter-disciplinary team of WO and regional representatives. The national panel will review each region’s nominated projects using the national scoring criteria to create a prioritized project list. This project list is then forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget through the Department of Agriculture. Each region may submit up to five projects. We recommend that regions prioritize projects or tracts already in process that can be finished. Given the uncertainty over the future of LWCF, emphasis will be given to finishing high priority projects funded in previous years. The national scoring criteria will give priority to the final phase of multi-tract projects and tracts that have been partially funded in prior years, if they can be completed with $3 million in funding or less. Projects that appear on the President’s list for FY15 may not receive funding, nor are they guaranteed a place on the President’s list for FY16. Therefore, it is necessary to resubmit America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Area Director, IITF Director, Deputy Chiefs and WO Directors 2 projects for the FY16 fiscal year if there is any uncertainty about receiving an appropriation in FY15. Consult with the WO about whether or not it makes sense to resubmit tracts for FY16 given the status of the FY15 Budget. Project submissions must include: the 2 page fact sheet, a standardized map (which meets legislative mapping requirements outlined in interim directive 1510-2011-1), and the completed SLARS score sheet indicating regional rankings. One page of photos and one supplemental page detailing how the region evaluated the project using the SLARS are both optional. Support letters from Members of Congress, local officials, partners, and stakeholders are strongly encouraged but only for the national competition. They are not required for the regional SLARS competition. If you have submitted support letters previously, please make sure that information is current and consider sending updated letters. As you develop your nominations, consider agency objectives and policy concerning landownership adjustment. For guidelines refer to Forest Service Manual (FSM) 5402, 5403, 5420.2, 5420.3, and 5421.34, including the following: 1. Give priority to acquisitions that would consolidate National Forest System lands within existing National Forest boundaries (FSM 5403.1, policy 1 & 11), providing there is no indication of opposition to the acquisition of the property; 2. Nominate properties as free of encumbrances as possible. Avoid acquisitions that are subject to special conditions or covenants that limit the rights of the United States to manage the lands for National Forest purposes (FSM 5403.1, Policy 22); 3. Give priority to acquisitions that meet goals and objectives of Forest Land and Resource Management Plans (FSM 5403.1, Policy 11), and implementation of the Agency’s 2011 Watershed Condition Framework; 4. Give priority to acquisitions that support the agency’s initiatives on ecological restoration, particularly the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program; 5. Give priority to acquisitions that increase opportunities for recreational access; and 6. Identify nominations with outstanding mineral estates in the fact sheet. Please carefully review each project nomination to ensure the accuracy of the data in the submission, including acres to be acquired, estimated acquisition costs, public support, past funding and accomplishments, and feasibility to complete acquisition in a timely manner. Your care in submitting accurate and thorough project nomination data ensures the Forest Service land acquisition program’s continued credibility with Congress and our many stakeholders. All information regarding the FY 2016 prioritization process, including the fact sheet template required for submissions, the SLARS and score sheet, and the national scoring guidance will be available for Agency personnel and the public on the Lands and Realty Web site: by May 10, 2014. Regions should submit completed project proposals to the Lands and Realty “National Shared” folder in the WO “0” drive by the due date: O:\NFS\WOLands\Program\NationalShared\Landownership Adjustment\Land Acquisitions\FY16 LWCF Core Proposals Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Area Director, IITF Director, Deputy Chiefs and WO Directors Please contact Nancy Parachini, National Land Acquisition Program Manager, at (202) 570-9009, for additional information. /s/ Tony Tooke (for) LESLIE A. C. WELDON Deputy Chief, National Forest System Enclosures cc: Regional Directors of Lands Greg Smith 3