St Wulfstan Surgery Patient Participation Group Tuesday 23 March 2010 Present: Pearl Clarke, Charles Henshaw, Janet Parkyn, Nigel Rock, Tim Coker, Yvonne Hillier, Shirley Perry, Mark Hancock, Grania O’Mahony Apologies: Margaret Kennard Nigel asked for the good wishes of the patient group to be passed on to Margaret and hoped for her speedy recovery. Nigel remembered with sadness the death of Shirley Robinson. Shirley died last November after a short illness. She was a valued and longstanding member of this group. A card was sent to Shirley’s husband from the surgery. Minutes of previous meeting: read. Matters arising not covered in today’s agenda: (see above) Medical Records on-line: Nigel has looked at his records on-line. Most of the group felt that there was no great demand for seeing one’s records, though it could sometimes be useful, for example to check if a hospital letter has arrived. Consensus was that access to this could be rolled out slowly; perhaps advertise it first on website, Staff: One of our cleaners, Audrey, left work last month due to family reasons. Agenda Items: 1.Automated Patient Booking in Screen Tim explained how patients with appointments can book in via the Jayex screen in reception. Patients are still welcome to book in at reception but it does relieve pressure on the receptionists if they are busy. It is very simple to use. All are welcome to try it out after the meeting. 2. Swine flu update: Everyone is aware that the swine flu pandemic has fortunately turned out to be much milder than expected. In fact extra care with hygiene and people staying at home with flu symptoms has reduced the death rates from seasonal flu. Grania said swine flu is currently the major cause of flu-like illness in Europe. It is causing much more illness in Africa and South East Asia so travellers are advised to have the swine flu jab. Immunisations: the government is suspending immunisations for the healthy under 5year olds from 1 April but it is continuing for pregnant women and those in high risks groups such as diabetes. 37% of pregnant and high-risk patients have been immunised in England, compared with 50% of pregnant women and 68% of high-risk patients at St Wulfstan surgery. 20.4% of healthy under 5year olds have been immunised in England compared with approximately 45% at the surgery. 3. Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) visit: We had a QOF inspection visit 26 January 2010 and received written feedback this week. The inspectors look at a range of clinical and organisational aspects of the practice including policies and procedures. They were very impressed – quote “an excellent QOF visit”. There were only 2 minor admin recommendations on the policy for storing back-up tapes and on the inclusion of another phone number on letters to patients who are asked to leave the practice. 4. Voluntary Drivers: Mark reported that the system continues to work well. He and Pearl get informal feedback about the practice which is generally positive. He would prefer patients who need a driver to have their appointments close together so there is not too much hanging around – Grania will look at times of appointments and speak to reception. Many thanks from Tim, Grania and all the practice for continuing a great job. 5. Patient Satisfaction Survey: We have just received written feedback from the national patient survey. The same questionnaire is used all over the country and is send to a random sample of patients, commissioned by the Department of Health. The responses are mainly very positive. Nigel highlighted the 17% of responders who are not happy that their conversation at reception can be overheard. Grania and Tim will raise this at next practice meeting to listen to receptionists’ opinions. Some patients are not aware that appointments are available on some Saturday mornings and early Monday mornings though this has been advertised. Some patient would like later evening appointments but the doctors and other staff are not keen on extending the working day too far. 6. Practice Website The PCT is offering to re-write all practice websites in order to improve the quality of information offered and the new sites go live in 2 weeks. Practices can then edit or personalise theirs. 7.NHS Choices: The practice is one of only 2 in Warwickshire to win a gold award for the quality of the website – Tim’s work. NB the practice website and the NHS Choices website (accessed via NHS Choices) are 2 different but related websites. 8. Complaints/suggestions to PPG liaison members No-one in the group has received any officially. Nigel said he has heard some minor grumbles, in conversation, but no-one wants to pursue the grumbles when he offers to take it to the practice as a complaint/suggestion. Shirley and Janet said patients may be less keen to complain about one doctor as the doctors are married. Grania and Tim want to know about comments with a view to resolving problems and any clinical problem should be reported to the practice manager. 9. Promoting the Patient Group: The existing photos are out of date and new individual photos are a good idea, preferably on a permanent display. Perennial problem with attracting new and younger members discussed Any Other Business: Other new member of staff – Ellen Drain, practice nurse. She started work here after Christmas and is experienced and popular with patients and staff. Another newsletter is due and a draft one will be presented at the next meeting. Date of Next Meeting: 12-30 Tuesday 22 June 2010