Incomplete Grade Policy

Judson University Incomplete Grade Request
***Please read the Incomplete Grade Policy on the back of this form before beginning this process***
Student Name: _________________________________________________________________ ID#: _______________________
Course #: ____________ Title: ________________________________  Fall
 Spring
 Sum/Post Term 20 _______
Please issue an Incomplete grade for the following reason:
 Long term health problem or hospitalization. Attending physician’s statement attached.
 Family or personal emergency (death of immediate family member or emotional trauma).
Verification of VP for Student Development or VP and Senior Dean of Continuing Education and Graduate Programs attached.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ , 20 ______
Signature VP and Senior Dean of Continuing Education and Graduate Programs
 Extreme circumstances:
 Internship ends after last day of term. Internship end date: ______________ , 20 _______
 Field placement canceled.
 Research data did not arrive prior to the end of the term.
 Other circumstances that are beyond the planning and control of the student: (Be specific.)
This student has verifiable, valid reasons and has met the required three criteria (as listed on the back of this form) to request a
grade of Incomplete.
Exact date the Incomplete work is due (using guidelines on back): _________________ , 20 _______
Final grade will be submitted by: ________________ , 20 _______ (Allow sufficient time for grading.)
_____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ , 20 _____
Instructor Signature
_____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________ , 20 _____
VP and Senior Dean of Continuing Education and Graduate Programs
Received: __________ By: ________
Office of Registration and Records
Processed: __________ By:_________
Incomplete requests are processed within a week of approval from the VP and Senior Dean. Students are responsible to check the student web to confirm that the
Incomplete request was processed.
Incomplete Grade Policy
Effective 07/01/01; supercedes all previous policies
Incomplete grades are to be issued only for extenuating circumstances. Below are the guidelines for instructors to use if considering an
Incomplete for a student:
Approved Incomplete must meet three criteria:
The student must have completed at least 70-75% of the course work.
There must be an unusual problem that kept the student from completing the course.
The student may not be a graduating senior.
Valid Reasons:
Long-term health problems (or hospitalization), as verified with specific written explanation by the student’s attending physician.
Family or personal emergency (death of immediate family member or emotional trauma), as verified by the Vice President for
Student Development (for traditional students) or the Dean for Continuing Education (for DACE students).
Extreme circumstances that are beyond the planning and control of the student. (Examples: Field placement was canceled,
internship ended after last day of term, research data did not arrive on time.)
Invalid Reasons:
Student did not make good use of time and needs more time to complete the coursework.
Student had a heavy work schedule that prevented completion of the coursework.
Student did not contact the instructor (in the case of an online course, independent or individualized study, directed research or
readings course).
Instructors need to advise their students accordingly. All Incompletes must be requested before the end of the course, with enough time
left for the students to actually complete the coursework if the instructor rejects their requests. If students wait until the end of the course
to voice their requests, they run the risk of the instructor rejecting the request and it is then too late for them to finish their work. The
instructor would then be forced to issue an F (or whatever grade the student had earned at that point). In the case of last-minute
situations, please contact the Provost as soon as possible.
Incomplete Request Forms, with all signatures secured and all necessary documentation attached, should be submitted with the instructor’s
final grade sheets. If the final grade sheet is submitted without the signed incomplete form attached to it, the registrar will issue
an ‘F’ instead of an incomplete for any students for whom the instructor has issued a grade of incomplete. The instructor should
always keep a copy of the form for his/her records.
On the Incomplete Request Form, the instructor must specify the exact date the Incomplete work is due to the instructor and the date the
grade will be submitted to the registrar’s office. The maximum allowable time in which to finish an Incomplete is by the end of the
sixth week after the course’s original end date.
The day after the designated due date, the registrar’s office will issue a grade of F if a grade has not been submitted. The registrar’s office
will, at any time, issue a list of pending Incompletes to any instructors who request it, but will not notify instructors of impending F grade
changes. It is the instructor’s responsibility to keep track of his/her Incomplete due dates and to notify the registrar’s office of the
assigned grade when the work is completed, by filling out a Change of Grade Request.