Social Studies 8th Grade Scholar Packet Unit 2-American Revolution Greetings Scholar! I am pleased to serve as your Social Studies teacher this summer. I have provided an outline of the work responsibilities expected of you. What materials do you need? First, you will need a Social Studies journal. This is the place where you will write your Do Now’s and glue class work assignments. Second, you will need a manila folder. This is the place for all reading assignments and handouts. For your convenience, I have provided all the materials needed for the Unit. Where can you get help? First, go to our class website is: Here you will find: DCPS /RHI Standards AIM(s) Do Now’s Class work Vocabulary Word Bank Homework Log History Journal Quiz Study Guides Second, I have a master copy of the Social Studies Journal available for you to review anytime. Your journal should look like mine and have all the assignments. When do I turn in the work? You may turn it in each day or at the end of the week. You must bring it to me or Ms. Woodson. When do I take quizzes? Once you have completed all class work and homework and turned in your SS journal, then you may take your assessment. Can I do extra credit? Yes. Stop by Room 210 and there is a list of extra credit assignments on the wall. It will count towards projects. Please visit me in Room 210 if you have any questions or need help. Thank you, Ms. Davis Unit-American Revolution DCPS Standards AIMs Mon 8.2. (major events of the American Revolution) Tues 8.2; 8.2.4. (political and economic consequences of key battles) 1-I will be able to identify and examine the type of taxes England imposed on the colonists and its impact 1- I will be able to discuss the impact of the Boston Tea Party and write a rebus letter 2-I will be able to describe what happened in the Boston Massacre and decide whether it was a massacre Wed Holiday Thurs 8.2; 8.2.4; 8.2.3 (philosophy of the Declaration of Independence) Fri 8.2; 8.2.4; 8.2.3 1-I will state the main idea of the Declaration of Independence 1-I will be able to create a pictoral timeline of the American Revolution 2- I will be able relay the significance of an African American figure during the American Revolution by creating a facebook page 2-I will be able to explain the significance of battles during the American Revolution Do Now* Do Now-Why do we celebrate July 4th? Do Now-Why were the colonists taxed by England? Do Now-Why do countries go to war? Do Now-What was the most interesting piece of information learned about the American Revolution? Reading Assignments 1-Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, and Declaratory Act 2-Boston Massacre 1-Write Intolerable Acts for the school 2-Create a news headline about the Boston Massacre 1-Boston Tea Party 2-Lexington and Concord Battle 3-Bunker Hill Battle 1-Declaration of Independence 2-African Americans in the War All materials used in class 1-Write a rebus letter 2-Create a placemat 1-Write a song 2-Design a facebook page of an African American figure during the American Revolution Homework Choice 1-Performance Assessment (Create a pictoral timeline of key battles and people) Class work* Homework Homework Choice *Post in journal Homework Choice Homework Choice None