file - The Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies

Dr. Dorit Sivan
February 2009
. Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Name: Dorit Sivan
Place and date of birth: Rome, Italy, 17 July 1950
Date of immigration: 1952
Military service: 1968-1970
Marital Status: Married + 3
Citizenship: Israeli, ID No: 3096031/4
Permanent Address: Haklaim St. 4, Kefar Biyalik, Israel
Home phone: 972-4-8713879
Mobile phone: 972-054-8196192
Office Address and Department of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa
Office phone: 972-4-8240246. fax: 972-4-8240493
Higher Education
1970-1972: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, studies towards BA in Physical
Geography and Jewish History.
1972-1973: The University of Haifa. BA in Physical Geography and Jewish History.
1974-1982: The University of Haifa, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Maritime
Civilizations, MA Title of Thesis: “Paleogeography of the Akko area in the
Holocene period"
1987-1989: Supplementary studies for the PhD in the Faculty of Science, Institute of
Earth Science, Department of Geology, the Hebrew University of
1990-1995: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Faculty of Science, Institute of Earth
Sciences, Department of Geology, studies towards PhD degree
Doctor of Philosophy, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutions of Higher Education
1992-1995: University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, Instructor
1996-1998: University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, Instructor - Doctor
1998-1999: University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, Acting Lecturer
1999-2004; University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, Lecturer
Sabbatical, most of the time in Israel with two working periods abroad:
October-November in the Geography Department of Philipps University of
Marburg, Germany, and April-May in the Geography Department of the
University of Durham, England
24.11.2005: Appointed to Senior Lecturer in the Department of Maritime Civilizations
(including permanency).
4. Offices in University Academic Administration
1998-2002: Co-coordinator of the Mediterranean Civilizations project
2003-2004: Member of the council of the Faculty of Humanities.
2006-2009: Head of the Department of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa.
“Paleogeography of the Galilee coastal plain during the Quaternary”. Hebrew (with six
pages of English abstract), 213 pp.
The supervisors were
Prof. G. Gvirtzman. The Geological Survey, Israel (GSI), now at Bar-Ilan University,
Department of Geography.
Prof. E. Sass. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences, Geology.
The dissertation has been published as a Monograph of the Geological Survey (see section B).
Published: see B1 and C2
Authored Book
B.1. Sivan, D., 1996. “Paleogeography of the Galilee Coastal Plain during the Quaternary”.
Monograph of the Geological Survey, Israel, GSI/18/96. The Geological Survey,
Jerusalem, 214 pp. (In Hebrew, English abstract)
C.1. Inbar, M., and Sivan, D., 1984. “Paleo-urban Development and Late Quaternary
Environmental Change in the Akko Area”. Paléorient, V 9/2, pp. 85-91.
C.2. Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., Sass, E. 1999. “Quaternary Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of
the Galilee Coastal Plain, Israel”. Quaternary Research, 51: 280-294
C.3. Sivan, D. and Galili, E. 1999. “Holocene Tectonic Activity in the Coastal and Shallow
Shelf of the Western Galilee, Israel, a Geological and Archaeological Study”
Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, 48: 47-61
*C.4. Sivan, D., Wdowinski, S., Lamback, K., Galili, E., and Raban, A. 2001. “Holocene sealevel changes along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, based on archaeological observations
and Numerical model”. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 167:101-117
Elsevier, Amsterdam
*C.5. Sivan, D., Eliyahu, D., Raban, A. 2004. “Late Pleistocene to Holocene wetlands now
covered by sand, along the Carmel coast, Israel, and their relation to Human settlement: an
example from the coastal site of Dor” Journal of Coastal Research 20: 97-110
*C.6. Sivan, D., Lambeck, K., Toueg, R., Raban, A., Porat, Y., Shirman, B. 2004 .“Ancient
coastal wells of Caesarea Maritima, Israel, an indicator for sea level changes during the last
2000 years”. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (ESPL,) 222: 315-330, Elsevier,
*C.7. Sivan, D. and Porat, N. 2004. “Late Pleistocene contemporaneous formation of
calcareous aeolianite (kurkar) and paleosol (hamra) in the Carmel coast, Israel”.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Palaeo3), Elsevier, Amsterdam
*C.8. Kadosh, D., Sivan, D., Kutiel, H., Evron-Weinstein, M . 2004. “Late Quaternary
environmental changes based on stratigraphy and palynological data obtained from Dor,
Carmel Coast ,Israel”. Palynology, 28: 143-157
(I am one of the supervisors of the MA Thesis)
*C.9. Cohen – Seffer, R., Greenbaum, N., Sivan, D., Barmeir, E., Croitoru, S., Inbar, M. 2005.
“Late Pleistocene - Holocene marsh episodes along the Carmel coast, Israel”. Quaternary
International. 140-141: 103-120
(I am one of the supervisors of the PhD Thesis)
*C.10. Sivan D., Potasman M.., Almogi-Labin A., Bar-Yosef Mayer D.E., Spanier E., Boaretto
E. 2006."The Glycymeris query along the coasts and shallow shelf of Israel, south east
Mediterranean" Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Palaeo3), 233: 134148
(I am one of the supervisors of the MA Thesis)
**C11. Zviely, D. , Sivan, D. , Ecker, A. , Bakler, N. , Rohrlich, V. , Galili ‚ E. , Boaretto, , E.,
Klein, M. , Kit. E. , 2006. "The Holocene evolution of the Haifa Bay area, Israel, and its
influence on ancient human settlements".The Holocene 16 (6):849-861
**C12 . Hyams-Kaphzan, O., Almogi-Labin, A., Sivan, D., Benjamini, C., 2008. Benthic
foraminifera assemblage change along the southeastern Mediterranean inner shelf due to fall-off of Nilederived siliciclastics. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, Volume
248, Number 3, June pp. 315-344(30), E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers
**C13 . Porat, N., Sivan, D., Zviely, D. 2008. Late Holocene embayment and sedimentological
infill processes in Haifa Bay, SE Mediterranean. Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, 57: 21-31
D.1 Sivan, D., 1986. “Paleo-shorelines in Akko Area in the Holocene”. In: Antiquities of the
Western Galilee (M.Yedaaya, ed), Israel Defence Ministry, Publishing House, pp. 113123 (In Hebrew)
*D.2 Cohen Seffer, R., Sivan, D., Greenbaum, N., Almogi-Labin, A., Rosenfeld, A., Inbar,
M., (in press.). The marsh landscape of the Carmel Coastal plain during the Holocene,
Atiqot, (In Hebrew, English abstract).
*E.1 Lambeck. K., Sivan, D., and Purcell, T. (in press). Timing of the Black Sea –
Mediterranean connection from isostatic sea level models constrained by regional sea level
data. In: V.Yanko-Hombach, A. Gilbert, and N. Panin, (eds) "The Black Sea Flood
Question: Changes in Coastline, Climate, and Human Settlement" NATO Science Series
IV – Earth and Environmental Sciences, Kluwer Academic Press, UK-USA
Te paper has been reviewed by two referees.
F.1 Bakler, N., and Sivan, D., 1977. "The Upper Pleistocene geomorphology and geology of
Haifa Bay and Akko Plain". The Geological Survey, 6 pp.)Internal report in Hebrew)
F.2 Sivan, D., 1986. "Paleogeography of the Akko area in the Holocene period". In: Cities on
the Sea - Past and Present. First International Symposium on Harbours, Port Cities and
Coastal Topography. Haifa, Israel. 22-29.9.1986, pp 175-176. (Abstract)
F.3 Sivan, D., and Gvirtzman, G., 1991. "The Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Galilee coastal
plain". Field trips guidebook. Israel Geological Society, Annual Meeting. Akko, pp 17-29
(Field trips guidebook in Hebrew)
F.4 Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., and Sass E., 1992. "Distinction between marine and eolian
kurkar: an example from the Galilee shore". Israel Geological Society, Annual Meeting.
Askqelon, pp 143. (English and Hebrew Abstract)
F.5 Sivan D., and Gvirtzman, G., 1992. "Petrographic analysis by means of
cathodoluminescence: first results from coastal calcareous sandstones of Galilee". Israel
Geological Society, Annual Meeting. Askqelon, pp.142. (English and Hebrew Abstract)
F.6 Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., Kaufman, A., and Sass E., 1994. "The Yasaf member: A
Strombus-bearing unit on the coast of Galilee representing the Tyrrhenian event in the
Mediterranean". Israel Geological Society, Annual Meeting. Ginosar, pp. 106. (English
and Hebrew Abstract)
F.7 Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., and Sass E., 1995. "The Quaternary stratigraphy of the Galilee
coastal plain". Geological Society, Annual Meeting. Zikhron Ya`aqov, pp. 112. (English
and Hebrew Abstract)
F.8 Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., and Sass E., 1995. "High resolution stratigraphy of the Late
Quaternary of the Galilee coastal plain, Israel". International Union for Quaternary
Research. 9th International Congress, 3-10.8.1995. Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany.
F.9 Sivan, D., Gvirtzman, G., and Sass, E., 1996. "Upper Pleistocene coastlines in the Galilee
coastal plain, Israel, with an emphasis on stage 7.1 and 5.5 phases". Geological Society,
Annual Meeting. Eilat, pp. 89. (English and Hebrew Abstract)
F.10 Sivan D., 1996. "Dating archaeological sites along the Israeli coast, using geological
methods, an example from Evron site, Galilee coastal plain, Israel". Before Modern
Humans, 400-200 Ka. International Congress. 3-9.9.1996. University of Haifa. (Abstract)
F.11 Sivan, D., and Gvirtzman, G., 1997. "Evidence of young tectonic activity in the Galilee
coastal plain". Geological Society, Annual Meeting. Kefar Gil`adi, Field trips guidebook,
pp. 47-51. (Field trips guidebook in Hebrew)
F.12 Sivan, D. 1997. "Holocene environmental conditions in the Galilee coastal plain. Israel"
Society for Ecology: The 28th Annual Meeting, University of Haifa, (Abstract in Hebrew)
F.13 Sivan, D., Wdowinski, S., Raban, A., and Lambeck, K., 1988. "Archaeological evidence
for Holocene sea level changes from the Mediterranean coast of Israel". Geological
Society, Annual Meeting. Mizpe Ramon, p 100 (English and Hebrew Abstract)
F.14 Eliyahu, D., Beck, A., Sivan, D., and Raban, A., 1998. "Geophysical survey, using the
seismic refraction method for subsurface mapping on the coast of Dor, Israel". Geological
Society, Annual Meeting. Mizpe Ramon, p 23 (English and Hebrew Abstract)
F.15 Galili, E., and Sivan, D., 1988. "Young tectonic activity in the Galilee coasts - the rate of
vertical displacement according to underwater and coastal geological and archaeological
finds". Geological Society, Annual Meeting. Mizpe Ramon, p 32 (English and Hebrew
F.16 Evron, M., and Sivan, D., 1998. “Environmental changes and their influence on human
populations in the Mediterranean”. The conference on the Mediterranean as a Regio, the
Mediterranean Civilizations Project, University of Haifa, Haifa, pp 29-30
F.17 Sivan, D., Wdowinski, S., Lambeck, K., Galili, E., Raban, A., 1999. “Holocene sea-level
changes along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, archaeological observations versus
isostatic model”. IUGG99 Congress, Birmingham, UK p 1 (Abstract)
F.18 Sivan, D., Wdowinski, S., Lambeck, K., Galili, E., Raban, A., 1999. “Holocene sea-level
changes along the Mediterranean coast of Israel, based on archaeological data and a
numerical model”. XV INQUA Congress, Durban, South Africa p 1 (Abstract)
*F.19 Cohen-Sefer, R., Sivan, D., Bar-Meir, E., Grinbaum, N., Inbar, M. 2000. "Core
stratigraphy, analysis using X-ray radiography, from Kabara marshes and Maagan-Michael
coastline". Geological Society, Annual Meeting, Ma’alot. p 7
*F.20 Sivan, D., Raban, A., Eliyahu, D., 2000. "Late Pleistocene to Holocene paleogeography
of the lagoon of Dor, northern coast, Israel". The Mediterranean continental margin of
Israel, the 12th Annual Meeting, Haifa
*F.21 Barmeir, E., Croitoru, S., Cohen-Sefer, R., Greenbaum, N., Inbar, M., Sivan, D., 2000.
"Radiographic and 3-D computed tomography (CT) of sedimentologic sample cores from
the Kabara marshes and Ma’agan-Michael coastline for analysis of prehistoric periods".
The Radiology Congress, Eilat
*F.22 Sivan, D. 2001. "Environmental conditions along the northern coastal plain, Israel,
during the last 20,000 years and their affinity to human settlement". Geological Society,
Annual Meeting, Eilat, p 116
*F.23 Kadosh, D., Weinstein-Evron, M., Sivan, D., and Kutiel, H. 2002. "A new
paleoenvironmental record of the Late Pleistocene Early Holocene from Dor, Carmel
coastal plain, Israel". Geological Society, Annual Meeting, Ma’agan, p 55
*F. 24 Sivan, D., and Lambeck, K. 2003. The sea level curve of the Israeli coast over the last
8000 years. Puglia, Italy, IGCP 437 – Quaternary coastal morphology and sea level
*F.25 Sivan, D., Toueg, R., Raban, A., Porath, Y., Shirman, B., Lambeck, K. 2003. Sea level
changes during the last 2000 years based on ancient coastal wells of Caesarea Maritima,
Israel. Athens, Greece, IAG – Working Group on Geoarchaeology. Sea level changes in
Eastern Mediterranean during Holocene, indications and human impact
*F.26 Sivan, D. 2003. The Holocene sea level curve of the Israeli coast. Santorini, Greece,
CIESM Workshop on Man's record of recent geological evolution in the Mediterranean
*F.27 Lambeck, K., Sivan, D. 2003. Early Holocene sea level curve of the coast of Israel,
East Mediterranean. Seattle, USA, GSA (Geological Society of America) Annual Meeting.
*F. 28 Cohen-Sefer, R., Greenbaum, N., Sivan, D., Inbar, M. 2004. The stratigraphy of the
southern Carmel coast wetlands – Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The Annual Meeting of
the Israel Geological Society, Hagoshrim, Israel
*F. 29. Kadosh, D., Sivan, D., Kutiel, H., Weinstein-Evron, M. 2004. Late Quaternary
palaeoenvironments in Dor, the Carmel coast, Israel. IPC: International Palynological
Congress, Granada, Spain
*F. 30 Cohen-Sefer, R., Greenbaum, N., Sivan, D., almogi-Labin, A., Rosenfeld, A., Inbar,
M. 2004. The Holocene marshes of the Carmel coast. The Annual Meeting of the
Geographical Society, Haifa, Israel
*F.31 Sivan, D. 2004. Environmental changes in the Carmel coast and their affinity to human
settlement during the last 10,000 years. The Planet Day, IGS, Weitzman Institute of
Science (in Hebrew)
*F. 32 Shmueli, A., Sivan, D., Spanier, E., Morhange, C., Breitstein, S., Yurman, A. 2005.
Dendropoma petraeum as a biological indicator of relative sea level. The annual meeting
of the Israeli Marine Sciences Association (Hebrew and English abstracts)
*F. 33 Sivan, D and Zvieli, D. 2005. Late Pleistocene – Holocene geological history of Haifa
Bay, Israel, and its influence on human settlement. DUNKERQUE 2005. A joint INQUA –
IGCP 495 Meeting on Late Quaternary Coastal Change Sea Level, Sedimentary Forcing
and Anthropogenic Impacts
*F. 34 Almogi-Labin, A., Tapiero, I., Katab, S., Shriki, D., Schilman, B., Siman-Tov, R., BarMatthews, M., Ayalon, A., Sivan, D., Benjamini, C., Matthews, A., and Patern,M. 2005.
Foraminiferal assemblages as sensitive records of climate variability in the eastern
Mediterranean during the Quaternary. The G.M. Friedman seminar on Paleoclimate and
Paleoceanography , The Institute of Earth sciences, faculty of science, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
*F.35 Boaretto, E., Mienis, H., Sivan, D. 2005. Reservoir ages based on shells from different
depth along the coast of Israel. !0th International Accelarator Mass Sprctrometry
Conference, San Francisco,
*F.36 Gruber L., Almogi-Labin, A., Sivan, D., Herut, B. 2005. Life Cycle of two symbiontbearing foraminifera – new arrivers on the Israeli shelf, SE Mediterranean Sea. Symbiosis
Wien, Austria
*F. 37 Avnaim-Katab, S., Almogi-Labin, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Schilman, B., A.yalon, A.,
Sivan, D., Patern, M. 2005. Benthic foraminifera as sensitive Recorders of climate and
environmental variability in the SE Mediterranean and NE Mediterranean during the
Holocene. AGU Fall Meeting (December, 5-9), San Francisco, California, USA.
**F.38 Katav-Avnaim, S., Almogi-Labin, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Schilman, B., Ayalon, A.,
Sivan, D., Paterne, M. 2006. Benthic Foraminifera as a tool for reconstructing Holocene
climate changes in the eastern Mediterranean basin, Israel. Geological Society, Annual
meeting, Beit Shean,
**F. 39. R. Cohen-Seffer., A. Almogi-Labin ., N. Greenbaum. , D. Sivan ., A. Rosenfeld.,
H.K. Mienis., and M. Inbar . 2006. The episode of the coastal wetlands in Israel based on
the Carmel coast research, Israel. Geological Society, Annual meeting, Beit Shean,
**F. 40. Sivan, D. 2006. The Holocene sea level of the coast of Israel. The G. M. Friedman
Seminar on The East Mediterranean, The Institute of Earth Sciences , Faculty of
Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March, 7th, 2006.
**F.41 Gruber, L., Almogi-Labin, L., Sivan, D., and Herut, B. 2006.. Population dynamics of
two larger foraminifera as environmental indicators of the Carmel coast. The annual
meeting of the Israeli Marine Sciences Association (Hebrew and English abstracts)
**F.42 Sivan, D. 2006. The Holocene Sea-level of the Coast of Israel. Understanding Sealevel Rise and Variability. Workshop. Paris, France
**F.43 Porat, N., Sivan, D., Zviely, D. 2006. Mid Holocene Eastern Mediterranean sea-level
stabilization, Haifa bay, Israel
*F. 44. Sivan, D., Porat, N., Zviely, D. 2007. Luminescence ages shed light on Late Holocene
sea-level stabilization and coastline migration in Haifa Bay, Israel. XVII INQUA
Congress, Cairns, Australia. The abstract will be printed in The Quaternary
International Journal, 2007
**F.45 Antonioli, F., Anzidei, M., Lambeck, K., Sivan, D. 2007. Sea level changes in the
Mediterranean since historical times: an overview. XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns,
Australia. The abstract will be printed in The Quaternary International Journal, 2007
**F.46 Sivan, D., Schattner, U., Morhange, C., Lambeck, K. and Boaretto, E., 2008. Late
Holocene tectonic segmentation of the eastern Mediterranean continental margin,
based on sea level bio-markers. Geological Society of Israel annual meeting, Nazareth.
**F. 47 Sivan, D, Schattner, U., Lambeck, K.,Shirman, B., Stern, E., 2008. Lower sea-levels
during the Crusader period (11th to 13th centuries AD) as witnessed in Israel: Do they
indicate a global eustatic component?. "Observations and Causes of Sea-Level
Changes on Millennial to Decadal Timescales", The Geological Society, London, UK.
**F.48 Anzidei, M., Lambeck, K., Antonioli, F., Sivan, D., Stocchi, P., Spada, G., Gasperini,
G., Soussi, M., Benini, M., Serpelloni, E., Baldi, P Pondrelli, S., Vannucci, G., 2008.
Sea level changes and vertical land movements in the Mediterranean from historical
and geophysical data and modelling. "Observations and Causes of Sea-Level Changes
on Millennial to Decadal Timescales", The Geological Society, London, UK.
**F49 Sivan, D., Schattner, U., Morhange, C., Lambeck, K., Anziedi, M., Antonioli, F.,
Benini, A., 2008. “Improved understanding of sea-levels and the role of vertical
tectonic movements during the last 2000 years along the eastern Mediterranean
coastline”. Fifth IGCP 495 Meeting, "Quaternary Land-Ocean Interactions: Driving
Mechanisms and Coastal Responses" Faro, Portugal.
**F50 U. Schattner, D. Sivan, C. Morhange, K. Lambeck, and E. Boaretto. 2009 Late
Holocene diffused interaction between a transform fault and nearby continental
margin, extracted by comparing biological sea-level indicators and hydro-isostatic
numerical predictions along the eastern Mediterranean coasts. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9687, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009