OBJECTIVES: Please include descriptions of what you have learned about the fruit fly
life cycles, mutant phenotypes, various modes of inheritance, and data analysis.
MATERIALS: Please include sections on all living materials for all crosses, chemicals,
and hardware.
Culturing Techniques: (Please describe the sequence of steps used of setting up culture
tubes, initiating crosses, segregating generations, and counting phenotypes.
Drawings: Please include life cycle diagram of fruit fly, pp. 81-82 describing the traits of
male and female and of the mutant alleles studied in the lab.
Punnett Squares: Include Punnett Squares showing the predicted ratio of genotypes and
phenotypes for the F1 generation, and the F2 generation of all five crosses. Title each
cross with its assigned number, the parental phenotypes and genotypes. Use color to
correlate the genotypes inside the Punnett Squares with the phenotypes shown at the side.
Log: Include the log showing dates and observations of your crosses on lab manual p.83
and raw data on p. 84.
Data Chart: Include a copy of sheets 1,2, and 3 (see Excel file stored under “Laboratory
Data” on school website) showing the actual fly counts and Chi Square analyses for all
five crosses.
Discussion Questions:
1. Add the following question to the beginning of the discussion questions on lab
manual p. 85:
Describe the life cycle of Drosophila. Describe briefly why Drosophila is
such a desirable species of organism for doing genetic studies. In what way
does current biological research use Drosophila? For a brief introduction
and links for further information see
2. Do NOT include a column for F2 phenotype ratio in question #3.
3. OMIT question #5.
4. Do NOT include the worksheet on Human Genetics (lab manual pp. 93-99) with
your lab report.
The final lab report will not be due until Jan. 4 (the second lab period after we
return from Winter vacation). You should make attempts to complete all sections of
the report during the vacation. Any problems or questions we will discuss on Jan. 2.