Guidelines for the NAV_VP_R11 registration form and KKK2.0

National Tax and Customs Administration
KKK2.0 Registration
Full registration process:
I. Registration of the client’s communication authorizations at NTCA's Customs
II. Basic user
III. Basic activated user (certified email address)
IV. Prime user
V. Secondary users
Pre-requisite of registering communication authorizations is that the client possesses a valid
EORI number. The communication channels are to be applied for with a NAV_VP_R11 form - Only in
case of foreigner trader and lodging foreigner natural person. The form is available under the
following link:
The document is to be submitted either personally or through postal mail to the territorially
competent customs directorate.
The exact addresses of the customs directorates are available under the following link:
The representative acting on behalf of the client at NTCA customs office receives the certification of
the EÜC registration which contains the unique client activation code and the requested
communication authorizations.
Registration in the KKK2.0 system: Basic user
In order the user to be able to conduct electronic exchange of data through a web application and
web service he first needs to be registered as a basic user.
After the form had been filled out properly and sent the application generates an automatic message
to the email address provided at registration. (The following informatory text appears on screen „The
processing of your request has been started. An email notification will be sent to you about the
outcome of the process”. In case of incorrectly or non-sufficiently filled out forms the application
sends an error message to the user about the mistakes or missing information. (the submission of a
“Vezetéknév” (‘Family name’), “Utónév” (‘First name’), “E-mail cím” (‘Email address’) and “Új jelszó”
(‘New password’) is obligatory. “Új jelszó” (‘New password’) has to be registered twice in the interest
of confirmation.
IMPORTANT: “The password must contain a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 characters, must
contain both small and capital letters, a number and a special character.”
Basic activated user:
In the course of registration on the KKK-WEB surface, the e-mail message sent by the application will
contain a unique activation URL which serves to certify the e-mail address of the basic activated user.
In order for activation the user will have to click the URL given in the e-mail message and this will
automatically navigate them back to the user surface of KKK-WEB. The user is notified of the
successful activation in an e-mail. Consequently, if the user provided an incorrect e-mail address,
they cannot activate their registration. In case the holder of the incorrectly given e-mail account
clicks the activation URL, the activation will take place; however, the user of the e-mail account
will be unaware of the password given in the course of registration. The e-mail contains the
generated user ID: a string of 6 characters beginning with 2 numbers. After that the user can enter
the surface with that username and the previously given password.
Activating client registration: Prime user:
The basic activated user will need to initiate the activation of the client registration on the KKK-WEB
using the client activation code he received at the NTCA customs directorate.
In order for activation and following log-in the “Ügyfélregisztráció aktiválása” (‘Activation of client
registration’) option should be selected within the “Saját adatok” (‘Own data’) menu; and
subsequently, the activation code given by the directorate is to be entered into the field shown
Following a successful activation the basic user who performed the activation turns into a prime
user and automatically receives all the communication authorizations originally assigned to the
client at the NTCA customs office.
Only the prime user is authorized to create secondary users rendered to the client and assign those
communication authorizations he has as well.
Registering a new secondary KKK-user
A new secondary user can be created in the „Ügyfél KKK - felhasználói” (‘Client KKK - user’) menu.
The surface that pops up already contains the name and user-identification of the client to whom the
newly created secondary user will belong to.
The prime user can create a new secondary user by clicking on the „Új másodlagos KKK-felhasználó
regisztrálása” (‘Registration of new secondary KKK user’) button.
Data, e-mail address and password of the secondary user must be given by the prime user in the
course of registration. Registered data can be accepted by clicking “Regisztrál” (‘Registration’)
There is an opportunity to create further secondary users, for that purpose the “Új másodlagos KKKfelhasználó regisztrálása” button is to be clicked and the registration process is to be repeated. The
prime user may modify the data ( ), password ( ), e-mail address ( ) and authorizations (
of users by clicking on pictograms in the „Ügyfél KKK-felhasználói” menu .
In order to enable the new secondary user to send messages on behalf of the client the prime user
needs to assign communication authorizations to the secondary user he created.
for the submission of electronic applications via KKK-Web
Only in case of foreigner trader and lodging foreigner natural person
Our Clients are kindly informed hereby that after filling out the registration form created by
the National Tax and Customs Administration, the form is to be personally or by post
submitted to the County Customs Directorate.
Registration at the customs authority: In the framework of conducting electronic procedures
as defined by Act CXL of 2004 on the general rules of administrative authority procedures
there is an opportunity to submit electronic customs declarations, applications for refunds and
other electronic data via the KKK-Web.
Client: The client is a natural or legal person or an association without legal personality
whose rights, rightful interests or legal situation are affected by an authority procedure, who
has been rendered to undergo an authority control or about whom the registry of the authority
keeps data (including their property, rights or assets). In the case of a connection via the
KKK2 system between the National Tax and Customs Administration and registered clients,
the client is a natural or legal person or an association without legal personality who conducts
an electronic exchange of data. Registering the communication rights of the client takes place
at the territorially competent County Customs Directorate. In the course of the registration
process the client or its representative visits the County Customs and Finance Guard
Directorate where the customs authority user – the finance guard – assists them in registering
their application for electronic data exchange and the requisite rights allocated to the client are
given out. In the registration process the client is given an activating code generated by the
system which is required in order to associate the client intending to pursue electronic
exchange of data and registered at the County Customs Directorate with the basic user
registered in the KKK-Web who in the future will pursue information exchange on behalf of
the client.
In view of the fact that NTCA’s internal professional systems ECS, ICS, NCTS identify
clients on the basis of their EORI the pre-requisite of registering a data exchange application
is that the client possesses a valid EORI code.
KKK-user: The KKK-user is an actual or technical user registered through the web system
and endowed with the necessary identifications (a user identification and a password
generally) who is actually capable to exchange electronic information through the KKK2
system. The basic KKK-user is a user registered in the web interface who gave their personal
data (name, e-mail address etc.) but is not yet associated with a particular client. Only a basic
user can become a prime KKK-user who is rendered to and identified with a particular client.
The prime KKK-user in the KKK2 electronic system is the primary counterpart of the actual
client who registered at the County Customs Directorate, who first registers as a basic client
and then gives the activation code generated in the process of client registration in the
regional control center or NTCA_CFG office. When the activation code is given the basic
user becomes a prime KKK2 user and receives all channel authorizations rendered to the
client in the course of registration. The prime user may transfer its authorizations to secondary
users created by them and may also check messages sent to their own secondary users.
Secondary KKK2-user(s) rendered to a client are directly associated with the client and send
and receive their messages. Their creation, management of their authorizations and their
deletion are all performed by the prime user.
Customs authority registration process: Those foreign clients who only have an EORI
identification number (a unique number given to business operators or other persons in the
European Communities allocated by a customs authority or other appointed authority or
authorities of Member States) are not required to give their tax identification number or tax
number. During registration the client must present the following documents to back up the
application data:
 Document certifying legal representation: The client (tax subject) must give an
authorization to a natural person who can register on its behalf.
 A copy of a personal identification card or passport: Foreign applicants may also
submit forms to the Customs Directorate of the NTCA with the serial number of
their identification document recorded – for that purpose a copy of these
documents must be attached.
Modifying registration at the customs authority:
Modifying authorization data of a client (extension or restriction) is to be applied for by filling
a new VPOP_R11 out and the procedure is identical to the one described at customs authority
registration process.
Revoking customs authority registration:
There is an opportunity for a prime user to withdraw channel authorizations on behalf of the
client either personally or through postal mail by submitting documents certifying legal
representation at the territorially competent County Customs and Finance Guard Directorate.
The form may not contain a correction or modifications in such cases the customs authority
requests the tax subject to submit missing information.
National Tax and Customs Administration