BREAD AND ROLL PRODUCTION Function of Ingredients in Bread Production In the production of bread and rolls, the baker must control formulation, ingredient procurement, processing technologies, equipment, people issues, and regulatory issues. Since the process begins with ingredients, it is only reasonable that quality control should start with an understanding of what the ingredients do. Once this is understood, the baker can more effectively work with a supplier to obtain raw materials that will produce the best results. Knowledge of ingredient functionality is also important in product development as well as existing product troubleshooting. When the baker is having problems with one ingredient, it is possible to offset the problem with another ingredient. Using good technical skills, the baker can manipulate the inconsistencies of ingredients to produce a uniform, consistent product. The predominant ingredient in bread-related products is flour. Most formulations yield slightly over 1.5 pounds of bread for every pound of flour. In fact, when discussing other ingredients, we will base all usage levels in comparison to flour. We call this percentage "Bakers Percent". When using Bakers Percent, the total flour will always add up to 100%. Before discussing the function of flour, we must first realize that flour is divided into many separate parts. Most of the flour is composed of starch, and this starch is either undamaged or damaged during the milling process. The damaged starch is fully hydrated in the dough, but the undamaged (or native) starch cannot fully hydrate until the baking process. Normal levels of damaged starch are between 6 and 11 percent in bread flours. The flour is also composed of protein, and most of the protein is gluten-forming protein. The gluten-forming protein is insoluble in water and forms a rubbery mass when mixed with water. There is also moisture present in flour as well as small amounts of fat, sugars, and mineral content (ash). A small amount of vegetable gum material called pentosans is also present in wheat flour. The pentosans absorb 10 times their weight in water. Common specifications for flour include moisture (12 - 14%), ash (.45 - .65%), and protein (10.5 -13%) level. Many bakers ask for other specifications in addition to these. Of course, flour conies from the wheat kernel, and the miller is able to yield about 75% flour out of the wheat that is processed. The other 25% of the kernel is composed of bran, germ, and animal feed. The white flour comes from the middle of the kernel, which is called the endosperm. The endosperm is lower in mineral content than is the bran portion. For this reason, the amount of ash in flour should give an indication of how well the miller separated the bran from the endosperm. However, some of the newer varieties of wheat have overall higher mineral contents, so the ash level is not a good indicator for bakers. Many factors in today's market have resulted in flour problems for the baker. Such variables as climatic conditions during growing and harvesting, the kind of wheat variety that is planted, government farm policies, and fertilizer and pesticide usage have impacted the quality of wheat that is produced. Efforts are ongoing to improve the overall quality, but variations are still going to occur. The flour miller can somewhat offset the variations of wheat by blending wheat’s and blending flours to meet bakery specifications on a consistent basis. Traditionally, the higher the protein level of flour, the better is the expected quality and the higher is the price. As we mentioned earlier, most of the protein in wheat flour is gluten-forming protein. This is unique to the grain of wheat, and it allows the dough to retain gas. That is, as gas is produced by yeast activity, the whole mass rises. In bread production, we optimize gas retention by mixing and fermentation. We associate protein level with the word "strength". The higher the protein, the stronger the flour. Later on we will discuss ingredients that improve the gas-retaining ability of the protein. An important factor to consider is that the quality of the protein is just as important as the quantity of protein. It is possible to make better bread with lower protein flour. To improve the performance of flour, the miller will commonly add certain specified treatments to the flour. These treatments include bleaching, enriching, malting, and maturing. The main function of flour is to provide the structure needed to produce leavened bread. The dough rises due to the expansion of the gluten, and once the dough reaches a temperature of between 140 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit, the starch gelatinizes. Once starch gelatinization is complete, the structure is set, and the dough is now bread. During gelatinization, the starch granules rupture and become fully hydrated. As the granules hydrate, they swell and the product becomes more viscous. Another important factor to remember is that damaged and gelatinized starch is converted to maltose sugar by enzyme activity. We will discuss enzymes later. The flour will affect the handling qualities of the dough and all of the quality factors that will be evaluated in the product. ,, WATER is the second ingredient on the label, and the control of it is important. The main function of water is hydration. In other words, all ingredients must have water present to function as expected. For example, flour must be hydrated in order to form gluten and in order for the starch to gelatinize. Water also serves as a dispersing agent and a medium for fermentation. Therefore, control of water would require pH and hardness monitoring. In areas where pH and hardness fluctuate greatly, water treatment equipment should be considered. Water is also used to control dough temperature, and can be used in the form of ice. The total level of water in a bread dough is normally within the range of 55 to 65%. Bakers usually add water when the dough feels too dry and tough. When doughs are too sticky, bakers either cut water or look for ways to bind more water with other ingredients. Water is the best crumb softener, so it is a good idea to have enough water in the dough, and water is the least expensive ingredient in the formulation. However, too much water can dilute an otherwise good product. YEAST is used in bread dough to provide leavening. The level of usage in most breads is about 2 to 5% compressed yeast. Yeast is able to convert fermentable sugars such as maltose, glucose, fructose, and sucrose into carbon dioxide and alcohol. This reaction, which is called fermentation, gives off heat. That is why the baker can judge fermentation by the increase in temperature. Acids and flavors are also generated by yeast activity. Yeast is a living organism, and its activity can be influenced by storage practices, dough temperatures and pH, availability of water, and food supply. Of these control points, the most important is temperature. Compressed yeast is sold in cake or crumble form. Many large bakeries are now switching from compressed to cream yeast. The advantage of cream yeast is that there is no packaging or handling needed, but the initial investment in equipment is quite expensive. Both compressed and cream yeasts need to be stored at refrigerated conditions. The dry yeasts are a good option for longer shelf life without a need for refrigerated storage. Active dry yeast must be prehydrated 5 to 15 minutes before adding to a dough in 95 -110 degree water. Instant dry yeast can be added to a dough without prehydrating. Dry yeasts are convenient and easy to store and use. However, by drying the yeast, some activity is lost, so more yeast is used on a solids basis with the dry yeasts. When converting from one type of yeast to another, the water must be adjusted to get the same dough consistency. Table 1 Available Forms of Bakers Yeast (Handling Conditions) Fresh Compressed 36°- 45° F (2° - 7° C) Storage temperature Storage life Cream 35°-39°F{1 -4C) 3 to 4 weeks 10 to 14 days Percent water Conversion factor compared to compressed Handling requirements 67-72% 1 84-80% 1.5-1.8 - Water Weigh and add with other ingredients or dispersed in water before mixing. Meter and add with other ingredients Table 2 Available Forms of Bakers Yeast (Handling Conditions) Dry Storage temperature Storage life Percent water Conversion factor compared to compressed Handling requirements Active Dry Instant Dry Room temperature Room temperature 2 months, 12 months depends on packaging 1 year plus 6-8% 4-6% ,4-.5 + Water Must rehydrate in 105°-110°Fwater (40°-43°C)for10-15 minutes before use .33 - .4 + Water Dry blend with other drying or delay addition Table 3 Products of Yeast Fermentation Yeast + C6H12O6 = 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + other organic materials Yeast + dextrose/fructose + ethyl alcohol + carbon dioxide + -orglycerol, organic acids, aldehydes, fusel oils and other flavor compounds 100 IDS+ 49 IDS+ 4 Jbs Table 4 Factors Which Control the Rate of Yeast Activity__________________________ A. Food supply — up to 6% faster yeast activity, greater than 6% slower yeast activity B. Ingredient water— higher water faster yeast activity, lower water slower yeast activity C. Dough temperature — higher temperature faster yeast activity, lower temperature slower yeast activity D. Dough pH — 4 - 6 pH range, outside of this range slower yeast activity SALT'S main function is to bring out the flavor of the baked product. Salt tends to bring out the good flavors and mask off-flavors. Usage levels are normally between 1.75 and 2.25%. Bread made with less than 1.75% salt will taste bland, and bread made with more than 2.25% salt will taste salty. In addition to impacting flavor, salt also inhibits fermentation due to the osmotic pressure effect, which is the partial dehydration of the yeast cell. Lastly, salt toughens the gluten. Weaker flours could actually be strengthened by adding salt. Salt lengthens mixing time, so it is common to delay the addition of the salt to the mixer. By doing this, the toughening effect is also delayed, and mixing time can be reduced by 10 to 20%. The advantages of reduced mixing time include increased mixer capacity in terms of pounds per hour, lower finished dough temperatures, and less energy usage. Faster flour hydration is also seen with delayed salt. Some bakers do not delay the salt due to increased chances of mistakes (forgetting to add or adding double) as well as reduced tolerance to over mixing. MINERAL YEAST FOOD is a compound ingredient that actually has three main functions: 1. Water Conditioner: Calcium (Carbonate or Sulfate) and Magnesium (Phosphate or Chloride) to control hardness, Monocalcium Phosphate to control pH. 2. Yeast Conditioner: Ammonium Salts to supply nitrogen for yeast. 3. Dough Conditioner: Oxidizing agents strengthen protein. Since most of the industry has voluntarily removed bromates from yeast food, the bromate replacers have taken the place of mineral yeast food. In fact, many bakers no longer use ammonium salts as a yeast conditioner. This appears to be more useful to the yeast producer than to the baker. Therefore, mineral yeast food is not an essential ingredient, and the normal usage level is between 0 and .75%. SUGAR'S main function is to provide food for the yeast. In a normal bread production process, 3 to 3.5% fermentable solids are required to sustain yeast activity. This food supply can come from added sugar, from conversion of starches to sugars, or a combination of both. Therefore, sugar is not an essential ingredient. Secondary functions of sugar are all related to sugar that is not fermented, which is called residual sugar. As residual sugar levels are higher, crust color is darker, taste is sweeter, and moisture retention is improved due to the hygroscopic properties of sugar. There are many kinds of sugars, or fermentable carbohydrates, used in the industry. The most common is 42 high fructose corn syrup. This syrup has the same sweetness on a solid basis as does Sucrose (table sugar) and it is easier to handle for large bakeries since the syrup can be pumped. The 42 means that 42% of the solids in the syrup is fructose. Higher numbers mean the syrup will be sweeter. Lactose sugar is non-fermentable. When storing syrups, it is important to keep the temperature slightly warm (around 85 degrees Fahrenheit). If the syrup gets cold, it will crystallize during storage. If the syrup gets too hot, it will darken or caramelize. Usage levels for sugars range from 0 to 15%. Once you use more than 15 percent, the product is no longer bread, but is now sweet dough. SHORTENING is used in bread production to provide overall lubrication. It becomes necessary to use a small amount to facilitate slicing. We recommend a minimum of .7 to 1% for good slicing, although some bakers use less than this on low-calorie breads. Besides lubricating the baked crumb, shortening also lubricates the dough, and this eases dough expansion and helps in the handling of the dough through the makeup processes. Shortening also tenderizes the crust and improves shelf life by retarding staling. Normal usage levels are from 0 to 5%. White pan bread usage is between 1.5 and 3%. The most commonly used shortening today is soybean oil. Most bakers have removed all animal fats such as lard and butter from formulations so that no cholesterol is on the label. Oil is easier to handle than solid shortening, and if used in combination with emulsifiers, the baker can make very good bread using vegetable oil. MILK SOLIDS primarily function as nutritional supplements. Milk is high in lysine and calcium, and the overall nutritional quality of the milk protein is excellent. Liquid milk is almost never used in the baking industry for two main reasons: it is very perishable, and the serum protein in milk has a weakening effect upon the gluten protein in wheat flour. By using high-heat treated nonfat dry milk, the baker was able to get the benefits of milk without the disadvantages. Besides improving nutritional quality, milk solids improve flavor (if used at a high enough level), dough handling qualities, and overall processing tolerance (deeper, more consistent crust color, more stable pH, strengthening of gluten). Most bakers are now using milk replacers because they are less expensive than non fat dry milk. The replacers are usually blends of soy flour and whey. The whey provides lactose sugar and some protein. However, the whey only has about 1/3 the amount of protein of the non fat dry milk, so soy flour is added to make up for the lack of protein. Usage levels of milk or milk replacer is between 0 and 4%. ENRICHMENT is the addition of specific vitamins and minerals to the flour or dough to improve public health. The initial objective of this was to replace nutrients lost during the milling process. Many nutrient-deficiency diseases such as beri-beri and pellagra have been nearly completely eradicated in the United States since enriching began nearly 50 years ago. Because of the success of the program, flour and dough are looked at as a vehicle for providing other nutrients to the public that are deemed as needed. One of these ingredients is calcium. Other nutrients are being discussed, and the list most likely will lengthen in the future. MOLD INHIBITORS are additives that have a retarding effect upon the growth of mold and bacteria. It should also be noted that mold inhibitors will also inhibit yeast. To produce a mold-free product, it is most important to have a very clean production facility where equipment and plant air are clean and employees follow good manufacturing practices. Good sanitation habits will limit the amount of unseen mold that is initially on the product. Bread is an ideal medium for mold growth, because mold likes fairly warm temperatures, slightly acidic conditions, oxygen, and moisture. If we do not use a mold inhibitor in the formulation, we can expect mold to appear on a product stored at room temperature in three to five days. Freezing or refrigerating product will lengthen this time. Whether or not mold inhibitors are an essential ingredient, therefore, depends upon the required amount of shelf life to satisfy the customer. The most commonly used mold inhibitor in bread is calcium propionate, because it is effective and relatively inexpensive. Potassium sorbate and sorbic acid should not be used in the dough since they both have a very detrimental effect upon yeast. Potassium sorbate is often used in 10% solution with water to spray on the surface of product after baking. Sorbic acid is oil soluble and can be mixed with the oil to lubricate slicer blades. Vinegar lowers the pH, but it is not a good mold inhibitor by itself. If using raisin juice as a natural mold inhibitor, the sugar in the juice must be considered. VITAL WHEAT GLUTEN is the natural wheat protein extracted from flour which still retains all of its vital gluten forming characteristics. It comes in a dry flour form and is added to formulas to help strengthen a weak flour or to obtain that extra desired loaf volume. A 1% addition of wheat gluten will increase the flour protein content by 0.6% and absorption by 1,5%. By adding wheat gluten to a formula, mixing and fermentation times are generally increased, and tolerances are improved. Normal levels would range from 1 to 5% for most variety pan and hearth style breads and buns, to 8 to 15% levels for the multigrain and high fiber breads. The last groups of ingredients are called DOUGH CONDITIONERS, which are additives used in small quantities that can improve the quality of the finished product. There are a wide range of these ingredients, but they fall into 4 main categories: enzymes, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, and emulsifiers. Enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions. They get the reaction going, but are unchanged by the reaction. Enzymes are protein materials, but not gluten-forming protein. Because enzymes are proteins, they are sensitive to heat, and all enzymes have an optimum temperature range for activity. Within the range, activity increases with temperature until the denaturation point is reached, and then the enzyme loses its functionality. Besides temperature, enzymes are also dependent upon pH, amount of time allowed for the reaction, availability of water, amount of enzyme used, and the availability of substrate. A substrate is what the enzyme converts in reaction. There are three main enzymes that are commonly added to doughs in the baking industry: amylases, proteases, and lipoxygenases. Amylases are divided into alpha and beta amylase. The amylases convert starch into sugar. The alpha amylase can break any 1-4 bonds within the starch molecule. So the substrate is starch, and the product of the reaction is 'chopped up' starches, which we call dextrins. Normally, wheat flour is deficient in alpha amylase, so this enzyme is normally added at the mill in the form of either malted barley flour or fungal amylase. The baker would specify the required enzyme activity by either an amylograph (400-600 BU) or a falling number machine (200-250 seconds) requirement. Beta amylase starts on the end of the starch chain and breaks off two sugar units at a time. So the substrate for beta amylase is either starch or dextrins, and the product is maltose. Once the beta amylase gets to the first branch point on the starch molecule, it can go no further. There is plenty of naturally-occurring beta amylase in flour. However, by adding alpha-amylase, we expose more ends for the beta amylase to use as substrate. Amylases that are added to flour or dough can come from three different sources: a cereal source (malted wheat or malted barley), a fungal source, or a bacterial source. Bacterial amylases are very heat-resistant and do not completely denature in the oven. Therefore, they are used primarily to extend shelf life by converting starch to sugar after baking. However, it is easy to overdose, and if you do, the bread will become too gummy and may actually liquefy. MALT is classified in two general categories: 1. Diastatic malt (enzyme active) 2. Nondiastatic malt (nonenzyme active) Malt is produced by germinating barley, wheat or other cereal grain, stopping its growth action, and extracting enzymes which are produced during this germination process. These enzymes are amylases and proteases. The amylases are the ones we are most concerned with because of their ability to break down starches into sugars, which in turn can be used as food by the yeast cells. DIASTATIC MALT is malt with the active amylases enzymes which will convert damaged starches into fermentable sugars. Most flours today are malted at the mill (amylograph 400-600 B.U.'s or falling number of 200-250 seconds). The baker can still add diastatic malt in syrup form or a dry flour form, the syrup form having about 60% maltose sugars and the dry flour form (using much smaller quantities) containing no sugars. The diastatic malt is used to improve dough handling, provides more food for yeast, flavor, crust and crumb color, and aids in shelf life. Excess diastatic malt will result in gummy crumbs and weaker side walls. Malt syrups are used at about 1-2% levels. NONDIASTATIC MALT has been heat treated to denature the enzymes, making them inactive. This product is syrup containing about 60% maltose sugars and is amber in color. It will aid in the fermentation of the dough and contribute to flavor, crust, and crumb color of the finished product. FUNGAL AMYLASES function the same as cereal malt amylases except for one important factor—when in the oven they do not survive in the product for as long as cereal or bacterial amylases do. This means that it is not as easy to overmalt a product when using fungal amylases. The baker or miller can add these to the flour in powder or tablet form. Levels necessary depend on the strength of the ingredient used and the desired effect. PROTEASE ENZYMES are used to weaken the protein in the dough to decrease mixing time, improve machinability, and/or increase the pan flow of the dough. These effects are accomplished by breaking the long protein chains into smaller units. It must be remembered that the effects of enzymes are dependent upon (1) time, (2) temperature and (3) level of enzyme used. For example, if an equipment breakdown interrupts production, the enzymes in the doughs have more time to work than normal creating a greater weakening effect on the protein than was expected. The enzymes will not stop their reactions until they are denatured by the high temperatures of the oven. The baker can add protease in powder or tablet form. The amount necessary depends on the strength of the ingredient used and the desired effect. ENZYME ACTIVE SOY FLOUR is soy flour which has not been heat-treated as much as other soy flours to retain some of its enzymes, specifically lipoxygenases. These lipoxygenase enzymes function as bleaching agents on the carotenoid pigments of flour to give a whiter crumb color to the finished product. There is also observed some dough strengthening and improved mixing tolerance. F.D.A. maximum usage level is .5%, based on flour weight. SOY FLOUR is found as”low fat" soy which finds application in bread doughs at a 1-3% level and a "full fat" soy which is used mainly in sweet goods up to 12%. Soy flour is approximately 50% protein, and therefore, is nutritionally advantageous. Soy flour increases shelf life, improves crumb, gives good toasting quality, and as mentioned, increases nutritional value. OXIDIZING AGENTS which are used by the Baker is to improve dough strength by creating bonds between the protein chains. They will improve dough handling for better machining and contribute to improved gas retention giving better volume and tighter grain to the finished product. Some oxidants are fast acting, working in the mixer and early makeup stage, while potassium bromate is late acting, working in the proofer and early oven stage. The amount of usage is calculated in parts per million (ppm). Oxidants are handled in tablet or powder form. Doughs are generally quite sensitive to oxidants and optimizing usage levels is just as important as proper mix times. Oxidizing Agents 1. Strengthen dough structure by creating bonds between proteins 2. Improves dough handling 3. Increase product volume, 4. Produces tighter grain FDA Maximum Limit (ppm) *Potassium bromate................................ late acting ......................... 75 *Calcium bromate ................................... late acting.......................... 75 *Potassium iodate .................................. fast acting.......................... 75 *Calcium peroxide acting.......................... 75 Azodicarbonamide (ADA) ....................... fast acting.......................... 45 Ascorbic acide (AA)……………………… fast acting ………......not limit (bread) *Singly or in combination cannot exceed 75 ppm Oxidants are usually supplied in tablet form. ppm desired x cwtt. of flour = tablets needed ppm/tablet ppm / tablet CALCIUM PEROXIDE is an oxidant, but is used for its dough drying capabilities. It tends to take away the stickiness without stiffening the dough. It is used quite a bit in bun production. Usage levels are about 20 to 40 ppm, and it is handled in a powdered form. It should be added with the other dry ingredients because it reacts immediately on contact with water. Calcium Peroxide 1. Drying agent — improves dough handling 2. Oxidizing agent REDUCING AGENTS are used to weaken the protein, reducing the mixing times and improving dough machinability. Reducing agents break bonds between the proteins during mixing. This is the opposite effect of oxidizing agents. L-cysteine is the most common reducing agent used in the United States today. About a 20 to 40 ppm usage level will give a 25% - 40% reduction in mix time. Bakers previously used these only in a no-time dough concentrate or base mix, but today Lcysteine can be found in a tablet form. DOUGH STRENGTHENERS refer to a group of emulsifiers which predominantly function in dough by bonding with the protein. They improve the gluten's strength. This effect is exhibited in doughs as improved machinability and gas retention. The finished loaf should have better volume, symmetry, texture and grain. A number of the dough strengtheners also function to various degrees as crumb softeners. CRUMB SOFTENERS refer to a group of emulsifiers which predominantly function in dough by bonding with the starches. They will slow down the crumb firming of a product, extending its shelf life. Mono and diglycerides are the most common crumb softeners. Reducing Agents 1. Weakens dough structure by breaking bonds between protein 2. Allows shorter mixing times 3. Improves machinability Usage Amount ppm L-cysteine...................................... 10-90 Sorbicacid ........................................ " *Sodium bisulfite .......................... 20-100 {Pies, crackers, pizza doughs) Ascorbic acid - continuous mix doughs only ....................... 100-200 *Sulfites destroy thiamine and a small percentage of the population show sensitivity to them. Sulfites must be indicated on packaging if present in baked product —10 ppm or more. Table 5 FDA Approved Strengthened and Softeners Non Standardized Product Usage Limits Standardized Strengthening Product Usage Limits Softening Sodium Stearoyl -2 Lactylate (SSL) .5%* . 5%* Excellent Very Good Calcium Stearoyl-2Lactylate (CSL) .5% .5% “ Good Diacetyl Tartatic Acid Esters of Fat Forming Acids (DATEM) GMP None “ Fair 5% .5%* Very Good Poor GMP None Excellent Fair .5%* Fair Ethoxylated Mono and Diglycerides (EOM) Sucrose Esters Polysorbate 60 .5% . Very Good SuccinySated Monoglyerides (SMG) .5% .5%* Good Good Mono and Diglycerides (Mono and Di) GMP None None Excellent *Total alone or in combination cannot exceed 0.5% based on flour. PTE — Amount not greater than required to produce intended physical or technical effect. GMP — Used in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices. Pan Variety and Fiber Breads Pan Variety Breads It is important for the baker to offer the customer variety in bread products. Whereas hearth style products are differentiated from one another primarily by the shaping and handling of the dough, pan varieties all have the same overall shape as the pan. These products are differentiated primarily by: formulation, although the process settings will certainly be different than that used for white pan bread. In offering variety, the baker can produce products labeled as whole wheat, wheat, multigrain, low calorie, high fiber, raisin, fruit, and vegetable breads. The baker can also add nuts, cheeses, spices, and different sweeteners or other ingredient substitutes to make a different product. The variety should offer the customer something besides simply being different. There should be appeal in terms of nutritional benefits, flavor, and/or appearance. Among the varieties listed, only whole wheat and raisin breads are standardized by the PDA. In making breads with grains other than wheat, it is important to remember that most of the flour must be from wheat to allow for gas retention and overall volume. Wheat is the only grain with a significant amount of gluten-forming protein. Rye has some gluten, but the amount is very small and the quality very poor. Other grains that could be used in bread include corn, oats, flax, barley, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, and rice flours. Some exotic grains and seeds include blue corn, amaranth, garbanzo, teff, alfalfa, and quinoa. Any grain that is not wheat will function as a burden to the structure, and the higher the amount of these "dead weight" grains or flours, the greater is the requirement for vital wheat gluten in the formulation. I would recommend having no more than 35-40% dead weight in the recipe. Whole Wheat and Wheat Breads "Whole Wheat Bread" in the United States of America is a standardized bread product. The Food and Drug Administration requires that whole wheat bread be made with 100% whole wheat flour—no white flour is permitted. "Wheat Bread," on the other hand, is a non standardized product containing any level of whole wheat flour in combination with a clear or strong patent flours. The most popular wheat bread products range between 20 to 40% whole wheat flour and are commonly referred to as restaurant wheat’s by the large wholesale bakeries. Because of this reduced level of whole wheat flour, loaf volume is larger, crumb color is usually lighter, grain is finer and the product is soft and more palatable compared to the denser whole wheat breads. Whole wheat flour contains a high amount of bran which contributes to the darker crumb color, lower volume and lack of dough strength. The bran also constitutes some of the protein contained in the flour. However, it is non gluten forming protein and will not contribute to strength. To obtain higher volumes in whole wheat breads, the addition of vital wheat gluten at a 1 to 5% usage level (based on total flour weight) is often practiced by the baker. Whole wheat flour should not be stored around heat or for lengthy periods of tune due to the high amount of unsaturated oil which may turn rancid and contribute to off-flavor in the finished product. Whole wheat flour can vary according to particle size. The primary difference between the flours of different particle sizes is the absorption or hydration rate. Fine whole wheat flour has a much faster hydration rate in comparison to coarse, whole wheat flour. Slower hydration rates can effect the desired mixing time to optimum development and also give a false reading to the mixer operator as over hydration of the dough. In comparison to patent flour products (white breads), the fermentation requirements for whole, wheat breads are less due to the weaker nature inherent to whole wheat flour. Doughs made from whole wheat flour will show less gas retention, the dough will be less cohesive and initially show less resistance to pull. Because of the dilution of the gluten due to the high bran content, the gluten protein must be developed to the maximum gas retention potential through fermentation. Whole wheat doughs lack tolerance to over fermentation. To increase this tolerance, the baker can lower the sponge or dough temperature, use a lower percentage of sponge flour and/or the fermentation time may be reduced. Comparing whole wheat dough to white dough: in general, the mixing requirements are less due mainly to the bran diluting the percent of gluten forming proteins along with the cutting action exhibited upon the gluten during the mixing process. The mixing requirements are not only less, but also less tolerant and have very little recovery to over mixing. In order to improve mixing tolerance, the addition of dough conditioners and the use of cooler dough temperatures should be incorporated into the process. Depending on formulation, whole wheat doughs are generally drier and stiffer than white pan breads. Less dusting flour is needed during make-up to improve the seaming of the dough piece at the moulder and to avoid flour streaks on the crust of the finished loaf. The sheeter and moulder settings will have to be adjusted because of the dough's lack of elasticity. Dumbbelling during moulding is a more inherent problem for whole wheat breads (dumbbell shaped dough piece = O O). One should look at wheat breads with high percentages of whole wheat flour as performing like and producing product characteristics similar to that of whole wheat breads. Likewise one should observe wheat breads with low percentages of whole wheat flour as performing like and producing product characteristics more closely to that of white bread. Wheat breads should be given a full proof using a slightly lower relative humidity (75 to 80%) than white bread. A wet proof box will weaken the surface of the dough piece causing it to collapse. Do not over proof because this will overextend and weaken the cell structure causing the loaves to collapse in the oven along with exhibiting blisters on the crust. The bake time should be longer and at a lower temperature (380 to 420°F [193 to 216°C]) than white pan bread in order to maximize volume and establish good bake out for proper finish product strength. Multigrain Breads Multigrain breads are breads made with a combination of white bread flour (clears or strong patents) and two or more grains, such as rye, oats, com barley, rice millet, triticale, flax seed, etc. These breads are characterized by their coarse, rough texture, usually darker crumb color, unique nutty flavor and nutritional qualities. Density of these breads vary greatly from heavy and compact to the lighter, more airy styles. The more popular expanded type of multigrain bread is accomplished by the use of wheat gluten, sometimes at levels of 7 to 12% based on flour weight. In the United States of America these breads are non-standardized, meaning that any level and type of grain is permitted for use by the baker. The popularity of multigrain breads is very strong with consumers and is possibly attributed to their 1.) Variety of tastes and aromas and 2.) Nutritional properties and/or healthful appeal. Today, these breads are developing into still greater varieties by blending in vegetable pieces, nuts, seeds, fruit pieces and spices. The textures of these breads are controlled by the granulation of the grains being used. Sometimes they are ground fine to create smoother texture, finer grain and improve loaf volume. At other times, the grams may be whole kernels, rolled or coarsely chopped. When making bread with coarse grains, it is common to soak them for a period of time before mixing because of their slow hydration rate. If this is not done, the grains will continue to hydrate during make-up and baking, producing a dough with less than desired handling characteristics and a bread with a dry, crumbly texture and shorter shelf life. Whole kernels are soaked a minimum of four hours before use. This raises the percent of moisture bound in the kernels improving dough yield, product chewability and shelf life (softness). Depending on the quantity of grains used in relation to the white flour (10 to 30% is a common range), the same principles for handling whole wheat bread are generally applied to the production of multigrain breads. 1. Mixing must be watched closely so as not to over mix—more low-speed mixing. 2. Fermentation is shorter compared to white pan breads. 3. Doughs lack elasticity during make-up—easier dumbbelling. 4. Minimum dusting flour should be used. 5. Proofing height is higher due to less expected oven spring, 6. Baking temperature is lowest for denser styles—375 to 410°F (191 to 210°C); more airy Styles—400 to 440°F (204 to 227°C). 7. Baking times are longest for denser styles—30 to 40 minutes; more airy styles—25 to 35 minutes. Cracked Wheat Bread Mixing in slow speed for a longer period before going to high is recommended for cracked wheat bread. This is due to the cutting action the cracked wheat will have on the gluten in the dough, and the slower hydration of the wheat kernels. The cracked wheat flour may be softened by soaking with a portion of the dough water, as with the case of the cracked wheat formula below. Approximately 42 to 52% absorption could be used to calculate the added water needed to hydrate the cracked wheat flour. It is advisable to keep the dough on the cool side within the range of 78 to 80°F (26 to 27°C), therefore, avoiding a rapid fermentation. The dough should be fermented from 1K to 2 hours prior to dividing. It is characteristic of cracked wheat dough to be somewhat softer out of the mixer and at the early stages of fermentation, due mainly to the continued absorption of moisture by the cracked wheat. As fermentation time progresses, however, the dough will stiffen. The percentage of cracked wheat used in the formulation (10 to 40%) will create an added burden for the gluten structure. While the wheat gluten provides some support and strength, over proofing of a cracked wheat dough can cause collapse during the baking process. Bake the bread at approximately 400 to 440°F (204 to 227°C); lower temperatures and longer bake times for higher cracked wheat levels and higher temperatures and shorter bake times for lower cracked wheat levels. Cracked Wheat Bread High Gluten Spring Flour Cracked Wheat Flour Whole Wheat Flour Water (Variable) Yeast Shortening Sugar Salt Milk Solids Wheat Gluten Malt Dough Strengtheners/ Crumb Strengtheners ADA Ascorbic Acid 64.00 20.00 16.00 66.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 2.25 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.50 30 ppm 60 ppm Raisin Bread Production Raisin bread is a highly profitable item. It responds well to the value provided by its raisin content. Best of all this specialty bread is not difficult to make. The key to preparing and selling a quality loaf of raisin bread can be attained if the following steps are adhered to: 1. The proper mixing of bread dough. 2. The proper conditioning of the raisins. 3. The addition of the raisins in the dough mass at the correct time. 4. Close supervision of machine operation during the make-up process. 5. Proper proofing and baking. The proper mixing of the bread dough and perhaps the most important key to any bread success requires careful scaling and blending of ingredients. The first stage of mixing involves the blending of all ingredients except the raisins. When all of the ingredients have been hydrated and the dough is picked up in the mixer, it enters the development stage of mixing. Here the dough takes on a very elastic quality. As mixing proceeds, the dough begins to feel softer and somewhat relaxed, yet resists pulling while retaining a smooth level of consistency. The dough will start to slap the bowl of the mixer identifying the end of the clean-up stage. The final development stage calls for a careful judgment on the operator's part. The dough becomes extensible and smooth, but unlike an over mixed dough does not breakdown and lose all its elasticity. At this point the dough will show a thin, translucent film and it is precisely the right time to incorporate the conditioned raisins. In the United States of America, the Food and Drug Administration has established a standard of identity for raisin bread and raisin rolls or buns. The standard calls for a minimum of 50% raisins based on the weight of the flour (50 Ibs of raisins for every 100 Ibs of flour). This will generally yield dough with approximately 20% of its weight due to raisins and a finished baked loaf with approximately 25% of its weight due to raisins. From these figures it should be easy to see that a loaf of raisin bread will generally produce volumes less than that of white pan breads. Smaller loaf pans are usually used to maintain loaf height. Raisin usage greater than the 50% requirement is permissible and practiced with raisin levels as high as 75% based on the weight of the flour. Companies then claim more than 50% raisin than raisin bread in their advertising. Prior to adding the raisins to the properly mixed dough the raisins must be properly conditioned. This step in the production of raisin bread is not difficult but requires a small amount of time. This is a critical step in the achievement of a high quality loaf of raisin bread. It is a fact! Unconditioned raisins draw considerable moisture from the dough during baking and produce a dry, crumbly loaf of poor quality bread. To avoid this deficiency, all the raisins used for raisin bread must be properly conditioned to increase the moisture content before adding to the dough. There are two raisin conditioning methods which are practical for raisin bread production. Method I entails soaking the raisins for five minutes in water at 80°F (27°C) followed immediately by draining them for one hour. The results from this type of treatment are: 1. A 10% moisture increase in the raisin. 2. A 3.6% weight gain of raisins. 3. There is a loss of 6.9% sugar solids and flavor due to leaching during the soak. Method 2 is considered better since it avoids sugar loss. In the second method the raisins are covered with 80°F (27°C) water and then drained immediately. No soaking. The raisins are then covered and left to stand for four hours before blending them into the bread dough. This last step allows the raisins to absorb any remaining moisture through the outer skin of the raisin. This particular raisin conditioning process will result in a high quality product and result in: 1. Raisin moisture increase from 9 to 12%. 2. Dough yield will be increased by approximately 5 Ibs per 100 Ibs of flour. 3. This method minimizes moisture absorption from the bread crumb. 4. There will be no leaching or significant leaching of sugar solids. The properly conditioned raisins can now be added to the dough; however, caution should be exercised at this stage. If raisins are incorporated into the dough at high mixer speed or added at the wrong time negative results will be seen. Damage to the raisins will show up first as the raisin skin will break and the leaching of solids will result. This -will cause a discoloration of the dough due to dark raisin fragments. Also, a slowing of yeast activity resulting in poor gas production is due to increased osmotic pressure caused by the increased sugar level in the dough. Darker crust color of the finished product is the result of higher residual sugars increasing the level of caramelization and browning reactions. A tightening effect on the gluten is also seen due to acid release by the raisins, accelerating oxidation. Product quality will suffer greatly due to unwanted raisin damage. After the raisins have been incorporated, the next area of concern is during make-up. The sheeter rolls may have to be opened to prevent smashing the raisins in the dough piece. This may leave a dark brown ring and/or a possible hole around the raisin due to water, sugar and other solubles which have been squeezed out. Next the pans should be well-greased. Any raisins which come in contact with the pan surface during baking will cause the loaf to stick more due to sugars from the raisins caramelizing. Depending on formulation, raisin bread is generally proofed to the desired finished product height because little oven spring is expected. Baking is carried out at lower oven temperature than that of white pan bread to delay the crust formation and maximize oven spring. Baking temperatures of 375°-410°F (190°-210°C) are recommended, depending on the richness of the formula. Longer bake time is also needed to set the structure to prevent collapse. After cooling, the bread may be sliced, but special attention must be given to the sheer blades. In large bakeries, a separate band slicer is usually equipped with water or steam on the bottom drum to wash off the sugars which accumulate on the blades from the raisins. If this is not done the blades will seize in the blade guides and stop the slicer. In smaller bakeries where reciprocating slicers are used, sugars can build up on the blades and subsequently drag on the loaf crumb creating pilling (small ball-like crumbs). Allowing the bread to cool to room temperature will help decrease sugar build-up for the smaller bakery. In summary, production of a quality loaf of raisin bread should adhere to the following procedures: 1. Proper mixing of the dough. 2. Proper conditioning of raisins to increase the moisture content prior to incorporation into the dough. 3. Timely incorporation of the raisins into the mixed dough. 4. Procedures to prevent damage to the raisins in dough. 5. Correct baking techniques with particular attention to oven temperatures and baking tune. The result will be raisin bread that is attractive and nutritious. Other than contributing obvious flavor qualities the raisins also add food value to the bread that is incomparable to any other ingredient and such food value is a definite attribute to raisin bread. The use of cinnamon in raisin bread (or to produce what is identified as cinnamon bread) should also be mentioned here. Cinnamon adds a nice flavor complement and finds great consumer acceptance. There are two methods of using cinnamon in breads: 1.) to mix it directly into the dough (approximately .5 ' to 1%) and 2.) to sheet the dough, layering the cinnamon on the dough and moulding, causing what is commonly called "cinnamon swirl." The first method will require higher levels of yeast usage because of the cinnamon's inhibitory effect on yeast activity. By delaying the addition of the cinnamon during mixing, it is said to improve the gassing activity of the yeast. The second method will concentrate the cinnamon in a spiral pattern making it highly visible. There is very little, if any, inhibitory effect on yeast activity. It is not desirable to have cinnamon on the outside of the dough piece during baking because of its easy ability to create a burnt color. All cinnamon's are not alike. The better grades having higher oil contents and higher prices can be used at lower levels compared to lower grades at lower prices. There are also imitation cinnamon's and oils in use. Today, variety bread popularity has created new or possibly revitalized old combinations of ingredients. The use of spices, nuts, seeds vegetable and other grains to create new products are left to the imagination of the baker. Product hints: — Toasting nuts and seeds can change their favors and colors, — Granulation of grains can create different textures and colors in the product. — Soaking of grains and nuts can improve shelf life and palatability of the product. — Some spices can add color. —Toppings can add variety and visual appeal (e.g. bran, oats, corn meal, seeds, onions, flour). Following is a list of some formulas for raisin breads and rolls: Raisin Bread Ingredients Percent Enriched bread flour (30 to 50% enriched high protein clear) ........................................ 100 Vital wheat gluten ................................................................................................................3-5 Water (approximate) ............................................................................................................ 64 Yeast (approximate)............................................................................................................... 4 Oxidants and dough conditioners (use present type) Salt......................................................................................................................................... 2 Honey or brown sugar ............................................................................................................6 Cinnamon................................................................................................................................ 0.5 Vegetable shortening.............................................................................................................. 2 California seedless raisins (condition raisins, add and mix only enough to uniformly distribute throughout the dough. .......................................................... 50 Mix to full development of the dough. Do not under mix. The amount of yeast required is dependent upon whether sponge dough’s or liquid preferment’s are used. Dough temperatures, floor time, baking time and baking temperatures are in line with regular compact, relatively highsugar dough’s at the same scaling weight and same pan size. Raisin Oatmeal Bread Ingredients Percent Enriched bread flour (30 to 50% enriched clear) ------------------------------------------------- 80 Rolled oats --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Wheat bran -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Vital wheat gluten------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Water (approximate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 62 Yeast (approximate) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Oxidants and dough conditioners (use present type) Salt------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Honey or brown sugar-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Nonfat dry milk or present dairy blend------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Shortening---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------California seedless raisins (condition raisins, add mix only enough to uniformly distribute raisins throughout the dough) --------------------------------- 50 Mix to full development of the dough. Do not under mix. The amount of yeast required is dependent upon whether sponge doughs or liquid preferments are used. Dough temperatures, floor time, baking time and baking temperatures are in line with regular compact, relatively high-sugar doughs at the same scaling weight and same pan size. Suggestion: Add 12% conditioned raisins to the dough at the start of the dough mixing. Do not add the brown sugar or honey. Add the remaining 38% of the raisins after the dough has been fully developed. Fiber Breads Today in the United States the baking industry uses fiber in breads for one of two reasons: either calorie reduction or fiber enrichment. The baker, on the one hand, is trying to reduce the caloric content of the bread by increasing the non-digestible, high water absorbing celluloses, and on the other hand, is trying to take advantage of consumer awareness in regards to recent scientifically-backed health claims. These health claims are: 1.) Increased fibers in the diet will help reduce blood cholesterol (water soluble fibers), and 2.) Reduce the risk of colon cancer (water insoluble fibers). This use of fiber increases the total dough mass spreading the digestible calorie portion over a larger area, giving rise to fewer calories per serving. A product may be advertised as "reduced calorie" if the product is 1/4 lower in calories than it was previously produced. Also, a product may be advertised as "low calorie" if the product is only 40 calories or less per serving and 0,4 calories per gram, A serving is defined by the baker on the package. One serving may be one slice of bread equaling 1 oz. (28.35 g), but the weight is influenced by the slice thickness and may vary by company. Breads produced primarily for their fiber content and not their calorie contents are considered nonstandardized products. They are not defined by law and because of this; fiber product formulation varies among bakers. When one looks back at the mid 1970's when the first high fiber products were brought to the market place, they were lower in calories than standard white breads and several times higher in fiber than the standardized whole wheat breads. At that time, alpha- cellulose (15 -25% range based on flour) was the main fiber source for the baker. But today fiber sources such as corn, pea, soy, oats and wheat bran, to name a few, have greater consumer acceptance. Formulation containing these fibers will require some adjustment to produce acceptable quality product. The fibers dilute the gluten proteins in the flour in the same way they reduce the calories— spread over a larger dough mass. The non-strengthening and higher water absorbing fibers cause increased weakness in the dough, lowering product volumes and changing doughhandling characteristics. Higher protein flours are suggested. Vital wheat gluten is also used at substantial levels of from 8 to 15% based on total flour. A common practice is to use i% wheat gluten for every 2% added fiber. Today there are many fiber sources for the baker. Some of these are: corn, pea, soy, oats, wheat, rice, cotton, citrus, beet pulp, barley, cotton and peanut. The baker must decide which is best for their product based on cost, supply, functionality, and customer acceptability. Baker's percentages are used throughout this paper, so the total flour (wheat flour) is equal to 100% and all other ingredients are compared to it. Water is greatly increased as compared to white pan bread due to the absorption of the increased gluten and added fibers. Total absorptions are in the range of 100 -130% (based on flour). Yeast levels have been known to increase to accomplish acceptable proofing times of 45 -65 minutes. Yeast percentages range from 3 -5%. Salt levels are higher than white pan breads because of the dilution effect of having a larger dough mass. Salt usage is dependent upon fiber content and usually ranges from 2.25 to 3.5% Sugar levels range from 8 to 12%. Sugar is primarily used to add flavor, crust color and food for yeast. Bakers who wish to reduce calorie levels will generally eliminate shortening from formulation. Elimination of shortening, however, will create greater weakness in the dough and difficulty in slicing the baked loaf. Nevertheless, if the baker's only concern is fiber content, then 0.5 -1% fat addition will greatly improve product volume and slicing capabilities. Milk products such as nonfat dry milk, whey and whey/soy blends are used at low levels of about 0 -4%. If used, it is mainly due to its nutritional qualities and enhancement of crust color. Mold inhibitors are used at higher levels than white pan breads because of the higher finished moisture content of most fiber enriched breads. Calcium propionate is the most commonly used mold inhibitor with usage levels of around 0.25 -0.5%. Dough strengthened used are primarily sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL) and ethoxylated monoglycerides (EMG), each having a maximum usage level of 0.5%. There is some evidence, however, that Datem esters at a 0.75 -1% level may have as good, if not better effect on loaf volumes for the fiber-type products. Crumb softeners are used at normal white pan bread levels of 0.2 -1.5%, depending on the percent of the alpha mono content of the product used. Higher finished moisture content along with lower starch levels should aid in extension of crumb softness. Oxidation used is primarily ascorbic acid from 60 to 180 ppm, and ADA between 10 to 45 ppm. Flavors such as dry sours or acid blends are sometimes used to improve the rather bland taste or sometimes mask the off-taste created by the fibers used. The use of vegetable gums has shown improvement in product volumes at levels of 0.5 -1.5%. The sponge and dough process is the most common dough system used for the production of fiber enriched breads. The sponge helps mellow the gluten proteins and reduces final mixing. It also allows the fibers to hydrate if added to the sponge. A no-time dough process can also be used, but reducing agents are recommended to help reduce mixing time and control dough temperatures. The shortened hydration time of the fibers may create the added need to pre-hydrate them before mixing to improve dough machinability and improved slicing. Mixing times should be expected to be longer due to the higher wheat gluten addition; 18 to 22 minutes on a horizontal mixer with delaying the salt about halfway through the mix. A dough temperature of about 72° - 75°F (22° -24°C) is desired to control the dough throughout make-up and reduce gassing. Floor times usually range from 0 to 10 minutes for improved dough handling. More dusting flour may be needed at the divider and rounder. Intermediate proofing has been reduced to 4 to 6 minutes. Sheeter rolls may have to be opened to prevent dumbbelling from over sheeting on cross grain moulders. The dough will generally lack elasticity and respond more to pressure from the pressure board of the moulder. Guide rails may also have to be angled less. Proofing is from 50 to 65 minutes at 105° - 110°F (40° - 43°C) with a relative humidity of 80 85%. Baking from 18 to 25 minutes at 400° - 450° (204° -232°C) greatly depends on denser, heavier style or new, lighter, higher-volume products. Cooling is longer with internal temperatures reaching 95°F (35°C). Slicing needs sharp blades and oilers. Blades must be honed regularly because they dull quickly. Commercially Available Fiber Ingredients Product Wheat bran, red and/or white Defatted wheat germ Sofgrain, whole kernels/kibbled (Wheat, rye, oats, triticale, barley) Rice fiber Rice bran, stabilized Rice fiber/bran Rice bran, defatted Rice germ/bran Malted grain fiber (barley, rice) Barley's best high protein flour Barley bran flour Barley fiber Corn bran/fiber Oat bran Oat fiber Soy fiber/bran/flakes Peanut fiber Pea fiber Sweet lupin bran flour Sugar cane fiber Sugar beet fiber Citrus pulp sacs (orange or grapefruit) Tomato fiber Apple fiber Black currant fruit fiber Lemon, orange, grapefruit fiber Dried cranberries Fig powder Driedpears Cocoa fiber/bran Date bran Apple rice granules Gum arabic Guar gum Locust bean gum Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose Xanthan gum, ticaxan Carrageenan gum Gumagar Powdered cellulose Approximate Fiber Content (in Percent) Crude TDF 8-12 5 6-10 35 8 12-16 45 4-6 34 6-7 19-25 40-50 20 30-40 70-80 46-50 35-40 31 35 70 50-60 55-95 15-22 80-90 45-75 50-95 85 72-86 73-80 62 43 43 25-70 6-8 64 13-14 65-75 44 40 90 90 90 75 75 75 75 99 Fiber Comparative Study %TDF Product (dry basis) BETTERBASICS™ at Fiber 757 - Regular 85.0* BETTER BASICS™ Oat Fiber 760 - Medium 80.0* BETTER BASICS™ Oat Fiber 780 - White, Fine 98.0* BETTER BASICS™ Oat Fiber 770 - Tan, Fine 98.0* BETTER BASICS™ Orange Fiber 736 - Fine 55.1* J. River Solka - Floe BW-200 FCC (Alpha cellulose) 99.0 C. Harvest Snowite Oat Fiber 03 - 1 2-W 90.0 C. Harvest Oat Fiber 03-12 Medium 80-90 C. Harvest Oat Fiber 03-12 Fine 67.0 Staley BestBran - 90 G-Regular (Corn) 92.0 Staley BestBran Light (Cora) 90.0 Woodstone Hi Fi Lite (pea hull) 90.0 National Oats Oat Bran 18-23 Mennel Milling Co. Wheat Bran 44.0 Protein Technology Fibrim 1000 (Soy) 81.0 Protein Technology Fibrim 1450 (Soy) 81.0 Tree Top Low Moisture Apple Fiber 57.7 National Grain Products Barley's Best Bran Flour 70.0 International Filler, All Vegetable BVF-200 99.0 (Cotton linters) * = Actual analysis; other TDF figures from data sheets. ** = Sosulski Centrifuge Absorption Method. Information courtesy of Wiltiamson Fiber Products, Inc. % Water ** Absorption 155.4 171.6 586.2 580.0 493.6 308.4 276.2 126.6 250.6 332.8 288.6 402.6 194.6 344.0 600.6 366.6 598.2 294.6 318.0 Calories Per Gram 0.3 0.3 <0.1 <0-1 1.61 <0.1 <0.1 0.3 0.3 < 0.5 <0.5 0.35 3.7 2.13 0.6 0.6 1.77 1.4 <0-1