Coasts odd one out answers FEATURES OF DESTRUCTIVE WAVES Set A Low Height Circular Orbit Short Wavelength Steep gradient Short Wavelength Low height Irregular coastline Headland Erosion They are all wave features but… Low height as it is a feature of a constructive wave The others are features of destructive waves FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTIVE WAVES SET B Elliptical orbit Shallow Gradient They are all wave features but… Short wavelength is a feature of a destructive wave The others are features of constructive waves PROCESSES OF WAVE REFRACTION SET C Orthogonal Groynes Groynes are a form of coastal management used to trap sediment to reduce LSD The others are all processes involved in wave refraction LONGSHORE DRIFT SET D Swash Fetch Long-Shore Drift Back wash Fetch is the distance of open water a wave travels Long-shore drift is caused by the zig-zag of swash and backwash TYPES OF COASTAL EROSION SET E Weathering by frost and wind Hydraulic pressure Solution Wave pounding They are all forms of coastal erosion but… Weathering by frost and wind is a sub aerial form of coastal erosion The others are all forms of marine coastal erosion FACTORS AFFECTING THE RATE OF EROSION SET F Geology Beach Width Hydraulic pressure is a form of erosion The others are factors that effect the rate of erosion Fetch Hydraulic pressure LITHOLOGY SET G Chalk Clay Well cemented sedimentary rock Carboniferous limestone Wave cut platforms Stacks Stacks Bars Marram grass Pine They are all types of rock but… Clay is an incoherent (unconsolidated) rock The others are coherent (consolidated) rock types EROSIONAL COASTAL LANDFORMS SET H Headlands and bays Spits They are all coastal landforms but… Spits are depositional coastal landforms The others are erosional coastal landforms DEPOSITIONAL COASTAL LANDFORMS SET I Beaches Spits They are all coastal landforms but… Stacks are erosional coastal features The others are all depositional coastal features SAND DUNE PLANT SUCSESSION SET J Birch Oak They are all types of vegetation found on a sand dune but… Marram grass not found in the Climax/Mature stage of sand dunes The others are all types of vegetation that could be found during climax/mature stage COASTAL MORPHOLOGY SET K Fjords Eustatic change Tectonic activity Isostatic Change Revetments Groynes They are all concerned with sea level change but… Fjords are an effect of changes in sea level The others are causes of sea level change COASTAL MANAGEMENT SET L Stabilizing cliffs Sea walls They are all hard engineering strategies but… Stabilizing cliffs are cliff face strategies The others are cliff foot strategies