COMING EVENTS Mar. 4th ------- Adoration at St. Mary’s from 2-9PM ----------- Mass at 5:30PM at St. John’s. Stations of the Cross at 6:10PM ----------- Soup & Bread Supper at St. John’s 6:30PM . Everyone is invited. All donated soup & bread would be appreciated. ----------- Men’s choir practice 7:00PM at Beach 6th -------- 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet St. John’s ----------- 7:00PM Stations of the Cross at St. Mary’s-G 8th ------- Daylight Savings Time Begins. Spring ahead 1 hour. ----------- Coffee and rolls following the 8AM Mass at St. Mary’s. All donated rolls and breads would be appreciated. 11th ------ Adoration at St. Mary’s from 2-9PM ----------- Mass at 5:30PM at St. John’s . Stations of the Cross at St. John’s at 6:10PM ----------- Soup & Bread Supper at St. John’s 6:30PM . Everyone is invited. All donated soup & bread would be appreciated. 13th ------ 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet St. John’s ----------- Mass at 7PM at St. Mary’s followed by Stations 15th ------ Coffee and rolls following the 10:30AM Mass at St. John’s. All donated rolls and breads would appreciated. 18th ------ Adoration at St. Mary’s from 2-9PM ----------- Mass at 5:30PM at St .John’s . Stations of the Cross at St. John’s at 6:10PM ----------- Soup & Bread Supper at St. John’s 6:30PM . Everyone is invited. All donated soup & bread would be appreciated. 20th ------ 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet at St. John’s ----------- Mass at 7PM at St. Mary’s followed by Stations 25th ------ Adoration at St. Mary’s from 2-9PM ----------- Mass at 5:30PM at St. John’s . Stations of the Cross at St. John’s at 6:10PM ----------- Soup & Bread Supper at St. John’s 6:30PM . Everyone is invited. All donated soup & bread would be appreciated. 27th ------ 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet at St. John’s ----------- Mass at 7PM at St. Mary’s followed by Stations Apr. 1st -------- Adoration at St. Mary’s from 2-9PM ----------- Mass at 5:30PM at St. John’s . Stations of the Cross at St. John’s at 6:10PM ----------- Soup & Bread Supper at St. John’s 6:30PM . Everyone is invited. All donated soup & bread would be appreciated. 2nd ------- Holy Thursday Masses: 5:15PM St. Mary’s—adoration to follow until 8:30PM. 7:30PM at St. John’s— adoration to follow until midnight. 3rd -------- Good Friday Services: 3PM at St. John’s and 5:30PM at St. Mary’s 4th -------- Easter Vigil 8:00PM at St. John’s 5th ------- Easter 11th ------ Beach High School Prom 19th ------First Communion at St. Mary’s-G at 10:30AM with potluck to follow. Everyone is invited. St. John’s will have the 8:00AM Mass this weekend. 29th ------Confirmation at St. John’s Reception to follow. Liturgy Schedule Second Sunday of Lent • Stewardship Thought: During this season of almsgiving, we are called to look beyond our own wants and needs to serve those who are less fortunate among us. Week of Sunday, March 1st, 2015 3 JOB OPENINGS….The Diocese of Bismarck has an opening for a part-time cook/housekeeper for weekdays and weekends with approximately 10-20 hours per week, at the Emmaus Place, a priest retirement facility in Bismarck. Contact Denise Jordan at (701) 204-7212. ….The Diocese of Bismarck is seeking a full-time administrative assistant in the Office of Stewardship and Resource Development. Call Denise Jordan at (701) 2047212. ….Church of the Ascension in Bismarck has a position open for a Parish Secretary. Call Jan Sitter at 701-223-3606. Position is open until filled. Keep in your Prayers: We ask that you please help us keep our parish family prayer list updated. When we receive a prayer request, the name of the individual in need of our prayers will be printed here in the bulletin for 1 month. If we are not informed that it is desired they stay on this list longer, their name will be removed. Please pray for all the sick in our families and communities but especially for: Those who are in need: Tesla Dietz, John Willette, Rose Kreitinger, Don Heise, Ed Wojahn, Millie Dietz, Kathy Hollar, Shirley Schulte, Michelle Duppong, Clark Jandt, Jim Schulte, Kinsley Rae Noll, and Dan Buchholz. Congratulations to Kinsley Rae Noll, daughter of Tyler and Denise, who was baptized at St. Mary’s last week. May she continue to grow in God’s grace and wisdom. The Fulfillment of All Desire…. Our next men’s group meeting will be Thursday, March 5th, 2015 from 6:15 to 7:30 am. We will continue with Chapter 7: The Importance of Prayer. All men are invited! Coffee will be provided! SYMBOLON - Catholic study program….Our next class on the Catholic faith will be held on Sunday, March 1st, 2015 at St. John’s. This is not just for those who are new to the Catholic faith, but for anyone who desires a deeper understanding. The schedule is as follows: 1:00 PM - Why Do I Need The Church?: The Mystery of the Catholic Church 2:30 PM - Mary and the Saints: Our Spiritual Mother & the Communion of Saints [Christians acknowledge that Jesus was “born of the Virgin Mary,” but for many, Mary is little more than a statue in a nativity scene. Not for Catholics. For Catholics Mary is the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, and the first and most perfect disciple of the Lord. This week we are going to learn just who Mary of Nazareth is, and why loving Mary brings us closer to her son Jesus.] ST. JOHN’S MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR 3/7 AND 3/8 4:00PM Sat. Beach 10:30AM Sun. Beach E. MIN: Germaine U, Rod B -------- Jim W, Henry G * Shirley Z--- ------------------------------ Randy D *, Jess B SERVERS: Olivia T, Tessa F --------- Eliza & Alivia B READER: Tom T ------------------------ Swenda B GREETERS: Jake H Family ----------- Maureen F, Karen K GIFTS: Carla & Madi Z --------------- Aaron B Family USHERS: Kevin B ---------------------- Walt L MUSIC: Doris B & Elaine B --------- Men’s choir ROSARY: Jim U-------------- ---------- Ron Z ELEVATOR: Joe M --------------------- Doug M MON: NO SERVICES TUES: 12:10PM Mass St. John’s Beach †Philip Dolyniuk WED. 7:30AM Mass St. Mary’s Golva †Weine Barthel 5:30PM Mass St. John’s Beach †Mary Raisler 6:10PM Stations of the Cross at St. John’s THURS: 9:00AM Mass Manor Beach †Deceased Barthel and Finneman Families FRI.: 12:10PM Mass St. John’s Beach †Leo Mullen 3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet St. John’s 7:00PM Stations of the Cross St. Mary’s-G SAT: 4:00PM Mass St. John’s Beach 3/7/15 Michels Family SUN: 8:00AM Mass St. Mary’s Golva 3/8/15 For the People 10:30AM Mass St. John’s Beach †Paul Peplinski Weekly Offering Thank you for your generous donations. God bless you. St. John’s Beach Adults: $4,656.00 Youth: $17.75 St. Mary’s Golva Adults: $1,940.00 Youth: $8.00 St. Mary’s Medora Adults Envelopes: $30.00 Adoration Corner at St. John’s Beach…The Sacred Heart of Jesus promises you that He will take your name and write it on His heart never to be erased-for helping Him with adoration. Stop in this week. The adoration schedule is: 5PM to 10PM MONDAYS; 10AM to 10PM Tuesdays; 5AM to 10PM Wednesdays; 11AM to 10PM Thursdays. (74 committed adorers/22subs) Stewardship Thought…. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. St. Paul reminds us that God Himself “did not spare his own Son.” Are my gifts to the Lord – of my resources, of my time, of myself – also sacrificial? Reminder: All Fridays in Lent are days to abstain from meat. The 5:30 pm Mass on Wednesday evenings is for the whole parish; following Mass at 6:10PM will be Stations of the Cross, followed by a meal with the CCD students which is open to the whole parish. This will be the schedule for the rest of Lent. We encourage you to attend daily Mass and the Stations during Lent. Congratulations to ….Jesse and Sarah (Slater) Gunkel on the birth of their son Ozwald Viktor. ….to Travis and Lacey (Barthel) Wojahn on the birth of their daughter Ellington Jovie. ….to Joe and Ceara (Niece) Steiner on the birth of their son Rhettick Joseph. ….to Todd and Denise Stockwell on the birth of their daughter Cora Josephine. “Becoming the heart, hand and voice of God” is the theme for the 26th annual African Mission Appeal which begins next weekend in every parish in this diocese. An envelope is attached for your use. Please prayerfully consider a generous gift to the appeal. There will be a Benefit Spaghetti Supper for 3 families of St. Anne Parish in Bismarck, ND. The benefit will be on Sunday, Mar. 8, 2015 from 3:00 – 7:00pm at St. Anne’s Church. The families include: Tonya Link & family, Marie Stiegelmeier & family and Darin Rohrich and family. These families are facing many medical bills associated with the treatment of cancer and a kidney transplant. Thank you for all the cards, prayers, gifts, and concern for my son Perry and during this time of sorrow. It is great there are good people in this world. Katy Zinsli St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Vocation Fund update..…The St. Mary’s KCs recent vocation breakfast was very successful. Thank you to everyone for your generous donations. A special thanks goes out to all the helpers, young and old. It’s true what they say, “Many hands make light work.” Watch the bulletin for the date and time for our annual Lenten Fish Fry sometime in March.