Effects of tensile load on cell proliferative activity of fascial

Effects of tensile load on cell proliferative activity of fascial connective
Chun Yang1, Jing-peng Wu1,Jun Wang2, Jing-xing Dai1, Lin Yuan1*
Depts. of Anatomy, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China,
phone: +86-020-61648637, email yuanlfascia@yahoo.com.cn
Department of Anatomy, Shenzhen University School of Medicine,
Shenzhen, China
PURPOSE: To study the possibility of mechanical tensile stimulation to
cell’s proliferative activity in facial connective tissue and then the
mechanism of comp1ement therapy was discussed.
METHODS: Mechanical tensile stimulate facial connective tissue
compartment; BrdU incorporation marks cell proliferation; observe cell
proliferative activity by immunofluorescence, and statistical analyze;
observe the effect of the fascial stretching stimulation to connective tissue
structure and morphology.
RESULTS: Under tensi1e, the density of fiber and ce11s increased;The
fiber and cells aligned themse1ves in the direction. After the mechanical
tensile stimulate fascia connective tissue, the experimental rats’ inguinal
fat pad lose its normal structure, more bleeding incision, cell proliferation
activity is significantly improved.
CONCLUSION: Mechanical tensile stimulation can significantly
improve stem cell proliferation activity in the fascia connective tissue.
Tentative confirm viewpoint of fasciology: physical stimulation changes
cell activity in the fascia connective tissue, to play the support and reserve
role in organism. Reconstruction of 1oose connective tissue and
increasing of cell proliferative activity under tensile load may be one of
the mechanism of complement therapy.
Supported by: the National Basic Research Program of China (973
Program), No. 2007CB512705; the General Program for Youths of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 30801464