MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC WORKS AND HOUSSING MANAGING AUTHORITY FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FRAMEWORK-DOCUMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME 2007-2013 WORKING DOCUMENT BUCHAREST May 2007 I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 4 THE STRATEGY AND THE OBJECTIVES OF THE REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME ..................................................................................................................... 4 II. KEY AREAS OF INTERVENTION ............................................................................. 8 II.1. Priority Axis 1 – Support to sustainable development of urban growth poles ... 8 II.1.1. Key Area of Intervention 1.1 – Integrated urban development plans ....................... 8 II.2. Priority axis 2: Improvement of regional and local transport infrastructure .. 30 II.2.1. Key area of intervention 2.1 - Rehabilitation and modernization of county roads and urban streets network - including construction/rehabilitation of ring roads ......... 30 II.3 Priority Axis 3 - Improvement of social infrastructure ...................................... 37 II.3.1. Key Area of Intervention 3.1. - Rehabilitation, modernization and equipping of the health services’ infrastructure. ..................................................................................... 37 II.3.2. Key Area of Intervention 3.2. - Rehabilitation, modernization, development and equipping of social services’ infrastructure ................................................................. 45 II.3.3. Key Area of Intervention 3.3. - Improving the equipment of operational units for public safety interventions in emergency situations .................................................... 52 II.3.4. Key Area of Intervention 3.4 - Rehabilitation, modernisation, development and equipping of pre-university, university education and continuous vocational training infrastructure................................................................................................................ 58 II.4 Priority Axis 4: Strengthening the regional and local business environment .... 68 II.4.1. Key area of intervention 4.1 – Development of sustainable business support structures of regional and local importance ................................................................. 68 II.4.2. Key area of intervention 4.2 - Rehabilitation of unused polluted industrial sites and preparation for new activities ...................................................................................... 75 II.4.3. Key area of intervention 4.3 – Support the development of micro-enterprises ...... 83 II.5 Priority Axis 5 Sustainable development and promotion of tourism ................. 90 II.5.1. Key area of intervention 5.1 - Restoration and sustainable valorisation of cultural heritage and setting up/ modernization of related infrastructure ................................. 90 2 II.5.2. Key area of intervention 5.2 - Creation, development, modernization of the tourism infrastructure for sustainable valorization of natural resources and for increasing the quality of tourism services ........................................................................................... 98 II.5.2.16. State aid ............................................................................................................. 107 II.5.3 Key Area of Intervention 5.3 - Promoting the tourism potential and setting-up the needed infrastructure in order to increase Romania’s attractivity as tourism destination.................................................................................................................. 108 II.6 Priority axis 6 - Technical assistance to support ROP implementation ......... 119 II.6.1. Key Area of Intervention 6.1 - Support for the implementation, overall management and evaluation of the ROP ................................................................... 119 II.6.2. Key Area of Intervention 6.2 - Support for the publicity and information activities of the ROP ................................................................................................................. 124 III. FINANCIAL PLAN ................................................................................................... 131 IV. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................ 132 3 I. INTRODUCTION The Framework-document for implementation is a national programmatic document drawn-up by taking into consideration the Regional Operational Programme. The Programme Complement’ role is to detail, on areas of intervention, the projects’ beneficiaries, the eligible activities, the eligibility and selection projects’ criteria, the financial allocation size, the implementation, monitoring and evaluation system. The Framework-document contains the necessary information for those who implement the Regional Operational Programme, as well as for the programme beneficiaries, who elaborate projects and request finance support. The Framework-document for implementation is a document that may be used independently from the Regional Operational Programme. For this reason, it will include a summary of ROP’ strategy and objectives, establishing the clear connection between the two documents. The Programme Complement respects the strategy and objectives of the ROP, as well as of the National Development plan and National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013. The Framework-document was drawn-up by the Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Programme in cooperation with the Regional Development Agencies. The document will be approved by the ROP Monitoring Committee and can be modified only with Monitoring Committee approval. THE STRATEGY AND THE OBJECTIVES OF THE REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME Regional Operational Programme Strategy The ROP’ strategy reflects the Regional Development Policy of Romania, in accordance with the Regional Development Law (Law 315/2004) and the process of decentralisation as it is detailed in the Framework Law regarding Decentralisation no. 339/2004. Also, the strategy takes into consideration the provisions of the Community Strategic Guidelines and the European Union cohesion policy for the 2007 – 2013 period and of the Lisbon Agenda, that emphasis the support for research, technology and innovation. The strategy is based on the European principle of subsidiarity, meaning that it was elaborated on the basis of the Development Strategies of the regions that were drawn-up at regional level, in wide partnership working groups. The ROP strategy is in line with the NDP and National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF 2007-2013) provisions, contributing to the achievement of its global and specific objectives, regarding the diminishing of development disparities between Romania and the other EU countries. 4 The Regional Operational Programme addresses all the four priorities of the NSRF, contributing to the solving of most of the development issues envisaged by the National Development Strategy. Although the development of human resources is not directly targeted by ROP’s areas of intervention, it still complements it, by addressing the related infrastructure. Rationale The ROP strategy derives from key problems identified in the national regional socioeconomic analysis and the eight specific regional analyses, namely: The increasing concentration of FDI-led growth in the areas around Bucharest, leading to the increase in the disparities between Bucharest-Ilfov Region and the other seven Regions and to the congestion problems of the capital city; Socio-economic decline of many regional urban centers and the diminishing of their role in the surrounding areas and Regions’ development; The loss of urban functions of many small and medium towns, especially of the mono industrial ones, generated by industrial restructuring; this loss of function is commonly associated with social problems; The re-emergence of the historical unbalanced development between the Eastern and the Western part of the country due to reorientation of trade flows and access to Western Markets, but also the difficulties the Western part seems to have in connecting with globalised markets outside Europe; The increasing economic decoupling of chronically under-developed areas in the North of the Country and alongside the Danube River; The existence of entire parts of the Country whose development prospects are hindered by lack of labour force and a massive “temporary” migration phenomenon; The key importance of accessibility as a precondition for any local development A declining and ageing population and a high dependency ratio, resulting in a growing demand for health and social services; The possible emergence of economic stagnation in isolated mountainous areas; The weak competitiveness of many businesses, particularly in the tourism sector, with low labor productivity, lack of capital investment, lack of management skills, low use of modern technology and machinery; The poor quality of public infrastructure (including road, health, social and education infrastructure), obsolete urban public utilities and failure to maintain historical and cultural assets; The limited experience Romanian local authorities have in the management of the regional/local development programmes. Strategic objective Fallowing the apparence and dynamic of these proceses revealed by the economic and social analysis, there was established as a strategic objective of the ROP the supporting 5 of an economic, social, territorially balanced and sustainable development of the Romanian Regions, according to their specific needs and resources, focusing on urban growth poles, improving the business environment and basic infrastructure, in order to make the Romanian Regions, especially the ones lagging behind, more attractive places to live, visit, invest in and work. This objective will be achieved through a differentiated financial allocation by region, connected with their level of development and in close coordination with the actions implemented by other Operational Programmes. According to the Regional Strategy of the National Development Plan, ROP will give priority to the regions lagging behind and to the less developed areas within more prosperous regions. In the same time, a special focus will be given to sustainable supporting of the cities – potential urban growth poles, which can contribute to a polycentric development of the Romanian territory. Specific Objectives In order to accomplish the strategic objective of ROP, the following specific objectives have been established : To increase the economic and social role of urban centers, adopting a polycentric approach, in order to stimulate a more balanced development of regions To increase accessibility within regions and in particular the accessibility of urban centers and their connection to surrounding areas; To increase the quality of social infrastructure of regions; To increase the competitiveness of regions as business locations; To increase the contribution of tourism to the development of regions. The implementation of this programme leads, eventually, to the diminishing of the interregional disparities and also of the disparities within the regions, between rural and urban areas, between urban centres and adjacent areas, and within the cities between the more attractive and less attractive areas for investors, through a better use of regional synergies. The aim of ROP is to achieve the general objective and the specific objectives of the Regional Development Strategy by complementing the national and sectoral interventions with specific regional and subregional actions, in order to support the regional development and generate economic growth. 6 PRIORITY AXES The balanced development of all the counties regions will be achieved through an integrated approach, based on a combination of public investments in the local infrastructure, active policies to stimulate business activities and support for the valorification of the local resources, by the following priority axes: Support to sustainable development of urban growth poles Improvement of regional and local transport infrastructure Improvement of social infrastructure Strengthening the regional and local business environment Sustainable development and promotion of tourism Technical assistance 7 II. KEY AREAS OF INTERVENTION II.1. Priority Axis 1 – Support to sustainable development of urban growth poles II.1.1. Key Area of Intervention 1.1 – Integrated urban development plans II.1.1.1. Description After 1990, Romanian economy restructuring process, generated by the decline of the industrial activity, especially of the heavy industry, deeply affected Romanian urban centers, initially small and medium-sized towns with mono-industrial activities, and later the old urban centers, with industrial tradition. The diminishing in the number of jobs in industrial enterprises, while the number of jobs in the tertiary economic sector didn’t increase enough to cover the releases from the industry, confronted Romania with a phenomenon of unique intensity in Europe, namely the migration of the population from towns and cities to rural areas, but also a “week-end and holiday migration” of the urban residents that get back their rural land, in small plots of land, adding to those that practices a subsistence agriculture. The decrease in the urban population’s incomes and related to this, in the local authorities budget, led to the reduction of public investments in the basic urban infrastructures, to worsening of urban life, both reflected in the level of life quality for the population in urban areas. This is clearly reflected in the outskirts of towns and in old, central parts of cities, where buildings of great historical, cultural and artistic value are abandoned or in an advanced phase of degradation, occupied by ethnic minorities or categories of marginalized people. These areas also register a high level of deteriorated public spaces: streets in poor condition, incomplete and /or inadequate street lighting, reduced surface of parks and leisure areas, etc. This situation is worsened by the lack or limited entrepreneurial activities, leading to the situation in which the local budgets can not cover all the needs related to the renewal of basic urban infrastructure and rehabilitation of the old urban areas – that can attract the small entrepreneurs – or to the support of disadvantaged categories. In order to contribute to address of such complex problems, under this priority axis of ROP there will be financed integrated urban development plans of small towns or of urban areas, geographically delimited within medium and large cities, called “urban action zones”. The advantage of this integrated approach consists in that it can simultaneously address many interrelated problems, which also affect the adjacent neighbourhoods of the intervention areas. The objective of this field of interventin is to increase the quality of life and to create new jobs in cities, by rehabilitating the urban infrastructure, improving services, including social services, as well as by developing business support structures and entrepreneurship. 8 An integrated urban development plan is implemented by individual projects. The integrated plan can be financed totally or partially by ROP and the individual projects implemented by ROP must be part of at least two of the following three categories of projects: rehabilitation of urban infrastructure and improvement of urban services, including urban transport; sustainable development of business environment; rehabilitation of social infrastructure, including social housing and improvement of social services. The structure of the integrated urban development plan is the following: 1. Introduction General information about the city Location in the country, in the region and in the national and regional urban system 2. The analysis of current status of “urban action zone”, where the integrated development plan will be implemented The location of the area within the city Spatial delimitation/demarcation or the urban action zone (map) Demographical characteristics Economic characteristics Social characteristics Disparities, discrepancies, development potential SWOT analysis of the urban action zone 3. Strategy General objective Specific objectives Measures foreseen Evaluation of impact of the plan on the area, city and surroundings and its contribution to sustainable development References to strategic spatial/social/economic documents with impact on local development and their relation to – Integrated Urban Development Plan, Development strategy of the city, Regional Development Plan, Regional Operational Program, etc 4. Planning of investments Planned measure – title of project, description Status of investments achieved Expected results Institutions, departments within city hall involved in implementation Allocated budget (financing sources) 5. Financial allocation Financing sources (state budget, local budget, UE funds, private funds) 9 6. Management of the project 7. Description of partnership in the process of programming – consulted partners II.1.1.2. Indicative operations Types of individual projects financed by ROP: Rehabilitation of the urban infrastructure and improvement of urban services, including urban transport Development of sustainable business environment Rehabilitation of social infrastructure, including social housing and improvement of social services A. INTEGRATED URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLANS II.1.1.3. Eligible activities Not applicable. Eligible activities are to be found, detailed by each type of operations, at individual projects. II.1.1.4 . List of eligible expenditures Not applicable II.1.1.5 Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing Not applicable II.1.1.6 Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 126,386,151 2007 149,431,027 2008 159,708,587 2009 194,035,391 2010 205,668,836 2011 249,971,744 2012 305,970,049 2013 TOTAL 1,391,171,785 EU National public contribution Private contribution contribution State Local Other Total (ERDF/CF/ budget budgets public ESF/) sources* 101,551,272 22,307,156 2,527,723 0 24,834,879 0 120,067,830 26,374,576 2,988,621 0 29,363,197 0 128,325,850 28,188,565 3,194,172 0 31,382,737 0 155,907,437 34,247,246 3,880,708 0 38,127,954 0 165,254,910 36,300,549 4,113,377 0 40,413,926 0 200,852,296 44,120,014 4,999,434 0 49,119,448 0 245,846,934 54,003,714 6,119,401 0 60,123,115 0 1,117,806,529 245,541,820 27,823,436 0 273,365,256 0 10 II.1.1.7 . Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets > 10,000,000 Euro Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable II.1.1.8. Eligible beneficiaries Authorities of local public administration from urban areas. II.1.1.9. Applicants Not applicable II.1.1.10. Target groups / Target areas Zones/counties Urban growth poles Neighbourhoods or areas, geographically delimitated within cities, characterized by deprived physical and natural environment, declining economic activities and high share of disadvantaged groups of people, with minimum of 20.000 inhabitants. II.1.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2011 II.1.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission 11 II.1.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria for integrated urban development plans: The contribution of the integrated urban development plan to the achievement of the general and specific objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013; The contribution of the integrated urban development plan to the achievement of the regional dedvelopment strategy; The complementary with other regional projects financed from public funds Eligibility and evaluation criteria for integrated urban development plans: Eligibility criteria for integrated urban development plan The applicant must prove the financing capacity; The applicant must demonstrate the administrative capacity (owned or delegated) necessary for implementing the project; The integrated urban development plan must contain the development strategy of the urban action zone; The integrated urban development plan must contain individual projects, partially or totally, eligible for ROP; The integrated urban development plan must comply with the eligible areas of intervention of ROP’s fourth Priority Axis; The integrated urban development plan must comply with the Spatial Planning and Urbanism Documents; The maximum implementation period of the integrated urban development plans must not exceed the 30th of December 2015; The integrated urban development plans must contain individual projects from at least two areas of intervention (Rehabilitation of urban infrastructure and improvement of urban services, including urban transport; Sustainable development of business environment; Rehabilitation of social infrastructure, including social housing and improvement of social services), of which one is, mandatory, the rehabilitation of urban infrastructure and improvement of urban services, including urban transport; If the integrated urban development plan comprises projects related to rehabilitation of housing, “the urban action zone” must fulfil at least two of the following eligibility criteria: - Low level/declining economic activities, ending traditional industrial activities; High levels of unemployment; High levels of poverty, characterized by low incomes and social exclusion; 12 - High number of people belonging to marginalized ethnic and/or minority group; Low level of education, low professional skills and high rate of school abandonment; Low level of security among the citizens, respectively high levels of delinquency, criminality, drug abuse and/or violence; Negative demographic trends; A destroyed, neglected or deteriorated built environment. And at least one of the following criteria: - Low level of housing prices; - Low level of the buildings energy efficiency; The integrated urban development plan must be implemented in urban areas (“urban action zone”) with a population of at least 20,000 inhabitants. Evaluation criteria for integrated urban development plan: The implementation period estimated by the applicant for carrying out of the actions comprised in the integrated urban development plan is realistic; The estimated budget of the integrated urban development plan, for the implementation of the actions scheduled, is feasible; The integrated urban development plans proves/justifies the existence of a positive economic impact, both on the direct targeted area and on the whole city (increase of the “urban action zone” attractiveness, creation of new jobs, etc); The integrated urban development plan complies with the horizontal policies regarding environment, information society and equal opportunities; The integrated urban development plan targets areas with low level/declining economic activities, ending traditional industrial activities; The integrated urban development plan targets areas with high level of unemployment / long term unemployment / youth unemployment; The integrated urban development plan targets areas with high number of people belonging to minority ethnic groups (rroma people, etc); The integrated urban development plan targets areas with destroyed/deteriorated built environment; The applicant proves the compliance with the partnership principle (involving all the relevant actors, affected by the project) in the project elaboration process. 13 II.1.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Integrated urban development plans implemented (No) Projects ensuring sustainability and improving urban public infrastructure within the integrated urban plans, in total budget allocated (%) Projects promoting businesses and entrepreneurship within the integrated urban plans, in total budget allocated (%) Projects offering services to promote equal opportunities and social inclusion within the integrated urban plans, in total budget allocated (%) Inhabitants benefiting from the implementation of integrated urban development plans (No) 30 60 15 25 400,0 00 Result indicators Companies established in the “urban action zones” (No) Jobs created / saved in “urban action zones” (No) 400 1,500 Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input indicators Expenditures for integrated urban - 14 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 development plans (Euro) Output indicators Public buildings renovated/ rehabilitated (M2) Urban streets constructed/ rehabilitated/ modernized, including side walks and cycle lanes (Km2) Tramway/trolley network extended/ rehabilitated (Km) Rehabilitated housing (No) Social centers established/ rehabilitated (No) Created / rehabilitated green spaces (M2) Result indicators Persons that benefit from social services offered by the social centers that benefited from support within the integrated urban development plans (No) Impact indicators Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input indicators Output indicators - Emissions of NOx - Emissions of SO2 - Emissions of VOC - Emissions of fine particles (PM10 and PM2.5) tones Total Nitrogen – mg/l - CO2 equivalent release into the atmosphere - Tons of 15 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 C02 equivalent - Area of greenfields affected - ha - Health facilities (hospitals, ambulances, clinics) supported through the OP - no - Projects contributing to protection against natural and industrial disasters - no - Waste recycled (tones) - Waste recovered (tones) - Waste reused (tones) - Areas of brownfields rehabilitated and/or used for development - ha - Projects rehabilitating historical and cultural heritage - no - Increased energy efficiency in supported companies, enterprises, institutions - % - Projects dealing with environmentally responsible behavior - no Result indicators Impact indicators II.1.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development This priority axes (field of intervention) comprises explicit activities which led to the improvement of the environment in the deprived urban areas: creation of green spaces, thermal rehabilitation of flats, introduction of an environmental friendly transport, rehabilitation of deprived areas (abandoned lands and industrial sites, etc), rehabilitation of used public infrastructure, etc. 16 Equal opportunities The integrated urban development plans will aim at the rehabilitation and the increase in the quality of life of the urban areas, characterized by negative socio-economic indicators such as high unemployment, minority groups – especially rroma people, population with low level of education, etc. Will be financed investments in the social infrastructure, including investments ensuring good quality of social housing, contributing to the promotion of social inclusion. Special attentions will be paid to the persons belonging to rroma minority, helping to their insertion on the labour market and ensuring good living conditions for them. II.1.1.16. State Aid Not applicable II.1.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Cod Priority theme Priority theme Urban and rural regeneration 61 Cod 01 Integrated projects for urban and rural regeneration Form of finance Form of finance Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Cod Territory type Urban 01 II.1.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies. II.1.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries Not applicable. 17 B. INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS B.1. Rehabilitation of urban infrastructure and improvement of urban services, including urban transport II.1.1.3. Eligible activities a) Urban public infrastructure: Development and/or rehabilitation of urban public infrastructure and utilities (public lighting, water, sewerage, electricity, gas, phone, broadband networks, etc) Creation and/or preservation of green and recreation spaces (public gardens, parks, urban furniture, container, waste, etc); Creation and rehabilitation of urban public spaces: urban streets, sidewalks, public squares, pedestrian areas, bridges, passages, level crossing, foot bridge, etc; Completion and/or renovation of abandoned buildings and their preparation for new economic and social activities; The demolition of badly deteriorated buildings and/or structures, which don’t belong to the national cultural heritage and the arrangement of deteriorated/ unused lands, for the construction of public use buildings and green spaces; Purchasing of information and communication equipment for an increase access of citizens to the public services; Traffic management systems (infrastructure works and endowment with specific equipment for traffic management) b) Transport and the mobility of inhabitants: Building bus, tramway and trolley stations, or modernizing the already existing ones; construction of inter-modal terminals aimed at enhanced integration of different types of public urban transport; Extending and/or upgrading tramway network and trolley infrastructure as well as related infrastructure; Construction and/or arrangement of special lanes for buses and/or cycling; Purchasing environmentally friendly vehicles for the public transport; Other operations related to transport and the mobility of the inhabitants. c) National cultural heritage1, local cultural heritage in urban areas2 and infrastructure for cultural activities: Rehabilitation and restoration of buildings and monuments of historical and cultural importance according to the list of monuments heritage; Restoring, consolidation, protection and preservation of patrimony buildings 1 Group A: Monuments of universal and national value according to the list done by the Ministry of Culture and Cults 2 Group B: Monuments for local cultural patrimony according to the list done by the Ministry of Culture and Cults 18 Restoring, protection and conservation of interior pictures, frescoes, mural exterior pictures Reconstruction / arrangement of access ways (pedestrian and roadway) towards the rehabilitated objectives, within their protected area; Works and endowments in order to ensure the interior or the exterior lighting, the security lighting and the decorative lighting; Arrangement of protected areas through the demarcation and the enclosure of patrimony objectives (where is needed); Construction of the secondary utilities (parking, toilets, advertising billboards and indicators); II.1.1.4 . List of eligible expenditures Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection Expenses to assure utilities for the objective Expenses for land studies Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies Expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of project eligible expenses) II.1.1.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing Cross financing (as defined in art. 34(2) of the Council Regulation No. 1083/2006) may be used within this priority axis, if needed. The ESF expenditure should not exceed 10% from ERDF co-financing of integrated urban development plan. 19 II.1.1.6. Financial allocation Not applicable II.1.1.7 . Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets II.1.1.8 . Eligible beneficiaries Authorities of local public administration in urban areas II.1.1.9 . Applicants Not applicable II.1.1.10 . Target groups / Target areas Not applicable II.1.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2008-2013 II.1.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission 20 500,000 – 50,000,000 Euro Not applicable 500,000 – 50,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.1.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria for individual projects The contribution of the individual project to the achievement of the objectives of the integrated urban development plan; The complementary of the individual project with other projects financed from public funds at the level of the “urban action zone” or the city. Eligibility and evaluation criteria: The individual project must be one of the activities comprised within the integrated urban development plan; The project applicant must prove the ownership of the land/building or the lessee of the land/building, for a period of minimum 10 years; The project must have feasibility study and the appropriate notifications; The activities proposed for financing within the project must not have been financed from public founds in the last 5 years; The financial costs of the project must be comprised between the financial limits established for the individual projects; The proposed project must comply with the Spatial Planning and Urbanism Documents; Eligibility criteria: Evaluation criteria: The impact of the project on the development of the urban action zone (attractiveness for the investors, creation of jobs, etc), and also on the environment; Sustainability of the project – the existence of the financial resources needed for functioning, maintenance and/or repairs, after the project is finished. II.1.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Not applicable II.1.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development This field of intervention comprises explicit activities which led to the improvement of the environment in the deprived urban areas: creation of green spaces, thermal rehabilitation of flats, introduction of an environmental friendly transport, rehabilitation of deprived areas (abandoned lands and industrial sites, etc), rehabilitation of used public infrastructure, etc. 21 Equal opportunities The integrated urban development plans will aim at the rehabilitation and the increase in the quality of life of the urban areas, characterized by negative socio-economic indicators such as high unemployment, minority groups – especially rroma people, population with low level of education, etc. Will be financed investments in the social infrastructure, including investments ensuring good quality of social housing, contributing to the promotion of social inclusion. Special attentions will be paid to the persons belonging to rroma minority, helping to their insertion on the labor market and ensuring good living conditions for them. II.1.1.16. State Aid Operation Restoration and sustainable valorization of cultural heritage State Aid regime Aid to promote culture and heritage conservation Legal basis EC Treaty, art 87 (3) d II.1.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Not applicable II.1.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.1.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH – Directorate for Certifying and Payments Programmes B.2. Sustainable development of business environment II.1.1.3 . Eligible activities Creation and/or rehabilitation/amenaja of spaces or existing buildings through creation of infrastructure for economic and commercial activities; II.1.1.4 . List of eligible expenditures Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection Expenses to assure utilities for the objective Expenses for land studies 22 Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies Expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of project eligible expenses) II.1.1.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing Cross financing (as defined in art. 34(2) of the Council Regulation No. 1083/2006) may be used within this priority axis, if needed. The ESF expenditure should not exceed 10% from ERDF co-financing of integrated urban development plan. II.1.1.6. Financial allocation Not applicable II.1.1.7 . Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 23 500,000 – 50,000,000 Euro Not applicable 500,000 – 50,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.1.1.8 . Eligible beneficiaries Authorities of local public administration in urban areas II.1.1.9 . Applicants Not applicable II.1.1.10 . Target groups / Target areas Not applicable II.1.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2008-2013 II.1.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.1.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria for individual projects The contribution of the individual project to the achievement of the objectives of the integrated urban development plan; The complementary of the individual project with other projects financed from public funds at the level of the “urban action zone” or the city. Eligibility and evaluation criteria for individual projects: Eligibility criteria: The individual project must be one of the activities comprised within the integrated urban development plan; The project applicant must prove the ownership of the land/building or the lessee of the land/building, for a period of minimum 10 years; The project must have feasibility study/business plan; The activities proposed for financing within the project must not have been financed from public founds in the last 5 years; The financial costs of the project must be comprised between the financial limits established for the individual projects; The proposed project must comply with the Spatial Planning and Urbanism Documents; 24 Evaluation criteria: The impact of the project on the development of the urban action zone (attractiveness for the investors, creation of jobs, etc), and also on the environment; Sustainability of the project – the existence of the financial resources needed for functioning, maintenance and/or repairs, after the project is finished The share of the technologic transfer/research/development/innovation activities. II.1.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Not applicable II.1.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development This field of intervention comprises explicit activities which led to the improvement of the environment in the deprived urban areas: creation of green spaces, thermal rehabilitation of flats, introduction of an environmental friendly transport, rehabilitation of deprived areas (abandoned lands and industrial sites, etc), rehabilitation of used public infrastructure, etc. Equal opportunities The integrated urban development plans will aim at the rehabilitation and the increase in the quality of life of the urban areas, characterized by negative socio-economic indicators such as high unemployment, minority groups – especially rroma people, population with low level of education, etc. Will be financed investments in the social infrastructure, including investments ensuring good quality of social housing, contributing to the promotion of social inclusion. Special attentions will be paid to the persons belonging to rroma minority, helping to their insertion on the labor market and ensuring good living conditions for them. II.1.1.16. State Aid Operation Business support structures Rehabilitation of unused polluted industrial sites and preparation for new activities State Aid regime Legal basis National regional investment Commission Regulation 1628/2006 from 24th aid of October 2006 regarding application of art 87 and 88 of EC Treaty for national regional investment aid Preparation for new activities Commission Regulation 1628/2006 from 24th of the depolluted industrial of October 2006 regarding application of art sites - National regional 87 and 88 of EC Treaty for national regional investment aid investment aid 25 II.1.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Not applicable II.1.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.1.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH – Directorate for Certifying and Payments Programmes B.3. Rehabilitation of social infrastructure, including social housing and improvement of social services II.1.1.3 . Eligible activities Rehabilitation and/or creation of the buildings for social infrastructure: child-care centres, old people's homes, centres providing assistance to disabled persons, youth centres, centres for people in difficulty, as well as their endowment with specific equipments, including the purchase of information and communication equipments; Renovation of multi-family social housing: o Renovation of multi-family residential buildings (excluding areas within the flats), including: The refurbishment of main structural parts of the building, roof, façade, staircase, inside and outside corridors, entrance and their exteriors, elevator; Technical installations of the building Energy efficiency actions o Renovation and change of use of existing buildings owned by public authorities; Purchasing of equipments necessary for increasing security and preventing crimes (surveillance systems, etc); II.1.1.4 . List of eligible expenditures Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection Expenses to assure utilities for the objective Expenses for land studies Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering 26 Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies Expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of project eligible expenses) II.1.1.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing Cross financing (as defined in art. 34(2) of the Council Regulation No. 1083/2006) may be used within this priority axis, if needed. The activities eligible for cross financing are training courses for developing professional skills for marginalized groups (unemployed people, ethnic minorities, youth, etc). The ESF expenditure should not exceed 10% from ERDF co-financing of integrated urban development plan. II.1.1.6. Financial allocation Not applicable II.1.1.7 . Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 27 500,000 – 50,000,000 Euro Not applicable 500,000 – 50,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.1.1.8 . Eligible beneficiaries Authorities of local public administration in urban areas II.1.1.9 . Applicants Not applicable II.1.1.10 . Target groups / Target areas Not applicable II.1.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2008-2013 II.1.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.1.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria for individual projects The contribution of the individual project to the achievement of the objectives of the integrated urban development plan; The complementary of the individual project with other projects financed from public funds at the level of the “urban action zone” or the city. Eligibility and evaluation criteria for individual projects: Eligibility criteria: The individual project must be one of the activities comprised within the integrated urban development plan; The project applicant must prove the ownership of the land/building or the lessee of the land/building, for a period of minimum 10 years; The project must have feasibility study and the appropriate notifications; The activities proposed for financing within the project must not have been financed from public founds in the last 5 years; The financial costs of the project must be comprised between the financial limits established for the individual projects; The proposed project must comply with the Spatial Planning and Urbanism Documents and to have the appropriate notifications for feasibility study; 28 Evaluation criteria: The project has positive impact on supporting the social inclusion in the urban action area Sustainability of the project – the existence of the financial resources needed for functioning, maintenance and/or repairs, after the project is finished II.1.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Not applicable II.1.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development This field of intervention comprises explicit activities which led to the improvement of the environment in the deprived urban areas: creation of green spaces, thermal rehabilitation of flats, introduction of an environmental friendly transport, rehabilitation of deprived areas (abandoned lands and industrial sites, etc), rehabilitation of used public infrastructure, etc. Equal opportunities The integrated urban development plans will aim at the rehabilitation and the increase in the quality of life of the urban areas, characterized by negative socio-economic indicators such as high unemployment, minority groups – especially rroma people, population with low level of education, etc. Will be financed investments in the social infrastructure, including investments ensuring good quality of social housing, contributing to the promotion of social inclusion. Special attentions will be paid to the persons belonging to rroma minority, helping to their insertion on the labor market and ensuring good living conditions for them. II.1.1.16. State Aid Not applicable II.1.1.17. Categorization of interventions Not applicable II.1.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.1.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH – Directorate for Certifying and Payments Programmes 29 II.2. Priority axis 2: Improvement of regional and local transport infrastructure The changes, which have occurred within the structure of Romanian economy, the process of its European integration and implicitly, access to EU markets, has strongly modified the trend of commodities and passengers flows, generating a constant increase of their volume. In the same time, European standards concerning the quality of the transport networks have increased, through introducing tough environmental protection regulations. Taking into account their specific needs and development level, with an insufficient and less competitive transport infrastructure, inadequate for European Union market requirements, but also for actual stage of globaliyation, it is expected that the profitability and the added value of investment in infrastructure will increase. This priority axis contributes to the accomplishment of the objectives identified in the National Strategy for Regional Development form the National Strategic Reference Framework and is in line with the Community Strategic Guidelines of the Cohesion Policy, which foresee the necessity to improve the regions’ accessibility and attractiveness. II.2.1. Key area of intervention 2.1 - Rehabilitation and modernization of county roads and urban streets network - including construction/rehabilitation of ring roads II.2.1.1. Description The connection of the county roads to the national and TEN-T networks, envisaged by ROP, generates consequences for regional development, by attracting areas with deficient structural development to the economic activities circuit. In this sense, investments will be focused especially in those areas where the topographic characteristics of natural environment and historical and economic evolutions impeded an adequate development of the transport infrastructure. This road network will contribute, in the medium term, to the increase of capital flows, of labor force mobility, of accessibility towards and within the country, generating its sustainable development, and obviously, contributing to the creation of new opportunities for jobs, including rural areas. Taking into account the increasing urban traffic congestions it is necessary to rehabilitate and modernize the urban street network in order to avoid excessive traffic concentration, shorten the distances between the urban functional areas, as well as elimination of the bothellnecks in the main access points to the city by supporting urban streets projects which connect towns/cities thoroughfares to the national crossing roads network (category I streets), functional areas to residential ones (category II streets), as well as functional and residential areas to connecting streets and/or to towns/cities thoroughfares (category III streets). The rehabilitation and the modernization of urban streets as well as the construction, rehabilitation and the modernization of ring/roads (with county road status) will ensure fluent urban traffic, reduce journey time, eliminate bottlenecks and ensure the safe crossing of localities. 30 The increase of deaths and injuries in car accidents (over 4,500 traffic accidents, with around 1,650 deceased and 3,800 injured persons in 2005) is caused both by the rapid increase in the use of cars, and by the poor quality of roads – due to the limited funds allocated for the road maintenance -, and also the insufficient number of safety areas on public roads as well as the traffic monitoring systems. Another cause is the lack or the poor quality of pedestrian areas and of cycle-paths, which forces both pedestrians and cyclists to use the main road, intended for vehicles. The existence of transport infrastructure is essential for the achievement of Lisbon Strategy objective regarding economic growth and employment. Transport network is a vital factor for the location of companies, development of business environment and tourism as well as for the achievement of territorial cohesion in Europe. Investments in transport infrastructure will facilitate population and goods mobility, the reducing of the commodities and passengers transport costs, the improvement of access to the regional markets, the increasing of economic efficiency, saving time and energy, setting-up conditions for the extension of commercial flows and implicitly, of productive investments. The development of transport network will also facilitate inter-regional cooperation and will significantly contribute to the increase enterprises/companies competitiveness and labor force mobility, and, as a consequence, in a faster development of Romania as a whole, but also of each of its Region. II.2.1.2. Indicative operations Rehabilitation and modernization of the county road network Rehabilitation and modernization of the urban streets network Construction/ rehabilitation/ modernization of ring roads (with county road status); II.2.1.3. Eligible activities Rehabilitation and modernization of the county road network; Rehabilitation and modernization of the urban streets network (category I, II and III), as well as the category IV streets network from tourism resorts; Construction/ rehabilitation/ modernization of ring roads (with county road status); Construction / modernization / rehabilitation of bridges and small bridges; Construction / modernization / rehabilitation of ruttier passages and cat walks; Arrangement of land Deviation of water, electricity, gas, wastewater and phone networks Arrangement for environmental protection Modernization and extension of the utilities network existing within the road (water, wastewater, electricy, gas, phone network); 31 II.2.1.4. List of eligible expenses - Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection - Expenses to assure utilities for the objective - Expenses for land studies Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering - Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies, as - - well as expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of project eligible expenses) Expenses with public transport (carrier vehicles) procurement for common carrier owned by the local authorities Irrecoverable VAT II.2.1.5. Use of ERDF/ ESF cross-financing Not applicable. II.2.1.6. Indicative financial allocation - allocation, EuroYear TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 77,686,668 95,088,482 103,796,585 123,228,666 131,004,222 156,195,982 189,710,401 876,711,006 EU National public contribution Contribution State Local Other Total (ERDF/CF/ Budget Budget public ESF) sources* 67,198,968 8,933,967 1,553,733 0 10,487,700 82,251,537 10,935175 1,901,770 0 12,836,945 89,784,046 11,936,607 2,075,932 0 14,012,539 106,592,796 14,171,297 2,464,573 0 16,635,870 113,318,652 15,065,486 2,620,084 0 17,685,570 135,109,525 17,962,537 3,123,920 0 21,086,457 164,099,497 21,816,696 3,794,208 0 25,610,904 758,355,021 100,821,765 17,534,220 0 118,355,985 32 Private contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II.2.1.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: State budget Local budgets 1,000,000 – 25,000,000 Euro Not applicable Not applicable 98 % for the local public administration authorities 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.2.1.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local public administration authorities: County Councils and Local Councils from urban areas II.2.1.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.2.1.10. Target groups / Target areas Areas with deficient transport infrastructure both concerning the quality/density aspect and also the transport capacity aspect, that impede their economic development Tourism resorts II.2.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 II.2.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission 33 II.2.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program The project applicant must prove the property of the land The project has a feasibility study The project applicant must prove the cofinancing capacity; The proposed activities must not have been financed from public funds in the last 5 years The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided for the respective type of the project; The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The project is in compliance with the priority axis 2 eligible activities. The proposed projects must respect the Plans for Spatial Planning and Urbanism Plans requirements and must have the environmental advice corresponding to the feasibility study The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 2; The ring roads and/ or by-passes must be county roads; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity (owned or delegated) for the project implementation. Selection criteria The projects must be efficient from the economic point of view and have a positive impact on the economy of the region it is located in (investors attracting, time and fuels saving, vehicles operating cost reducing, creation of new jobs), as well as on the environment; The project must ensure the creation of better transport connections between and within regions, between the urban centres of the regions and/or between urban centres and adjacent peripheral areas (urban/ rural) The projects must contribute to the introducing into the economic flow of some areas (where the natural difficulties and the economic evolution hindered the rehabilitation/modernization of the road infrastructure) The projects must respect the European standard concerning traffic safety and travellers safety; The projects must prove their sustainability, the existence of financial resources for the maintenance, repairing etc; The studies on the road traffic intensity and frequency (the negative impact of the hard traffic on buildings and inhabitants health) must prove the necessity of ring roads construction/rehabilitation; 34 II.2.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 36,009.7 2005 0 877 25,696 2005 0 411 0 219 0 10 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output Length of rehabilitated/ modernized county roads (km) Length of rehabilitated/ modernized urban streets (km) Length of rehabilitated /constructed bypasses (km) - Result Increase passangers and freight traffic on the rehabilitated, constructed, modernized roads (%) 100 2007 Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input Expenditures with rehabilitation / modernization of county roads (euro) Expenditures with rehabilitation / modernization of urban streets (euro) Expenditures with rehabilitation / modernization / construction of ring roads (euro) - - - Output Result Impact 35 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Input Output - Emissions of NOx - Emissions of SO2 - Emissions of COV - Emissions of fine particles (PM10 şi PM2.5) tones - CO2 equivalent release into the atmosphere – Tons of C02 equivalent - Area of greenfields affected -ha Projects dealing with environmentally responsible behaviour - number Result Impact II.2.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development The development of an efficient transport infrastructure contributes to a more rationale and fluid traffic, the bypassing reducing the level of pollution, especially within cities. Moreover, it will be taken into account the protection of different avi-faunstic species’s habitats, especially in the case when the rehabilitated transport corridor crosses or is in the neighborhood of a natural protected area. Equal opportunities Not applicable. II.2.1.16. State Aid Not applicable. 36 2015 II.2.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Cod 23 Cod 01 Cod 01 05 Priority theme Priority theme Transport Regional/ local roads networks Form of finance Form of finance Non – repayable aid Territorial dimension Territory type Urban Rural areas II.2.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.2.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.3 Priority Axis 3 - Improvement of social infrastructure II.3.1. Key Area of Intervention 3.1. - Rehabilitation, modernization and equipping of the health services’ infrastructure. II.3.1.1. Description The specific objective of this field of intervention is the improvement of the quality of medical care assistance and a balanced regional-territorial distribution in order to ensure equal access of the population to health services. The national public health strategy envisages the development of a modern system for treatment and prevention, accessible to all categories of people, as well as of an efficient 37 system for emergency situations. The infrastructure within these services is well below European standards, and the lack of a proper management and of investment has resulted in on-going process of deterioration. In order to regain the balance between primary and secondary care services, affected by the evolution of health care system during the past years, the development of out patient departments (located within or outside hospitals) plays an important part, as these ensure the prevention activities of health services. It is expected that the rehabilitation of out door patient departments and the provision of modern equipment for investigation, treatment, recovery and physiotherapy will replace the burden of hospital treatment, where costs are high, and solve the majority of cases. Thus, hospitalization will be undertaken only for difficult cases, surgeries, as much as possible before the intervention day, reducing thus the present duration of hospitalization by half. At the same time, the location of out patient departments in hospitals or in their near area will contribute to quality treatment at a low cost, due to the equipment and high quality personnel in hospitals, and, at the same time, will ensure the security of the medical service. On the other hand, the existence of out patient departments in less accessible areas with no hospitals may contribute to the provision of qualified medical services at community level so that patients do not have to travel for consultation and treatment. In order to make the health system more efficient, capable to treat difficult urgent cases at the highest standards, the national health strategy foresees the improvement of the hospitals’ infrastructure, both buildings and equipments. Taking into account that most of the hospital infrastructure is old (the majority of hospitals being older than 50-100 years), an evaluation of the Ministry of Public Health on the Romanian hospitals current situation identified a number of county hospitals, whose resistance structure allows for a rehabilitation and equipping process. The hospitals identified for rehabilitation under ROP, cover seven out of the eight development regions (except for Bucharest-Ilfov) and provide a wide range of services (internal medicine, pediatric, surgery, gynecology-obstetrics, orthopedics, intensive care, ophthalmology, rhino-laryngologists, etc., and, very important, emergency units). However, there are much more hospitals that need rehabilitation and modernization, but the studies show that the costs would be much higher than replacing them with new hospitals. The ROP therefore supports the implementation of the national strategy aiming at increasing the efficiency of health services, by modernization and equipping of outdoor patient departments and by supporting hospital infrastructure. The identification, at regional level, of the hospitals and of the outdoor patient departments which need rehabilitation, modernization and equipping, will be achieved taking into account priorities established in the National Strategy for Public Health, in the Regional Development Plans and Strategies, and in conformity with the Law for the reform in the health sector. 38 II.3.1.2. Indicative operations Rehabilitation, modernization and equipping of the county hospitals; Rehabilitation, modernization, development and equipping of outdoor patient departments (hospitals and specialized out patient). II.3.1.3. Eligible activities Rehabilitation and modernization of buildings; Rehabilitation and modernization of general and specific utilities; Access facilities for disabled people; Equipments procurement. II.3.1.4. List of eligible expenditures Expenses with land procurement (max. 10% of eligible value of the project) and land works; Expenses for ensuring the utilities needed on the spot; Expenses for design and technical assistance; Expenses for the basic investment; Other expenses (building site management; construction works and installations relevant to the building site management; expenses related to the building site management; commissions; fees; legal shares; different and unpredicted expenses); Expenses relevant to the implementation of the program. II.3.1.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing It is possible to use cross-financing within this area of intervention. Eligible operations for this area of intervention are related to training activities.ESF expenditures must not exceed 10% out of ERDF co-financing for the project. II.3.1.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL TOTAL 15,381,960 18,827,519 20,551,723 24,399,277 25,938,837 30,926,804 37,562,659 173,588,779 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 13,074,666 16,003,391 17,468,965 20,739,385 22,048,011 26,287,783 31,928,260 147,550,461 National public contribution Local Other Total budgets public sources* 1,999,655 307,639 0 2,307,294 2,447,578 376,550 0 2,824,128 2,671,724 411,034 0 3,082,758 3,171,906 487,986 0 3,659,892 3,372,049 518,777 0 3,890,826 4,020,485 618,536 0 4,639,021 4,883,146 751,253 0 5,634,399 22,566,543 3,471,775 0 26,038,318 State budget *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) 39 Private contribution II.3.1.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 200,000 – 25,000,000 Euro 21,250,000 Euro 200,000 – 25,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.3.1.8. Eligible beneficiaries Public administration authorities. II.3.1.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.3.1.10. Target groups / Target areas Areas/ localities where the hospitals’ and outdoor patient departments’ infrastructure is insufficient and poor, as shown by the studies of the Ministry of Public Health. II.3.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007 - 2013 II.3.1.12. Type of call for project applications Call based on list of eligible projects. 40 II.3.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Project strategic evaluation criteria Eligibility criteria The project contribution to the achievement of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 general and specific objectives; The project contribution to the achievement of the Regional Development Strategy; Complementarity with other projects supported by public funds within the region. The projects must be in conformity with the eligible fields in the Regional Operational Programme; The project applicant proves the ownership of the building; The projects must have feasibility studies, with the mandatory inclusion of all necessary authorizations and endorsements; The project applicant must prove his financing capacity; The activities proposed for financing in the project must not have been financed out of public funds during the past 5 years; The project costs are within the financial limits foreseen by the respective type of project; The payments flowchart from the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed June 30, 2015; The projects submitted must contribute to the achievement of the National Strategy for Public Health objectives (2004) and to be in conformity with the Law for Reform 95/2006. The project must be in conformity with the eligible activities under Priority Axis no. 3, it is located in the target areas or it is included in the county hospitals list established for rehabilitation by the Ministry of Public Health. The applicant must be eligible according to Priority Axis no. 3. Selection criteria Project activities can be achieved at the set deadlines and with the requested financial aid; Project location – in areas with hospital and specialty outdoor patient services do no correspond to standards in the field; The number of people in evidence, potential beneficiaries of the outdoor patient services offered by the unit proposed for rehabilitation or modernization; The degree of deterioration and of overuse of the buildings proposed for rehabilitation must be of minimum 20%; The project must be sustainable after the end of the financing, to prove the existence of the financing sources for functioning, maintenance, repairing, etc.; The share of equipments in the project total value cannot exceed 25%. 41 II.3.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - 2006 50 - 2006 10 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Health care units rehabilitated/equipped (total/ by type) (No) Result indicators Increased access to the rehabilitated/equipped health care units (%) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Input indicators Expenditures for hospitals’ rehabilitation/ equipment (Euro) Expenditures for outdoor patient departments’ rehabilitation/ equipment (Euro) Output indicators Rehabilitated/ equipped hospitals (No.) Rehabilitated/ equipped outdoor patient departments (No.) - 15 - 35 - 10 - 10 Result indicators Increased access to the rehabilitated/ equipped hospitals (%) Increased access to the rehabilitated/ equipped outdoor patient departments (%) Impact indicators 42 Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input indicators Indicator 1 (measure unit) Indicator 2 (measure unit) Output indicators -Emission of Nox -Emission of SO2 -Emission of COV -Emission of fine particles (PM 10 and PM 2.5) - tones Total nitrogen - mg/l -Emission of equivalent CO2 in atmosphere – tones of equivalent CO2 -Health care utilities (hospitals, clinics, outdoor patient departments) financed by the ROP – no. - Recycled waste (tones) - Recovered waste (tones) - Reused waste (tones) Increased energetic efficiency in the supported companies, factories, institutions, etc. (%) Projects related to the responsible behavior regarding the environment – no. Result indicators Impact indicators 43 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 II.3.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development One of the project eligibility criteria refers to the existence of necessary endorsements, and, mainly, the environment endorsement. The existence of this endorsement ensures the environment protection in the process of project implementation. Equal opportunities Through the objective of this intervention itself - the improvement of the quality of medical care assistance and a balanced regional-territorial distribution in order to ensure equal access for all citizens to the health services – it is envisaged the conformity with the principle of equal opportunities. According to the national legislation (EGO no. 137/2000 on prevention and sanction of all discrimination forms) and the European legislation in the field (Council Directive 2000/43/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin and Council Directive 2004/113/EC implementing the principle of equal treatment between men and women in the access to and supply of goods and services), health services must be accessed without any discrimination based on sex, race, ethnical origin, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation. Furthermore, this key area of intervention foresees that access facilities to the supported infrastructure as well as special equipments are created for disabled people II.3.1.16. State Aid Not applicable. II.3.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Code 76 Priority theme Priority theme Investment in social infrastructure Infrastructure of health services Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 01 05 Urban Rural areas 44 II.3.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies. II.3.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.3.2. Key Area of Intervention 3.2. - Rehabilitation, modernization, development and equipping of social services’ infrastructure II.3.2.1. Description The specific objective of this area of intervention is the improvement, throughout the country, of the quality and capacity of social services infrastructure, in order to ensure equal access for all citizens. ROP analyses have outlined the poor situation of social services infrastructure and the need to invest in the rehabilitation, modernization and equipping of the buildings where social services are delivered. At the same time, the need for investment follows the setting up of minimum quality standards for social services, which need to be fulfilled by the residential social centres. In many cases, the poor quality of infrastructure and the lack of equipments endowments force the persons belonging to disadvantaged groups to address the social services providers in other areas, far from their homes. At the same time, this situation hinders the normal development of activities on the labour market for two reasons: on one hand, there is not enough assistance provided to the vulnerable groups who could be reinserted in the labour market; on the other hand, active persons who, in their families, have dependents, occupy a lot of their time taking care of them, but in an insufficient and unqualified manner, with consequences both on the disabled who do not benefit from continuous care and on the quality of work and life of the persons having disabled in their families, or of single persons who take care of minors. The improvement and diversification of social services provided by multifunctional and residential social centres could contribute to the relieving of active members in the families from the care of dependents during working hours and to the improvement of the quality of work and the life of active and dependent people. Social centres with multifunctional purpose can cover a wide span of services, with the aim of helping persons in difficulty, starting with their acceptance in the centre, up to the solving of the specific problems they are confronted with, temporary or permanently (material, financial, cultural, juridical and administrative, relational, occupational, medical). At the same time, the organization of workshops for the development of independent life 45 and professional skills and abilities, and the setting up of workshops for people in disadvantaged groups will bring a direct contribution to the development of social economy activities. The development of social centres will be complemented by investment in already existing residential centres, which provide for long term housing, ensuring thus a proper framework for the hosting and taking care of persons in difficulty. A special attention will be given to the Roma population. The implementation of these kinds of projects will have positive results, both from a humanitarian point of view, and from the point of view of the reinsertion into the labour market of numerous persons in difficulty. All the rehabilitated institutions will take into account the “open doors principle”, so that all services provided are accessible to the vulnerable groups within the communities. The identification at regional level of the projects for the rehabilitation, modernization and endowment of social and residential centres will be achieved according to the priorities set in the National Strategy on Social Services, as well as to the needs identified through the county social inclusion strategies, the regional strategies and development plans. II.3.2.2. Indicative operations Rehabilitation, modernization, development and equipping of the social centres buildings; Rehabilitation, modernization and equipping of the social residential centres buildings. II.3.2.3. Eligible activities Rehabilitation/modernization of buildings centres; Modernization of general and specific utilities of social and residential centres; Access facilities for disabled people; Equipments adapted to the situation of the beneficiaries, including equipments for disabled people. II.3.2.4. List of eligible expenditures Expenses with land procurement (max. 10% of eligible value of the project) and land works; Expenses for ensuring the utilities needed on the spot; Expenses for design and technical assistance; Expenses for the basic investment; Other expenses; Expenses relevant to the implementation of the program. 46 II.3.2.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing It is possible to use cross-financing within this area of intervention. Eligible operations for this area of intervention are related to training activities for the development of professional abilities for the marginalised groups (unemployed, ethnic minorities, youth, etc.). ESF expenditures must not exceed 10% out of ERDF co-financing for the urban development integrated plan. II.3.2.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL TOTAL 8,817,437 10,792,543 11,780,913 13,986,454 14,868,979 17,728,244 21,532,131 99,506,701 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 7,494,821 9,173,661 10,013,776 11,888,486 12,638,632 15,069,007 18,302,311 84,580,694 National public contribution State Local Other budget budgets public sources* 1,146,267 176,349 0 1,403,031 215,851 0 1,531,519 235,618 0 1,818,239 279,729 0 1,932,967 297,380 0 2,304,672 354,565 0 2,799,177 430,643 0 12,935,872 1,990,135 0 Total 1,322,616 1,618,882 1,767,137 2,097,968 2,230,347 2,659,237 3,229,820 14,926,007 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution) II.3.2.7. Grant Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 47 200,000 – 1,000,000 Euro 850,000 Euro 200,000 – 1,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% Private contribution II.3.2.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local public administration authorities, in partnership with the social services providers: public providers/NGOs, approved by the law, which active in the respective community; Social services providers: public providers/NGOs, authorised by the law, which active in the respective community. II.3.2.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.3.2.10. Target groups / Target areas Areas/localities with insufficient infrastructure for social services, infrastructure which does not provide for up to standard life quality standards according to existing legislation in the field. Disadvantaged social groups (Rroma population, disabled persons, old population, etc.) II.3.2.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013. II.3.2.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission. Open call with fixed deadline. II.3.2.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Project strategic evaluation criteria The project contribution to the achievement of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 general and specific objectives; The project contribution to the achievement of the Regional Development Strategy; Complementarity with other projects supported by public funds within the region. 48 Eligibility criteria The projects must be in conformity with th eligible fields in the Regional Operational Programme; The project apllicant proves the ownership of the building, or, if the case, is a lessee of the building for a period of minimum 10 years; The projects must have feasibility studies, with the mandatory inclusion of all necessary authorizations and endorsements; The project applicant must prove his financing capacity; The activities proposed for financing in the project must not have been financed out of public funds during the past 5 years; The project costs are within the financial limits foreseen by the respective type of project; The payments flowchart from the beneficiary to the contractor can not exceed June 30, 2005; The project must be in conformity with the following legislative provisions: Law 47/2006 for the approval of the National System for Social Assistance; The National Strategy for the Development of Social Services (GO 1826/2005); National Strategy for the Protection, Integration and Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (GO 1175/2005); The National Strategy for the Prevention of Family Violence (GO 686/2005); The project must be in accordance with the county plans against poverty and the promotion of social inclusion; The projects have to be in conformity with the eligible activities under Priority Axis no 2. The applicant has to be eligible according to Priority Axis no 2; Selection criteria Project activities can be achieved at the set deadlines and with the requested financial aid; The degree of deterioration and of overuse of the buildings proposed for rehabilitation must be minimum 20%; The degree of diversification of social services provided in the social center with multifunctional purpose; The project must be sustainable after the end of the financing, to prove the existence of the financing sources for functioning, maintenance, repairing, etc.; The share of equipments in the project total value cannot exceed 25% (in case of projects for residential centers) and 50% (in case of projects for social centers). 49 II.3.2.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - 2006 270 - 2006 10 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Social services units rehabilited/equipped, by types of centres: multifunctional and residential (No.) Result indicators Increased access to the supported social infrastructure (%) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Input indicators Expenditures for multifunctional centers’ rehabilitation/ equipping (Euro) Expenditures for residential centers’ rehabilitation/ equipping (Euro) - - Output indicators Rehabilitated/ equipped multifunctional centers (no.) Rehabilitated/ equipped residential centers (no.) - - Result indicators Increased access to the rehabilitated/ equipped multifunctional centers (%) Increased access to the rehabilitated/ equipped residential centers (%) - 10 - 10 Impact indicators 50 Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 Input indicators Indicator 1 (measure unit) Indicator 2 (measure unit) Output indicators Projects which contribute to protection against natural and industrial disasters – no. Projects related to the responsible behavior regarding the environment – no. Result indicators Impact indicators II.3.2.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development One of the eligibility criteria envisages the existence of necessary endorsements, and mainly of the environment endorsement. The existence of this environment endorsement ensures environment protection during project implementation. Equal opportunities Through this key area of intervention, the Regional Operational Programme envisages to insure a non-discriminatory access for all the citizens to the social assistance services, giving special attention to the vulnerable social groups (Roma population, disabled people, elderly, children, domestic violence victims, etc.). It aims to their social inclusion and to increase their independence level. Furthermore, this key area of intervention foresees that access facilities to the supported infrastructure as well as special equipments are created for disabled people. II.3.2.16. State Aid Not applicable. 51 2014 2015 II.3.2.17.Categorisation of interventions Code 79 Priority theme Priority theme Investment in social infrastructure Other social infrastructure Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 01 05 Urban Rural areas II.3.2.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies. II.3.2.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.3.3. Key Area of Intervention 3.3. - Improving the equipment of operational units for public safety interventions in emergency situations II.3.3.1. Description The specific objective of this field of intervention is the improvement of the response capacity for emergency situations at the level of each development region through the reduction of intervention time for the qualified first aid and for emergency intervention. The National Strategic Concept regarding the organization of interventions for emergency situations, for the medical emergency intervention and for the qualified first aid, foresees the improvement of the capacity and the quality of public safety through the creation of eight regional bases. They will be located at regional level, in the most experienced counties in the field, where from integrated interventions will be coordinated in case of major disasters. The Regional Operational Programme will support this strategic objective through investments in the procurement of specific equipment, for the development of the 8 52 regional operational bases which will facilitate integrated interventions in case of disasters or accidents (traffic, etc.), as well as for the existing county units, according to the specific of different areas (exposed to earthquakes, floods, erosion). It is envisaged that the development of this organization system, along with the improvement of equipment provision will lead to an improvement in population safety and to the provision of qualified first aid in the shortest timeframe. II.3.3.2. Indicative operations Improving the equipment of operational units for public safety interventions in emergency situations. II.3.3.3. Eligible activities Procurement of specific vehicles and other related equipments for the regional and county operational units for interventions in emergency situations. II.3.3.4. List of eligible expenditures Expediture for the basic investment Expenditures for implementation of the project II.3.3.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing It is possible to use cross-financing within this area of intervention. Eligible operations for this area of intervention are related to training activities. ESF expenditures must not exceed 10% out of ERDF co-financing for the urban development integrated plan. II.3.3.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL TOTAL 8,817,437 10,792,543 11,780,913 13,986,454 14,868,979 17,728,244 21,532,131 99,506,701 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 7,494,821 9,173,661 10,013,776 11,888,486 12,638,632 15,069,007 18,302,311 84,580,694 National public contribution State Local Other budget budgets public sources* 1,146,267 176,349 0 1,403,031 215,851 0 1,531,519 235,618 0 1,818,239 279,729 0 1,932,967 297,380 0 2,304,672 354,565 0 2,799,177 430,643 0 12,935,872 1,990,135 0 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution). 53 Total 1,322,616 1,618,882 1,767,137 2,097,968 2,230,347 2,659,237 3,229,820 14,926,007 Private contribution II.3.3.7. Grant Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 3,000,000 – 15,000,000 Euro 12,750,000 3,000,000 – 15,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.3.3.8. Eligible beneficiaries County councils nominated through the „Partnership/Association Agreement” between all the county councils in the region - to submit the regional integrated projects / in the regions of development: North-East, South-East, South, SouthWest, West, North-West, Centre; The General Council of Bucharest Municipality for Bucharest-Ilfov Region. II.3.3.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.3.3.10. Target groups / Target areas The counties established through the „Partnership/Association Agreement” between all the county councils in the region for the location of regional/county operational basis for interventions in emergency situations. II.3.3.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013. II.3.3.12. Type of call for project applications Call based on list of eligible projects. 54 II.3.3.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Project strategic evaluation criteria The project contribution to the achievement of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 general and specific objectives; The project contribution to the achievement of the Regional Development Strategy; Complementarity with other projects supported by public funds within the region. Eligibility criteria The projects must be in conformity with the eligible fields in the Regional Operational Programme; The existence of the necessary endorsements, including the endorsement of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations; The project applicant (in partnership/association) must to prove his financing capacity; The projects’ costs must be within the financial limits foreseen for the respective type of project; The payments flowchart from the beneficiary to the contractor can not exceed June 30, 2015; The projects must be in conformity with the strategic document of the Ministry of Administration and Interior – The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations: „Conception regarding the organization of interventions in emergency situations, of giving emergency medical assistance and first qualified aid” and to justify the necessity these activities imply; The projects must contribute to the achievement of the objectives set in the strategic document on the organisation of interventions in emergency situations; Association agreement between the county councils benefiting from the regional project, through which they commit themselves to co-finance the project; For a region, the project is submitted by the county council where the regional operational base is located, this county council representing also the other counties in the region; The equipments to be purchased through the projects must be foreseen in the list with the equipments’ necessary estimated by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and also to have the Inspectorate’s endorsement; The projects must be in conformity with the eligible activities under Priority Axis no 2; The applicant must be eligible according to Priority Axis no 2; The project must be located according to the mentioned list. Selection criteria The equipments requested through the project have to respect the European standards in the field; The justification for the project necessity. 55 II.3.3.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - 2006 510 Up to 30’ – 45’ in rural area Up to 20’ in urban area 2005 Up to 12’ in rural area Up to 8’ in urban area 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Mobile units equipped for emergency intervention (No.) Result indicators Average response time of mobile units (Min.) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators 56 II.3.3.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development One of the eligibility criteria for the projects refers to the existence of necessary endorsements, and mainly of the environment endorsement. The existence of this environment endorsement ensures that the equipments do not affect the environment. Equal opportunities The emergency interventions with the equipments procured are non-discriminatory, irrespective of sex, race, ethnical origin, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation, according to the principle of equal opportunities as it is transposed in the national and European legislation in the field. II.3.3.16. State Aid Not applicable. II.3.3.17. Categorisation of interventions Priority theme Code Priority theme Environment protection and risk prevention Risk prevention 53 Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 01 05 Urban Rural areas II.3.3.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies. II.3.3.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate 57 II.3.4. Key Area of Intervention 3.4 - Rehabilitation, modernisation, development and equipping of pre-university, university education and continuous vocational training infrastructure II.3.4.1. Description The poor state of the educational equipments, learning spaces, as well as of the related facilities indicate an obvious under financing of the education and vocational training infrastructure sector. The state and the accessibility of the education and continuous formation infrastructure significantly contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of ensuring quality and access to education. The funds attracted from external resources and recently allocated funds from the state budget for investments in school units (especially preuniversity), did not cover the existing need of the education infrastructure in Romania. Moreover, the natural disasters over the last years increased the rehabilitation needs of the education infrastructure. A large number of education units need rehabilitation works and equipping with didactic equipment, IT and specific documentation materials. The raising evolution of the birth rate in the past years will determine, in the following period an increased pressure on the related infrastructure on the compulsory education infrastructure, investments being needed for the rehabilitation and improvement of the infrastructure. These investments will ensure the premises for increasing the capacity of the compulsory school units, improving thus the access to education. The ROP investments will be complemented by investments financed from other sources, namely state budget, local budgets, external loans. Access of children from disadvantaged areas, especially from rural areas, but also of those from vulnerable social environments is difficult due to the insufficient school capacity, of large distances to the closest school, insufficient transportation means and lack of residential facilities near schools. Therefore the national strategy in the field assumed as a priority the setting up and development of preuniversity campuses. Taking into account the national strategy in the field and the ERDF interventions specificity for regional development, the ROP will support the development of such campuses. They will be developed on the nucleus of the art and craft schools form urban and rural areas – technical and vocational educational campuses. The technical and vocational educational campuses are conceived as a means to integrate in the same area all activities related to the educational process (teaching, practice bases, social activities, leisure activities, etc.) by concentrating the educational buildings and services (grouping educational and support activities in certain areas). Thus a campus includes: the school, accommodation facilities, canteen, library, and special workshops for developing practical capacities, sport rooms. The technical and vocational educational campuses will ensure adequate access to education and professional qualification in at least two fields, for a number of at least 4-5 qualifications. The fields of profession and the qualifications offered by the campus curricula will be correlated with the local, regional economic development needs according to the Regional and Local Education Action Plans (REPA, LEPA). The preuniversity campuses facilities can ensure, in long term, the infrastructure needed for “centres for 58 continuous formation”, in disadvantaged areas. The ROP interventions will finance specific works for all the technical and vocational educational campuses components or just their equipment in the case when the rehabilitation / modernisation of buildings have been done using other sources. The Lisbon European Council conclusions underlined the need that the educational and continuous formation systems to be adapted both to the requirements of the knowledge economy and to the needs determined by the willing to improve the grade and the quality of the labour force. In the development strategy of the higher education, alongside the investments in the teaching space, the equipping of teaching and research laboratories, a special attention has been given to the residential spaces. Through their teaching and research facilities the higher education institutions can assist in the achievement of Romania’s regional development objectives such as the modernisation of health provision, improved management practices and business innovation. However, the recent increase in the number of students has not been matched by an equivalent increase in funding for the expansion of university infrastructure. Investment is required to provide modern faculty buildings and student facilities that will enable universities to play their full part in national and regional development. Continuous Adult training centres will be also financed. The financing of these centres and campuses complements the actions implemented through the Human Resources Development Operational Programme. In order to ensure a significant effect, the ROP interventions in the educational infrastructure will have an integrated character, consisting in both investments in the different types of infrastructure and ensuring the necessary equipment, including ICT equipment. The objective of this field of intervention is to improve the quality of the education infrastructure and the initial professional formation, of the professional formation centres and of university residential spaces in order to ensure the quality and the increase of the participation in education and training. II.3.4.2. Indicative operations Rehabilitation/ modernisation / equipment of compulsory education infrastructure; Rehabilitation/ modernisation / equipment of technical and vocational educational campuses; Rehabilitation/ modernisation / equipment of the university campuses; Rehabilitation/ modernisation / equipment of institutions for continuous adult formation. 59 II.3.4.3. Eligible activities Reconstruction, extension, consolidation of buildings (all type of infrastructure for compulsory education, except for the technical and vocational campuses). Construction, consolidation, rehabilitation, modernisation, extension of buildings located within the technical and vocational campuses. Equipment with teaching materials, professional training materials, IT equipment and specific equipment for residential spaces. Rehabilitation, consolidation, modernisation of buildings and fields within university campuses. Rehabilitation and/or consolidation of buildings located within the continuous professional formation institutions. Modernisation of utilities, including the demand for special facilities for persons with disabilities, for all types of infrastructure. II.3.4.4. List of eligible expenditures Expenses with land procurement (max. 10% of eligible value of the project) and land works; Expenses for ensuring the utilities needed on the spot; Expenses for design and technical assistance; Expenses for the basic investment; Other expenses (building site management; construction works and installations relevant to the building site management; expenses related to the building site management; commissions; fees; legal shares; different and unpredicted expenses); Expenses relevant to the implementation of the program. II.3.4.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing It is possible to use cross-financing within this area of intervention. Eligible operations for this area of intervention are related to training activities. ESF expenditures must not exceed 10% out of ERDF co-financing for the urban development integrated plan. II.3.4.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year 2007 2008 2009 TOTAL EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 25,248,167 21,460,942 30,903,756 26,268,193 33,733,888 28,673,804 National public contribution Local Other budgets public sources* 3,282,262 504,963 0 4,017,488 618,075 0 4,385,406 674,678 0 State budget 60 Total 3,787,225 4,635,563 5,060,084 Private contribution 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 40,049,316 42,576,371 50,763,693 61,655,880 284,931,071 34,041,919 36,189,916 43,149,139 52,407,498 242,191,411 5,206,411 5,534,928 6,599,280 8,015,264 37,041,039 800,986 851,527 1,015,274 1,233,118 5,698,621 0 0 0 0 0 6,007,397 6,386,455 7,614,554 9,248,382 42,739,660 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution). II.3.4.7. Grant Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 150,000 – 20,000,000 Euro 17,000,000 Euro 150,000 – 20,000,000 Euro 85% 2% 85% 15% 13% 2% II.3.4.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local public administration authorities: County – for special education; Municipal /town/ communal – for compulsory and technical and vocational education campuses; Universities – for university campuses; National Agency for Employment; County Agencies for Employment; Public and private institutions for professional adult formation. II.3.4.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.3.4.10. Target groups / Target areas ▪ ▪ ▪ Areas/localities where the infrastructure is poor (primary, secondary, professional and vocational education). Cities where the university education infrastructure is poor. Areas where there are no institutions for professional adult formation. 61 II.3.4.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013. II.3.4.12. Type of call for project applications Call based on list of eligible projects – for the primary, secondary, professional and vocational and university education. Open call with rolling submission – for institutions for professional adult formation. II.3.4.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Project strategic evaluation criteria The project contribution to the achivement of the general and specific ROP 20072013 objectives. The project contribution to the Region’s development strategy Complementarity with other projects financed from public funds at regional level Eligibility criteria The project costs are within the financial limits foreseen by the respective type of project; The building (part of the compulsory education, VET or the university campus) foreseen for rehabilitation / modernisation / consolidation / extension proposed for financing has not been financed from public funds in the past 5 years for the same type of intervention, except for major disasters cases (earthquakes, floods, etc.); The activities proposed for financing in the project should not have been financed out of community non-repayable funds during the past 5 years; The project applicant proves the ownership of the building, or, if the case, lessee of the building for a period of minimum 10 years; The projects have to be in conformity with eligible fields in the Regional Operational Programme; The project must have a feasibility study; The payments flowchart from the beneficiary to the contractor can not exceed June 30, 2015; The projects must have an integrated character for each school unit (rehabilitation or modernisation and equippment) except for those that had the rehabilitation done from other sources; The project must be in compliance with the eligible actifities from priority axis 3; The applicant must be eligible under the priority axis 3; 62 The rehabilitation projects of the compulsory education infrastructure are included in the annual rehabilitation plan drafted by the school inspectorates and approved by the education ministerial order, corresponding to the period in which the project is submitted; The projects for rehabilitation/ modernisation of university campus residential facilities projects are included in the approved list by the education ministerial order, corresponding to the period in which the project is submitted; The equippments component of the project must not exceed 50% of the project value; The technical and vocational education campuses are comprised on the list approved by the education minister updated on an annulal basis. Selection criteria Compulsory school units The proposed school unit for construction / rehabilitation to have an occupation degree of 70% of the classes The school unit proposed to be rehabilitated to have a deterioration degree above 20% The degree of IT endowment must be below 50% (for equipment acquisition projects) The school unit must be located in an deprived area or area that is easy accessible for disadvantaged communities The projects must prove sustainability after the end of financing, to prove the existence of financial sources for functioning, maintenance, repairs, etc. The integration degree of the project (number of school units proposed to be rehabilitated / constructed through the project) Technical and vocational education campuses The technical and vocational school unit must offer teaching facilities for at least 23 professional fields and at least 4-5 qualifications The teaching is performed for fields recommended by REAP, LEAP, PAS The school unit must be located in an deprived area or area that is easy accessible for disadvantaged communities The school units within the campus must offer adult continuous formation programmes The school units within the campus must be involved in active social partnerships, stable and sustainable The campuses must provide a capacity for minimum 200 pupils The projects has to be sustainable after the end of financing, to prove the existence of financial sources for functioning , maintenance, repairs, etc 63 University Campuses The residential spaces proposed for financing must be over 15 years old The living volume by number of m3/ student to be below 16 m3/student; The number of accommodation requests to be 20% above the places available The projects to be sustainable after the end of financing, to prove the existence of financial sources for functioning, maintenance, repairs, etc Adult formation centres The formation centres to serve a minimum of 500 persons / year The range of services provided to be minimum 5 and to be in compliance with the regional specificity The projects to be sustainable after the end of financing, to prove the existence of financial sources for functioning, maintenance, repairs, etc II.3.4.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - 2006 275 - 2006 26 - 2006 10 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Rehabilitated/equipped pre-university and university education units by type of units (No.) Rehabilitated/equipped centers for continuous vocational training (CVT) (No.) Result indicators Increased access to the rehabilitated/equipped education infrastructure (for the whole axis priority 3) (%) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input indicators Output indicators Pre-university education units rehabilitated/ equipped (No.) 64 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 University education units rehabilitated/ equipped (No.) Result indicators Increased access to the rehabilitated/ equipped preuniversity education infrastructure (%) Increased access to the rehabilitated/equipped university education infrastructure (%) Impact indicators Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input indicators Output indicators -Emission of Nox -Emission of SO2 -Emission of COV -Emission of fine particles (PM 10 and PM 2.5) - tones Total nitrogen - mg/l -Emission of equivalent CO2 in atmosphere – tones of equivalent CO2 -Health care utilities (hospitals, clinics, outdoor patient departments) financed by the ROP – no. Projects which contribute to protection against natural and industrial disasters – no. Decrease of use of the limited natural resources (relevant for the project) -Water used for unit of product - %of reduction per unit 65 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 produced (mp) - Recycled waste (tones) - Recovered waste (tones) -Reused waste (tones) Increased energetic efficiency in the supported companies, factories, institutions, etc. (%) Projects related to the responsible behavior regarding the environment – no. Result indicators Impact indicators II.3.4.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development One of the project eligibility criteria refers to the existence of needed notifications and especially of environment. The existence of such notification ensures the environmetal protection in the framework of project implementation Equal opportunities Education, through its essence, envisage to promote equal chances and equal and nondiscriminatory access to education. Education Law 84 / 1995 envisage that all Romanian citizens have equal rights to all levels and forms of education, regardless the social and metarial status, sex, race, nationality, political or religious belives, and the state propotes the principles of democratic education and guarantees teh right to differentiated education on the basis of pluralism education. These principles and provisions will be respected in the implementation of projects under the education field of intervention. According to the legislation the teaching is obligatory in the Romanian language but teaching in the minority language can be ensured, if it is the case. Considering that in many school units coexist both Romanian and minority teaching classes, the projects financed through ROP will have a benefic impact on all groups of children. 66 An accent will be put on ensuring equal access to education of the school population coming from disadvantaged population categories, especially rroma, the rehabilitation projects of schools located in such areas with high concentration of this minority, having priority. The Law 76/2002 regarding the unemployment insurance system and the stimulation of the labour force employment and its further completions stipulates that the provisions of the application of this law are excluded all kind of discrimination based on political, rase, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, social category, constraints, sex and age. Taking into consideration this provision, the modernisation and equipment of the formation centres will only contribute to the applications of the law provisions and these investments can moreover lead to the increase in the number of the beneficiaries of these service. II.3.4.16. State Aid Not applicable. II.3.4.17. Categorisation of interventions Code 65 75 Priority theme Priority theme Investment in social infrastructure Modernisation and strengthening labour market institutions Education infrastructure Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 01 05 Urban Rural areas - others II.3.4.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies. II.3.4.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries Certifying and Paying Authority - Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing. 67 II.4 Priority Axis 4: Strengthening the regional and local business environment II.4.1. Key area of intervention 4.1 – Development of sustainable business support structures of regional and local importance II.4.1.1. Description Business support structures are clearly designated structures, which provide a series of facilities and/or spaces in order to carry out economic activities of production, services (except those that are not eligible according to ERDF). The aim is to attract investment and to develop the material and human resources potential of the area. The insufficient number of business structures, and especialy their poor endowments, lack of utilities and spaces for economic activities, and of information and comunication technologies are the major problems of the most business support structures. The presence of business support structures is a vital factor in the increase of the Regions’ attractiveness as locations for investment in economic and social activities, and a key tool for stimulating the regional and local business environment. Furthermore, business support structures will also contribute to the enhancement of Romania’s competitiveness within the framework of an enlarged European Union, and will create the basis for a better integration of the national economy within the European economy. By having modern business structures, the regions could benefit from competitive advantages by using their specific resources, unused or underused so far, and by mobilizing the whole existing productive potential thus contributing to the convergence of the Romanian regions with the other Member States of the European Union. ROP aims to support financial the local authorities and the private entrepreneurs from the localities with development potential, including the areas affected by the industrial restructuring in order to create and/or to improve the regional and local operational business structures, to attract the entreprises, especialy the SME’s, which will contribute to job creation and use the labor force available in the area. The development potential of the localities is evaluated through the tradition which these have in industrial activities, through the existence of principal infrastructures such as transport and technical and urban infrastructure, through an economic relationship with more development areas and, not the least, through the existence of labor force being able to qualify for new jobs, required by the profile of the attracted investments. Furthermore, the development potential of the localities also results not only from the general trend of these towns, from the population dynamics point of view, of the investment attraction dynamics, of economic growth, but also from the trend of the areas where they are located. It is known that the establishment of a big investment in a zone attracts smaller investments within the entire area and determines the creation of economic links between localities from the same area (clusters). These business support structures, designed to develop economic activities, should provide appropriate conditions for the enterprises set-up, especially for the productive and services SMEs, which could contribute to the definition of a new image of the locality itself and also 68 to jobs creation, to the diversification of economic activities in the area, and finally to the increase of the contribution of areas where are located to the regional GDP. Objective: Creation and/or improvment the regional and local business structures, the interventions aim to attract the investments, to revigorate and develop the regional and local economies. II.4.1.2. Indicative operations The setting-up and development of the different types of regional/local business support structures II.4.1.3. Eligible activities Construction/rehabilitation/extension of buildings only for productive and services activities; Rehabilitation/extension of the internal road system inside the location and also the access roads (the maxim limit is 1000m); Set up/rehabilitation/ modernization/extension of the basic utilities (water, sewage, natural gas and electricity networks); Cabling, internet broadband networks etc.; Buildings demolition; Promotion activities; Extension of the business support structures; Other related activities needed to set up/develop business structures II.4.1.4. List of eligible expenditures - Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection - Expenses to assure utilities for the objective - Expenses for land studies Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering - - - Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies Expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management 69 - Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of the eligible expenses of the project) II.4.1.5. Use of ERDF/ ESF cross-financing Not applicable. II.4.1.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 24,315,928 29,762,695 32,488,331 38,570,572 41,004,321 48,889,341 59,379,355 274,410,543 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 20,668,538 25,298,291 27,615,081 32,784,987 34,853,673 41,555,940 50,472,452 233,248,962 National public contribution State Local Other Total budget budgets public sources* 3,161,071 486,319 0 3,647,390 3,869,150 595,254 0 4,464,404 4,223,483 649,767 0 4,873,250 5,014,174 771,411 0 5,785,585 5,330,562 820,086 0 6,150,648 6,355,614 977,787 0 7,333,401 7,719,316 1,187,587 0 8,906,903 35,673,370 5,488,211 0 41,161,581 Private contribution II.4.1.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 70 200,000 – 25,000,000 Euro Not applicable 200,000 – 25,000,000 Euro 70% for small enterprises 60% for medium-sized enterprises 50% for public authorities (under state aid) 30% for small enterprises 40% for medium-sized enterprises 50% for public authorities 85% 15% 13% 2% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II.4.1.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local public administration authorities and/ or administrator society; II.4.1.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.4.1.10. Target groups / Target areas Localities with economic growth potential affected by industrial restructuring. II.4.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 II.4.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.4.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria The project’s contribution to the achievement of general and specific objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013; The project contribution to the achievement of regional development strategy. The complementarity of the project with other regional projects financed from public funds. Projects eligibility and evaluation criteria Projects eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program; The project applicant must prove the property or concession of the land and /or the infrastructure for at least 10 years; The project has feasibility study and/ or business plans, including the necessary authorizations; The project applicant must prove the co-financing capacity; The purposed activities must not have been financed from public funds in the last 5 years; 71 The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided for the respective type of the project; The projects respect the maximum implementation period; The project is in compliance with the eligible activities of the priority axis 4. The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 4; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity (owned or delegated) for the project implementation; Project evaluation criteria The business structures envisaged by projects must be easy accessible (roads, railways, ports, airports etc.); The projects must contain innovative elements; The projects are implemented in localities with development potential in areas affected by industrial restructuration; The projects must be sustainable after the end of financing, they must prove the existence of financing sources for the functioning, maintenance, repairing, etc; The activities foreseen to be attracted within the business structures must have an economic impact on regional/local development; The amount of activities involving technology transfer, research/development/innovation; The correlation degree with other projects. II.4.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - - 0 0 - - 0 0 - - 0 0 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 12 14 15 Output indicators Business support structures assisted (No) 1 4 7 10 Result indicators Occupation rate in business support structures (after 2 years since the project was finalised) - % New jobs created in the supported business structures No/FTE 72 50 200 800 1400 2000 2400 2800 3,000 Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline Baseline value year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2013 2015 Input indicators Expenses for setting up/ extension of the business structures (euro) Output indicators Result indicators - Microenterprises located in business structures (No) - small enterprises located in business structures (No) Impact indicators New jobs created in the supported business structures by women - No New jobs created in the supported business structures by men - No - - - - - - - - - - Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year Input indicators Output indicators - Emissions of NOx (in tons) - Emissions of SO2 (in tons) - Emissions of VOC (in tons) - Emissions of fine particles (PM10 and PM2.5 (in tons) Total Nitrogen – mg/l Emissions of CO2 equivalent release into the atmosphere (Tons of C02 equivalent) Reduction in the use of depleting natural 73 2014 resources (relevant to the project) Fresh water used per unit of product Areas of brownfields rehabilitated and/or used for development (ha) Increased energy efficiency in supported Companies, enterprises, Institutions Projects dealing with environmentally responsible behaviour Impact indicators II.4.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development Within the intervention field regarding supporting business structures there are activities with long term impact on the environment. Equal opportunities The eligible projects will respect the principle of equal opportunities, without any discrimination based on sex, race, ethnical origin, religion, disability and sexual orientation. It is intended to increase the number of woman entrepreneurs in carrying out economic activities within business support structures. II.4.1.16. State Aid Operation State Aid regime Legal basis The setting-up and/or National regional Commission Regulation 1628/2006 on the development of the investment aid application of Articles 87 and 88 of the different types of Treaty to national regional investment aid regional/local business support structures 74 II.4.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Cod 06 08 10 50 Cod 01 Cod 01 05 Priority theme Priority theme Business environment Aid to SMEs to promote sustainable clean production processes and products (through the introduction of cost-effective environmental management system, the adoption and use of pollution-prevention technologies, and the integration of clean technologies in firms) Other investment in firms Telephone infrastructures (including broadband networks) Rehabilitation of industrial sites and contaminated land Form of finance Form of finance Non-repayable aid Territory type Territory type Urban Rural areas II.4.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agency II.4.1. 19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.4.2. Key area of intervention 4.2 - Rehabilitation of unused polluted industrial sites and preparation for new activities II.4.2.1. Description The location of former industries affects not only the environment in the intercross areas of the territory, but also a large number of industrial areas located within the most favourable geographic areas close to transport networks and housing. The rehabilitation of these industrial areas facilitates not only environmental protection, but is also an advantage for new investments efficiency increase, because the existing infrastructure requires to be improved and not completely renewed. It is also important to mention that the image of 75 industrial units where the economic activity ceased, respectively in urban and rural areas, has a negative impact on the investors’ decision to locate within these areas. The rehabilitation of polluted and unused industrial sites represent a fundamental problem for Romania due to the polluted activities carried out in the past and because the polluter is not known. The rehabilitation of those sites will lead to the improvement of environment and will create the necessary conditions for new investments in order to carry out new productive activities. Objective: Including industrial sites in the economic flow, by depollution, cleaning and rehabilitation for creation of business support structures II.4.2.2. Orientative operations The rehabilitation of unused polluted industrial sites and preparation for new activities II.4.2.3. Eligibile activities Cleaning of the industrial polluted unused areas and land improvement; Demolition of buildings and land planning; Rehabilitation/extension of buildings for production and services; Set-up/ rehabilitation/extension/construction of the public utilities infrastructure (water, sewage, natural gas and electricity networks, buildings, broadband, cabling; Decontamination of areas/land; Depollution activities; Drafting/preparation of depollution studies; Transport and deposit of waste and toxic substances; Depolution of some contaminated sites having dangerous waste; Packaging and transport of dangerous waste; Other subsidiary activities needed to rehabilitate industrial sites and the preparation for new economic activities. II.4.2.4. List of eligible expenditures Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection Expenses to assure utilities for the objective Expenses for land studies 76 Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies Expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of the eligible expenses of the project) Non-recoverable V.A.T II.4.2.5. Use of ERDF/ ESF cross-financing Not applicable. II.4.2.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 20,858,870 25,531,257 27,869,384 33,086,897 35,174,634 41,938,620 50,937,243 235,396,905 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 17,730,040 21,701,569 23,688,976 28,123,862 29,898,439 35,647,827 43,296,656 200,087,369 National public contribution State Local Other Total budget budgets public sources* 2,711,653 417,177 0 3,128,830 3,319,063 510,625 0 3,829,688 3,623,020 557,388 0 4,180,408 4,301,297 661,738 0 4,963,035 4,572,702 703,493 0 5,276,195 5,452,021 838,772 0 6,290,793 6,621,842 1,018,745 0 7,640,587 30,601,598 4,707,938 0 35,309,536 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) 77 Private contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II.4.2.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 500,000 – 25,000,000 Euro Not applicable 500,000 – 25,000,000 Euro 85% for environment activities 50% for investment activities (under state aid) 15% for environment activities 50% for investment activities (under state aid) 85% for environment activities 50% for investment activities (under state aid) 15% for environment activities 50% for investment activities (under state aid) 13% for environment activities 2% for environment activities II.4.2.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local public administration authorities II.4.2.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.4.2.10. Target groups / Target areas Localities with economic growth potential affected by industrial restructuring. II.4.2.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 II.4.2.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission 78 II.4.2.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria: The project contribution to the achievement of the general and specific objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013; The project contribution to the achievement of the regional development strategy. The complementarity of the project with other regional projects financed from public funds Projects eligibility and evaluation criteria Projects eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program; The project applicant must prove the property or concession of the land and /or the infrastructure for at least 10 years; The project has feasibility study, including the necessary notices; The projects for the derelict industrial sites must have evaluation studies of the pollution rate on type of pollution and of the depollution activities and their costs; The project applicant must prove the cofinancing capacity; The purposed activities must not have been financed from public funds in the last 5 years; The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided for the respective type of the project; The projects respect the maximum implementation period; The project is in compliance with the eligible activities of the priority axis 4. The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 4; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity (owned or delegated) for the project implementation; Project evaluation criteria Localization in the residential areas or town centers; Contribution to the improvement of the environment quality (air/land/water pollution) is a priority; The projects must be in compliance with the National Strategy for Environment Protection and respect the conditions of the regional/local environment; The projects must create the conditions for other destinations of the rehabilitation site; 79 The impact on the environment on the area where the project is implemented; The economic impact on the areas where the project is implemented. II.4.2.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - - 500 - - 1,000 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Rehabilitated of unused polluted industrial sites and preparation for new activities (Ha) Result indicators The creation of new jobs in supported business structures (No of employees) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - - - - - - 2007 2008 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Input indicators The expense with the rehabilitation of unused polluted industrial sites (euro) Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year Input indicators Output indicators Industrial sites rehabilitated (ha) Emissions of CO2 equivalent release into the atmosphere 80 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (Tons of C02 equivalent) The affected surface from the green ares ha Projects that contribute to protection against natural and industrial disaster - no Reduction in the use of depleting natural resources (relevant to the project) Fresh water used per unit of product - % reducing per unit of products (mp) - Recilcled waste (tonne) - Recoverd waste (tonne) - Reused waste (tonne) Industrial areas rehabilitated and/or used for development (ha) Increased energy efficiency in supported companies, enterprises, institutions (%) Projects dealing with environmentally responsible behaviour - no Rezult indicators Impact indicators II.4.2.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development Within the intervention field regarding the rehabilitation of unused polluted industrial sites and preparation for new activities there are activities with long term impact on the environment. 81 Equal opportunities The eligible projects will respect the principle of equal opportunities, without any discrimination based on sex, race, ethnical origin, religion, disability and sexual orientation. The created infrastructure will respect the European standards regarding the disabled people. II.4.2.16. State Aid Operation State Aid regime Legal basis regional Commission Regulation 1628/2006 on the The rehabilitation of National unused polluted industrial investment aid sites and preparation for new activities application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to national regional investment aid II.4.2.17. Categorization of interventions Cod 06 08 10 50 Cod 01 Cod 01 05 Priority theme Priority theme Business environment Aid to SMEs to promote sustainable clean production processes and products (through the introduction of cost-effective environmental management system, the adoption and use of pollution-prevention technologies, and the integration of clean technologies in firms) Other investment in firms Telephone infrastructures (including broadband networks) Rehabilitation of industrial sites and contaminated land Form of finance Form of finance Non – repayable aid Territorial dimension Territory type Urban Rural areas II.4.2.18. Intermediate bodies Regional Development Agencies 82 II.4.2. 19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.4.3. Key area of intervention 4.3 – Support the development of micro-enterprises II.4.3.1. Description Taking into consideration the revised Lisbon strategy, it is also necessary to invest in the modernization of local and regional productive sectors, by supporting entrepreneurship, especially micro enterprises. The use of R&D technological results by the local and regional productive firms for improving their regional competitiveness in capitalizing the specific resources and the local labour force, is leading to job creation, and inclusion of areas in decline within the economic circuit. The Regional Operational Programme supports the development of productive and service micro-enterprises that use the endogenous potential of the Regions (natural resources, raw materials, human resources, etc). Furthermore, micro-enterprises will be encouraged to use new technologies and innovations, IT equipments and services with an essential role in increasing competitiveness, productivity and quality of services. Objective: The support of micro-enterprises for increasing competitiveness and capitalization of the resources and local labour force. II.4.3.2. Indicative operations Support to micro-enterprises II.4.3.3. Eligible activities Procurement of equipments and modern productive technologies, services, constructions; Procurement of IT systems (software and equipments); Applying the innovations and technologies in the current activities of microenterprises; Relocation of the micro-enterprises in business structure; Construction/ extension/ rehabilitation/ modernization of the micro-enterprises production spaces; Specific development activities. 83 II.4.3.4. List of eligible expenditure Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection Expenses to assure utilities for the objective Expenses for land studies Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies Expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of the eligible expenses of the project) Non-recoverable V.A.T II.4.3.5. Use of ERDF/ ESF cross-financing Not applicable. II.4.3.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 25,328,628 31,002,241 33,841,394 40,176,946 42,712,056 50,925,467 61,852,366 285,839,098 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 17,730,040 21,701,569 23,688,976 28,123,862 29,898,439 35,647,827 43,296,656 200,087,369 National public contribution State Local Other Total budget budgets public sources* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) 84 Private contribution 7,598,588 9,300,672 10,152,418 12,053,084 12,813,617 15,277,640 18,555,710 85,751,729 II.4.3.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost 20,000 – 500,000 Euro Not aplicable 20,000 – 500,000 Euro 70% Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant 30% for all regions from Romania, except Bucharest_Ilfov Region with 40% 70% for all regions from Romania, except Bucharest_Ilfov Region with 60% 0% Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets 0% 0% II.4.3.8. Eligible beneficiaries Microenterprises with productive, services and construction activities, located in urban area, except the first and second processing and marketing of agricultural products; microenterprises which development activities regarding to NACE: Section D – Products of the processing industry (with the exception of the following sections: DA, DF, DG, DJ-271, DJ-272, DJ-273, DJ-2751, DJ-2752) Section F – Constructions Section G-527- Repairing/Mending of personal and household items Section I - 631 – Handling and deposits Section N – Health and Social Assistance Section O – Other collective, social and personal activities II.4.3.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.4.3.10. Target groups / Target areas Localities with economic growth potential affected by industrial restructuring. II.4.3.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 85 II.4.3.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with fixed deadline II.4.3.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Strategic evaluation criteria: The project contribution to the achievement of the general and specific objectives of the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013; The project contribution to the achievement of the regional development strategy. The complementarity of the project with other regional projects financed from public funds Project eligibility and evaluation criteria Project eligibility criteria for microentreprises: The projects has to comply with the field of intervention within Regional Operational Programme; The applicant must prove ownership or lessee status for land and/or building for at least 10 years; The projects must have a Business Plan and necessary approvals; The project applicant must prove co-financing capacity; The applicant must not have received public financing for the same type of activities as requested in project in the past 5 years; The execution of the works / activities must not exceed 30 June 2015; The total value of the projects must not exceed the foreseen minimum and maximum; The project must be in compliance with the eligible activities under priority axis 4; The applicant must be eligible for the priority axis 4; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity for the project implementation; The applicant must not have debt credits; The applicant must not be in the closeout or bankruptcy process; The microenterprises must be registered according to the law 31/1990 (with changes) and to perform their activity in Romania, the project has to be developed /implemented in Romania; The applicant must not have debts at state budget when submitting the financing request; The account book for financial and economic activities developed in last year must record operating profit; The applicant must achieve all conditions for getting the relevant licenses and approvals for the activity requiring financing. 86 Project evaluation criteria To have minimum 3 permanent employees; Projects must be in compliance with national strategy for environmental protection and to respect the local/regional environment conditions; The proof that the administrator has managing capacity for his business (degree for at least one specialized course); The implementation of the project must create a new jobs; The projects are implemented in localities with development potential in areas affected by industrial restructuration; The projects must be sustainable after the end on financing. II.4.3.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - - 1500 - - 3,000 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Created/Suported microenterprises (No) Result indicators New jobs created in the supported microenterprises (No. of persons) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year - - - - - - - - 2007 2008 Input indicators Expenses with creation/development microentreprises (euro) Output indicators Investments in microenterprises(euro) Supported microenterprises by region (No) Result indicators New created companies thereof held by women (No) Impact indicators New jobs created in 87 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 the microenterprises by women - No New jobs created in the microenterprises by men - No - - Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 Input indicators Output indicators Total Nitrate – mg/l Emissions of CO2 equivalent release into the atmosphere (Tons of C02 equivalent) Reduction in the use of depleting natural resources (relevant to the project) Fresh water used per unit of product (mp) Increased energy efficiency in supported Companies, enterprises, Institutions (%) Result indicators Impact indicators II.4.3.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development Within this priority axis are promoted only the projects that do not have a negative impact on the environment, and as possible positive impact. The projects eligibility and selection criteria will be used for this purpose. Microentreprises will be financially supported to buy modern equipments for production, processing and selling that protect the environment. Equal opportunities The eligible projects will respect the principle of equal opportunities, without any discrimination based on sex, race, ethnical origin, religion, disability and sexual orientation. 88 2014 2015 It is intended to increase the number of woman entrepreneurs in carrying out economic activities within microenterprises and of those starting a new business. II.4.3.16. State Aid Operation The support micro-enterprises for increasing competitiveness and capitalizing the specific resources and local labor force State Aid regime Legal basis National regional Commission Regulation 1628/2006 on the investment aid application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to national regional investment aid II.4.3.17. Categorization of interventions Cod 06 08 09 11 15 Priority theme Priority theme Business environment Aid to SMEs to promote sustainable clean production processes and products (through the introduction of cost-effective environmental management system, the adoption and use of pollution-prevention technologies, and the integration of clean technologies in firms) Other investment in firms Other measures to stimulate research and innovation and entrepreneurship Information and communication technologies Other measures for access to ICT by SMEs and efficient use thereof Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 01 Urban II.4.3.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.4.3. 19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate 89 II.5 Priority Axis 5 Sustainable development and promotion of tourism This priority axis aims mainly to sustainable valorize the cultural heritage and natural resources with tourism potential, as well as to improve the quality of accommodation and leisure tourist infrastructure, in order to increase the regions’ attractiveness, develop the local economies and create new jobs. Within the National Strategy for Regional Development, prepared on the basis of the Regional Development Plans and within National Strategic Reference Framework 20072013 the development of tourism was clearly identified as a development priority, taking into account the existing tourist potential in the Regions. This potential justifies the financial support for rehabilitation of tourist infrastructure from different tourist areas and for the valorization of natural, cultural and historical heritage, with the aim of including these resources within tourist circuits and also of promoting them in order to attract tourists. II.5.1. Key area of intervention 5.1 - Restoration and sustainable valorisation of cultural heritage and setting up/ modernization of related infrastructure II.5.1.1. Description The support for projects in the field of tourism and culture has to be seen in a wider context as a support for socio – economic development of the regions, and as a way to capitalize on the regional tourist, historical and cultural potential. This will contribute to the increasing attraction of the regions for the tourists, investors and for the area’s inhabitants. It is of critical importance for Romania to preserve what remains of cultural heritage of the different regions of the country that was severely damaged in the last decades. This includes historical buildings, monuments, museums, theatres, and historical works of art. These cultural preservation initiatives proposed by the local authorities will have to be accompanied by a consistent territorial planning for preserving (and where it is possible, restoring) historical centres in towns, maintaining traditional architectural styles and conserving medieval historical cities. The objectives of this key area of intervention are: Increasing the importance of tourism and culture as factors that stimulate economic growth of regions, by respecting the principles of sustainable development and environment protection; Extension of the tourist season Increasing the number of tourists through capitalizing on the local and regional cultural potential on the national and international tourist market 90 II.5.1.2. Indicative operations Restoring, protecting and conserving world cultural heritage and related infrastructure Restoring, protecting and conserving national cultural patrimony1 and related infrastructure, with an important tourist potential Restoring, protecting and conserving the urban cultural patrimony2; II.5.1.3. Eligible activities Restoring, consolidation, protection and preservation of patrimony buildings Restoring, protection and conservation of interior pictures, frescoes, mural exterior pictures Reconstruction / arrangement of access ways (pedestrian and roadway) towards the rehabilitated sites, within their protected area Works and endowments in order to ensure the interior or the exterior lighting, the security lighting and the decorative lighting Restoration and restyle the facades Landscape design in order to enhance the rehabilitated sites Interior endowments (installations, equipments and endowments in order to ensure the conditions for climate maintenance, fire security, security systems) Installations, equipments and endowments in order to ensure the water supply and to evacuate the pluvial and waste water Endowments in order to expose and to protect the mobile and immobile cultural patrimony Arrangement of protected areas through the demarcation and the enclosure of patrimony sites (where is needed) Construction of the secondary utilities (parking, toilets, advertising billboards and indicators) Arrangement / marking tourist tracks / itineraries to the rehabilitated objectives Construction / rehabilitation / arrangement of the access way to the rehabilitated tourist site for less than 1000 m. 1 Group A: Monuments of universal and national value according to the list done by the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs, approved by the Order of the Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs No. 2314 / 8 July 2004, published in Romanian Official Journal, Part I, year 172 (XVI), No. 646 bis, from 16 July 2004) 2 Group B: Monuments for local cultural patrimony according to the list done by the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs), approved by the Order of the Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs No. 2314 / 8 July 2004, published in Romanian Official Journal, Part I, year 172 (XVI), No. 646 bis, from 16 July 2004) 91 II.5.1.4. List of eligible expenditures - - - - - - Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for studies for the projects referring to the sustainable development and promotion of tourism such as: impact studies (on the environment and on the local communities), technical projects, feasibility studies, preparing the tender dossier for works Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for restoring, consolidation, protection and conservation of the patrimony buildings Expenses for new buildings, if they are justified from the economic and technical point of view (maximum 10 % from the eligible value of the project) Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection Expenses to assure / to deviate the utilities (water, electricity, gas, wastewater, phone network) Expenses for modernizing and extension of the existing utilities (water, electricity, gas, wastewater, phone network) and for buying specific equipments Expenses for the procurement and setting-up the tourist mark system Expenses for construction of new access roads for less than 1000 m Expenses for interior endowments, restoring, protection and conservation of interior pictures, frescoes, mural exterior pictures Expenses for the exterior lighting, the security lighting and the decorative lighting Expenses for audit Expenses for publicity Expenses for authorized translations Expenses for human resources: per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, etc Consultancy expenses (maximum 5% of project eligible expenses), site supervision (maximum 10% of works contract eligible expenses that need supervision), and evaluation Expenses for Cheltuieli pentru achiziţia de autoturisme necesare activitatii de supervizare pentru beneficiari autoritati publice Expenses for acquisition of specialized equipment (such as: the conditions for climate maintenance, fire security, security systems) Amortization costs II.5.1.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing If the provider does not include the training activities cost within the total cost of the equipments, the training costs will be eligible for less than 10% from the eligible value of the project. 92 II.5.1.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL TOTAL 20,858,870 25,531,257 27,869,384 33,086,897 35,174,634 41,938,620 50,937,243 235,396,905 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 17,730,040 21,701,569 23,688,976 28,123,862 29,898,439 35,647,827 43,296,656 200,087,369 National public contribution Local Other Total budgets public sources 2,711,653 417,177 0 3,128,830 3,319,063 510,625 0 3,829,688 3,623,020 557,388 0 4,180,408 4,301,297 661,738 0 4,963,035 4,572,702 703,493 0 5,276,195 5,452,021 838,772 0 6,290,793 6,621,842 1,018,745 0 7,640,587 30,601,598 4,707,938 0 35,309,536 State budget Private contribution *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) II.5.1.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: State budget Local budgets 93 500,000 – 25,000,000 Euro Not applicable 500,000 – 25,000,000 Euro 85% for central public administration authorities 98% for local public administration authorities; for legal person of public utilities; for NGOs; 70% for micro-enterprises and small enterprises (60% for Bucharest- Ilfov Region) 60% for medium enterprises (50% for Bucharest- Ilfov Region) 2% for local public administration authorities and for NGOs 15% for central public administration authorities 30% for micro-enterprises and small enterprises (40% for Bucharest- Ilfov Region) 40% for medium enterprises (50% for Bucharest- Ilfov Region) 85% 15% 13% 2% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II.5.1.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local and central public administration authorities; Micro-enterprises and SMEs in tourism field; Legal persons (which are not economic agents); NGOs II.5.1.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.5.1.10. Target groups / Target areas The interventions are focused on the areas and sites with tourist potential, which are part of UNESCO heritage, national cultural patrimony and local urban cultural patrimony. II.5.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 I.5.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.5.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program The project applicant must prove the ownership of the land and / or of the patrimony site, or the applicant has the owner’s acceptance (non legal or legal person) in the case in which he is not the owner of the patrimony site; The project has a feasibility study and the appropriate notifications; The project applicant must prove the co financing capacity; The purposed activities must not have been financed from public funds in the last 5 years; The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided for the respective type of the project; The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The proposed projects must respect the Plans for Spatial Planning and Urbanism Plans requirements; The projects has the needed specific authorizations; 94 The projects must respect the European standard concerning the protection of the patrimony sites, tourist safety and environment protection; The patrimony sites must be included totally or partially within the public circuit; The project is in compliance with the priority axis 5 operations; The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 5; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity (owned or delegated) for project implementation. Selection criteria The impact of the project on the tourism development and the use of the existing tourist resources: the level in which the project contributes to the increase in number of tourists / visitors to the cultural sites; Creation of new jobs; The existence of the access way toward the rehabilitated patrimony site; The quality of the access way to the tourist site proposed for rehabilitation; The level in which the project contributes to maintain the specificity of the area in which it is implemented The project proposes an integrated approach – it contains different activities such as: restoring the cultural and historical patrimony, rehabilitation of the interior road of the cultural site, lighting systems, etc. The projects must be sustainable after the end of financing II.5.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output Tourism infrastructure / accommodation projects implemented (number) Companies supported (direct and indirect) in tourism field (number) 400 350 Result Increase of tourists’ number (%) Increase of overnights staying (%) Jobs created / saved at the end of project implementation (number) 15 5 95 Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Input Expenses foe restoring, protecting and conserving of the national / world cultural heritage UNESCO / urban cultural patrimony (euro) Output Patrimony sites rehabilitated, by types: national /world cultural heritageUNESCO/ urban cultural (number) Result Increase the number of persons that visited the rehabilitated patrimony objectives (%) Impact New job created / saved (part time or full time) 2 years after the project implementation (number) Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Input Output Total Nitrogen – mg/l - Area of greenfields affected - Ha - Areas of brownfields rehabilitated and/or used for development (ha) - Projects rehabilitating 96 historical and cultural heritage - number Projects dealing with environmentally responsible behavior - number Result Impact II.5.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development All projects must respect the national legislation in the field of environmental protection. The sustainable development of tourism should be achieved in accordance with the spatial plans that set out the level of protection for the proposed objective to be rehabilitated. There will also be financed projects that implements environmental friendly solutions, such as: the use of ecological materials, non-conventional energy sources, equipments with efficient energy/ water consumption, increase of green spaces/ surfaces, promotion and dissemination of an environmental friendly lifestyle, conservation of cultural patrimony. Equal opportunities In all investments, the physical obstacles will be removed / softened; special access spaces will be envisaged in order to ensure accessibility for disabled persons, complying thus with the provisions of the legislation in force regarding the access in the buildings and structures of public utility. II.5.1.16. State aid Operation State Aid regime Legal basis Restoring, protecting and Aid to promote culture and EC Treaty, art 87 (3) d conserving world cultural heritage conservation heritage and related infrastructure Restoring, protecting and conserving national cultural patrimony and related infrastructure, with an important tourist potential Restoring, protecting and conserving the urban cultural patrimony 97 II.5.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Code Priority theme Priority theme Culture 58 Protection and conservation of the cultural patrimony Forma de finanţare Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 01 05 Urban Rural areas II.5.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.5.1. 19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.5.2. Key area of intervention 5.2 - Creation, development, modernization of the tourism infrastructure for sustainable valorization of natural resources and for increasing the quality of tourism services II.5.2.1. Description The tourism practiced in nature in a sustainable manner generates various activities and allows the increase of economic and environmental sustainability of tourist activities. Taking into account that 30% of Romania’s surface is occupied by mountains, it can be considered that the mountain tourism represents an important opportunity to practice during the entire year different tourist activities, some of them with niche character. In internal field, the youth population manifests the desire to know their own country, choosing the cultural tourism, eco-tourism (“back to nature type”), while the ageing population, in growing number, manifests a high interest for spa resorts, which also attract foreign tourists. 98 In short term, the most important opportunities for tourism development are provided by the niche tourism (equestrian tourism, speo-tourism, adventure tourism, etc) based on the natural and cultural resources such as spa resorts, wooded areas, natural protected areas, areas which offer the possibility of winter sports practicing, etc. Within this field of intervention the investments will be also realized in Danube Delta (in complementarity with the 3.1 field of intervention) that, even though is part of UNESCO heritage, is a complex tourist objective, with a high natural value. Presently Romania has a sufficient accommodation capacity, but in many cases it’s superseded/outdated, correlated with a low level of modernization, especially the two-three stars accommodation structures, built between 1975-1980. Therefore, taking into account the global tourist market evolutions, it is of critical importance to improve the quality standards of the accommodation units, such as hotels, motels and camping, chalets and youth hostels, accommodation units on the ships/pontoons. Moreover, the same features characterize the tourist leisure structures, which provide the entertainment facilities. The objectives of this field of intervention are: Valorisation of natural tourist resources, for tourist purposes Diversification of tourist services Improving the quality of accommodation services Creation/extension of tourist recreation facilities, in order to increase in the number of tourists and the tourists length of stay II.5.2.2. Indicative operations Development of tourism based on the natural tourism resources (mountain tourism, spa tourism, seaside tourism, eco-tourism, etc.) Rehabilitation / modernization /extension of the accommodation structures1 and related utilities Creation / rehabilitation / modernization /extension of the leisure tourism infrastructure and related utilities II.5.2.3. Eligible activities Development of captivation and/or transport networks for mineral and saline springs with therapeutic properties (spas, therapeutic lakes, mud baths and gas, the health factors from the caves and salinas) Arrangement, modernization and endowments (including utilities) of the treatment basis from the spa resorts, including the therapeutic salinas 1 The eligible accommodation structures are: Hotels, motels, tourist guesthouses, campings, chalets, youth hostels, and accommodation units on the ships/pontoons. 99 Arrangement of tourist natural objectives for tourist purposes (geological formations, caves, salinas, mines, muddy volcanoes, lakes) through: Lighting systems, heating, ventilation Ensuring the secure access for tourists Arrangement of sanitary groups Etc. Arrangement of points (turrets) for observation / shooting / recording Rehabilitation and arrangement of the access way at the main natural touristic objective, excepting the road financed under priority axis 1 and communal roads; Construction / rehabilitation / arrangement of the access way to the rehabilitated tourist objective for less than 1000 m. Arrangement and endowments of the camping platforms, including the specific utilities (sanitary groups, current water supply, lighting system etc.) Arrangement of waste collecting points Arrangement and construction of mountain refugees in order to ensure the security and the first aid in the case of accident Marking the mountain tracks Placing the informative boards Arrangement of new SALVAMONT units (mountain rescue units) Rehabilitation and arrangement of access alleys to the mineral resources, of the tracks for the land cure, of the recreation and halt spaces, of the mineral water springs use Rehabilitation of spa parks, garden-parks Modernization of the accommodation structures: renovation, rehabilitation, extension, arrangement (interior and façade, sanitary groups, antiphonic windows, rooms / special spaces for the persons with disabilities), phonic isolation, extension of the accommodation spaces, modernization of the utilities, parking arrangement, garages, exterior lighting Endowments of the accommodation structures with specific equipments (including ecological equipments for energy supply, laundry, etc.), elevator Arrangement of swimming-pools, kyneto-therapy basins, Mini-golf, tennis, paint-ball, equitation grounds Railway transport of tourist interest on narrow gauge railway, in hill and mountain areas Arrangement of tourist ports, including the quays from the boating lakes Arrangement of cyclo-tourism tracks Arrangement of new ski tracks (including the construction of cable transport installations, equipments endowments for artificial snow production, night lighting systems, endowments with equipment for ski tracks maintenance) Arrangement, development or rehabilitation of the tracks for the other winter sport practicing, including the endowment with the specific installations and equipments; Specific arrangements for nautical sports Arrangement for fishing sport 100 There are not financed: Apartments or rooms for rent in family houses or in the buildings with other destinations type of accommodation facilities are not eligible for financing (according to Order 510 / 2002) Agro-tourist guest houses Units for public alimentation, such as: bars, discos, casinos etc which are located out from the accommodation units II.5.2.4. List of eligible expenditures - Expenses for land procurement (maximum10% of project eligible expenses) Expenses for arrangements of land Expenses for land works with regard to environment protection - Expenses to assure utilities for the objective - Expenses for land studies Expenses for approvals, agreements, certificates Expenses for designing and engineering - Expenses for consultancy regarding pre-feasibility study or market/evaluation studies, as - - - - well as expenses for the management of the execution contract Expenses for technical assistance Expenses for constructions and facilities Expenses for technological functional equipments with fitting Expenses with public transport (carrier vehicles) procurement for common carrier owned by the local authorities Expenses for building site management Expenses for construction works and installations related to building site management Expenses for specific activities related to building site management Commissions, taxes, fees Expenses for per diems, salaries, accommodation and transport of project team, Expenses for publicity Expenses for audit Administrative expenses (maximum 5% of project eligible expenses) Irrecoverable VAT II.5.2.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing If the provider does not include the training activities cost within the total cost of the equipments, the training costs will be eligible for less than 10% from the eligible value of the project. 101 II.5.2.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL TOTAL 29,243,481 35,794,021 39,072,000 46,386,791 49,313,732 58,796,630 71,412,414 330,019,069 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 20,470,437 25,055,815 27,350,400 32,470,754 34,519,612 41,157,641 49,988,690 231,013,349 State budget National public contribution Local Other Total budgets public sources* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private contribution 8,773,044 10,738,206 11,721,600 13,916,037 14,794,120 17,638,989 21,423,724 99,005,720 II.5.2.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: State budget Local budgets II.5.2.8. Eligible beneficiaries Local public administration authorities; Micro-enterprises and SMEs acting in tourism field; NGOs 102 200,000 – 25,000,000 Euro Not applicable 200,000 – 25,000,000 Euro 98% for local public administration authorities, NGOs 70% for micro-enterprises (60% for Bucureşti – Ilfov Region) 60% for medium enterprises (50% Bucureşti – Ilfov Region) 2% for local public administration authorities, NGOs 30% for micro-enterprises (40% for Bucureşti – Ilfov Region) 40% for medium enterprises (50% for Bucureşti – Ilfov Region) 85% 15% 13% 2% II.5.2.9. Applicants Not applicable II.5.2.10. Target groups / Target areas Tourism resorts and localities from urban areas Rural tourism resorts, where the implemented projects are higher than 1,000,000 euro Spa resorts3 and hydro-climateric resorts4 (regardless the urban or rural location) II.5.2.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 II.5.2.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.5.2.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program The project applicant must prove the property of the land and / or of the buildings, or the applicant is the lessee of the land/building for at least 10 years; The project has a feasibility study and the appropriate notifications; The project applicant must prove the co-financing capacity; The purposed activities must not have been financed from public funds in the last 5 years; 3 According to the Ordinance No. 109 from 31 st august 2000 regarding spa, climateric and hydro-climateric resorts and the balneary and recuperative medical care, the spa resort is defined as a locality and/or the area with resources of mineral substances, scientifically proved and traditionally recognized, with specific health care infrastructure and is organized in order to be able to provide an adequate balneary medical care; 4 according to the Ordinance No. 109 from 31 st august 2000 regarding spa, climateric and hydro-climateric resorts and the balneary and recuperative medical care, the hydro-climateric resort represents the locality and/or the area with resources of mineral substances, scientifically proved and traditionally recognized as therapeutic effect, with specific health care infrastructure and is organized in order to be able to provide an adequate balneary medical care; the respective locality and/or area is located in a favourable climatic factors, able for health / work capacity maintenance and amelioration, as well as for the relaxation and refreshment; 103 The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided for the respective type of the project; The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The proposed projects must respect the Plans for Spatial Planning and Urbanism Plans requirements and must have the needed specific notifications;(environment, construction, urbanism); The projects must respect the standard concerning the protection of the patrimony objectives, tourist safety and environment protection; The patrimony objective must be included total and partial in the public circuit; The project is in compliance with the priority axis 5 operations; The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 5; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity (owned or delegated) for project implementation. Selection criteria The impact of the project on the tourism development and the use of the existing tourist resources: the level in which the project contributes to the increase in number of tourists / visitors to the rehabilitated objectives / new created leisure structures; Creation of new jobs; The existence of the access way toward the rehabilitated patrimony objective; The quality of the access way to the tourist objective proposed for rehabilitation / endowment The level in which the project contibutes to maintain the specificity of the area in which it is implemented; The project proposes an integrated approach – it contains different activities such as: arrangement of natural patrimony, of the access ways, lighting systems, etc. The projects must be sustainable after the end of financing The project contributes to the taking out of isolation the implementation area; The project propose an integrated approach – it contains different activities such as: arrangement of natural patrimony, of the access ways, lighting systems, etc., endowments / modernization of accommodation structures, development of recreation / leisure activities, etc. II.5.2.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Output Projects implemented in tourism/ 104 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 accommodation infrstructure (no) Companies directly and indirectly supported in tourism field (no) Result Increase the number of tourists (%) Increase the number of overnight staying (%) New job created / saved at the end of project implementation (no) Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input Output Investment projects financed in valorization of natural patrimony with tourist potential (no) Investment projects implemented Supported companies (no) Result Increase the number of persons that visited the rehabilitated objectives (%) Increase the number of tourists in the rehabilitated accommodation structures Accommodation structures that enhanced a superior standard of quality (no) Impact New job created / saved at the end of project implementation (no) 105 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Input Output Total Nitrogen – mg/l - the surface affected from the green areas ha - number of natura 2000 areas afeected no Reduction in the use of depleting natural resources (relevant to the project) Fresh water used per unit of product - % reducing per unit of products (mp) - industrial unussed areas rehabilitated and/or used for development (ha) - Projects that rehabilitates the cultural and historical heritage- no Increased energy efficiency in supported companies, enterprises, institutions (%) Projects dealing with environmentally responsible behaviour (no) Result Impact II.5.2.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development All projects have to respect the national legislation in the field of environmental protection. The sustainable development of tourism has to be achieved in accordance with the spatial plans that envisage the level of protection that the proposed to rehabilitation asset 106 2015 subscribes to. There will also be financed projects that implement environmental friendly solutions, such as: the use of ecological materials, non-conventional energy sources, equipments with efficient energy / water consumption, increase of green spaces / surfaces, promotion and dissemination of an environmental friendly lifestyle, conservation of cultural and natural patrimony. The development of tourism should take into account the principle of sustainable development, concerning the preservation of natural and cultural assets, and also the reduction of human pressure on the environment, that cannot be avoided in the practice of large-scale tourism. The increase in the number of tourists will generate high pressure on the environment, affecting the ecosystem’ balance. The pressure on the environment should be controlled in those regions with special natural assets, in order to ensure their capitalization in a sustainable manner and also to distribute balanced spatial tourism activities. Sustainable tourist use of the natural areas could be realized by practicing a controlled tourism regime, in order to have a balanced distribution of tourists in all periods of the year (thus reducing the seasonality effect). Equal opportunities Priority will be given to that investment that contains special spaces ensuring the accessibility for persons with disabilities, thus complying with the legislation in place regarding the access in the institutions of public utility. II.5.2.16. State aid Operation State Aid regime Development of tourism National regional based on the natural tourism investment aid resources (mountain tourism, spa tourism, seaside tourism, eco-tourism, etc.) Rehabilitation / modernization /extension of the accommodation structures1 and related utilities Creation / rehabilitation / modernization /extension of the leisure tourism infrastructure and related utilities 1 Legal basis Commission Regulation 1628/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to national regional investment aid The eligible accommodation structures are: Hotels, motels, tourist guesthouses, campings, chalets, youth hostels, and accommodation units on the ships/pontoons. 107 II.5.2.17. Categorization of interventions Cod 56 57 Cod 01 Cod 01 05 Priority theme Priority theme Tourism Protection and development of natural patrimony Assistance to improve tourist services Form of finance Form of finance Non – repayable aid Territorial dimension Territory type Urban Rural areas II.5.2.18. Intermediate Bodies Regional Development Agencies II.5.2. 19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.5.3 Key Area of Intervention 5.3 - Promoting the tourism potential and setting-up the needed infrastructure in order to increase Romania’s attractivity as tourism destination II.5.3.1. Description Romania has to promote a tourism potential of great diversity, harmoniously and symmetrically distributed across its territory, which offers all tourism products and for all seasons. The privatization of the tourism sector has contributed to the accomplishment of investments for the modernization of the tourism infrastructure and, as a result, to the improvement of quality and diversity of the tourism services offers. New tourism services/products and different forms of tourism occurred, such as rural/agro and adventure tourism, wellness tourism and other forms of niche tourism. The business tourism has been developed due to congress, symposium, expos, diplomatic meetings. 108 On the other hand, the awareness of Romania products through tourism represents an important factor for international promotion of Romanian economy and for the development of its national market. Therefore, the development of the national tourism brand is a general priority, determined by the contribution to the realization of country brand aiming to stimulate foreign investments and contribute to equilibrate the payments balance. Romania does not have a well-outlined image as tourism destination, and the internal promotion is insufficient and does not satisfy the demand. Romania is endowed with an abundance of tourism sites, natural and cultural heritage. Tourism represents an important contributor to Romanian GDP and employment. Promoting tourism provides new and alternative opportunities for the development of various Romanian regions. Currently, neither foreign tourists nor Romanian ones may get information from specialized tourism promotion and information centers on news concerning the country, tourism attractions, cultural events or other business activities, archaeological sites, accommodations, restaurants, recreation possibilities, or any kind of facilities they can enjoy. In the same context, foreign tour operators also need this information available on internet or web sites for creating their Romanian tourism programs. After an analysis of these aspects, the following weaknesses have been identified: Low level of promotion and development regarding the tourism information centers and the services related with this field of actions. The tourism areas do not have a suitable network of multi-functional tourism centers that can ensure the easy access of the tourists to the information and specific services and events; Thus, a potential for the development of the tourism environment in Romania has been identified. For speeding up such activities, the necessity of setting-up a national network of tourist information and promotion centers that could host useful services and promotion materials has raised in all tourism areas. It will provide the logistical arrangements necessary to facilitate the increase the exchange of information in the tourism field among the institutions and centers from the tourism areas. The introduction of modern information services, development of united tourism information system will create better conditions for maintenance and exchange of tourism activity information for local and foreign tourists. Such information systems can be extended and interconnected with other information systems, for example, on-line booking, world wide conferences/cultural events schedule, etc. 109 II.5.3.2. Indicative operations a) Creation of a positive image of Romania as a tourism destination by defining and promoting the national tourism brand, attracting business investors and other strategic partners in order to develop the tourism industry and to increase its attractiveness. b) Development and consolidation of domestic tourism by supporting tourism promotion of specific tourism products and destinations and specific marketing activities. c) Setting up/Rehabilitation of Tourism, Information and Promotion Centers (TIPCs) II.5.3.3. Eligible activities Creation of the national tourism brand; Updating of the national tourism brand; Promotion campaigns of the national tourism brand; Promotion of the specific tourism products; Specific marketing activities; Modernization and/or rehabilitation, consolidation and extension of TIPCs; Purchasing of equipments, including IT equipments for TIPCs; Setting up a national tourism information database for TIPCs in order to set up an integrated national system, with on-line access, for collecting and distributing tourism information. II.5.3.4. List of eligible expenditures a. Creation of a positive image of Romania as a tourism destination by defining and promoting the national tourism brand, attracting business investors and other strategic partners in order to develop the tourism industry and to increase its attractiveness - - - Consultancy expenditures; Expenditures for studies related to the projects regarding creation/updating of the national tourism brand, such as: impact studies, marketing research on the domestic and international market, preparation of tender books for auctions; Advertising expenditures: creation of catalogues, brochures, flyers, posters, fleesheaves, banners, advertising panels, photos, diapositives, internet advertising, audio and video materials, CDs, videotapes, DVD, films, TV shows; Expenditures related to authorized translations; Administrative expenditures (for a maximum 10% of the eligible value of the project): postal expenses for deliver of the printed materials, billboard mounting expenses, telecommunication, authorization fees; 110 - - Accommodation expenditures, travelling of the team involved in promotion in order to take part to the fairs, exhibitions and domestic and international events, exhibit transportation expenses, space rental and stand building expenses; Expenditures related to public relations: press conferences, seminars and meetings; Audit expenditures; Non – recoverable VAT. b. Development and consolidation of domestic tourism by supporting tourism promotion of specific tourism products and destinations and specific marketing activities. - - - - Expenditures for carrying out studies regarding the development of domestic tourism and the state of the domestic and international tourism market; Expenditures related to the promotion of new tourism destinations in Romania and new specific forms of tourism: creation of catalogues, brochures, flyers, photos, slides, internet, audiovisual materials, CDs, videotapes, DVDs, television shows, creation/promotion of periodic events and the signalling of the event; Expenditures related to public relations: press conferences, seminars, meetings etc; Administrative expenditures (for a maximum of 10% of the eligible value of the project): postal expenses for the deliver of printed materials, billboard mounting expenses, telecommunication, authorization fees; Expenditures related to participation at tourism fairs, exhibitions and events, both domestic and abroad, for the promotion of internal tourism: travelling and accommodation expenses, exhibit transportation expenses, space rental and stand building expenses; Expenditures related to authorized translations; Non-recoverable VAT. c. Setting up/Rehabilitation of Tourism, Information and Promotion Centers (TIPC) - - Expenditures with obtaining of approvals, agreements and authorizations; Expenditures with rehabilitation of buildings; Expenditures with ensuring of necessary site utilities; Expenditures with design and technical assistance; Other expenditures (building ground organization; building and equipment works related to the building ground organization; expenses related to the building ground organization; fees, taxes, legal fees; various and unexpected expenses); Expenditures with acquisition of IT equipment (hardware and software), for the integrated IT network and the website; Expenditures with services, maintenance and consultancy related to the setting up and updating of the website and the integrated TIPC IT network; Expenditures with advertising; Non-recoverable VAT. 111 II.5.3.5. Use of ERDF / ESF cross-financing Not applicable II.5.3.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 13.323.263 16.307.674 17.801.114 21.133.716 22.467.223 26.787.610 32.535.334 150.355.934 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 11.324.774 13.861.523 15.130.947 17.963.659 19.097.140 22.769.469 27.655.034 127.802.546 National public contribution State Local Other Total budget budgets public sources* 1.998.489 0 0 1.998.489 2.446.151 0 0 2.446.151 2.670.167 0 0 2.670.167 3.170.057 0 0 3.170.057 3.370.083 0 0 3.370.083 4.018.141 0 0 4.018.141 4.880.300 0 0 4.880.300 22.553.388 0 0 22.553.388 Private contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) II.5.3.7. Grant size Operation a) Not applicable Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: - State budget - Local budgets Operation c) Not applicable Not applicable 100% 0 Operation b) 50.000 – 350.000 Euro 343.000 Not applicable 98% 2 85% 85% 85% 15% 0% 13% 0% 15% 0% Not applicable 100% 0 II.5.3.8. Eligible beneficiaries For Operation Creation of a positive image of Romania as a tourism destination by defining and promoting the national tourism brand, attracting business investors and other strategic partners in order to develop the tourism industry and to increase its attractiveness the eligible beneficiary is the relevant directorate within Ministry for Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Tourism and Self Employed. 112 For Operation Development and consolidation of domestic tourism by supporting tourism promotion of specific tourism products and destinations and specific marketing activities the eligible beneficiaries are NGOs dealing with tourism activity according to their statute or/and partnership between such entities. For Operation Setting up/Rehabilitation of Tourism, Information and Promotion Centers (TIPCs) the eligible beneficiary is the relevant directorate within Ministry for Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Tourism and Self Employed in partnership with local authorities. II.5.3.9. Applicants Not applicable II.5.3.10. Target groups / Target areas Not applicable II.5.3.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2015 I.5.3.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.5.3.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Eligibility criteria Operation Creation of a positive image of Romania as a tourism destination by defining and promoting the national tourism brand, attracting business investors and other strategic partners in order to develop the tourism industry and to increase its attractiveness: The project must fall under the eligible areas within the Regional Operational Program, the WTTC Country Report and the Tourism Development Master Plan for 2007-2013; The costs of the project are within the financial limitations set out for the respective project type; The schedule for payments made by the beneficiary to the contractor must not extend beyond 30 June 2015; The project is in accordance with the eligible activities within priority axis 5; The applicant must be eligible within priority axis 5; 113 The applicant must demonstrate the administrative capacity (own or through delegation) of project implementation. Selection criteria The project must be sustainable after the cessation of financing; Prior experience in brand development for products and/or promotion materials; Operation Development and consolidation of domestic tourism by supporting tourism promotion of specific products and specific marketing activities. Eligibility Criteria The eligible applicants are NGOs that carry out, according to their charter, activities in the field of tourism and have managed projects in the field of tourism; The project must fall under the eligible areas within the Regional Operational Program; The project has a feasibility study and the required approvals; The project applicant must prove the financing capacity; The costs of the project are within the financial limitations set out for the respective project type; The schedule for payments made by the beneficiary to the contractor must not extend beyond 30 June 2015; The project is in accordance with the eligible activities within priority axis 5; The applicant must demonstrate the administrative capacity (own or through delegation) of project implementation. Selection Criteria The impact of the project on tourism development in the area and the use of existing resources (the extent to which the project contributes to the increase in the number of tourists) Job creation; Operation Setting Up/Rehabilitation of Tourism Information and Promotion Centres (TIPC). Eligibility Criteria The project must fall under the eligible areas within the Regional Operational Program, the WTTC Country Report and the Tourism Development Master Plan for 2007-2013; The project partner proves his ownership of the building; 114 The project has a feasibility study and the required approvals; The costs of the project are within the financial limitations set out for the respective project type; The schedule for payments made by the beneficiary to the contractor must not extend beyond 30 June 2015; The project is in accordance with the eligible activities within priority axis 5; The applicant must be eligible within priority axis 5; The applicant must demonstrate the administrative capacity (own or through delegation) of project implementation. Adequate size of the centres (at least 100 m2 ); Minimum number of staff: at least 3 persons. Selection Criteria The impact of the project on tourism development in the area and the use of existing resources (the extent to which the project contributes to the increase in the number of tourists / TIPC visitors / website visitors); Job creation; II.5.3.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Promotional campaigns for advertising the tourism brand at national and international level National Tourism Information and Promotion Centres supported 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 1 mil. 0 - 1.5 mil Result indicators Tourists visiting the Information and Promotion Centres Web site visitors 115 Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Input indicators Expenditures for promotional campaigns for advertising the tourism brand at national and international level (euro) Expenditures for promotional campaigns of domestic tourism at national and international level (euro) Expenditures for setting up of TIPCs (euro) Output indicators NGOs supported (number) Result indicators Impact indicators Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators 116 2014 2015 II.5.3.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable Development All projects must observe national legislation in the field of environmental protection. Also, projects that implement environmentally friendly solutions will be financed. These include: use of ecological materials, alternative energy sources, equipment with efficient energy/water consumption, and increase of grass plot surfaces, promotion and dissemination of an environmentally friendly lifestyle, and preservation of the tourism, natural and cultural heritage. Tourism promotion activities will focus on the natural heritage, the preservation of national tourism resources and of a clean environment, so as to follow the principles of sustainable development. Equal Opportunity The operations respect the principle of equal opportunity for women, men, youths and persons with disabilities. During the period of building works, all physical obstacles must be eliminated in order to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities, therefore fulfilling the requirements set out by the legislation regarding public buildings and constructions. The implementation of the before mentioned principle shall be monitored. II.5.3.16. State Aid Not applicable II.5.3.17. Categorisation of interventions Operation Creation of a positive image of Romania as a tourism destination by defining and promoting the national tourism brand, attracting business investors and other strategic partners in order to develop the tourism industry and to increase its attractiveness: Code Priority theme Priority theme Tourism 55 Promotion of natural assets Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 00 Not applicable 117 Operation Development and consolidation of domestic tourism by supporting tourism promotion of specific products and specific marketing activities. Code Priority theme Priority theme Tourism 55 Promotion of natural assets Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Territorial dimension Code Territory type 00 Not applicable Operation Setting Up/Rehabilitation of Tourism Information and Promotion Centres (TIPCs). Code Priority theme Priority theme Tourism 57 Assistance to improve tourism services Form of finance Code Form of finance 01 Non-repayable aid Code 01 Territorial dimension Territory type Urban II.5.3.18. Intermediate Bodies Intermediate Body Directorate within Ministry for Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Tourism and Self Employed. II.5.3. 19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate 118 II.6 Priority axis 6 - Technical assistance to support ROP implementation II.6.1. Key Area of Intervention 6.1 - Support for the implementation, overall management and evaluation of the ROP II.6.1.1. Description Efficient implementation of the Structural Funds, especially in the first programming period needs the active involvement of the bodies designated to implement the Regional Operational Programme. This key area of intervention will support the preparatory, selection, evaluation, control, audit and monitoring activities arising during the implementation of the ROP, including the preparation, selection, evaluation, control, audit and monitoring of projects. Both the Managing Authority and the Intermediate Bodies will need to build their capacities for personnel management and training in order to meet the demands for ROP management. TA will finance the training program and if necessary exchange of experiences with other EU countries. This key area of intervention is targeted to make available the contractual staff and the expert support necessary for the smooth implementation and overall management of the ROP. Moreover, the procurement and installation of office equipment required for ROP implementation will be of a great importance. Through the Technical Assistance Operational Programme, the Managing Authority and the intermediate bodies will be provided with the necessary IT equipment for SMIS. This technical assistance priority axis will cover all the cost of the Monitoring Committee for the Regional Operational Programme and all other committees related to the implementation of the ROP. II.6.1.2. Indicative operations Support to MA and Intermediate Bodies (including staff costs) for tasks related to different phases of the ROP implementation including project identification and development, preparation, selection, appraisal, monitoring, evaluation, control and audit Procurement and installation of IT (other than SMIS) and office equipment required for the management and implementation of the programme Support to ROP Monitoring Committees and other committees especially involved in the implementation of the ROP, related to the organisation and logistics Evaluation of the ROP including on-going evaluations Elaboration of studies for ROP Expenditures on salaries of other staff and experts involved in tasks connected with preparation, selection, appraisal, monitoring control and audit of the programme. 119 Organization of seminars and training sessions building skills capacity for MA/IB staff Support for preparation of ROP for the next programming period II.6.1.3. Eligible activities Support to MA and Intermediate bodies (including staff costs) for tasks related to different phases of the ROP implementation including project identification and development, preparation, selection, appraisal, monitoring, evaluation, control and audit Procurement and installation of IT equipment (other than OPTA) for the management and implementation of the programme Procurement and installation of office equipment required for the management and implementation of the programme Organization and servicing the ROP Monitoring Committee and ROP other committees Evaluation of the ROP, including future programming period Appraisal of implemented project (including on-going checks)/ on the spot checks Elaboration of studies for ROP Financing human resources involved in tasks connected with preparation, selection, appraisal, monitoring control and audit of the programme. Training sessions building skills capacity for MA/IB staff Impact studies for annual implementation reports ROP preparing activities for the next programming period II.6.1.4. List of eligible expenditures 1. Consultancy Are included the expenditure for: a) payment of consultancy services for elaboration of market studies, evaluation and surveys b) payment of consultancy services in structural fund management 2. Technical asssistance Are included the expernditure for: a) technical assistance from the experts 3. Technological and informatic equipments. Are included the expenditure for procurement of technological and informatic equipments. 4. Endowments Are included the expenditure for assets procurement, that accordingly to the law are fixed assets or inventory objects: furniture, independent equipments with long life cicle. 5. Expenditure for project implementation 1. expenditure with human resources: salaries of IB staff 2. per diem, accomodation, transport 3. audit expenditure; 120 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. translation expenditure; administrative costs: postal services, communications, birotica; reprezentation expenditure, protocol (catering); publicity costs: broshures, bulletins, manuals, posters, etc; multiplication costs; expenditures for organising seminars, conferinces, etc: renting the rooms, utilities (phone); II.6.1.5. Use of ERDF cross-financing Not applicable. II.6.1.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 7,638,640 12,359,050 17,435,450 16,677,950 18,643,430 17,704,902 19,695,528 110,154,950 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 5,728,980 9,269,288 13,076,588 12,508,463 13,982,573 13,278,677 14,771,646 82,616,212 National public contribution State Local Alte Total budget budgets surse publice* 1,909,660 0 0 1,909,660 3,089,763 0 0 3,089,763 4,358,863 0 0 4,358,863 4,169,488 0 0 4,169,488 4,660,858 0 0 4,660,858 4,426,226 0 0 4,426,226 4,923,882 0 0 4,923,882 27,538,737 0 0 27,538,737 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) II.6.1.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: State budget II.6.1.8. Eligible beneficiaries ROP Managing Authority ROP Intermediate Bodies Other structures involved in ROP management 121 3.000 – 5.000.000 Euro Not applicable. 3.000 – 5.000.000 Euro Not applicable. Not applicable. 75% 25% 25% Private contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II.6.1.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.6.1.10. Target groups / Target areas ROP Managing Authority, ROP Intermediate Bodies, other structures involved in ROP management for the activities connected to the ROP implementation; II.6.1.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 II.6.1.12. Type of call for project applications Open call with rolling submission II.6.1.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program The projects applicants prove the quality of structures involved in ROP management The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided; The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The project is in compliance with the eligible activities of the priority axis 6. The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 6; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity for the project implementation Selection criteria The justification of projects’ necessity; The estimated results of projects’ implementation; Correlation with other ROP implementation stages; Complementarity with other technical assistance projects financed from public funds. 122 II.6.1.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Indicative targets (Ţinte indicative) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output indicators Evaluation and other studies undertaken (no) Participants at training seminars (MA, IB) (no) 40 500 Result indicators Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators II.6.1.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development The field of interventions will contribute to better implementation of the sustainable development principles. 123 Equal opportunities The fields of interventions will contribute to the monitoring of implementation of equal opportunities policy. II.6.1.16. State Aid Not applicable. II.6.1.17. Categorisation of interventions Cod 85 86 Cod 01 Cod 00 Priority theme Priority theme Technical assistance Preparation, implementation, monitoring and inspection Evaluation and studies; information and communication Form of finance Form of finance Non-repayable aid Territory type Territory type Not applicable II.6.1.18. Intermediate Bodies Not applicable. II.6.1.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate II.6.2. Key Area of Intervention 6.2 - Support for the publicity and information activities of the ROP II.6.2.1. Description The Council Regulation No. 1083/2006 states that the Managing Authority is responsible for creating awareness on ROP actions, and in particular for informing potential beneficiaries, trade and professional bodies, the economic and social partners, bodies promoting equality between men and women and non-governmental organisations about 124 the opportunities afforded by the assistance and for informing the general public about the role played by the Community in the assistance concerned and its results. It is aimed to improve the knowledge about the impact of ROP interventions on the Regional Development, and to analyse specific aspects of the ROP interventions at the regional and national level. The operations will be implemented through the Communication Action Plan. II.6.2.2. Indicative operations Development of information system of ROP content for all interested actors Preparation and dissemination of information and publicity materials (current official ROP documents, guidlines, bulletins, brochures, posters, objects with EU logo, ROP logo) Organizing conferences, fora, road-shows, workshops, training for potential beneficiaries. II.6.2.3. Eligibile activities Preparation and dissemination of information and publicity materials (current official ROP documents, manuals of procedures, brochures, folders and other publications) Preparation and publication of press materials Designing and managing of web-site/ development and maintenance of web Organisation of seminars, events Preparation and dissemination of publicity materials (objects, bulletins, posters, etc) Organisation of conferences, fora, road-shows, workshops, training for ROP beneficiaries. Evaluation of the information and publicity activities and results achieved Disseminating „best practices” in order to promote the proper, and efficient utilization of public funds; II.6.2.4. List of eligible expenditures 1. Consultancy Are included the expenditure for: c) payment of consultancy services for elaboration of market studies, evaluation and surveys d) payment of consultancy services in structural fund management 2. Technical asssistance Are included the expernditure for: a) technical assistance from the experts 125 3. Expenditure for project implementation 1. per diem, accomodation, transport 2. translation expenditure; 3. reprezentation expenditure, protocol (catering); 4. publicity costs: broshures, bulletins, manuals, posters, etc; 5. multiplication costs; 6. expenditures for organising seminars, conferinces, etc: renting the rooms, utilities (phone); II.6.2.5. Use of ERDF cross-financing Not applicable. II.6.2.6. Indicative financial allocation - commitments, Euro Year TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOTAL 680,000 3,464,200 3,487,100 3,418,500 3,374,500 3,454,600 3,472,800 21,351,700 EU contribution (ERDF/CF/ ESF/) 510,000 2,598,150 2,615,325 2,563,875 2,530,875 2,590,950 2,604,600 16,013,775 National public contribution State Local Alte Total budget budgets surse publice* 170,000 0 0 170,000 866,050 0 0 866,050 871,775 0 0 871,775 854,625 0 0 854,625 843,625 0 0 843,625 863,650 0 0 863,650 868,200 0 0 868,200 5,337,925 0 0 5,337,925 *) It will be specified what kind of public sources are involved (i.e. NGO’s contribution ) II.6.2.7. Grant size Value of the projects Maximum value of the grant Eligible value of the projects Maximum size of grant to total eligible cost Minimum eligible contribution of the beneficiary / applicant Community contribution to the support granted National public contribution to the support granted, out of which: State budget 126 3.000 – 5.000.000 Euro Not applicable. 3.000 – 5.000.000 Euro Not applicable. Not applicable. 75% 25% 25% Private contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II.6.2.8. Eligible beneficiaries ROP Managing Authority ROP Intermediate Bodies Other structures involved in ROP management II.6.2.9. Applicants Not applicable. II.6.2.10. Target groups / Target areas ROP Managing Authority, ROP Intermediate Bodies, other structures involved in ROP management for the activities connected to the ROP implementation posible applicants of of investments project financed under ROP, economic, social and profesional associations, general public (information and publicity activities). II.6.2.11. Indicative period of projects submission 2007-2013 II.6.2.12. Tipul de cerere de propuneri de proiecte Open call with rolling submission II.6.2.13. Project eligibility and selection criteria Eligibility criteria The project must be in compliance with the eligible fields of intervention financed under Regional Operational Program The projects applicants prove the quality of structures involved in ROP management The financial costs of the project respect the financial limits provided; The payments done by the beneficiary to the contractor must not exceed 30 June 2015; The project is in compliance with the eligible activities of the priority axis 6. The applicant must be eligible within the priority axis 6; The applicant must prove the administrative capacity for the project implementation 127 Selection criteria The justification of projects’ necessity; The estimated results of projects’ implementation; Correlation with other ROP implementation stages; Complementarity with other technical assistance projects financed from public funds. II.6.2.14. Monitoring and evaluation indicators Programme Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Output Information and publicity activities undertaken according to communication plan (%) Participants at training seminars (beneficiaries) (no) 100% 1500 Result Increased level of awareness among the general public and potential beneficiaries on the financing opportunities available under the ROP 20% Additional Indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators 128 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Environmental indicators Indicator Baseline value Baseline year 2007 2008 2009 Indicative targets 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Input indicators Output indicators Result indicators Impact indicators II.6.2.15. Horizontal themes Sustainable development The field of interventions will contribute to better implementation of the sustainable development principles. Equal opportunities The fields of intervention will contribute to the monitoring of implementation of equal opportunities policy. II.6.2.16. State Aid Not applicable. II.6.2.17. Categorisation of interventions Cod 86 Cod 01 Cod 00 Priority theme Priority theme Technical assistance Evaluation and studies; information and communication Form of finance Form of finance Non-repayable aid Territory type Territory type Not applicable 129 2015 II.6.2.18. Intermediate Bodies Not applicable. II.6.2.19. Body responsible for making payments to the beneficiaries MDPWH - Certifying and Payments Programmes Directorate 130 III. FINANCIAL PLAN 131 IV. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS IV. 1. The main organisms involved in ROP’ management and implementation: 1) The Managing Authority for the Regional Operational Programme has been established within the structures of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, having the responsibility of management, administration and implementation of ROP financial assistance . The functions of the ROP Managing Authority with regard to the management and monitoring of the European Union’s funded operations under the Operational Programme are defined under the relevant Articles of the EC Regulations, and are detailed under the GD No. 128/2006 published in the Official Journal No. 90/31.01.2006, modifying the GD No. 497/2004 regarding the setting up of the institutional framework for coordination, implementation and management of structural instruments. 2) The ROP Intermediate Bodies are set up within the Regional Development Agencies and the National Authority for Tourism. An RDA is a non-governmental, non-profit body, of public utility, with legal personality, that functions in the field of regional development; the RDA is organised and functions according to the provisions of Law no. 246/2005 regarding the approval of the Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 with regard to associations and foundations and of Law 315/2004 regarding regional development in Romania, with the subsequent modifications and amendments. The National Authority for Tourism is Intermediate Body for ROP Key area of intervention “Promoting the tourism potential and setting-up the needed infrastructure in order to increase Romania’s attractivity as tourism destination”. 3) Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Programme (MCROP) is a national structure, based on partnership, without legal status, having decisional and strategic role in the implementation process of the Reginal Operational Programme. MCROP has the role to ensure eficacity and quality of the programme implementation. Within the MCROP there will be approved the selection criteria of the operations (projects) financed under ROP. Moreover, is analyzed the implementation status and indicators achievement, taking the corrective measures, including funds reallocation between the priority axis. The regulation for organization and function of MCROP is foreseen in annex of GD…/… regarding the set up of MCROP. 4) The Regional Committees for Strategic Assessment and Correlation (RCSAC) are organisms set up on partnership principles, at the level of each development region. The Regional Committee for Strategic Assessment and Correlation is organized and act as an organism without legal status, in order to evaluate the level of projects contribution at achieving objectives of the regional development strategies (deliberative role), as well as to correlate at the regional level the projects financed from public funds (consultative role). The regulation for organization and function of RCSAC is foreseen in the Governmental Decision…/…. 132 5) Certifying Authority is set up within the structure of Ministry of Economy and Finance and has responsibility on certifying the expenditure and paying requests from all the Operational Programmes, before these are sent to the Commission, according to the article 61 of the General Regulation nr. 1083/2006. 6) The competent body for receiving the payments from the European Commission for ROP is the Certifying and Paying Authority within the Ministry of Economy and Finance. 7) The body responsible for making the payments to the Beneficiaries is the Paying Unit within the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing. 8) The Audit Authority for all Operational Programmes was designated an associated body to the Court of Accounts. The Audit Authority is operationally independent from all the Managing Authorities, as well as from the Certifying and Paying Authority. IV.2. Principles for projects submission, selection and evaluation The basic principles for the projects selection system are partnership and transparency principles. Moreover, the system is characterized by: - Simplicity Avoiding duplication of tasks Flexibility Minimum duration IV.3. The phases of evaluation and selection process of the projects financed under ROP The projects evaluation system includes many phases and depending on their accomplishment the role and tasks of the bodies and structures involved at national and/or regional level are based on clear and coherent procedures and provisions. The selection process listed below presents in detail the phases already accomplished by the financing applications of all types of applicants and is being applied for all ROP fields of intervention. 1. Administrative conformity checking of the financing applications (FA) The applicant submits the FA to the registration office of the Intermediary Body (IB) and receives an unique registration number IB checks the administrative conformity checking (e.g. the existence and form of all the necessary documents according to Applicant Guide) IB can request clarifications/completitions for the FAs 133 FAs which are not in compliance with are rejected and the applicant is informed about the rejection and the grounds FAs which comply with are accepted in order to check the eligibility and the applicant is informed about the acceptance of the FA 2. Eligibility checking of the financing applications IB checks the eligibility of the FA on the basis of the specific eligibility criteria for each field of intervention. It will be checked the applicant eligibility, the activities eligibility and the project expenditures eligibility. IB can request clarifications for the FA The FAs which are not eligible are rejected and the applicant is informed about the rejection and the grounds The FAs which are eligible are accepted for the technical and financial evaluation and the applicant is informed about the acceptance of the FA 3. Technical and financial evaluation of the FA It is accomplished by independent evaluators contracted by the Managing Authority and are paid from the funds allocated within the technical assistance priority axis Technical and financial evaluation envisages mainly: operational and financing capacity of the applicant, the need and utility of the project, technical and financial fesability and financial sustainability of the projects FAs will be scored according to the technical and financial evaluation grid FAs that obtain a score equal or above 60, are accepted as feasible projects, following to be evaluated from the strategic point of view by RCSEC. The applicant is informed about the acceptance of the FA. FAs, which obtain a score below 60, are rejected and the applicant is informed about rejection and grounds. 4. Strategic evaluation of FAs It is accomplished by the Regional Committee for Strategic Evaluation and Correlation The RCSEC receives the list of the accepted FAs following the technical and financial evaluation (which obtained a technical economic score above 60), together with each FA summary and also the report on the technical and economic evaluation of these FAs The RCSEC analysis the projects from strategic point of view, assessing the manner in which the FAs/projects respond to regional development strategies, realizing in the same time the ROP correlation with the other operational programmes The RCSEC, through the secretariat ensured by the IB, elaborates the list of the projects recommended to be financed and also the list of the rejected projects, together with the justification 134 The applicant is informed about the deadline since they have to submit the technical project (in case of projects which include works execution) 5. Preliminary contracting stage and the financing decision a. For projects which include the execution of works The applicant is informed about the deadline to submit the technical project The independent evaluators analyze the technical projects to see if they comply with the information enclosed in feasibility study. If the technical projects are not completed, the applicants are requested to submit further modifications/completions. IB will carry out on the spot checks and will verify the eligibility documents and the construction authorization, etc. The Managing Authority decides if the project will be financed The IB drafts and signs the financing contract with the applicant. b. For projects which do not include the execution of works. IB will carry out on the spot checks and will verify the eligibility documents and the construction authorization, etc. The Managing Authority decides if the project will be financed The IB drafts and signs the financing contract with the applicant. IV. 4. Procedure for modifying the framework document for ROP implementation The framework document is modified in accordance with any change made as a revision/ actualization of the Regional Operational Programme. Any other modification of the framework document will be initiated and done by the Managing Authority, by consulting the Monitoring Committee of the Regional Operational Programme. 135