Solid potassium oxide is added to water - Parkway C-2

Excess sodium cyanide solution is added to a solution of silver nitrate.
An excess of nitric acid solution is added to a solution of tetraamminecopper (II) sulfate.
Aqueous aluminum oxide is added to a solution of excess sodium hydroxide.
Concentrated ammonia solution is added to a solution of zinc iodide.
Excess concentrated ammonia solution is added to a suspension of silver chloride.
Excess concentrated potassium hydroxide solution is added to a precipitate of zinc
Excess concentrated sodium hydroxide solution is added to a precipitate of aluminum
A solution of ammonium thiocyanate is added to a solution of iron (III) chloride.
A concentrated solution of ammonia is added to a suspension of zinc hydroxide.
Excess hydrochloric acid is added to a solution of diammine silver (I) nitrate.
Excess concentrated aqueous ammonia is added to a solution of nickel(II) nitrate, leading
to the formation of a complex ion.
A concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid is added to solid potassium permanganate.
A solution of potassium dichromate is added to an acidified solution of iron (II) chloride.
Stannous nitrate solution is treated with basic hydrogen peroxide solution.
Elemental bromine is reacted in a strong solution of sodium hydroxide.
A concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid is added to powdered manganese dioxide
and gently heated.
Acidified solutions of potassium permanganate and sodium oxalate are mixed.
A strip of copper is immersed in dilute nitric acid.
A piece of copper is placed into concentrated nitric acid.
A piece of copper is added to hot, concentrated, sulfuric acid.
Sulfur dioxide and potassium dichromate react in acidic solution.
Oxalic acid reacts with a solution of acidic sodium permanganate.
Potassium permanganate solution is added to an acidic solution of hydrogen peroxide.
Potassium permanganate solution is added to a basic solution of hydrogen peroxide.
A strip of silver is immersed in dilute nitric acid.
A solution of Iron (II) nitrate is added to a basic solution of hydrogen peroxide.
A solution of tin (II) chloride is added to an acidic solution of potassium permanganate.
Solid sodium dichromate is added to an acidified solution of sodium iodide.
Solutions of potassium iodide and potassium iodate are mixed in an acidic solution.
Hydrogen peroxide is added to an acidified solution of sodium bromide.
Solutions of tin (II) chloride and iron (III) chloride are mixed.
Hot, concentrated sulfuric acid is added to a piece of copper.
Basic sodium iodide solution is added to a solution of potassium permanganate.
A solution of sodium bromide is added to an acidified solution of potassium bromate.
Hydrogen gas is passed over hot iron (II) oxide powder.
Acidified solutions of potassium permanganate and iron (II) nitrate are mixed together.
Acidified solutions of potassium dichromate and potassium chloride are mixed together.
Aluminum metal is added to a basic solution of potassium permanganate.
A sample of solid iron (III) oxide is reduced completely with solid carbon.
Basic solutions of potassium permanganate and sodium sulfite are added.
A solution containing silver (I) ion is mixed with a solution containing iron (II) ion.
An acidic solution of potassium dichromate is added to a solution of iron (II) nitrate.
Chlorine gas, an oxidizing agent, is bubbled into a solution of potassium bromide.
Powdered iron metal is strongly heated with powdered sulfur.
A piece of cadmium metal is oxidized by adding it to a solution of copper (II) chloride.
Solid copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate is gently heated.
Hydrogen phosphide (phosphine) gas is added to boron trichloride gas.
Hydrogen gas is reated with nickel (II) oxide at high temperatures.
Methylamine (CH3NH2 ) is added to a solution of hydrochloric acid.
Boron trifluoride gas is added to ammonia gas.
Equal volumes of equimolar solutions of ammonia and hydrochloric acid are combined.
Sulfur trioxide gas is bubbled into a solution of sodium hydroxide.
A barium nitrate solution and a potassium fluoride solution are combined and a
precipitate forms.
Nitric acid is reacted with lithium sulfite solution to make…
Sodium phosphate solution reacts with aqueous magnesium acetate to make….
Elemental aluminum reacts with oxygen to create…
Ammonia gas reacts with chloric acid to create….
Carbon dioxide gas reacts with solid aluminum hydroxide to create….
Sulfur dioxide gas reacts with aqueous strontium hydroxide solution to make…..
Phosphoric acid reacts with calcium hydroxide solution to produce….
Sodium sulfide solution reacts violently with concentrated nitric acid to produce….
Calcium metal is added to a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid.
Liquid bromine is added to a solution of potassium iodide.
Zinc filings are added to concentrated hydrochloric acid.
Magnesium turnings are added to a solution of iron (III) chloride.
Small chunks of solid sodium are added to excess water.
Calcium metal is heated strongly in the presence of oxygen.
Excess chlorine gas is passed over hot iron filings.
A piece of lithium is dropped into a container of nitrogen gas.
Hydrogen gas and chlorine gas are heated gently in a closed container.
A strip of magnesium metal is heated strongly in pure nitrogen gas.
Zinc, plus nitrogen gas, creates…
Solid calcium oxide is exposed to a stream of carbon dioxide gas.
A mixture of solid calcium oxide and tetraphosphorus decaoxide is heated.
Propanol is burned completely in air.
Octane is combusted in a car engine.
Ethanol is accidentally lit on fire from a bottle.
Pentanol is burned in the presence of oxygen.
Cyclohexane is burned.
Hexane is combusted in air.
Octane (C8H18) burns in your car engine to produce…
Acetone (C3H6O) burning produces…
Solid potassium oxide is added to excess water.
Carbon dioxide is bubbled through a solution of concentrated
sodium hydroxide.
Dilute nitric acid is added to crystals of pure calcium oxide.
Solid dinitrogen pentoxide is added to excess water.
Sulfur dioxide gas is bubbled into an excess of calcium hydroxide solution.
Sulfur dioxide gas is passed over solid calcium oxide.
Ammonia gas is bubbled through a solution of phosphoric acid.
A solution of sulfuric acid is added to a solution of lithium hydroxide until the same
number of moles of each compound has been added.
Equal volumes of .1M solutions of phosphoric acid and potassium hydroxide are mixed.
Solutions of ammonium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid are mixed.
Sodium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution of hydrobromic acid.
Calcium carbonate pellets react with dilute hydrochloric acid in solution
Aqueous solutions of calcium nitrate and rubidium chloride are mixed together
Aqueous solutions of potassium chromate and silver nitrate react.
A hydrolysis reaction occurs when solid sodium sulfide is added to distilled water.
Sodium acetate undergoes hydrolysis when placed in water.
A hydrolysis reaction occurs when solid sodium sulfide is added to distilled water.
Aqueous potassium fluoride undergoes hydrolysis in distilled water.
Sodium chloride crystals and water are mixed together and undergo hydrolysis.
Potassium carbonate pellets are added to concentrated nitric acid.
Ammonium chloride solution is added to aqueous sodium hydroxide.
Iron (II) sulfide crystals are added to hydrochloric acid in solution.
Mercuric nitrate solution is combined with a solution of lithium iodide.
Sodium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution of phosphoric acid until there are equal
numbers of moles of both.
Sodium metal and aluminum chloride solution make….
Mercuric chlorate solution reacts with potassium sulfate solution to create…
Diphosphorous pentoxide powder is added to excess sodium hydroxide solution
to make…
Aqueous ammonium sulfide reacts with an excess solution of lithium hydroxide to
Aqueous acetic acid reacts with an excess of lithium sulfite solution to make….
Phosphoric acid solution can react with potassium oxide pellets to create….
Ammonium bromide solution is added to calcium oxide powder to make….
Ferric oxide powder and dinitrogen trioxide drops create…
Dinitrogen trioxide drops are added to lead (II) oxide powder to formulate…
Solid diphosphorous pentoxide and lithium oxide powder can make….
Acetic acid is added to sodium hydroxide solution to form….
Diiodine monoxide gas bubbled into excess water creates….
Diiodine pentoxide powder added to excess water makes….
Plumbous oxide pellets mixed with dinitrogen pentoxide drops react to make….
Aluminum oxide and excess water can create….
Potassium, with excess water, makes…
Mercuric oxide, warmed, creates…
Nitrous acid, if unstable, breaks apart into….
Phosphoric acid, with heat, breaks into….
Cupric oxide, with heat, creates…
Barium Chlorate, with heat, makes…
Stannic carbonate and heat create….
Aluminum nitrate, with heat, yields…
Solid sodium hydroxide, with heat, yields…
Solid magnesium carbonate is heated.
A sample of solid ammonium carbonate is heated.
Solid potassium chlorate is heated in the presence of a manganese (IV) oxide catalyst.
A solution of hydrogen peroxide is heated.
Aluminum chlorate, heated, makes…
Calcium carbonate, decomposing, creates…
Sodium chloride is subjected to electrolysis…
Diarsenic pentoxide pellets added to excess distilled water will make….
Bromine liquid, added to a solution of chromic iodide, creates…
Calcium, with excess water, makes…
Dinitrogen trioxide drops are placed into excess distilled water….
Dinitrogen pentoxide drops react with solid magnesium oxide to become….
Sodium and aqueous aluminum iodide make….
Ammonium sulfate solution reacts with strontium acetate to produce…
Lithium chromate solution reacts with aqueous titanium (IV) chlorate to create…
Plumbous nitrate solution is reacted with a solution of lithium iodide….
Copper (II) chloride in water, with sodium hydroxide solution, makes…
Solid aluminum nitrate reacts with aqueous calcium hydroxide to produce….
Magnesium reacts with hydrobromic acid to make……
Calcium oxide pellets with excess water produce…