Sociology 416/516 Checklist and Grading Criteria for Research Project

Soc 499 Modern Racism and Popular Culture Poster Paper Grading Criteria
The following is the criteria and issues we considered when assigning you a final grade for your Soc
499 poster paper. I was particularly interested in seeing you apply Sociological terms, concepts and
ideas and then applying them to the poster board you created. What cultural story does your poster
board tell us about?
Due Date: February 15 2012 in class. Grades on late papers were reduced by one full grade for
each day late.
Writing Style:
We were looking for the careful and concise writing of 3-4 pages minimum. You needed to show that
your paper was written so that the analysis flowed smoothly. You needed to ensure that your paper had
good content and structure. You needed to correct your paper for grammar and spelling mistakes. The
paragraphs needed to have smooth transitions and each paragraph should be linked together.
Ultimately, we were looking for a paper that was well thought out and written up.
Elements that needed to be in the Paper
A. Title for the paper needed. Title for the poster is also needed.
B. Introduction- catchy smooth – introduce the paper topic and tell the reader what you are going to
do. Provide a thesis statement in the paper that tells the reader what your argument is going to be about
the images and what they reflect in our modern racist, sexist, classist or homophobic culture.
C. Did you make a sociological link to “race”, gender, social class, sexuality or ethnicity issue when
collecting and creating your poster? How well did you look at your data through the lens of a critical
Sociologist? Did you discuss American culture modern racism and how the images reflect the false
consciousness that we live in?
D. How well did the paper make specific links to images, words, colors in the advertisement? What is
the overall cultural message or theme of the poster created? What cultural values are expressed:
(consumerism, transforming products, ideal body types, race differences, beauty, surgery to make one
more ideal, heterosexuality?, fun?) Are there racist stereotypes reflected in the images on the poster
board? How do the images shape values of what it means to be a person of color or a female in
American society today?
E. Did the paper make specific linkages to class room lectures, discussion, group presentations,
videos screened (So there is Race in my movie, Ethnic Notions, Slaying the Dragon Reloaded, Reel
Injun or any of the Youtube content we have viewed, readings in the book BrainWashed by Tom
Burrell or Goodings Book There’s Race in my movie. The journal articles (Peggy McIntosh, Mary
Waters, Robert Moore, Dubrofsky)
F. A conclusion is needed to end the paper. What could be some of the long term effects of exposure
to these cultural images be on the self esteem of young men and women in this culture? The
conclusion should flow with the paper content. What did you learn from the exercise?
G. Attachments—the paper needed to have a poster board with a title and theme for the collage of
Presentation issues I considered
1. Typed, double-spaced with 1" margins all around.
2. Use 10 or 12 point font.
3. Paper needed to be 2 or more pages long. I deducted points for papers that were too short or
too long.
4. Paper must be firmly fastened together with staple or paper clip.
Consider this a professional paper—thus it should be extremely “clean” and clearly presented.
Final Paper Grade