Installation - ProMinent Fluid Controls, Inc.

Operating Instructions
ProMinent® ProMix “S” Series
Polymer Blending Systems
ProMix_Manual.doc (3/23/10): – pn. 7750262
Please completely read through these operating instructions first! Do not discard! The warranty shall be
invalidated by damage caused by operating errors!
ProMinent Fluid Controls, Inc. (USA) 136 Industry Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275
Table of Contents
Technical Data ..........................................................................................................................3
General Description (Figure 1)
System Components (Figure 2)
Layout Drawing (Figure 3)
Unpacking .................................................................................................................................7
Location ....................................................................................................................................7
Electrical Installation ...............................................................................................................7
Water Installation .....................................................................................................................7
Polymer Installation .................................................................................................................7
Electrical Installation Schematic (Figure 4) ...........................................................................8
Electrical Installation Schematic Block Diagram (Figure 5) ................................................9
Polymer Concentration Table
Description of System Control
Commissioning/Start up
Manual Continuous Operation ............................................................................................. 13
Remote START/STOP Operation (Manual position “AUTO1”) ......................................... 13
Remote START/STOP and 4-20 mA Polymer Operation (Manual position “AUTO2”) ... 14
Polymer dosing pump .......................................................................................................... 15
Cleaning the injection valve ................................................................................................. 16
Cleaning the mixing chamber .............................................................................................. 16
Spare Parts
Technical Data
Voltage supplied ......................................... 120 VAC. 60 Hz, 1PH
Power: ......................................................... max 100 watt
Remote control:............................................ Voltage free contact + 4-20 mA
Volume of mixing chamber ........................... 1.9 gallon
Connection water: ........................................ 3/4" FNPT
Connection polymer solution: ....................... 1/2" tubing
Polymer dosing pump type: .......................... Peristaltic (Tube) pump
Sound level: ................................................. < 70dB (A)
Max. Backpressure, polymer solution .......... 15 psi
Recommended running temperature ............ +50 to100ºF
Weight (empty chamber): ............................. 71 Lbs
Internal diameter of the pump tubing ............ 5.0 mm
General Description
General description
The ProMinent ProMix polymer system provides a complete activation and dosing system for
concentrated polymers. The true Multi-Zone mixing chamber provides proper shear and mixing
energy required for efficient activation of emulsion and dispersion polymers.
The system comes complete with mixing chamber, agitator, motor, neat polymer pump,
rotameters, solenoid valve, flow switch, static mixer, and control panel all assembled on a polypro
skid suitable for wall or floor mounting.
ProMix is designed for a maximum capacity of 0.5% polymer concentration.
Figure 1
System Components
Figure 2
Layout Drawing
Figure 3
Unpack your ProMix. Make sure that your ProMix hasn’t been damaged during the transport. If
it has, please report to shipping company. ProMinent is not responsible for damaged goods
once they have left the factory.
The ProMix should be placed in a dry location that is protected from the elements and be easily
accessible for service and maintenance.
The ProMix is configured for wall or floor mounting (see Figure 3). Make certain that the
polymer unit is located near the neat polymer container and near the point of injection.
Electrical Installation
The ProMix is electrically connected according to the enclosed electrical diagram (see Figure 4
& 5). Make sure that the system is well grounded to prevent electrical shock.
Water Installation
Connect clean incoming water supply to inlet piping (see Figure 1).
It is recommended to install the supplied pressure regulator close to the water supply solenoid
The dimension on the water pipe should be selected so that the water pressures not fall below
36 psi.
Polymer Installation
Connect the supplied flexible tubing to the polymer pump fitting and the other end to the
polymer supply source (drum, tote bin, bulk tank, etc.).
Figure 4
Figure 5
Calculating Your Polymer Solution Feed Rate
GPH Neat Polymer / Desired Solution Concentration = Dilution Water Requirement
Example: 2.5GPH / 0.05% = 500GPH Dilution Water
Total Solution Requirement x Desired Solution Concentration = Neat Polymer Requirement
Example: 1200GPH x 0.01% = 1.2GPH Neat Polymer Requirement
Description of System Control
Manual start and reset
(polymer feed pump manual potentiometer control)
Off (turns unit off)
Manual start and reset + external voltage free remote contact start/stop
(polymer feed pump manual potentiometer control)
Start and reset via an external voltage free remote contact start/stop and speed
control on the polymer feed pump via external 4-20 mA signal (based on the
customer max set value of the manual potentiometer) Example: if the manual
potentiometer is set to 75% of the max speed, then the 4-20 only works from 0
to 75%.
The control panel is assembled with all internal
connections necessary to operate the system.
The solenoid valve is opened and closed via the
control switch “HAND-O-AUTO1-AUTO2” + mA.
The agitator and polymer feed pump starts and
stops by the water flow via the flow switch,
assembled on the preparation water inlet. The flow
switch activates when water flows through the
primary rotameter.
The ProMix stops by turning the control switch on
the control cabinet to position “O”.
The auxiliary supply voltage is activated by pressing
the push-button marked “Start/Reset”. If the auxiliary supply voltage falls during operation, one
or both of the thermal contacts has opened.
Commissioning/Start Up
The polymer pump should not be running during the following procedure. Make sure that the
potentiometer on the control cabinet indicates 000. If not, turn the potentiometer counter-clockwise
until it shows 000.
Ensure inlet water supply, neat polymer supply, and polymer solution discharge are connected
to the ProMix (see Figure 1).
Ensure that correct power is supplied to the ProMix (see Figure 5).
Open the incoming water valve on the primary rotameter 100%.
Ensure that the secondary rotameter is closed (if one is supplied).
Ensure that the water pressure is about 36 psi. If not adjust it at the primary rotameter.
Turn on main breaker located inside control panel (see Figure 4).
Start the system by turning the H-O-A switch on the control cabinet to “HAND” position.
Press the “START/RESET” button to initiate water flow.
When the water starts to flow at the discharge outlet, the system is primed.
Reduce the flow by turning the primary rotameter valve until the mixer stops. (The flow switch
inactivates during reduced water flow).
Close the solenoid valve by turning the control switch to position “O” (off).
The ProMix is now ready for service.
Manual (Continuous) Operation
Start your ProMix by turning the control switch to the “HAND” position.
The polymer dosing pump and the agitator start automatically by the activated flow switch
located on the primary rotameter.
Adjust the pump capacity and the amount of preparation water by using the Polymer
Concentration tables. The concentration of the diluted polymer shall never exceed 0.5%. The
table is designed around a product that contains 50% active polymer. This is valid for most
emulsion and dispersion polymers.
Adjust the polymer dosage according to your above result by turning the potentiometer on the
control cabinet to a higher or lower value.
Change the amount of dilution water by adjusting the flow through the primary and/or
secondary rotameter.
Remote START/STOP Operation (Manual position “AUTO1”)
Start the polymer dosage by turning the control switch to the “AUTO1” position.
Increase or decrease the polymer dosage by turning the potentiometer on the control cabinet
to a higher or lower value. Change the amount of dilution water correspondingly. Use the
Polymer Concentration tables to determine water and polymer flow rates.
Stop the polymer dosage by turning the control switch to position “O”.
Starting and stopping of the polymer dosage can also be done externally via a voltage free remote
contact. The control switch needs to be turned to the “AUTO1” position.
Remote START/STOP and 4-20 mA Polymer Operation (Manual position “AUTO2”)
Remote Speed control on the polymer dosing pump is done via an external mA-signal. Turn the
control switch to the “AUTO2” + mA position.
Auto 2 + mA means that the polymer-dosing pump receives an external analog signal which
proportionally changes the pump rotation speed.
At a manual run “HAND” and at an automatic “START/STOP AUTO1”, the polymer dosing
pump’s incoming analog signal is then disconnected and the capacity on the pump is manually
adjusted by the potentiometer on the control panel.
At an external maneuvering position “AUTO2” + mA the capacity of the polymer dosing pump
corresponds linearly to the incoming mA-signal. At maximum signal 20 mA the pump runs with
the capacity that is limited by the potentiometer at the control panel (Example: If
potentiometer is set at 500 and the mA signal is at 20 mA the pump dosage rate will be
50% of rated pump capacity).
The amount of dilution water is manually adjustable and should correspond to the adjusted
value on the polymer dosing pump. The concentration of the polymer solution at a maximum
signal of 20 mA should be around 0.2% (refer to appropriate table according to unit type).
During operation, the ProMix gives a constant amount of polymer solution at varying
concentrations. The polymer concentrate varies linearly to the incoming mA-signal.
At a low incoming signal (below 10% of max. signal) the dosage will stop.
Polymer Dosing Pump
The polymer dosing pump is a peristaltic pump for continuous duty. It’s equipped with flexible
tubing with good mechanical and chemical qualities.
The flexible tubing is assembled with the suction side tubing connection on the right side of the
pump. The polymer discharge tubing is on the left side of the pump.
The tubing should be changed after around 1,200,000 turns.
Pump turns correspond to the number of operation hours as follows:
40 rpm (2400 rph)
500 hours
20 rpm (1200 rph)
1000 hours
10 rpm (600 rph)
2000 hours
5 rpm (300 rph)
4000 hours
2 rpm (120 rph)
10,000 hours
The polymer injection valve is located on the top of the ProMix. The injection valve must be
cleaned when using different type polymers such as anionic/cationic or oil-based/water-based.
Failure to do this can result in clogging of the injection valve.
Before dismantling the injection valve, the fluid level in the mixing chamber must be lowered to
prevent polymer spilling out of the injection port.
Lower the fluid level in the mixing chamber by closing all ports and opening the flush drain
valve located at the bottom of the chamber. Make sure that you connect tubing to the drain
valve to prevent polymer spillage. Once the fluid level is below the injection valve, the valve
can be disconnected for cleaning.
Cleaning the injection valve
Assure that the liquid level in the mixing chamber is below the injection valve.
Loosen the screws on the small oval lid on the top of the mixing chamber.
Lift the lid using a screwdriver or similar tool.
Carefully take out the injection valve.
Unscrew the injection valve
Clean the valve with a paper towel. Do not use water. A solvent can be used to clean valve if
Check the O-Rings and replace if necessary.
Clean the injection valve seat in a similar fashion.
Reassemble the valve and check the spring for functionality before installing into chamber.
Cleaning the mixing chamber
1. Adjust the potentiometer on the control cabinet to 000
2. Open the solenoid valve (the control switch in “HAND” position) and let the dilution water rinse
the inside of the chamber while the agitator is running.
3. If emptying the chamber is necessary, shut off polymer pump and discharge outlet. Open the
drain valve located at bottom of chamber and flush water through.
Spare Parts List
1028761 STAND, SS1, 40X20X18, BLACK, PP\PE
7500334 GAUGE, 0-200 PSI, 1/4" NPT BTM, 2" FACE
7746301 3/4-40C-4-6-2 PVC Koflo Static Mixer
7746302 4946K82 3/4" Bronze Pres Reg w/GaugePort
7746303 NG-500-PVC 1/2" PVC Needle Valve NPT
7746304 7205006233W King 2GPM Meter 1/2" FNPT
7746305 SC8210G095 ASCO NC Sol Valve 120V/60Hz
7746306 1071-005 Asahi Omni NPT Valve PVC Cmpct
7746307 8160-4335 1/4"x3/8"x1/16" PVC Tubing
7746308 8160-4430 3/8"x1/2"x1/16" PVC Tubing
7746309 5246K62 Nylon Tube Clamp 23/64"-25/64"
7746310 5246K64 Nylon Tube Clamp 15/32"-17/32"
7746311 P6UCB4 3/8"x1/4" Union HB Blk HDPE
7746312 P4MCB6 1/4" x 3/8" Adapt HBxMPT Blk HDPE
7746313 290412-120 DIN Connector for ASCO Valve
7746314 Gems 170231 FS-500 Series Flow Switch
7746222 CBI UL 489 Circuit Breaker 15 Amp
7745980 C3C 4PDT 5A RELAY 120VAC
7746315 BACO SELECTOR N54391
7745711 WEID WS16/2 1X1 1/4 INCH FUSE TERMINAL
7746315 BACO SELECTOR N54391
7746360 Injection valve 60001-3
7746356 Pump tube id 8.0 x 550 mm
7746355 Pump tube id 5.0 x 550 mm
7746354 Pump tube id 5.0 x 500 mm
7746345 Entire Mixing chamber