Doctor / Nurse / Medical Guide For Josie Evans Anphlyactiod Reactions ( first contact ) OFTEN Idiopathic ( do not know the cause ) or SULPHITE - Eaten , inhaled or contact , E220 -228 , Alcohol - WIPES , contact , eaten , inhaled , Vinegar , Caramel colouring. Medical - IODINE - CT contrast MAIZE STARCH - tablets GELATINE - ECG stickers , examination GEL See Full List Type 1.5 diabetic on insulin NO lucozade or glucose powder/tablets Addissions- Risk of Addissions crisis On daily replacement steriods Important reaction info on next sheet IMPORTANT REACTION INFORMATION I get a full Stridor Monthly at best , often weekly See full Monty Once the wheeze starts I get 5 mins max to get Epi Pen in The pen works with 5 minutes If I am going to need more treatment it will be within 1 hour of the first epipen , Typically 15 mins LOOKING SETTLED DOES NOT MEAN I WILL NOT NEED MORE TX I have needed 2 lots of adrenaline + everything 50% of the time ( Resus Attendee ) I get angioodema + rash + tachycardia + BPdrop ( can go high in compensation for short period ) I may not have a full rash if I have taken piriton / ceterizine in previous hour I get air hungry in response to shock + sats may be ok = high flow oxygen REMEMBER NO tablets or capsules wherever possible as I am allergic to maize starch / gelatine ( sulphite ) I will flush up with ambulance ecg electrodes I can tolerate hospital ecg electrodes ( when fully treated ) for 2 minutes . Defib pads not tested Please wash my skin off immediately (Gelatine / sulphite ) Reactions seem to be worse with food accidents or drugs with long half life ( CT contrast -& doses of adrenaline ) as I get more allergen going into my system ( as it digests ) . I will often burp , itch various places , then begin wheezing progressing to stridor . I have had 31 Epi - pens in 3 yrs ( over 50 doses of adrenaline ) I know my early warning signs and will often have taken Chlorheneramine , hydroxyzine or ceterizine syrup Grumpiness with no cause Coupe moment , cant find the right words , slightly confused , can not explain something simple . Burping , abdominal pain Pale ( ashen ), light-headed , need to lie down . The trigger may not be obvious for foods its normally an hr before See full monty and symptoms and triggers lists My details Josie Mary Evans 21/02/1975 11 Bourton close Stoke Lodge Bristol BS34 6EQ Landline – 01454 610850 NOK - official Amy Wallis - sister – 07713264484 Care agency Medacs home care 01454 605027 My medications Idiopathic angiodeama H1 – Piriton 4mg 6 times day – stabilizes mast cells /stops itching. Emergency medication for in a reaction Ceterizine 10mg twice a day – helps chest Hydroxyzine 25mg twice a day ( more in a reaction ) – helps brain fog and spasms H2 – Ranitidine 300mg twice aday – helps bowel spasms and frequency. I still swell but not as painfully- ie not coming through the painkillers . Leucrotine blocker – Singulair 10mg twice a day – helps chest and has reduced my overall swelling Pain relief – Oxyxcodone 15mg twice a day – helps with bone pain . hip pain comes through sometimes and abdomen sometimes . When I have an infection it wakes me up . Without I cant move or take a deep breath without wincing . Co-codamol 30/500 as required – slows bowel and helps with cramps. Paracetamol helps reduce prostaglandin cramps , flushing and low BP Inhaler – symbicort 200/6 Nasal spray – sodium cromgualte 2 puffs twice a day Nausea and vomiting within idiopathic angiodeama Cyclizine 50mg 3 x a day , antisickness Hypertriglycerideemia -Cholesterol Fenofibrate 160mg once a day Addissions – 20mg hydrocortisone once a day – essential without which I can die Diabetes – Insulin pre meal Actrapid – 17/20/25 pre meal and glargine 55 units Idiopathic anaphylaxis Emergency epipen – 300mcg –o.3ml(1/1000 ) IM - into muscle Piriton 8mg, Ceterizine 10mg and Hydroxyzine 50mg, symbicort 200/6 6 puffs Ambulance for emergency care . the epipen buys me time for paramedics to get here . frequently Asthma Symbicort 200/6 2 puffs twice a day . Regular infections – between 1-4 weeks of antibiotics with a months gap maximum between courses . typically coamoxiclav 625 3 x aday PR Bleeds No treatment unless I fell dizzy then I call an ambulance Details of conditions I was wrongly diagnosed with fibromyalgia . My conditions are addisions disase , Diabetes type 1., hypertriglyceridemia and metabolic syndrome and mast cell disease, recurrent infections, PR bleeds and umbilical hernia . Adrenals .- NON functioning – Idiopathic Addisions disease – daily symptoms Fatigue, Lightheadedness upon standing or while upright, Muscle weakness, Fever, weight loss, difficulty in standing up, Anxiety, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Headache, Sweating, changes in Mood and Personality, and Joint and Muscle pains. Some have marked cravings for salt or salty foods due to the urinary losses of sodium.[ This is helpful . As on pale dizzy , low blood pressure , can’t sit up without jiddering sweaty mornings , I can see extra steroids may be needed . The crisis is known as addisonian crisis ;Characteristic symptoms are . Sudden penetrating pain in the legs, lower back or abdomen Severe vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in dehydration Low blood pressure Syncope (loss of consciousness and ability to stand) Hypoglycemia (reduced level of blood glucose) ( not relevant due to diabetes ) Confusion, psychosis, slurred speech Severe lethargy Hyponatremia Hyperkalemia (elevated potassium level in the blood) Hypercalcemia (elevated calcium level in the blood) Convulsions Fever Meds – hydrocortisone 10mg once a day . doubled in an infection or other illness . Diabetes has 1 types and 2 . I am type 1.5 In type 1 the person makes none of their own insulin so it needs replacing. Symptoms of high blood sugar Passing high volumes of urine ( as high sugar takes water with it when it leaves the body through the kidneys ) Thirsty ++++++ - to replace fluids Losing weight – as body breaks down fat and protein as it thinks there is not enough sugar in the body so makes more . Acid blood from the ketones from protein At diagnosis sugar can be very high . Normal is 5-9 . Mine was 25 can be higher So insulin in given in injections before each meal and at night . Insulins are long acting , to give background energy .To use energy from the body . Insulins at meals can be short or medium acting to use sugars coming from meals . My insulins are Actrapid – 17 /20/25 before meals . Glargine – , 45 units pm Units are measures . there are 100 units in 1ml of insulin . Special syringes and pen injections are used Missing meals or increased exercise can lead to low blood sugar . Symptoms – Disconnected Slurry Sweating Poor coordination unconciousness This can lead to the person being aggressive / appearing drunk . If sugar drops below 4 it need correcting immediately as it will lead to a diabetic coma, which can be fatal. The brain needs glucose to operate so below 3 un consciousness is likely. When its below 4 sugary foods need to be consumed . No lucozade or glucose tablets, powders . Hypostop is safe . Until it is 4 as below this the body can not use complex carbohydrates only pure sugar ( glucose ) once its over 4 a meal is needed or a snack if a meal is due . To achieve a increase of sugar of 1 mmol – when its below 4 – 15-20mg of sugars need to be consumed. This is traditionally glucose tablets or lucozade. I need other as I can’t have either . I use orange juice in small bottles and tootie fruties ( a set number ) When a diabetic is ill , their sugars will raised by the infection . High sugar is over 10 . So , sick day rules are used. With the aim of avoiding diagnosis symptoms .These are – Sugar level taken pre meals Below 11 - normal insulin - 2uints extra 11-17 – 4 units extra per dose Over 17 – 6 units extra If total insulin in 24 hours is over 50 units – double all amounts INSULIN should NEVER be stopped . Type 2 The individual is making insulin but can’t use it properly. So sugar levels are high . tablets are used to lower sugar with meals . Patients often present with complications . Metformin can not give low sugars . All others can .So hypoglycaemic rule s apply . Sick day rules apply . But guidelines are in tablets Long term complications High blood sugars leads to complications. Ideal control 5-9 mmol /l pre meals Nerve damage Circulation damage leading to poor peripheral ( edge ) circulation Heart disease / strokes Kidney damage – up to failure Eye damage – leading to blindness . High cholesterol Metabolic syndrome – were the body can’t use insulin leading to high cholesterol esp hypertriglyceridemia – which means there is fat in the blood which can give pancreatitis. Which leads to digestive enzymes burning the bowel and internal organs and can be fatal . I have this –was 75, now 12 . Total cholesterol now 7.9 Low or high sugar or high cholesterol impacts my mast cell disease and act as triggers . Diabetes is an autoimmune disease . Any autoimmune disease acts as a magnifier of any mast cell symptoms . Mast cell I have had extensive testing and the cause is unknown (idiopathic ) but I do have mast cell disease – angiodeama – swelling and anaphylaxis . My mast cells , which are a part of the immune system get triggered off easier than other peoples . My adrenal and diabetes problems add extra triggers . mast cells live normally in the skin , digestive system mouth to bottom , bladder , womb / ladies bits ( man bits ) eyes , ears, lungs, lung tubes , nervous system and brain linings , heart , blood vessels ,Bone marrow . The chemicals released from mast cells and treatments are detailed below . There are receptors for histamine – were they activate trouble in all the areas listed , also brain ( cross blood brain barrier ) – heat centre , concentration , memory , mood centres and it is a chemical called a neurotransmitter which helps nerves conduct signals to the brain and out for action . Anaphylaxis / anaphylactoid reactions are an emergency manifestation of this condition . Details of my anaphylaxis below My pattern of symptoms ;in a reaction -daily I have early symptoms , allowing for oral dosing – 8mg piriton , 10mg ceterizine , 25mg hydroxyzine . Will generally stop a reaction if it is going to Agitated / angry Grumpy for no reason Can’t find a word , a simple word Disorinetated , Become inarticulate / glaze ( Bp low ) Bowel churning / vomiting I call my Shock / reaction – “The Full Monty “ I am going to try and explain how it feels when I react . The first thing that happens is that I get 1. Intensely hot , burning. Often my face but also anywhere else on my body . Grumpy / excessively frustrated 2. Flushed on face and upper body , very rarely legs 3. Then I start itching , mouth for inhalants and foods , 4. the nose , my nose blocks almost immediately and I have to mouth breathe , ( indication of full reaction ) / coupe moment 5. any other area of my body may be intensely itchy , face , hair , body , lips , inside front of mouth , back of mouth , back palette . 6. Swelling starts on face / lips , genitals / legs . Bowel cramps / loose stools - all mucous membrane effects . Tongue up at front. 7. My ears pop and I yawn a lot 8. Then my heart rate goes up , to the point that I feel it is “ banging out of my chest “ then 9. my chest feels tight . I cant take a deep breath in , 10. my throat feels itchy / tight , right inside where I cant get to it . Voice down / croaky ( sally sex worker voice ) 11. I cant swallow my saliva 12. I then get wheezy in my chest , breathing very fast , blue lips / chin 13. c then you can hear the wheeze from afar , 14. A Excessively thirsty , B:- shaky , C :- jittery , D :- dizzy even sitting 15. Sometimes :- get impending sense of doom 16. A = Airway :- Then I lose my voice and my throat closes completely . :- I cant breathe through my nose . 2 hands on my throat B = Blue :-Legs / hand blue , lips /chin / face remain blue C = confused :-Confused shouting D = Dizzy :- Light headed , need to lie down , E = remain all of 14 17 . Unconscious – Death – no heart beat / vv slow , no blood pressure / vv low ( under 70 ), no breathing . Treatments – Call 999 and say anaphylaxis CPR may be required to aid circulation until ambulance arrives I have had 32 of these Needs EPIPENs ,- usually 2 .. first given immediately by me , then second within 1 hour - brings up pulse and blood pressure, reduces swelling in throat . IV piriton – stops actions of histamine on type 1 receptors IV steriods - stops swelling in lungs and throat Fluids – NOT plasma expenders – to replace fluid in the blood IV ranitidine – stops action of histamine on type 2 receptors These are they symptoms the chemicals from mast cells cause. Daily symptoms in red Histamine Histamine recptor type 1 effects itching – all over skin writing - Yes hives – yes to true allergies and gelatine Burning rashes – yes Swelling - from fluid moving into tissues – YES- any were were mast cells are or histamine can move to Flushing – YES –IMPORTANT –DRY ,until shock ensues Pale - YES –when BP drops / syncope /presyncope Dizzy - BP drop ( can go high on the way ) – YES ( from fluid leaving blood and going into tissues ) – daily – lowest suddenly 81/40 Fast heart –YES - Over 150 or going slow in anaphylaxis Short of breath –YES –from mildly wheezy to breathing rate of 40 and lungs full of fluid Wheezy -YES Throat close – YES – Stridor - leading to collapse ( anaphylaxis symptom ), bone pain – YES +++ In ribs , long bones and joints ( hips and shoulders ), back Intersitial cystitis - sterile cystitis , microscopic heamturia - Yes recurrent infections – yes Eye problems – Dry yes , inflammation Migraines - yes Ringing ears - yes , sign of high overall inflammation Painful sinus' – yes , when blocked due to reaction Over heating – Yes +++++++++++++ Poor cold tolerence – No , ONLY FEET Pain in intercostal spaces ( between ribs ) Histamine receptor 2 symptoms Abdominal pain – from swelling bowel which makes me look 9 months pregnant and my stomach be hard and me be unable to sleep as I can’t get comfy Bowel swelling - YES Diarrhea – YES – loose stools even on strong medications which should mean I need meds to make me poo Vomiting -YES GERD - too much stomach acid - Yes Spasms of bladder , bowel , stomach , womb , chest wall – Yes all Brain receptor histamine effects Pins and needles / numbness – parathsesias – Yes , hands ,arms ,feet , to numbness Nerve pain – neurogenic – Hands , feet , abdomen ( stabbing ) – from histamine neurotransmitter role Brain fog - mixed organic brain syndrome –YES – concentration , memory – makes me channel flick and forget what I am doing if I am distracted , agitation , word finding Prostoglandins ( all ) flushing –dry headaches ( from blood vessels opening , dilating in an enclosed space ) smooth muscle spasms - bowel , stomach , throat , bowel , bladder , womb, chest wall BP drop Anxiety – but I cant tell you why and over long period can lead to depression . Lecotrines (same with histamine ) Swelling of airways in chest – can’t take a deep breath to bottom of chest , then minor wheeze only I can hear, then audible wheeze you will hear across the room and all over – yes – tend to fill from the bottom up . Asthma type symptoms –Yes – when building symptoms lips go blue on minimal exertion , when chest wet, my legs go blue on moving bed to commode +SOB Throat swelling inside –Yes –stridor , increasing to complete obstruction Heparin ( all ) blood thinner so leads to bleeds –PR, Nose, womb( in between periods )– with spasm which make my legs shake - cervix fine oesteoprosis-not yet Tryptase high cholesterol .- Yes from first level taken July 08 ( got so high I luckily avoided pancretitis ( inflammation of the pancreas ) and dying in April 11 . Separate from the chemicals from mast cells directly Compliment – Your inborn immunity – gets activated and has consequences Alternative pathway – my 3a is raised Smooth muscle spasms – digestive tract , bladder , reproduction system , chest wall , Throat Flushing Low BP and swelling - Blood vessels become porus leaking fluid into tissues – note 2l can move before swelling becomes visable . Activates mast cells Treatment focus' on controlling as many symptoms as possible ;-) This is by blocking histamine receptors and stopping mast cells putting the chemicals into the blood . These are the treatments commonly used ;-) My medicationsH1 – Piriton 4mg 6 times day – stabilizes mast cells /stops itching. Emergency medication for in a reaction Ceterizine 10mg twice a day – helps chest Hydroxyzine 25mg twice a day ( more in a reaction ) – helps brain fog and spasms H2 – Ranitidine 300mg twice aday – helps bowel spasms and frequency. I still swell but not as painfully- ie not coming through the painkillers . Leucrotine blocker – Singulair 10mg twice a day – helps chest and has reduced my overall swelling Pain relief – Oxyxcodone 15mg twice a day – helps with bone pain . hip pain comes through sometimes and abdomen sometimes . When I have an infection it wakes me up . Without I cant move or take a deep breath without wincing . Co-codamol 30/500 as required – slows bowel and helps with cramps. Paracetamol helps reduce prostaglandin cramps , flushing and low BP Cholesterol Fenofibrate 160mg once a day VERY low fat diet . As triglycerides remain 12-15 . Addissions – 15mg hydrocortisone once a day – essesnial . Up tp 30mg in an infection . IV steroids in an anaphylaxis . Diabetes – Insulin pre meal Actrapid – 17/20/25 pre meal and glargine 55 units Inhaler – symbicort 200/6 Nasal spray – sodium cromgualte 2 puffs twice a day Emergency epipen – 300mcg –o.3ml(1/1000 ) IM - into muscle Fan to keep me cool to the touch . I sit under it day and night . I cant sleep without it. Histamine and serotonin mess with my temperature control . At night without a fan I get night sweats . These are drenching if my steroid level is too low. This happens when I have an infection, reaction or high emotional stress . Yes, on this mix I should me comatosed, but I am not . The circulating histamine reduces the sedative effects and pain uses pain meds . they slow my bowel to a normal level Paracetamol is tolerated by most patients . Lists of suitable medications H1 receptors are in skin , lungs , bladder ( can have mast cells ) The drowsy ones are stronger and work better and have the ability to stabilising mast cells . the drowsy side effect wears off after 2 weeks . It is not a problem for me . H1 blockade - drowsy making Benadryl – USA ( not ceterizine ) Hydroxyzine - 25 mg up to 4 times a day ( I take 2 doses )- this has revoltionised my brain fog and spasms Piriton 4mg up to 6 times a day ( i take 4 doses and keep extra for emergency 8mg ) Ketiofen 1-2mg 3 times a day - also stabilses mast cells . Available in canada , italy and UK . Its a safe drug widely used with immense success Doxepin - stabilises mast cells and is widely used . Some people dont tolerate it . H1 blockade - Non drowsy ceterizine hydrochloride - 10 mg once a day ( I take 2 doses ) fenofexidine 180mg once a day ( common dose 2 times a day some 3 ) I don’t tolerate this . H2 blockade - digestive system, Mouth to bottom ranitidine 300mg twice a day - drug of choice - has taken my bowel pain on a daily movement much better , reduced frequency and bleeding PPI - proton pump inhibitors Omeprazole , lansoprazole and the like to control stomach acid Leucotrine receptor agonists ( blocks ) Singulair 10mg once a day ( i take 2 doses as per doc off licence this is common Parcetamol - sailcilates 1g 4 times a day - reduces effects of prostogalndins in me NSAIDS / ASprin cause mast cell activation so may not be tolerated but can lead to consistant degraulation aiding symptom control . i can't tolerate these at all Opiates . Are not advised , some people tolerate them .I tolerate one type . I have 15mg oxycodone twice a day for pain and co-codamol 30/500 as needed . Co codmaol contains paracetmol and codine Cholesterol – fenofibrate 160mg once a day Statins mix badly with h2 blockers which I need Mast cell stabilization drugs - gastrocrom / Nalcrom - sodium, cromlyn . Is a good drug. It can be expensive but different preparations are available . Also available is nasal crom, reduced dose but a large percentage of the oral dose is metabolised on the first pass through the liver . So nasalcrom in real terms dosing is ok to begin. Available OTC Gastrocrom is used for mastocytic entrocollitis . A 6 week course is prescribed . In mast cell disease / mastocytosis gastrocrom is used as a daily prescription to stop mast cells splitting in the first place . Up to 200mg 4 times a day . Of 800 mg taken orally , 57 mg is retained in circulation to stabilse mast cells . When the list of meds is exhausted . Immunomodulation can be used , these include methotrexate , cellcept , interferon ( favoured by Dr castells ) gleevac . Steriods were used and do work , but have serious long term implications . So are favored for emergency only . Depression Depression symptoms are common in mast cell conditions as a result of long term prostaglandin release .. High serotoinin ( from mast cells ) on a background of a greiving process can lead to low mood which is hightened by the high serotonin . Low thoughts are part of mixed organic brain syndrome – histamine actions on the mood , communication. Memory, concentration centres Anxiety is also a mast cell symptom of prostaglandin , serotonin and histamine release . Benzodiazepines are favored to reduce anxiety as they help control stress as well which is a trigger in itself . Managing the mast cell chemicals is the best treatment option. SSRI/SSNI’s bring risk of serotonin syndrome . Tricyclics , except doxepin in very low dose have risk if arrthymia in co current Epipen use .MOAI’s are seen as having lowest risk of serotonin syndrome in patch form, but the glues are often an issue . So antihistamines – particularly Hydroxyzine, has been used for brainfog for 10yrs by the usa , National Institute of health, are effective to manage mixed organic brain syndrome . Serotonin lowering agents aren’t currently used as the serotonin level varies with the extent of mast cell activation . So lowering it has the risk of clinical depression . If the patient has symptoms of high serotonin , particularly mood enhancement of any mood , then mast cell stabilizers are best placed to lower levels to a normal level . Prostaglandins are more complex . NSAIDS, which cause mast cell activation, are given in controlled doses , to keep prostaglandins – which are made from cox 1- from mast cell walls breaking down –at a set level . Not all patients tolerate aspirin the drug of choice. They shouldn’t be given it if they have vinegars as a trigger . The weakest silicilate Triggers Triggers are anything which causes mast cell activation . By any means – IGE , other immunoglobulins , compliment , individual mechanisms . True allergy mast cell activation - In allergy, the first time a substance is met, the body wrongly identifies it as bad / harmfull . The body makes antibodies and attaches them to mast cells . The next time the person meets the substance it pairs with the antibody and it makes mast cells split in huge numbers , causing anaphylaxis . My total ige is 188 . I have 3 true allergies . cats, house dust and grass.( many others tested ) None of which are high enough ige –total 35 ige altogether. Over 100 is anaphylaxis level . So my true allegies do not explain my anaphylactiod reactions . Other mechanisms are compliment traditional and alternative pathway, Esp so in co existing autoimmune disease . Direct action on mast cells – heat, cold, alcohol Neuromediated – stress . Many triggers have no mechanism identified but high histamine and prostaglandins are present . Anapahylaxis is true allergy originated. Anaphylactoid are trigger originated. In me my anaphylactiod reactions are as serious as anaphylaxis . requiring epipen(s) Conditions excluded High histamine in the body – Systemic Mastocytosis , carciniod syndrome Kinin based –heriditory angiodeama ,- inc failed trail with treatment tranaxamic acid autoimmune common presentations –hashimotos thyroiditis ,adrenal autoimmunity and lupus ,amiloydosis Differential diagnosis –pheocryocythoma , myeloma ( 3times) , sarcoidosis , lymphoma , Chest CT shows some perenchymal changes, CXR- not normal-showing angiodeama , Abdominal pain -gallstones (3 times ), colitis macroscopic and microscopic ( but not mast cells ) . CA sigmoid colon –NO large bowel visualistion Full rheumatology workup , neuro – MS, myloma, brain and spinal cord lesions Triggers in me Hints of trouble :- labile BP – Bp varying with minimal movement ( fluid moving ) , reduced exercise tolerance ( slow walking ) . knees going blue on minimal exertion is assign of Mine are ;Sulphites – see naughty list ( acidic based pathway in lungs leads to broncoocnstriction , up to full symptoms quickly . High histamine foods + naughty list Table 3. Foods high in histamine Kind of food Examples Fermented foods Cheeses (Gouda, Emmenthal, Harzer, Roquefort, Tilsiter,Swiss, Camembert, Cheddar, Parmesan) Processed meats (sausage, salami, ham) Soy sauce and other soy products Sauerkraut Alcoholic beverages (Champagne, red wine, beer, white wine) Vinegar, red wine vinegar Sour cream Yogurt Yeast extract Frozen/smoked or salted/canned fish Anchovies Mackerel Herring Kind of food Examples Sardine Tuna Microbial activity in foods Ungutted fish Leftover meat Some fruits and vegetables Spinach Eggplant Tomato Tomato ketchup Berries (especially strawberry) Jams/preserves Avocados Table references: Maintz & Novak, Bodemer, Joneja. Table 4. Foods with suggested histaminereleasing capacities Source Food Plantderived Citrus fruit Papaya Strawberries Pineapple Some nuts Peanuts Tomatoes Spinach Chocolate Banana Eggs Milk Animalderived Fish Crustaceans, shellfish Pork Egg white Other Additives (for example, sulfiting agents) Alcohol Liquorice Spices Here is a list of the foods and other things that cause my symptoms . Allergen Reaction .- Severe High sulphite level = high risk Other foods aware of but not reacted to solely but in combination Not reacted through avoidance Never liked Never Not reacted to yet Sulphites E220 -228 Wine , Cider , martini , larger , beer Popcorn , many sweets ;-( , toffee bob bons , toffee in general Fruit Juice especially from concentrate. Has citric acid and sulphur dioxide in also Sausages Fruit squash Cooking sauces white wine sauces Grapes - naturally high in sulphites , fertiliser contains sulphites , transported with sulphite for freshness. ( unlabeled) Bananas sulphur dioxide used to mature bananas for sale (unlabeled) All types of vinegar - sprit , distilled malt , balsamic , white wine , cider , rice .( some labelled ) Symptoms experienced Inhaled - bright red rash all over , blocked nose , mouth , throat swelling , lungs fill with fluid, voice goes airways close . Eaten - dose dependant itchy body , mouth, throat swelling , lungs fill with fluid , voice goes , throat closes Malt vinegar, Sausage rolls poorly labelled batch got me , now on anaphylaxis campaign web site from other subscriber Garlic bread . ( variably labelled ). Pizza dough . Raw young garlic Anaphylaxis Teas - instant and pre- prepared . Milk - skimmed or semi skimmed with added vegetable oil UHT ( unlabeled ) Gravies Corn products oil , corn starch , other meat products - inc Pies and pasties Maltodextran , Horseradish , mint , pastry improver , in meat or vege prior to processing (unlabeled apple sauce, mustard, brown sauce Jams and marmalades Breads , baguettes in particular , dough improver - breads , all kinds esp. baguettes , bread sticks , Salads - for colour ( variably labelled ) Anything containing - corn starch , maize starch - soups , custards , gravies , dried mixes for meals , cakes , skips , Corn oil - crisp and dry , vegetable oil , maize oil Sulphite Avoids Cakes and bakery products mince pies , fruit pies , Christmas cake , Christmas pudding , Danishes ( fruit) ( variably labelled Dried fruits , apricots , raisins , sultanas cereal containing dried fruits ( variably labelled ) Fruit jellies Jaffa cakes gelatine and fruit juice concentrates ( variably labelled desiccated coconut E150 b E150d Dried products vegetables , garlic , stock cubes , soups . carrot Dried pasta , noodles - sulphite used to soften grain for processing ( unlabeled ) , Gelatine - skin soaked in sulphite to soften found in :- yoguarts, Jaffa cakes , jellys , custards , Note connection to ECG tabs Potatoes- frozen - chips / fries , pre packaged, pre cooked , peeled . HOT CHIPS Crustaceans - prawns - 30ppm sulphite allowed , frozen , cooked or f,resh Fresh pasta - due to filling ( variably labelled Syrups - maple , and custards ( poorly labelled ) Meat , vege , apples preserved in sulphite prior or after processing Cheeses - the longer matured the more the sulphites ( unlabeled Malt loaf Malt cereal Caramel colouring anything dark brown Potato - instant mash , dehydrated , crisps , potato starches Mars bars Soy sauce , brown sauce Gravies Cola of any brand Stock cubes ammonia caramel shrimps , crab , lobster - put on to preserve colour on boat Variably labeled Some fresh fish for colour - salmon Fishmongers should have sign up Eaten - dose dependant - large volume - itching all over inc mouth . Lungs tighten , throat swells , lungs fill with fluid , throat closes . Anaphylaxis Small volume wheezy in chest , local reaction ( in throat) , can be cumulative with other allergens Vinegar of any description , Pizza bases horseradish sauce in its own right Mustard ( contains sulphites ) apple sauce , mint sauce Domestic cleaning products sandwich spread , mayonnaise , salad cream coleslaw , potatoes salad Tomatoes ketchup , brown sauce Soy sauce - many cooking sauces , curry and sweet and sour , Skin - local irritation Inhaled - mouth itchy , throat itchy Eaten - delay if in a food - unto 3 hrs itchy initially , lungs fill with fluid and tighten , throat swells , stridor noise , voice goes throat closes Anaphylaxis Breads - French breads / baguettes in particular Within 1 hr - loose stools , bowel spasms ++++ Alcohol of any description Wine , cider, martini in particular Alcohol in medicines and medical examination gel Domestic cleaning products Body moisturiser , facial care products In personal care products and cleaning products Drunk - bright red rash all over body , blocked nose , fast heart beat , fast breathing , itching all over , swelling face In medicines tightening of chest over several days of ingestion / application , cumulative effect . Leading to wheezy chest , unable to speak in whole sentences , blue lips , feet, hands . Skin contact - red , raised rash Malt - barley flour - ? Malt o dextrin - in all malt culprits Malt loaf , Malt cereal Gravies , Tunes throat sweets Mars bar As per E 150 Bread sticks Mouth itched with maltesers Sugar substitute splenda Anaphylaxis Oral pollen syndrome raw - worst over ripe - bananas melon , pears Grapes naturally high in sulphites and sprayed with sulphite fertilisers and cant eat them raw Apples , carrots , red pepper , Was having large fruit salads through April may 09 Melon - 1/ July 09 Pear - 25 Sept 09 Apple - juice sept 8th Can be on immediate contact or Delay-unto 5 hrs Ripeness and dose dependant - itchy everywhere esp. mouth , back palette , swollen face , itchy throat , ? Mangers 27/12/08 Red pepper - oct 22nd - in salad wheezy chest , audible wheeze , stridor , lungs fill with fluid , throat swells , throat closes Anaphylaxis If stop when itchy mouth other symptoms avoided , Pollens Grass Tree Can blow over from other areas up to 10 miles Localised itching , if inhaled , wheezy chest Face , mouth , general skin itching Back palette , facial swelling , audible wheeze Itchy mouth ( lips front of tongue ) Other foods Pot noodles - FEB 10 . Twice dried ingredients - onion , mushrooms , garlic ( sulphites Sunflower , corn , rapeseed oil UHT milk - Jan 10 ( noted contact Aug 08 x 2 , 18 march 09 ) UHT milk - dose dependant - Flushing , itching Tight throat , wheezing, increased wheeze + voice change. Fast heart , feeling dizzy , lightheaded Fake tan (sulphites) Itching all over , in mouth if in toothpaste Body moisturiser (sulphites ) Inhaled - wheezy , audible wheeze , fast breathing , fast pulse . Sweating . UHT milk and cream Ready meal lasagne - pasta , dried ingredients , stock cubes , mature cheese (sulphites) Personal Care Products Sodium laureth sulphate - in Shampoo , bubble bath , toothpaste , anything that foams Pot n & lasagne - dry mouth , sweats , fast heart , light-headed . Contact - Itching noted after bath for years , “asthma” Oct 07 after using bubble bath . Aug 08 , at home , when in hosp used soap ( no sls ) hence no shortness of breath Medical Onmipaque - CT contrast Iodine based Erythromycin – All mycin antibiotics short of breath, tongue swelling Tramadol vomiting , tongue swelling Amitryptyline doesn’t mix with EPIPEN Adrenaline . Metroclopamide stopd histamine being broken down - shakes all over body OminpaqueAnaphylaxis itching , blue lips / peripheries , fast breathing , light headed , jittery , throat tight , cant move any air Meptid - concern it was making me more short of breath . Clexane and low molecular weight heparin . flush ++ itchy, mouth swelling, chest filling , BP drop , anaphylaxis Alcohol skin swabs Alcohol - local raised rash Sticky on some dressings - savalon dressing = blisters If in blood - full upper body rash , itching , light-headed, fast breathing Medical examination gel all gels inc ultrasound gel Medical exam gel / swabs Gel on medical swabs Dependant on it getting into the blood . ECG pads ( gel ) flushing , local hives , itching – in 2mins ,on to serious symptoms Gel on pads - ecg local rash and flushing . Examination gel flushed , jittery , shaky , sweaty , lungs tight , stridor , blue peripheries to thigh , fast pulse , fast breathing . Corn flour in medications Inc creams , tablets , pesseries Gelatine in medications All capsules , many creams Sweeteners in medictions Asulphamine K , malt o dextran , maltilol Caramel colouring in medications Any caramel esp e150 Corn flour – swollen bowel , cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting , serious pain . increased reactions from other triggers. Shortness of breath blue lips and chin Gelatine – wheeziness , tight chest , swollen tounge Bowel symptoms inc diarrhoea , then onto flushing , wheeziness and itching Swollen tounge, bowel cramps and diarrhoea, exhaustion, shakes, pain from abdomen . even tiny volume . In any increased quantity to full anaphylaxis Cats Cat dander - fur , faeces / urine Cat fur on clothes and furniture Itchy skin from contact , swollen red eyes . Pervious noted contact problems @ 17 yrs old I developed “ asthma” when living with new cats Multiple unknown cats Inhaled dander (fur/ urine ) Wheezy chest , audible wheeze , stridor , itchy mouth /back palette . Aug 08 - I had 11 cats in my bedroom 2 long term , 9 new kittens Changing lots of cat litter House dust mite “asthma “ irritated when moving 05 Major DIY jobs / residual dust Worst when moving house due to disrupting dust and moving furniture Have always damp dusted Level of dust dependant Wheezy chest , audible wheeze , stridor , cant speak in whole sentences , going blue centrally , voice goes , throat closes Anaphylaxis Infection – worst when getting ill and when recovering – I have regular infections - up to full anaphylaxis Hormones – mid month and when due on 34 day cycle – flush, wheeze, bone pain up to full symptoms Emotional stress ( extreeme )- flush , burn – up to full symptoms Exercise – swelling moving up body , up to throat and chest Physical stress , operations , tiredness – itching , swelling – up to full symptoms Sulphites – see naughty list ( acidic based pathway in lungs leads to broncoocnstriction , up to full symptoms quickly . Caramel colouring – E 150 a-d - up to full symptoms , quickly Corn flour – bowel swelling , spasms and bleeds . frequency and pain – up to full symptoms on empty stomach Geltine – flush ++++ burning and wheeziness ++++ Alcohol in anything inc meds , gells , cleaning products , personal care in blood / drank = quick / full symptoms . Vinegar again in anything – bowel spasms , frequency , bowel histamine travel = full symptoms Heat – dizzy , flush , drowsy – up to full symptoms. Sit under fan 24/7 Low blood sugar – agaitated , shaky , flush , itch , swell – up to full symptoms High blood sugar – flush , swell , up to full symptoms High cholesterol – increases number and severity of attacks Air fresheners – itching mouth face , throat – up to full symptoms Sulphite fumes from cooking – itching mouth face throat , chest tighten / fill – up to full symptoms BBQ fumes – same DIY stores – polystyrine and paint – hot , flushed , confussed , dizzy , passout Diesel fumes in traffic – hot , flushed , nausated , vomit – up to full symptoms Blue powder used for cleaning in hospitals – itchy mouth / face , chest wheeziness All spray cleaners , cream cleaners – itchy mouth throat , tounge swell , voice drop – full symptoms Examples of IGE allergies Pollen – itch , flush , hot +++ , drowsy while pollen high , chest symptoms Cats – itch , flush , throat close . traveling cat hair makes me itch . House dust – itch flush , swell – full symptoms Opiates bar codines – itch , vomit +++ , bowel swell Personal care – No sodium leureth sulphate in products inc toothpaste , no gelatine , corn flour or sulphites . – itchy , alochol / sulphites give rash then absorbed slowly causing chest tightness , short of breath , blue , if ihaled – wheezy Drugs – Absolute NO’s CT contrast – iodine Clexane – low molecular weight heparins , Heparin of any kind Mycin antibiotics Ciprofloxicillin Metroclopamide Meptid Plasma expanders Medical examinaton gel , ecg stickers ( caution will flush ) Beta blockers ,- calcium channel blockers are alternative of choice . Pulse is commonly fast due to histamine Tricyclic antidepressants – mix poorly with epipens – VT VF SSRI’s – changing patients serotonin level leads to increased symptoms . Some patients have high serotonin , which with ssri , will give a serotonin syndrome Opiates - Pethididne , Morphine , Fentnyl , buprenmorphine Full list of drug issues in mast cell disease ;- and levels of histamine which cause different symptoms ;_ high histamine food avoids All thrush treatments inc nystatin Any capsules – gelatine , corn flour . Check pills for corn flour , Maize starch , pre gelatainised corn starch / flour / miaze starch . modified maize starch Check liuqids for – maltilol, Asulphamine K ( potassium ) , caramel colouring E150 a-d , ascetic acid / viniger . Alcohol. Beware hand cleaning Alcohol, skin wipes .( Alcohol ) Anesthetic guide on this memory stick alongside articles regards symptoms . Day to day considerations I drink 4-5 litres a day to keep up with fluid loss from fluid moving into tissues through porous blood vessels in mast cell disease , sweating from addisions and addisions risk of low BP . This is before infection or hyperglycemia or hot weather . I can lose 2l before swelling is visable in skin . Only water , fresh- not from concentrate orange juice or tea Fresh milk Natural high histamine time – 2 am Keep me cool to the touch . If I flush fan or 2 ( if hot day ) on full blast . Only my feet feel cold , giving neurpathic stabbling pains and sensitivity . If I am drowsy consider – addisions ( low Blood pressure ) , mast cell ( low bloos pressure ) bone pain = pale , sweaty , drowsy can’t stay awake , infection triggering addisions and mast cell . Anaphylaxis gives me microalbinuria ( evidence available ) Post shock , I will be awake for 24 hrs , sleep for 2-3 days, wee large volumes ( from third spacing ), emotional hit . Gradual improvement . 1 week recovery per dose of epinepherine . Same if not needed epipen . Infection – likley abcess in axilla ‘s , next chest . Signs in me – cold ( I am never cold ) ,excessive sleeping – not waking up properly , high BM’s ( 11or above ) and tachycardia at rest or on minimal exertion , vomiting . If I am wheezy then I am high risk of having an anaphylaxis before the antibiotics kick in in 48 hours orally . PR bleeds If I bleed PR ( from my bottom ) this is common up to 1 week post reaction / shock ( even if no epipen needed ). I have double periods . Week one is petieche ( spontanious bleeding from high heparin ) week 2 normal period . Post shock I get nose bleeds and bleeding gums alongside other bleeds from heparin dump . Umbilical hernia Made worse by bowel swelling Some pics . Red white and blue Before – a reaction , through the morning Pain management I am a quiet pain person . The quieter I am the worse I feel . I can get tunnel versioned with pain , unable to do anything / concentrate on it until I am comfy . I may appear clock watching when I am in flare as my analgesia wears off a good hour before its due . Normally the time comes for the next dose before I reach 5/10 pain score I am in pain all the time even with pain killers . Bone pain – long bones, hips and shoulders, ribs . Abdomen right upper side constantly , migraines . I have pain in my feet which is partially neuropathic. If my BM is over 16 they are very sensitive . If I have true pain its because I have had sulphites . My pain increases in a reaction . See mast cell symptoms and Addissions symptoms. My legs shake . esp on settling at night. I can stop them but it begins again for up to an hour . If I have an infection or other trigger for a reaction , my legs shake after I wake up or transfer . Like many pts I struggle with 1-10 pain descriptions .These are my pain words how I describe my pain 1-10. 1. Skin vv sensitive 2. Skin feels painful to touch 3. Annoying - Pain on touch R side of tummy 4. Niggling - Pain on touch R and Left side of tummy , Pain in back 5. sore - pain in RUQ at rest , shaking legs at rest , back constant pain , can resolve if sit to one side 6. very sore- pain at rest and on movement , cant get into a comfortable position , back burning , no comfy position pins and needles in feet , 7. owww, - pain on stretching up or side to side , pain in feet . Back pain radiating to sides . 8. owww ( double duration ) - ongoing pain after stretching ( cant wipe myself ) , ongoing back pain on resting , burning in feet 9. Hurting - cant take a deep breath :- pain in R & L side on deep inspiration . Back pain radiating to sides and up centre of back 10. Seriously hurting - cant take a shallow breath - RUQ or LUQ pain on even minimal movement , back pain radiating up back into head and round into flank and chest . vibration causing pain e.g. someone kicking the bed , bus movements , partner moving in bed . Analgesia :- I don’t consider anything less than 5/10 worth mentioning unless asked . When I walk the pain is unbearable with 1-2 mins and I have to sit down I am on Oxycodone 15mg twice a day . I take codeine 30mg-60mg 4 times a day. The codeine is to settle my bowel . Paracetamol 1g 4 x a day. I don’t get constipated . I can not have NSAIDS, tramadol , Meptid , morphines, pethidine . I have tolerated fentnyl, but the patch glue was an issue . I find sleep , due to the pain , hardest and I only sleep 2-3 hrs at a time without waking at best . If I sleep less than this I get exhausted . When vvvvv tired I get emotional and teary . I am not depressed , just tired . If I can get 2 3-4 hrs sleeps without waking I feel much better . I don’t want sleeping pills unless I absolutely have to have them . In flare I will be awake every hour . I occasionally give myself a 20mg oxycodone night to be pain free and sleep . in this situation 20mg my abdominal pain comes through my Oxycodone , with me in permanent pain 6/10+ . This happens because my bowel swells causing abdominal pain. Second pic – just before an anaphylaxis Third pic – red , swollen and burning rash Fourth pic – blue chin and swollen lip Question 14 Medical teams – Diabetes / adrenals Dr Andrew Johnson Southmead hospital Bristol 0117 9505050 UK mast cell speclaists – treating me now Dr Grattan @ Contact clinic, St Johns dermatology , St Thomas’ hospital London OT – Victoria Toal South glos adult social services 01454 Report Social worker Dawn Hughes South Glos Report Community nursing team @concorde medical centre , Braydon avenue , little stoke, bristol 01454 616767 Pharmacist Kate , Lloyds pharmacy , braydon avenue , little stoke , Bristol , BS34 6BQ Medacs home care provide my care package currently 11 hrs aweek. . 30mins am, 45 mins tea time daily and 3hrs domestic a week . Social worker has reassessed and it awaiting notice from panel on – 3hrs social a week , 30mins lunchtime and an extra 15 minutes teatime to allow me a shower everyday . My food needs to be cooked fresh every day- see mast cell details Please contact Rebecca – 01179 506027 Investigations Oct 09 – urine collection for pheocryocythoma – negative Feb 10 – investigative laparoscopy by gyne ? endometriosis- negative March 10 – mast cell tryptase – normal March 10, admission and incision and drainage of axillary abcess April 10 – axillary swab of bright green exudate May 10 – admission for steroid weaning . tests for IGG , IGE and IGA, myloma – negative . 9am cortisol- no cortisol being made , short snachten test – no adrenal activity = addissions . fasting glucose borderline 6.1 , fasting cholesterol – triglycerides 75 = type 2 diabetes with metabolic syndrome and hypertriglycerideemia . oral meds commenced but contained mast cell triggers so galrgine insulin commenced at night . During admission – flexible sigmoidoscopy for lower bowel bleeding- nad . no further testing sought by consultanat July 10 – thyroid pyroxidease antibody level – negative . July 10 – Gyne review ? polycystic overian syndrome , as a possible explaintion of high cholesterol , negative on scan dated may 09 Sept 10 – admission London – patch tests and prick test for sodium metabisulphite and 72 other substances . excluding true allergy to these . carciniod syndrome . conclusion – anaphlictiod idiosyncratic reactions to triggers . Jan 11 – tryptase, full rheumatology work up- thyroid pyroxidase antibody level, adrenal antibodies, blood for plasma pharesis , compliment traditional and alternative pathways , myloma screen All neg, tryptase normal , cortisol med range- but I had had my morning steroids Jan 11 – HBAIC , cholesterol and u&e and 9am cortisol – HBAIC 9. cholesterol high , u&e normal . 9 am cortisol vvlow, continuing to demonstrate idiopathic Addissions Feb11 – cholesterol high March 19th – hbaic , total glucose , cholesterol – hbaic- 23 , triglycerides greater than 75 March 20th fasting cholesterol – triglycerides greater than 75, low uria and creatinine and deranged lft levels . Admitted for diabetic and cholesterol management . Amalyse negative so narrowly avoided pancretitis . Triglycerides – 12 on discharge . on insulin pre meal and cholesterol medication June – fasting cholesterol – triglycerides now 9 August – fasting cholesterol – triglycerides 7 , Hbiaic less than 10 November – fasting cholesterol u&e. lft , - hbiac – remain within previous levels Jan 12 ( London ) diagnosis of idiopathic angiodeama and anaphylaxis Jan 12 – triglycerides rising , hbiac 12 , amylyase normal Feb 18th- mast cell tryptase and full work up a&E – normal March 12 – triglycerides stable, hbiac below 10 Booked – Urology , smear , diabetic eye test . Bloods before diabetic appointment in June – hbiac, fasting cholesterol lfts , U&e Social 11.5 hrs a week, awaiting panel for 16.5hrs Current in black new in red Daily Am 30mins –breakfast , meds, commodes, help I need Lunch Refill jugs, commodes, check how I am as on bad mornings bp low, I could be very unwell Tea 45 minutes – prepare meal, commodes, fluids, make bed, do washing, every other day – assisted shower with all care 15mins – to make having a meal and a shower possible daily . I have to have fresh meals prepared daily Domestic- 3hrs a week All domestic care, shopping, laundry , tiding, bins, recycling ,collect medications Social – 3hrs a week to get me out of the house I need a carer due to anaphylaxis risk . Equipement Piper lifeline , enables me to call help when I cant speak due to anapahylaxis closing my throat, hypoglycemia or adrenal crisis . Prescribed by a medical professional Adapted bathroom- to enable carers to assist me in showering . To reduce my exertion to shower to make it possible for me on more than just good days . With this my legs still go blue but it doesn’t make me so low on oxygen I get angry ( hypoxia) . my lungs alswys have adegree of fluid in them reducing my oxygen supply . Prescribed by a medical professional Extrernal ramp to front and rear of property with level access threshold and door wide for manual wheelchair and up coming electric wheelchair . Prescribed by a medical professional Rise and recline chair To assist my comfort with pain , to keep my legs up, which swell when hanging for more than 10 minutes , which puts pressure on nerves and makes them shake . To allow my legs to settle after moving because it makes them visibly shake . My pelvis is congested with swelling in organs which also presses on my nerves serving my legs . My muscles also don’t get enough oxygen so tire very very quickly. To assist me to stand , to allow me to lie down without moving when my blood pressure goes low . Prescribed by a medical professional but they couldn’t supply it. I was given it from freecycle Sofa raiser To enable me to sit with a family member when I have company and rise and sit safely Prescribed by a medical professional Memory foam mattress This aids my comfort in bed reducing transmitted vibrations to me . My legs still shake for a hour on settling but is not all night unless I am brewing an anaphylaxis , infection or have encountered certain triggers . Advised but not prescribed due to cost to me 3 pedalsal fans To keep me cool. I need to be cool to the touch not to be feeling hot inside. My flushes are dry consistent with mast cell disease . I have one running 24/7 even in winter. 2 or 3 on hot days . if I get hot I will swell and pass out. Need recognized but not prescribed Air purifier To clear the air of dust, grass pollen and other inhalants which are known to trigger me Not prescribed